Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Eight: The Opera

The carriage came to a stop and a valet opened the door assisting the two ladies out. As he gave his arm to Lavender, Harry paused and looked at the other carriages. There was no sign of Sirius' nor Miss Granger's. He might be lucky tonight. He followed the crowd into the Opera house, a parade of the ton, a parade of the elite.

The opera house was large, the imposing white stone façade with its greek pillars gave way to the ornate foyer. A large chandelier hung above him, the marbled entryway was impeccably clean and a lush red carpet lined the stairway ahead of him that led the masses to the auditorium. Lavender lifted the front of her dress slightly to avoid stepping on it as the ascended the stairs. She looked lovely tonight in a lavender gown with tiny crystals on it. The stairs led to an open loft, carpeted with thick rugs where people milled to greet friends before proceeding to their seats. Waiters milled about with serving trays topped with various drinks to sooth the palate.

Ron Weasley was with him along with his lovely escort for the evening, Miss Luna Lovegood. Harry had taken a couple of flutes off a nearby tray and handed on to Lavender just as Neville and Miss Ginny Weasley appeared out of the crowd and headed toward them. The ladies exchanged glees of welcome and commented on their choice of dresses while the men exchanged pleasant conversation of the last hunt they went on. A slight commotion caught their attentions and a small crowd appeared to cluster around an individual. The swarm moved and broke free revealing a tall gentleman, slim build with grey eyes and blond hair.

"Is that him?" he heard Ginny whisper to Luna.

"Yes, I think so," Luna whispered back.

They hushed quickly when they realized Harry was listening and he made a mental note to inquire why the two of them were interested in Mr. Malfoy. Ron and Neville stood next to him.

"So he returns," Ron muttered.

"Interesting timing," Neville added.

"Come on," Harry said and led the group inside the auditorium, no longer wishing to be in Mr. Malfoy's presence.

An usher led the group to the box that Harry had procured. Their escorts gasped with delight as they walked into the box and looked out upon the gold gilded room filled with plush red chairs. The stage was below and to the right. Taking their seats, Harry began to lazily thumb through the program while the ladies waved and gossiped about people who began to filter into the room and take their seats. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled suddenly and he knew, just knew that she had entered the room. He was afraid to look up.

"Ooh! There's Hermione!" Ginny said aloud.

Hermione entered the Opera house on Sirius' arm causing a flurry of whispers. What gentlemen would escort two ladies to the Opera, one of them being a scandalous socialite the other the madame of a brothel?! Matrons frowned at them while some of the husband-hunters looked with interest over Mr. Black. Walking into their box, her eyes immediately fell on Harry. He was in the box directly across from her across the auditorium. She smiled and waved at her friends, her presence exuded confidence, a direct betrayal to the feeling that something wanted to violently jump out of her throat. She and Madame Rosemerta took their seats at the front while Sirius took the one behind. Hermione tilted her neck to the side when she felt Sirius' hand fondle the bauble at her ear.

"Nice earrings," he muttered amusingly. She was wearing her mother's jewelry, she rarely wore her mother's jewelry.

"Do try and behave," Hermione smirked.

Harry had braved a glance across the way in time to witness this intimate moment and he fought down the urge to suddenly leap across the auditorium and throttle his godfather. But he wouldn't do it, he would not fight his godfather over a woman who denied him. She wants Sirius, he would not get in the way.

The lights dimmed and the opera began. Hermione felt his eyes on her once in awhile and she looked over at him. He was so handsomely dressed and she gazed at his strong profile as he watched the actors onstage. Her eyes settled on his fiancé next to him. Lavender, the one who had taken her place. Her friend's were right, if Mr. Potter had been serious about his proposal he wouldn't have asked Miss Brown. But, then again, she did reject him. Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

She was beautiful, Harry thought. She was dressed like an angel and he desperately wished he was the one sitting behind her.

"The stage is in front," Ron whispered in his ear next to him. Harry hastily ripped his gaze from Miss Granger and faced front. He sought comfort in taking Lavender's hand in his.

The lights brightened signaling the end of the act and the patrons rose to gather in the foyer once more. Harry and his party rose to their feet and joined the crowd. Almost instantly, they ran into the person he least wanted to talk to.

"Mr. Weasley, Mr. Longbottom," Draco sneered and lastly looked at Harry, "Mr. Potter."

"Mr. Malfoy," Harry answered curtly. "Did you have a nice time in the Americas?"

Draco leveled his gaze. "It was pleasant." He glanced at Lavender, taking in the ring on her left hand. "I understand this is your first outing in society but it's no excuse for rudeness. Perhaps you should introduce me to your lovely companions?" The ladies gushed and smiled at him.

Harry glared at him. "Forgive me rudeness," he said sarcastically then introduced the ladies. "Miss Luna Lovegood, Miss Ginevra Weasley and Miss Lavender Brown."

"But not for long," Draco smiled taking Lavender's hand and kissing the back of it. Harry looked at him quizzically. "It's a shame that I arrived in the middle of the Season, the loveliest flower has already been picked." He held up Lavender's left hand and looked at the ring. "Who knew you had such exquisite taste, Mr. Potter." Lavender blushed.

Sirius looked across the foyer and saw Mr. Malfoy and the look of distaste clearly written on his godson's face. He walked over determinedly, hoping to diffuse the situation and forgetting that Hermione was on his arm, Madame Rosemerta had stayed in the box. Hermione panicked when she saw where he was headed.

"Sirius!" she hissed but he didn't seem to hear her. Her heart pounded with fright as she approached Harry and his group. Perhaps she could break away.

"Miss Granger!" Ginny called out and Hermione inwardly grimaced. The cat was amongst the pixies now, she would just hold her head high. Mr. Potter would not ruin this night.

"Miss Granger!" Ginny called out and left Neville's side to draw her friend to her. She was with Sirius. "Miss Granger I would like for you to meet our new acquaintance Mr. Draco Malfoy."

Harry, startled, looked down at Ginny in disbelief. What was she up to? He looked at her brother but Ron had the same look of bewilderment on his face. Draco's eyes lit up at the stunning beauty who suddenly joined them. Hermione sauntered up to the group and Draco took her hand and kissed the back of it.

Hermione immediately did not like him.

There was something about him that she couldn't put her finger on but she desperately wanted to take her hand back and do a thorough scourgifying charm on it. His eyes wandered over her, cold and malicious and predatory but Hermione did not back down. Draco on the other hand was completely smitten.

Harry wanted to hex him, oh how he ached to put an unforgivable on him. He looked up at Sirius to see if he had approved of this and was dissatisfied to see that his expression was carefully guarded. Hermione smiled kindly at Draco which further incensed Harry and he didn't know if he was glad or upset that Draco left with Hermione to find further refreshments.

"Are you enjoying the opera?" Sirius asked, breaking his thoughts.

"Oh, yes, I am. Thank you," Lavender replied. "I've never been before."

"Well, it's a good thing you brought her here, Harry," Sirius said cheerfully. Harry was dumbfounded. Hermione just walked off with a Death Eater and Sirius just stood there.

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced. My name is Sirius Black, Harry's godfather," he said to Lavender then looked up at Harry. "I believe I've never met your lovely fiancé."

"Lavender Brown," Harry answered plainly. "Would you please excuse us for a moment?" he asked as he reached out for his godfather and steered him away from his group.

"Harry, wha-"

"What exactly are you playing at?" he hissed at his godfather.

"What are you talking about. I was only introducing myself to your fiancé, if you don't want me near you than just say so."

"That's not what I'm talking about! I'm talking about Herm…Miss Granger," Harry abruptly corrected himself. "You let the woman you love walk off with a Death Eater."

"Alleged Death Eater," Sirius corrected, "And what do you mean the woman I love?"

"You and I both know what he is," Harry hissed.

"I do know what he is," Sirius answered sharply. "But me discouraging Hermione would be like giving her permission. She's smart and she can take care of herself." Harry let out a heavy sigh at his godfather's words. "Why are so concerned about Miss Granger?" Sirius asked carefully looking back at Lavender Brown. He wanted to get his godson to explain his hasty engagement. Sirius half wondered if he compromised the girl somehow but he knew his godson was better than that.

"It's the same concern I would have for anyone on the arm of a Death Eater," Harry replied.

Sirius frowned slightly. "Nothing will come of this, do not worry."

Harry hoped his godfather was right. Especially since, when Harry looked across the room, Mr. Malfoy was now seated next to Miss Granger in the box. Harry didn't even know what the second act was about, he didn't even realize the opera was over until Lavender touched his arm to ask him if he was alright.

"Yes, yes I'm fine," he answered. He looked back in the box and saw that Hermione's group had left.

"That was so unbelievably lovely!" Lavender gushed as they waited for their carriage. He looked over and saw Hermione climb into hers and Draco follow behind on his horse. He would be going to the Granger home for an after party. Ginny and Luna giggled next to him, also watching Draco ride away after Hermione and he became thoroughly irritated with them. He had the feeling that they had somehow been behind this chance encounter.

Harry rode beside his friends deep in thought as the carriage rambled along to drop the ladies off at their respective houses.

"I don't know if I'm feeling tired just yet," Neville said as Ron yawned.

"Would you care to go to an after party?" Harry asked. Ron straightened on his horse and threw a cautious look to Neville.

"No," he said slowly. "I do have a lot of work tomorrow and I should get it done…"

"And you, Ron?" Harry asked.

"I'm too tired, Harry. All that singing and music. Sort of lulls you doesn't it?"

"That's alright, I can probably go by myself. I'm sure Sirius would allow me," Harry said and Ron threw Neville a sharp look.

"I'll go with you, Harry," Neville said, reluctantly.

"Maybe a party will wake me up," Ron added and Harry smiled as they trotted along.


Harry handed the reins to a stable boy and walked up to the manor, the lights from the window illuminated the street. There was a small door on the side of the manor, probably to the kitchens but Harry had a hunch that this was the way to go. He was right.

"Who are you?" a rough voice called out from the other side of the door. A panel slide away revealing the eyes of the person who spoke.

"Er…Harry Potter," Harry answered.


He looked blankly at his two friends who shrugged in return. "Uh…my godfather is Sirius Black and…" The man barked out a rough laugh. "Your godfather eh? Who am I? Your long lost auntie?" The panel slid close and Harry and his friends looked at each other.

"We could try the front door," Neville suggested meekly.

The panel slid open again and a pair of familiar eyes looked out. "Harry!" Sirius exclaimed in surprise and opened the door.

"I'm sorry, Sirius. I didn't know it was a private party," Harry said.

"You're allowed anytime," Sirius said jovially and stepped aside to let him in. "Kingsley, allow me to introduce my godson, Harry Potter." The guard at the door looked at the group with a scowling face.

"I'm surprised to see you here, Harry," Sirius said. "I didn't think this was your type of party."

"Yes, well…" Harry said slowly and shrugged.

Sirius led them through the kitchens and then winded down some corridors and the muffled sound of laughter grew louder and louder. The party was NOT what he had expected.

The room was large and filled with people. A thick layer of smoke hung above the crowd. There was an enchanted pianoforte playing in the back of the room and there were little tables clustered around the place. Harry recognized a couple of members of the Order here, a lot of Ministry workers and some questionable characters that under normal circumstances wouldn't hob-knob with this regal group. Ron nudged him sharply in the side when a very attractive woman with dark hair looked over the new arrivals with approval. Neville blushed red, she was dressed in a way that clearly spoke that she was not a lady of society. There were quite a few of them here, scattered about the room and he could see Madame Rosemerta at a table near the back. Someone walked up to Sirius and whispered in his ear.

"Well, Harry, please enjoy yourself," he said. "I hope you have some galleons with you."

He clapped his godson on the shoulder and left to take care of some other business. Ron looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Great idea, Harry," he said then dove into the crowd. Neville stayed at Harry's side, he looked more than a bit out of place. Harry scanned the room and saw a crowded table off to the side and heard the familiar laughter.

Hermione laughed at the joke the gentleman across from her told her. He had just lost his hand but he was a wonderful loser. Draco sat on her right, he still made her feel uneasy and she was grateful for the company of others.

"Well my dear," the gentleman said rising from the table, his friends followed suit. "It has been a pleasure losing to such beautiful company." He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Draco scowled. As soon as the men left another group joined and Hermione's heart leapt into her throat when she saw Harry sit down across from her.

"Mr. Potter," Hermione stammered. "I didn't think you were invited."

"Sirius let us in. I hope I'm not intruding?" he asked, looking pointedly at Draco.

"No, no. Of course not," Hermione smiled. "Any friend of Sirius'…"

The cards were magically dealt out and they began their play. Hermione was flustered and distracted. Harry was sitting right across from her. She didn't know whether to kiss him or smack him across the cheek and she fought down the urge to do both.

Harry was just as nervous. The woman he loved, the woman his godfather loved was sitting in front of him. How badly he wanted to take her out of this party, kiss her senseless until he squashed all thoughts out of his godfather out of her mind. He loosened his cravat.

Draco, thoroughly annoyed at Potter for sitting at his table, missed any strained tensions between the two. He was thinking that Potter was there to keep an eye on him. A very sensitive nose indeed. He had been successfully wooing Miss Granger and now, he felt he couldn't do a thing now that Potter was at the table, spoiling his mood.

Or perhaps not.

They all lay down their cards, giving up their winnings to a lucky hand of Mr. Potter's. The cards were magically dealt and the players took their bets.

"We have been playing for beggar's change. What do you say? We can all afford to raise the stakes here," Draco suggested as he challenged Harry. Harry met it.

"What do you propose?" he asked.

Draco took out a heavy sack and threw it on the table. "Twenty galleons," he said smugly.

"Are you a risk taker, Mr. Malfoy?" Hermione asked flirtatiously as she threw her coins in to match his.

"Only when I know I can win," he answered smugly, leaning closer to her.

"I'm out," Neville groaned.

Harry looked between Hermione and Draco. "Twenty," he said, tossing in his coins. "And I'll raise the stakes another thirty."

Draco stared at Harry. His reaction would tell Harry what kind of hand Draco was holding. Draco thought a moment and reached inside his coat. He saw his hand brush over a pocket watch, probably an heirloom, then instead settle on a gold cigar case. So, Draco's hand was not that great.

"I'll see your bet. Here's a gold cigar case with good quality cigars inside to match. That should equal thirty."

Hermione bit her lip uncertainly. She didn't have any more money on her and she couldn't leave the table or else she would be forfeited. Then she brightened.

"I have a garter that I'm wearing, it's good quality lace and there are tiny diamonds weaved into it. That should equal thirty."

She moved to reach down but Draco stopped her. "How about the winner of this hand do the honor?" he asked. Hermione briefly flickered her gaze to Harry then settled back to Draco. Harry caught the look, it was fear. She was afraid he would win, that meant that her hand was not that great either.

"That is such a naughty proposition," she said. "I'm in."

"So am I," Harry said softly and he felt Neville lightly kick him under the table.

"And I," Draco added.



"I call."

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest. Please don't let Harry win, please don't let Harry win. She didn't know if she would be able to handle him touching her, she could very well fall to pieces. Harry whistled softly at her hand, it was better than he'd thought.

"Wow, that is a good hand," he said softly and Hermione inwardly sighed with relief. "Mine's better though." And to her horror, Harry lay down his cards. He had beat her, she would have to raise her leg to him and feel him slip the garter down her leg. Her heart pounded loudly and her sex moistened with anticipation. Harry wanted this. He wanted to touch her skin again be it intimately or not.

"Sorry to rip these winnings back from you Mr. Potter," Draco's voice broke through his lust filled thoughts. One by one Draco laid his hand down, ripping Harry apart with every card he lay down.

Hermione sighed inwardly with relief. Harry would not touch her. She would not fall to pieces after all. Draco turned toward her and Hermione placed a delicate foot on his chair, between his thighs. Slowly, his fingers slid up her leg, his arm hidden in the folds of her dress. She felt them graze her skin as they reached the garter and was surprised to learn that she felt…nothing.

She had no reaction to his touch after all. His fingers slid past her garter and skimmed the outer folds of her most private of areas. A wicked looked flashed across his eyes, misinterpreting the dampness due to his touch rather than the thought of Harry's. Hermione smiled sweetly and pressed her foot into his crotch. Draco froze then hastily removed his hand from underneath her dress, taking the garter with him.

"I think you've had enough for this evening," Sirius said as he stepped behind Hermione's chair and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I will have to agree with you, Sirius." And she rose from her chair. "Mr. Longbottom, Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy." She nodded to all the gentlemen then took Sirius' arm as he led her out of the room.

Harry wished he had never come. He had lost fifty galleons to Draco Malfoy of all people, who was now grinning like a Cheshire cat. He got up from the table with Neville and they found Ron and saved him from losing any more galleons. The entire evening was a bust.

They waited outside the stables for the stableboys to retrieve their property. As he mounted his horse, Harry looked up and saw Hermione at her bedroom window. Their eyes locked, her hands resting on the curtains she had been drawing close. Harry saw his godfather step up behind her and Hermione quickly shut the curtains.

So, they were lovers, Harry thought. So be it. He clicked to his horse and the gentlemen set off on their way home for the evening.

"Would you mind telling me what that was about," Sirius asked Hermione as she shut her curtains.

"It was just fun and games," Hermione answered truthfully. "Nothing was meant by it. I was only flirting."

"With danger," Sirius lectured. "Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater."

Hermione's eyes widened. "He is?" Sirius nodded. "Are you sure?" He nodded again.

"He and his father were supposedly at the America's these past two years. They had arrived a fortnight ago."

Hermione shivered at the thought that a Death Eater had touched her. "On a boat?" she asked. "There is no wizarding transportation to the Continent," Hermione said.

"They arrived on a muggle boat," Sirius explained.

"Hmm," Hermione said thoughtfully. "I suppose you would like the dock master's record book?" Sirius shrugged. "I'll speak to Mr. Leavensworth in the morning."

"That would help us a lot," Sirius said.

Hermione sat down at her boudoir and took out her earrings, placing them in her jewelry box. Sirius looked at her through the mirror.

"What?" Hermione asked at his pensive thought.

"Did you sleep with him?" he asked quietly.

"Mr. Malfoy?!"

"You know who I'm talking about."

"Honestly, Sirius, you…"

"Don't spit your lies out at me!" he said harshly, spinning Hermione on her seat to face him and gripping her arms tightly. He shook her slightly. "Did you make love to him?"

Hermione thrust his hands away from her and pushed him to the side as she stood up angrily.

"It didn't mean anything, he's engaged to marry Miss Brown!" Hermione stated. It hurt to say this. It hurt to admit this truth. Her hand trembled as it touched her forehead.

"Why did you do it," Sirius said softly.

Hermione laughed. "Why do you think it was all my fault? Maybe he seduced me!"

"I highly doubt that," Sirius replied.

Hermione grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. Sirius caught it.

"Damn you!" she yelled. "You can see no evil in him! You can forgive him every sin he committed against you and you can't believe he can do no harm! But believe me…he can do harm, he can be just as spiteful as anyone else."

"Harry had his reasons for what he did. Only he can answer to his faults. I will not judge him after all that he has gone through."

"And yet, you can judge me! Accuse me of seducing him! Well let me tell you Sirius that he came to me, he came to me because he was jealous of you!"

Sirius stepped toward her angrily.

"What did you tell him?" he snarled.

"Nothing that wasn't implied," she snarled back. "He thinks we're lovers."

"Hermione, that was long ago."

"So you see? I didn't lie to him, I just didn't bother correcting him."
Sirius stormed toward her and Hermione took a step back in caution. "YOU'VE DESTROYED HIM!!"

"I'VE DESTROYED HIM? I'VE DESTROYED HIM?! HE CAME TO ME! HE SEDUCED ME! HE MADE LOVE TO ME!! But you go ahead and judge me, your precious little godson can do no harm. And I'm glad because HE WAS A BETTER LOVER THAN YOU!!!"

Sirius raised his hand to hit her but stopped, his eyes were full of rage but he would never truly hit her. Hermione stared at him defiantly. Sirius lowered his head and sighed wearily. "Oh Hermione, Hermione," he said heavily, the rage was now gone and filled with pity. She loved his godson, she had finally lost her heart to another who was now taken. He walked to the door of the bedroom to leave but turned to give her a few last words.

"You two are the biggest fools I have ever met."

He opened the door and left. Tomorrow, he would call on Harry. He had work to do. Somehow he would find a way to fix this mess.
