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No love stories in the kitchen by Harry85

No love stories in the kitchen


Disclaimer: I don't own nobody of the characters, they are property of JK Rowling.

Chapter One

"The Invitation"

Hermione Granger was a very beautiful girl, with curly brown hair and cinnamon eyes. She lived with her parents, in a small town near Sheffield. It was named Barnsley.

Her parents were two owners of a small restaurant in the city, and Hermione had grown in the kitchen, first looking then helping her mother cooking. Now that she was 20 years old, she was in charge of going to the market to buy the groceries and the other supplies for the restaurant.

Her father, Robert Granger, had worked hard to open his restaurant, but now he was one of the most important citizens of Barnsley. He was in those days working hard to be trained for the annual town race on bike. He had always claimed he had been quite good as cyclist, so he wanted to do a good show of himself in the race.

Finally the day of the race came.

Hermione was as usual at the market, buying supplies, and the racers had to pass near there, so she was able to see her father pass by there.

"Go on, Dad, you're doing great!" she shouted, trying to encourage him.

Robert smiled at her and tried to pedal faster, to catch up with the head of the race. Hermione shook her head amused and paid the supplier, then headed toward the van she used for supplies.

In the meantime, her mother, Anne Granger, was in the restaurant, starting to cook for the lunch. In that moment a quite bald young man, named Eric, came to bring them the polished laundry. He was very interested in Hermione, as he many times had said to Robert.

Anne paid him, and greeted him, then she was ready to return to her work in the kitchen when the post arrived. She exchanged some words with the postman, then tucked the many envelopes in her apron.

Few minutes later, Hermione arrived at the restaurant. It was a nice place, very simple, but still it had its affectionate clientele. Practically, all the town had come to eat there more than once, and all of them had been very satisfied.

Hermione carried the packs to the kitchen and started unpacking them while chatting with her mother.

"Mum, I saw Dad in the race, while I was at the market" she said

"Really? How was he doing?" Anne asked, amused

"Well, he seemed a little in trouble, if you want the truth, but you know, those races are long and tiring. It could have been all a tactic" she replied.

That afternoon, Anne and Hermione accompanied Robert to receive an award.

"And it is with great pleasure that also this year we give you this award as the best restaurateur of the city, Mr. Granger" the provost said, handing him a silver cup.

Robert beamed at his daughter and his wife, who were both smiling at him. When they were back to the restaurant, however, Robert went to entertain some important guests, while Hermione and Anne were in the kitchen.

"You know, Dad takes all the awards and the cheers, but it is the two of us who do all the work. We really should ask to be paid, at least" Hermione said at her mother.

"Hey, you, in the kitchen! Bring us some wine! And hurry up with that pasta!" Robert yelled from the main room.

Hermione rolled her eyes and took some wine, bringing it to the table her father was. When she returned in the kitchen, she started working again.

"Hey, dear, I forgot. Today this letter had arrived for you" Anne said, taking an envelope from her apron and handing it to Hermione.

She tore it open and started reading.

Dear Ms. Hermione Granger, you have been chosen to have a stage at the "Garden" restaurant, in London. The restaurant is owned by the famous chef Harry Potter. Please come here to the restaurant in the next two days if you want to accept the stage.

When she had finished reading, she didn't believe her eyes. She started jumping up and down as a child, shouting.

"Mum! I had been invited for a stage at the "Garden", in London. I'll work with Harry Potter! Please, read it for me, to check if I'm dreaming!"

Anne took the letter from her daughter and read it. It was all true.

"Yes, but how will I convince Dad to let me go?" Hermione said, all the excitement gone away.

"Don't worry, dear. He will let you go, in a way or in another" her mother reassured her.

"Hey, have you finished chatting there? We are waiting the pasta!" Robert yelled again.

After all the guest had gone away, Robert, Hermione and Anne were seated at a table, talking.

"Dear, Hermione had been invited to a stage in London" Anne said, matter-of- factly.

"What? And who had invited you?" Robert asked

"The "Garden", the most famous restaurant in London. The restaurant of Harry Potter" Hermione replied, already knowing that she would have to fight for going.

"And who is this Harry Potter?"

"He is the best chef in all England, Dad" Hermione replied again, now starting to get nervous.

"Well, you won't go. You'll stay here and you'll marry Eric. He loves you very much" Robert said.

"You can't stop me, Dad. I'm of age, and my dream is to become a great chef, so I'll go. You already had stopped me to attend a good school of cuisine, when I was younger" Hermione said, standing up and going to her room.

"You're really selfish, Robert. You can't break her dream this way" Anne said, angrily.

"Ah, that's only rubbish. She would finish plucking potatoes for that Potter" Robert said, drinking his liquor.

In the same moment, in London there was a press meeting at the "Garden", for an award. The provost started talking.

"We're here reunited to award our famous chef Harry Potter again as the best chef in the country. We are also honoured to give him the honorary keys of the city, for the fame he is bringing to our town in the tourism sector" he said.

Harry took the award and the keys.

"Well, finally they gave me my home's keys" he joked, then added: "I'm planning to enlarge my restaurant."

Next morning, Eric came again and Robert greeted him.

"Eric! What a surprise to see you here! Come, Hermione is eager to see you. She always talks about you. If you like her, you should do your move, `cause she is getting frustrated. Let's go to wake her up, I'll let you bring her the breakfast" he said. He knew he was lying, but he thought it was for Hermione's good.

And so they did. They reached Hermione's door.

"Hermione, dear, open. There is a surprise for you."

They knocked again and again, but nothing. Hermione didn't respond.