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A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Chapter One: A Dismal Season

The sky outside was dreary, droll and overcast with heavy grey clouds. It mirrored the mood of the young lady who sat by the window. Ginny Weasley sighed wearily, the book she had tried to entertain herself with now lay forgotten in her lap. She had long since tuned out any gossip the others were talking about. It was the same old anyway, nothing new to tell since last week.

Lavender Brown sighed and put down the needlework she was working on. "This season is going to be the worst one yet," she complained. "All the eligible men have gone to seek their glory on the battlefields."

Ah yes, the war with Lord Voldemort had cast a dark shadow over the wizarding world for the last five years. She was right, it seemed as if all the young wizards left as soon as they finished their education. Each season, fewer and fewer men were left to marry and the ones that were left shortly after their weddings to leave their new young wives behind. Sometimes forever.

Ginny felt an even larger injustice was handed to her. Missing her first season due to illness then the circumstance of having to care for her mother when her father and all her brothers left the home, her second season was not looking any better.

"I don't know how long this can last," Susan cried. "Soon, I'll be too old to marry. Oh, I might as well be put on the shelf now."

Lavender sat next to her in a huff. "We all shall."

Ginny thumped her book on a table nearby. "Luna, I cannot stand all this melancholy. Play something light and cheery on the pianoforte?"

Luna looked up at her, interrupted in the middle of Moonlight Sonata and grudgingly began to play a lighter melody although she didn't feel like it. She too was being affected by the dreary mood.

The young women were all gathered in the parlor at Falbrooke, home of the Lovegood's. Luna's father was head of the newspaper that had the highest circulation in the wizarding world. His wife passed away when Luna was very young and he never remarried. She was a pretty girl, with large blue eyes, slim figure and beautiful curly blond hair that was now piled on top of her head. Having a substantial fortune, Luna had quite a dowry and would have been a fine catch for a nice young man.

If there were any.

Lavender Brown lived at Wellington, a few miles down the road from Falbrooke. She was the oldest daughter of three, her younger sisters not yet ready for their own seasons. She was a stunning beauty, tall and graceful. She too had blond hair and blue eyes but she had a presence about her that made one feel as if they were in the presence of fine art to be cherished.

She sat on a sofa with Susan Bones, a young lady of Lavender's age. She had brown hair that was tied in a knot at the top of her head as was the fashion at the time. She was a pretty girl with brown eyes and a cherubic round face. She lived at Bonnefort with her two younger sisters and one older brother. Her father was employed with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

The girls' somber mood was interrupted by a maid who came clamoring into the room.

"Oh Miss! Have you heard? Have you heard?" she shrieked.

Luna who had her hand on her chest to soothe the fright she had received when the maid came running into the room took a deep calming breath.

"Millie! Really, you gave me quite a start!" she said.

"He's defeated Miss! The war's finally over!" the maid said excitedly.

"What?" the girls were dumbfounded.

They had lived with the tyranny of Lord Voldemort for so long that it seemed like a cruel joke.

"I have it right here!" the maid said, brandishing the paper. "It says it right here!"

Lavender snatched the paper out of the maid's hands and she and Susan fought over it, ripping it in two. Ginny and Luna crowded around the other two girls.

"'…And as the sun rose over the fields of Hogwarts, the body of Lord Voldemort lay unmoving, his life leaving him sometime during the night.'" Lavender read aloud. "'The General Albus Dumbledore proclaimed that the wizarding world could now breath easier, Lord Voldemort's reign of terror had now come at an end. But not without the price of the sons and husbands who fought so bravely for this day to come to fruition."

Lavender put the paper down and sighed.

"Have the casualty lists come out?" Ginny asked timidly. All her brothers and her father had fought at Hogwarts.

"Not until tomorrow, miss," the maid replied.

Ginny got up from the sofa and sighed. "I must be going then. My mother would have received this news by now."

"As should I," said Lavender.

"I should suspect that I'll see you all tomorrow in town?" Luna asked.

Every few weeks it seemed that everyone gathered into town to crowd around her father's building, waiting for the casualty lists to be printed and distributed. It was a bleak day and a hopeful one. Luna stood by her friends as they read down the lists, breathing sighs of relief at the omissions of friends, brothers and fathers. There were also the mournful cries, the moans that would fill the streets when a loved ones name appeared on the lists. It put Luna's stomach in knots to be there with her friends and they commended her on her loyalty. She had no siblings or loved ones in the war.

But every time she was handed a list, she summoned all her courage to stop her hands from trembling as she skipped the names at the top and went straight to the bottom.






They passed Weasley. No Weasley's on the list. Ron was alive.

She had clung to her girlhood crush on him, emboldened by the fact that he had grown into a handsome young man. She had stood by Ginny's side when he bid his mother and sister goodbye and left for the war. He didn't even look at her. But then again, he never did.

But tomorrow, she would stand by Ginny's side and read with baited breath, praying that his name would not be on that list.


Sirius Black stepped down from the carriage in front of a large mansion. A gentleman around his age, stepped out to greet him, his kindly face was topped with brown hair that was beginning to grey.

"Sirius, my man!" he greeted. "And how was it?"

"Edward!" he greeted.

"I take it your journey was pleasant?" Edward asked.

"We had some stormy weather by the coast but other than that, it was very agreeable indeed."

The two men stepped inside the mansion and into Edward's office for privacy. Edward sighed and offered Sirius a seat when the maid had left their presence, leaving behind tea and biscuits.

"We lost one carriage but it only had some of the silks. We saved the cigars and alcohol," Sirius said.

"Well that is good news. I suppose you'll be wanting to use the cellar?" Edward asked.

"If you would be so kind. I'll have Lupin come by and remove the load in a couple of weeks."

Edward waved him off. "It's fine. You know it is. Besides, I'll be asking a favor of you."

"Anything," Sirius said.

"I'll be leaving again on business and I would like you to keep an eye on her."

How Sirius became involved with Edward Granger was a strange tale indeed. Having given up his rights to his family fortune, Sirius became the black sheep of the Black family, a very prominent wizarding family. His best friend, James, initiated him into the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society of spies that worked for Dumbledore against the tyrannical Lord Voldemort.

The battle for the wizarding world was a violent one, coming to a head when a traitor was found amongst their organization. Peter Pettigrew, gave up names and the locations of the members of the Order.

The Order had managed to stop Lord Voldemort and banish him but not before he had taken the life of his best friend and his wife, James and Lily Potter. As decreed by their will, their son Harry would get everything when he was of age and named Sirius as his Godfather.

His relationship with his Godson was strained at best. Having no money to his own name, Sirius turned to more "unconventional" methods of accruing his fortune. Harry, so like his father, frowned slightly upon this. They both knew that any ties to Harry would ruin his chances in society and in life. Their tenuous relationship came to a head when Lord Voldemort rose to power again and Harry joined the battle at Dumbledore's side. Sirius hadn't wanted him to go, afraid that he would lose him as well at the hands of the madman. Harry stubbornly refused to listen to him, his mind bent on the revenge he so desperately sought. They had not spoken to each other since the day he had left five years ago.

Things were worse for the wizarding world this time around. Lord Voldemort had grown more powerful through his connections in the ministry and in the upper class. The greedy Minister of Magic made the people suffer. He put insane taxes on tea, silks, ale, tobacco, odd ingredients for potions, brooms, cauldrons, etc. The wizarding world would have crumbled if not for a few brave wizards who turned into smugglers. Sirius was one of them and that was how he had met…Hermione Granger.

Mundungus Fletcher used to be a member of the Order, a crook he was turned smuggler for Sirius Black. He had been in charge of a large shipment of Firewhiskey that suddenly disappeared. Sirius didn't believe it and through much persuasion finally got the truth out of him.

He had gambled the whole lot away.

Furious, Sirius made Mundungus take him to the wretched place that he had lost his cargo. To his surprise, he had taken him to the home of Edward Granger, a prominent and very rich businessman. He led him down into the basement of the home where it seemed a lively party was taking place. Giving the doorman the password, he entered a smoke-filled, gold gilded and most elegant room for gambling Sirius had ever laid foot in. He recognized members of the upper class sitting with members of the lower class around tables where the bets and stakes were high. Land was swapped here, as well as businesses, money, jewels, anything and everything could be bet. Embarrassed, Mundungus raised his hand and pointed to the person who had swindled him out of his money.

Sirius knew he was in trouble the moment he laid eyes on her. He had a weakness for a pretty face and Miss Granger was positively delectable. And it seemed that they shared a hobby for challenging the rules of society. He had no fighting chance and let himself be willingly seduced by her, letting her lead him up to what he thought was her room only to enter her father's office.

Edward had been trying for sometime to reach Sirius and sent his daughter to arrange a meeting. She was successful and Sirius had to give her credit to her methods. Edward went on to explain a lucrative business deal. Sirius would expand his smuggling and in exchange Edward would provide him with ships, carriages, horses and a place to hold the goods until they could be dispersed and of course a cut of the profits. Sirius couldn't believe his good fortune and an alliance was made and out of it. Sirius became the richest smuggler in the entire wizarding world. He and Edward had been good friends ever since, thus Edward trusted him to look after his only daughter, Hermione.

"I'll be leaving again on business and I would like you to keep an eye on her," Edward had said.

Sirius agreed, although inside he cringed. Keeping an eye on Hermione was like asking someone to take care of their pet lion.

He found her outside starting a game of croquet with a young man. He had his arms wrapped around the young lady as she gave a swing with her mallet. He congratulated her and himself inwardly, as he enjoyed playing the instructor.

"Very good!" he congratulated Hermione, smiling coyly thinking he had her where he wanted.

Sirius shook his head. The kid had no idea.

The young man took his turn and Hermione spoke up.

"Would you like me to hold your balls for you?" she asked, completely innocent. The young man stood up straight and looked at her. Hermione continued. "I mean, I could hold them both if you would like." She held out her hand then took it back, puzzled. "Well, maybe both hands. They're so big! You're balls, I mean, not my hand," she smiled up at him coquettishly. The young man turned bright red and Sirius decided he should rescue the mouse from the cat's paws.

"Hello, Miss Granger," he called out.

Hermione looked over at him and smiled. "Mr. Black! So glad to see you have returned," she said warmly.

"I hope I'm not interrupting?" he asked.

"No! Not at all," the young man said in a rushed voice. He was grateful for the interruption. "We were just finished here. I hope to see you around Miss Granger?"

Hermione and Sirius said their polite goodbyes to the young man. Hermione looked a bit put out like a child who had her toy taken away from her. Sirius offered an arm and together they walked around the grounds.

"So, I take it father has asked you to be my escort this season?" she asked.

"He just wants to make sure you are taken care of," Sirius replied.

"Hmpf. He should know that I'm very capable of taking care of myself," she said defiantly.

"Yes but who will protect the men?" he smiled and she tutted.

"It's going to be a boring season anyway," she sulked.

"Actually, word has come out today that the war is over," Sirius said.

Hermione stopped and looked at him. "Is it? Truly?" she asked.

"It would seem so my dear. Casualty lists are coming out tomorrow…" His voice trailed off. Hermione put a reassuring hand on his arm.

"I'm sure he's not on there," she said gently. She knew he was speaking of his Godson, Harry Potter.

"I'm sure he's not," he said brightly, coming out of his depression. "Our young men are coming home from a battle only to wage one here at home. The battle to fend off the young ladies and their mothers."

Hermione laughed at that. "There will be many casualties in that one," she teased.

Sirius gave a playful sigh. "I'm sure there will be."

"You may be one of them, word in the circles is you're to be invited to many a ball this season," she nudged him.

"Oh, Merlin, the hens have found out that I'm rich," he grumbled.

"And single," Hermione added.

"You could put me out of my misery and just say yes," his eyes sparkled.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed. "I hope that wasn't another proposal because this would be the fourth time I've rejected you."

"Third time and no it wasn't. Even a dog learns when to sit, lie and roll over," Sirius teased.

Hermione laughed. "Careful, Mr. Black, I just may take it upon myself to see you married off."

"Try it and I'll do the same to you," he smiled coyly, earning a glare from Hermione.
