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A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret


Harry waited for his wife to take her seat before he took his. She wore a green satin dress with black lace underneath. She said she wore it because it matched the color of his eyes. His hand went to the earrings that dangled from her ear.

"They look lovely on you," he said, smiling down at her.

Hermione looked up at him and gave him a flirtatious grin. "Thank you. They were a gift from my husband."

"Well I must say that he has excellent taste," Harry said as he took his seat next to her.

Hermione winked and he leaned over to brush his lips over her neck in a feather-light kiss. He could hear the murmur from the audience seated below, the low hum of gossipers hadn't stopped since they set foot inside the opera house. But it was the first performance of the season and she insisted on attending.

Voldemort had been finally defeated for good, once and for all. The Death Eaters were rounded up and arrested although Harry was sure there were a few stragglers out there. Harry was grateful to have his wife back unharmed thus granting him favor in his father-in-law's eyes. Sirius had a slower recovery but he was near to what he used to be. It had been difficult for a long time. Hermione, Remus and he held vigil over him for weeks hoping he would wake up one day.

There was movement behind them and they both turned to see Sirius walk into the box, assisted in one arm with a cane and Madam Rosemerta on the other. He still had a slight limp and had to use the cane to help him walk but Hermione convinced him that it made him more dignified.

"Sirius! Madame Rosemerta!" Hermione stood as she greeted the pair cheerfully. The din of the crowd rose a little higher. Harry shook his godfather's hand after Hermione had offered her cheek to him.

The wizarding world celebrated once again when news of Lord Voldemort's attempted resurrection was stopped by their hero. The good cheer and celebrations overshadowed the news of Harry and Hermione's secret nuptials. This was only told to a few close friends who threw a small wedding reception in their honor. But Hermione still worried over Sirius' condition so Harry had his godfather moved to Godric's Hollow while they waited and prayed for him to improve. The Ton thought nothing of Hermione spending so much time at Harry's manor, afterall, she was taking care of her "lover", it masked the fact that Hermione had finally moved in with her husband.

"The Potter's out for the start of the Season!" Sirius said in a mocked scandalous voice. "What will the little lady of the house think?"

"It was her idea," Hermione winked. "She told me so herself?"

"Did she now?" Sirius said with laughter in his eyes.

"Yes, she thinks her parent's deserve some time away from her," Harry concurred.

"I think she let you out because Remus is with her and he let's her get away with anything," Sirius replied.

Madame Rosemerta nudged him playfully. "Not that you don't let Miss Lily have whatever she desires."

Sirius looked away guiltily and muttered something under his breath. Harry and Hermione looked at each other and laughed silently as the lights dimmed for the opera to begin.

Oh how the gossipers had a field day when the news broke that Mr. Harry Potter was no longer a bachelor. Mrs. Weasley's house was so popular that she had taken afternoon tea at least twice a day with the neighborhood. The ladies clicked their tongues in reproach, after all, a scoundrel of a gentleman who ruined Miss Brown's reputation had taken up with the most scandalous Miss Granger! Goodness! And then they married in secret! But there was no hide nor hair from Godric's Hollow and dinner invitations were regretfully declined. Harry was seen about town and had managed to disentangle himself from the local gossips and avoided their husbands who respectfully stayed out of his affairs. But of Hermione, there was nothing, it was if she had disappeared. Her absence was notably remarked on at the assembly thrown at Hogwarts to initiate the inaugural class of female students to receive their education at the prestigious school. It was her project after all, how dare she not receive Dumbledore!

The reason became clear a few months later when Miss Lily Jane Potter was received into the world with much celebration at Godric's Hollow. Oh, how Harry doted on his daughter that his wife often teased him about placing some of the same affection on her. Remus and Sirius were equally smitten with the tiny babe who had her mother's looks and her father's eyes. And Mr. Granger! His first grandchild. It could be said with much assurity that Lily's place in this world was very set.

The lights rose as the opera came to a close, the audience giving praise to a wonderful start of the season with a standing ovation. Harry and his group left the box early to avoid the crowd. They stood waiting for their carriages that would take them to a dinner at Falbrooke where Ron and Luna Weasley were hosting.

"Dumbledore gave us the good news today," Harry beamed. "Lily is already on the list for admission in eleven years."

"Such accomplishments for a lady of only three months!" Sirius said proudly.

"She is the best of both of us," Hermione added proudly.

"Yes, with her mother's spirit and her father's talent for magic…" Sirius mused.

"Yes, that does give one some pause, doesn't it?" he said in a mocked worried tone earning a sharp jab in the side from his wife.

The carriages pulled up to them and Sirius and Harry parted ways. Placing a hand on the small of his wife's back, he assisted her into the carriage.

"You know, I do love that dress you are wearing," he said as he settled in after her.

"Do you?" Hermione asked as she fussed with it, placing it around her where she sat. The carriage gave a gentle jolt as it set off on its way.

Harry leaned forward and whispered in his wife's ear. "I especially love it when it's off you."

"Harry!" Hermione giggled as he began to kiss her neck. "Harry, stop! We'll be at Falbrooke soon!"

"We've got some time before we get there," he said in a muffled voice as Hermione wrapped her arms around him, giving in. And the shades inside the carriage lowered themselves as if by magic.

The End

A/N: Ah, and there we are, another story comes to an end. I really hope everyone enjoyed this one. Thank you all so much for your great reviews and encouraging words. The Throne Reclaimed is still out there, it still has some chapters to it, I have lots of plans for that story. And the plot bunnies! They won't leave me alone!

I will say this, my first story was Fear and Loathing and I regretfully never finished it and probably left a lot of pissed off fans. That story has haunted me to this day and I'm seriously thinking of tackling it again but at a new angle. I miss the Underground and they won't leave me alone so I may have to bring the whole group back again for another go at it.

But thank you again for sticking with me through this story and I hope you still be with me through more. I love this freaking ship!!
