Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Fifteen: A Start of Plans

Harry and Hermione lay grinning and whispering words of love to each other as the morning sun shone brightly through the window. Satiated with their morning love making, Harry still rested on top of her, nestled comfortably between her warm thighs. The lovers were so content in their little world that they didn't hear the hasty footsteps up the stairs or the commotion until the last minute.


At the sound of Sirius' roar, Harry and Hermione's eyes widened. Harry swore and scrambled away from Hermione as his footfalls were heard just outside her door. He had just enough time to grab a sheet, wrap himself around it then dive underneath her bed just as the door opened.

"Sirius!" Hermione exclaimed, wrapping the quilt around her and into her underarms. "What are you…Good Morning!"

Harry did not move a muscle, he was afraid to breathe.

Sirius leaned against the doorframe and looked at Hermione. "I'm sorry, were you busy this morning?" he asked, his tone was angry and not at all sorry that he disturbed her. "Can you explain to me how I can be in two places at once?"

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked in a small voice.

"I was coming back from business today and I was stopped at the market by a witch who told me she had such a lovely time last night dancing with me at the Malfoy Ball."

Hermione's eyes widened. "You didn't say anything did you?"
"I was polite and said thank you, but it still doesn't answer my question. Are those my clothes?" Sirius just noticed his cloak and dress clothes. Harry was having an inner debate with himself. He could save everyone the trouble and just crawl out from under the bed. Sirius moved to walk forward but Hermione scrambled off the bed and blocked him.

"Sirius, I think you need to leave," she said.

Sirius looked down at her. "He's still in the room, isn't he?"

"Sirius!" Hermione pleaded. Harry's forehead banged repeatedly on the soft rug underneath the bed. Just do it. Just crawl out and let Sirius see that it's you. Just do it. He'll keep your secret.

"Fine!" Hermione relented. She raised a hand to her forehead. "Look, I needed to get what we needed from Malfoy so I went to the ball but I didn't want to go alone so I found a young man who would take a Polyjuice potion and turn into you. It wouldn't look strange if I attended a ball with you." She was telling him the half truth. "Anyway, I got something that will help us but I must've drank a little too much champagne because this charade went further than I wanted. Now we're both dealing with an awkward morning that doesn't need to get any more complicated. Now if you please, I would like to deal with this privately. If you would like, I can join you downstairs for breakfast?" She finished and Harry held his breath. Please buy this story, Sirius. Please. Please.

Sirius let out a sigh. "I'll see you downstairs." He turned and left the room closing the door behind him.

Hermione went to the door and locked it. Harry scooted out from behind the bed. He opened his mouth to say something but Hermione silenced him with a wave of her hand. Her head was cocked to the door, waiting. Then finally, Harry heard the footfalls of his godfather walk away. He rummaged through the pile of clothes on the floor for his wand then cast a silencing charm on the room.

"That was close," he said.

"Too close," Hermione agreed.


Luna took a sip of her tea then set it on the table. "Oh I just don't know what to do, it was just so unexpected."

Hermione looked at her friend. "I think you should do it."

"But what about Mr. Weasley?"

"Ronald?" she asked then shrugged. "Has he asked you already to be his escort?"

"Well…no he hasn't…"

"And Mr. Potter did?"

"Yes, yes he did," Luna said quietly.

"Do you not like Mr. Potter?" Hermione asked.

"Oh no! I think he's a lovely friend. It's just that…well…he's got a bit of a reputation now, doesn't he?"

"It's nothing that I haven't told you all," Hermione said indifferently.

"But how do you feel about it? Would it feel odd to you? You did lose your heart to him once."

"I feel perfectly fine with you attending the ball with him. I'm going with Sirius," Hermione answered. "Besides, I think it would be a little fun."

"How do you mean?" Luna asked.

"Well…don't you think it would cause such a stir to be on the arm of the most eligible bachelor this season?"

Luna looked away thoughtfully and Hermione could see her friend trying to fight down a grin of mischief.

"I suppose it would be interesting."

"Good, then it's settled. You will accept Mr. Potter's request."

Luna leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, "I already have."

Hermione grinned at her friend. The rest of their party that afternoon joined them at Falbrooke. Neville pulled out a chair for his new fiancé Ginny, while Ron and Harry walked onto the patio. Harry took the seat next to Luna, directly across from Hermione who was delighted to see the look of disappointment flash across Ron's face. They all settled themselves in as Ron sat next to Hermione and everyone fell into the usual gossip of the Season. The conversation naturally steered toward the next big ball at Godric's Hollow.

"Is it true this ball is to be outdoors on the terraces?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Harry nodded. "The grounds of the estate have been recently remodeled and it would be a perfect opportunity to show them off."

"Oh how lovely!" Luna exclaimed. "Let us hope the weather cooperates."

"I heard you have a dressmaker coming up from Paris to design a dress for this ball," Ginny said to Hermione.

"Well, I haven't really splurged at all this season so this is my one indulgence. After all, this is the ball of the Season." She winked at Harry.

"Sirius, is very lucky to have you on his arm," he replied genuinely.

"Speaking of which, darling, what color dress are you wearing?" Neville asked Ginny.

"I haven't decided, probably a dark blue one," she answered.

"What time would you like me to send a carriage around for you?" Ron asked, looking at Luna. An uncomfortable silence descended on the table that Hermione relished.

"Luna," she spoke up. "I thought you were going with Mr. Potter?" Heavens, she loved to stir up trouble.

Ron didn't bother masking the look of surprise on his face. Luna looked at Hermione who gave her a pointed look.

"Yes," Luna said with a smile and placed a gloved hand on Harry's forearm that rested on the table. "I agreed to go with Mr. Potter when he asked me."

Harry suddenly wished he were anywhere but at this table as all eyes turned to him. His best friend, Ron, had a look of betrayal on his face.

"Well, that is so delightful!" Ginny piped up. "Luna, you'll be the belle of the ball!"

"And on that happy note, shall I suggest a walk?" Hermione said as she stood up from the table.

The others followed suit and paired themselves off, Hermione made it a point to pair herself off with Ron. She avoided the hard stare that Harry was giving her as the couples left the patio for their stroll. As what naturally happened, the couples began to distance themselves and Hermione made sure that they were always in sight of Harry and Luna. She and Ron stopped by a small stream where Hermione sat down on the grass and took out her parasol.

"Mr. Weasley, you seem to be upset about something," Hermione said.

Ron snapped his head away from watching Harry and Luna by the orchards. "No, of course not, I'm fine."

Hermione smiled at him. "I was happy to hear the news of your sister's engagement."

Ron sat down next to her. "Neville is a good friend and a complete gentleman."

"Then two good things have come out of this match for my friends," Hermione beamed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Ginny has found a good match and Luna is now free to start her Season," she answered. Ron just looked at her confused.

"I mean no ill will to you of course," she said quickly. "But we all know that she did a great service for you in helping you keep a watchful eye on your sister during her season. Now that Ginny has found a husband, Luna is now free to do her husband hunt. And I dare say, she will be quite the catch! Already, several gentlemen have made inquiries about her to me."

"They have?" Ron asked. Hermione smiled at his sour tone.

"Of course they have. Although I dare say, they may be out of luck. Mr. Potter didn't hesitate to ask her to the ball. And Luna was positively gushing about him before everyone arrived today."

"She was?" Ron looked up at his best friend with narrowed eyes. Hermione just kept smiling like a cat who had just eaten a mouse.

Harry shared a carriage with Hermione after the tea party using the excuse that he needed to speak to his godfather and she offered to take him there. They sat across from each other, she fiddling with the lace on her dress, he staring hard at her.

"Do you mind telling me why I have an impending appointment at dawn with my best friend?" he asked.

"Oh, stop it," Hermione huffed. "He won't take it that far. I only needed him to notice Miss Lovegood."

"Doing a bit of matchmaking are we?" Harry asked.

"Perhaps," she shrugged. "Ginny and I are so happy, why shouldn't Miss Lovegood find her match?"

"And you think that Ron is the one?" Harry looked out of the window.

"Why not, she's crazy about him and whether he knows it or not, he's mad about her."

"She is quite enthralling, I have half a mind to duel Ron for her honor," he teased.

Hermione tutted and rolled her eyes before she looked out the window. Harry drew the curtains closed and leaned across to Hermione.

"Would you give a man about to duel to death one last kiss?" he asked smiling.

"Oh go away," Hermione pouted and shooed him away.

"But my dearest, I don't want to be sent to the dueling field without the memory of your lips." Harry persisted as he began to kiss her neck.

Hermione struggled half-heartedly. "Ooh, I hope he gets in a good hex or two."

Harry grinned wickedly as he pinned Hermione to her seat. He made sure she left her carriage thoroughly kissed and well ruffled.


Lucius swiped the letters on his desk to the side and slammed a drawer shut, letting out a loud curse.

"Temper, temper father," Draco scolded as he walked into his father's study.

"Do not toy with me Draco," Lucius growled. "Where is it?"

"Where is what?" he asked.

"The ledger!" Lucius shouted.

"Why would I have the ledger?"

"It isn't here where I left it! You and your mudblood were the last ones in this room that night of the ball. That was the last time I had seen it and no one has been in here since!" Lucius was red-faced and angry.

"I don't like what you're accusing me of. I did not take the ledger."

"Well, if you didn't, who did?" Lucius leaned forward, hands splayed on the desk.

Draco looked vacantly at a bookshelf. "She couldn't have, we were both…occupied."

"Well, whoever had taken it and whatever this person has done with it, I can guarantee that it has fallen into Dumbledore's hands by now."

"Probably," Draco agreed.

"Which means we set our plans into motion quicker than we had planned." Draco gave a satisfied grin to his father, pleased with this news. "Assemble the others, we start tonight."


"I really don't know what to make of it," Harry said, closing the ledger and passing it to Remus. Dumbledore had received the ledger from Hermione and, after perusing it himself, he had given it to the Order. "There are a number of accounts in there, the two most frequent payments have gone to a woman named Maria Cristobel and numerous donations to Azkaban."

"Hmm," Kingsley Shacklebolt said thoughtfully. "Those donations could be a pay off in disguise."

"He could be paying for the release of some of the Death Eaters," Remus suggested.

"Perhaps," Dumbledore spoke. "It should warrant further investigation."

"I'll see what I can find out," Shacklebolt offered.

"Maria Cristobel," Sirius spoke up. "Sounds foreign. She shouldn't be too hard to find if you know where to look. I'll take care of that."

"Very well," Dumbledore agreed. "With any luck we'll be able to turn up something that will make this puzzle a bit clearer."

Hermione's excitement kept building and building with each moment that passed as she readied herself for the ball at Godric's Hollow.

"Oh Miss, it's the loveliest gown you've worn yet!" the maid gasped as she helped Hermione into it. The soft crimson silk slid against her skin rustling softly. The bodice was fitted and the neckline was lined with gathered silk resting on the swell of her breasts, revealing a daring cleavage. The gathered silk strip continued as sleeves that rested just off her shoulders with dangling, delicate beads lining them. The skirt was two layers, the first one was lifted slightly to reveal another crimson silk layer underneath and it was lined in the same beadwork as her sleeves. It was gathered behind Hermione into a bustle that was decorated with an elaborate knot.

Hermione sat down to have her hair done. Using a drawing of a woman dressed in the latest Paris fashion, the maid tied Hermione's hair up into an elaborate knot that left Hermione's lovely soft curls dangling out of it. There was a knock at the door and the head of the household staff popped in at Hermione's admission.

"Miss, this has just arrived for you," she said as she placed a box wrapped in delicate gold paper into Hermione's hands.

Curiosity piqued, she carefully unwrapped the package revealing a small box underneath. Everyone gasped when she opened the lid. Inside, nestled carefully in soft tissue were three large rubies strung together with three chains of pearls.

"Oh, Miss!" the young maid gasped.

There was a small envelope with it and Hermione opened it and took out the note inside.

For the Lady of the House.

Love, H

Hermione folded the note and put it away. As the maid clasped the necklace on Hermione, she dotted on a light fragrance that the Paris dressmaker had bought especially for her. She put on her white gloves that came up past her elbows and slid on a bracelet of rubies.

"My God."

Hermione turned to find Sirius in her doorway.

"You look...exquisite," he whispered.

She stood and smiled genuinely at him and he held out an arm for her. She picked up her matching crimson wristlet and took Sirius' arm as he escorted her out of the room, out of the house and into the carriage. She tingled with anticipation and knew that this was the going to be one of the greatest nights of her life.
