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A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Thanks for all the great reviews. I'm still working on the Throne Reclaimed just at a much slower pace than this story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Oh come on, it's not like you couldn't see this coming. Five more days!!

Chapter Six: The Lady of the House

As expected, the first thing in the morning, Sirius and Remus came calling. Harry greeted them both nervously. Sirius was beyond worry, he was supposed to watch over Hermione and now she was gravely ill in a man's bed. Sitting down in the parlor, Harry was grateful for the human buffer that Remus provided but he could tell that even Remus wasn't very happy with him either.

"How did this happen?" Sirius asked, getting to the point.

"She had wandered off and had gotten lost in the maze while the storm came in," Harry replied.

"Wandered off?" Sirius asked angrily. "How does one just…wander off?"

Remus sighed patiently. "Sirius this is Miss Granger we are talking about. If she wants to get lost, she will."

"Why did no one notice she was gone? You were the host!" Sirius accused.

"It was an accident," Harry said.

"And now she's holed up in your bedroom."

"Sirius," Remus warned.

"It's not like that," Harry assured. "I sleep elsewhere. I will not compromise her."

Sirius waved him off. "Believe me that's not an issue," he said in a careless tone that stirred an irritation with Harry. Sirius let out a long breath. "I'm sorry, Harry, if I'm angry with you. It's just that I'm to act as her escort while her father is away on business. Anything happens to her and I'll never forgive myself, I wouldn't know how to explain it to her father." Jealousy flared inside Harry. Her escort, huh?

"I understand. I'm worried as well. I, too, wish nothing to happen to Miss Granger. She's here because I feel responsible for what happened," Harry said.

"I hope this doesn't ruin your chances with Miss Brown?" Remus asked.

Harry inwardly cursed. Did everyone know about him and Lavender? "The circumstances were clearly explained to her. Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood will be visiting shortly."

After more idle chat, Sirius and Remus were led to his room to visit Hermione's bedside. They stayed for a short while, Harry had left the room to leave them to their privacy with Winky in the room as an escort. They left a short while later with a promise from Harry to summon them as soon as she was awake. Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood arrived shortly after they left and stayed by Miss Granger's bedside. After they left and after Harry had finished his evening meal alone, he went to visit Hermione.

She seemed so small and pale, wrapped in the thick blankets on his bed. Winky watched over her in the corner. Hermione moaned a little once in awhile, a light sheen of sweat on her glowed in the candlelight and strands of hair were plastered to her forehead.

"Her fever's breaking soon," Winky said softly. That was a good thing. Harry pulled up a chair next to the bed and rested.


Hermione did not recollect much of the past few days. She remembered darkness and her dreams swam with familiar faces and voices that hovered above her. She felt hot and cold at the same time and her body ached. Then she would collapse back into the welcoming darkness.

This darkness is what she was coming out of when she lazily opened her eyes to the pale morning sun. It was dawn and she could hear the birds waking from their slumber from somewhere outside. She looked up and she didn't recognize the ceiling, it wasn't the familiar looking one in her room. She looked around and saw that this room was indeed not her bedroom. She closed her eyes again thinking she hadn't completely woken up from her slumber then opened them again. It was the same unfamiliar room. She sat up weakly in the bed and immediately her head began to swim. She lay back down to regain her bearings.

"Oh! You're awake!" squeaked a tiny little voice. "You've been asleep for so long! Are you feeling well? I shall inform the master to send for a mediwitch right away!"

Hermione perched herself on her elbows and stared wide-eyed at the house elf in front of her.

"Where am I? What happened?" she asked weakly. Her throat felt dry and her voice cracked from disuse. The house elf seemed to sense this and she offered her a glass of water. Hermione drank it greedily.

"You're in Master Potter's home! You had taken ill a few days ago. Been here ever since!" the elf answered.

Godric's Hollow? She was still in Godric's Hollow? She closed her eyes. Perhaps this was a nightmare.

"I'm glad to see you're awake."

His voice made Hermione open her eyes and force herself to face her predicament. He wandered into the room, tall, strong and handsome. Oh, her head hurt.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked.

"A few days," he answered.

"A few days!" she sat up straight. Oh but she had so much to do, and business that had been left unattended. But her head swam again and she lay back down.

"I'll summon the mediwitch and others that wish to see you," Harry said with some concern in his voice. "You should stay rested until Madame Pomfrey can examine you."

Stay?! Stay and wait until she felt completely well? Stay in his presence?!

"Really I must insist that I return to my home," Hermione argued.

Harry shook his head. "Madame Pomfrey said that you were not to be moved until you were completely recovered."

Hermione bit her lower lip. She didn't feel at all well and the thought of staying here with Harry made her insides squirm even more. Were they alone in the house, save the servants and house elves? Oh, dear.

Harry left Hermione's presence to summon Madame Pomfrey. It had been so much easier when she was asleep. She had been a quiet occupant in the house, he could almost forget that she was there. Now, she was awake and looked at him with her large brown eyes and made his mouth go dry. Oh heaven help him. What had he done to deserve this? What folly had the fates prepared for him to be trapped in his own home with the person who made him want to jump out of his own skin?


Harry and Hermione found that their situation was not to be alleviated anytime soon as Madame Pomfrey declared that evening that Hermione still had a ways to go until she could be well enough to be moved. Harry could've easily avoided Hermione, it was a big house but a lonely one and conversation with someone like her would be intriguing.

"I'm so sorry about this. I really was stupid to go into the maze," Hermione said apologetically.

"It really doesn't matter now. I'm just glad you are feeling better," Harry replied.

"Not well enough," Hermione said morosely.

Harry frowned and felt bad for her. She didn't want to be in this situation with him any more than he did. But there was nothing they could do about it now. Hermione gave a great cleansing sigh and her stomach gave a grumble. Embarrassed, Hermione grinned slightly.

"I'll send Winky up with some food for you," Harry smiled and left her room.

Harry sat alone in the dining room, the large table had only one lit candle resting on it. In silence, Harry ate his meal. His friends had other engagements and Harry didn't think it was proper to leave Hermione in the house by herself while he went out to dinners and balls. It was a lonely meal.

"This is ridiculous," Harry muttered and threw down his napkin.

"Are you not pleased with the meal?" Dobby asked.

"No the meal is excellent. Please go and ask Miss Granger if she would permit my company for dinner?"

Dobby left his presence and returned a short while later with a grin on his face. Harry led the way as Dobby trailed behind him carrying his tray of food. He cautiously entered the room and found it lit brightly with several candles and oil lamps. The sun had just set beyond the horizon and the thick, velvet red drapes were drawn closed. Hermione sat up in his bed, a tray in front of her with a steaming bowl of what appeared to be a broth of some sort. Winky had set up a table for him next to the bed where Dobby set his food down. Harry sat down at the table and smiled at Hermione.

"Thank you for letting me join you," he said.

"It is your house, Mr. Potter," Hermione shrugged. "And it is a bit lonely isn't it?"

Harry nodded in agreement then looked at his house elves. "Thank you very much," he said. "You may leave us now."

Dobby and Winky looked at each other uneasily. It wasn't proper for an unmarried couple to be left alone without escorts, let alone in a bedroom together. But the obeyed their master.

When they left the room, Hermione frowned at him. "Do you treat your elves fairly?" she asked.

"I pay Dobby," Harry said then at Hermione's inquisitorial look, hastily added, "it's a long story. And Winky, well, you just try and offer her pay and see what she'll do to you."

Hermione thought on this for a bit. No, Harry didn't seem like the type to mistreat them. And with light chatter, they ate their dinner. Hermione found that she was beginning to like his company. But soon the meal was over and there was the awkwardness of not having a reason to enjoy each other's company anymore. As Harry rose to leave, Hermione stopped him.

"Stay," she said and Harry turned to look at her, relief inside him. "It is rather lonely up here."

"Do you not mind the impropriety of me being here alone with you?" he asked.

Hermione gave him a patronizing look and Harry sat back down in the chair. "Why?" he asked.

"Why what?"

"Well…you're not like the others. You don't really care what others think of you," he said.

"Is that a bad thing?" she asked.

"No," Harry shook his head. "It's actually quite…refreshing."

Hermione gave a small smile. "Then I'm sorry to deceive you. Sometimes I do care what others think. I hear what everyone says about me, sometimes it hurts but I just hold my head up and try not to show it."

"I think they're just jealous," Harry said.

"Do you?" she asked. "How so?"

"I think deep down, they want to be like you. Have the bravery to have the freedom that you do. " Hermione didn't answer this, she didn't know how to. Harry continued on. "Tell me what made you the way you are?"

Hermione laughed out loud. "Pray tell, what am I?"

"Bold, intelligent, independent, carefree and dare I say a bit reckless?" Harry teased.

"Careful, Mr. Potter, or I will think you're flirting with me," she said.

"I shall try and avoid that in the future."

"Society has let me down in many ways, so I turn my nose up at society. They're full of hypocrites and double standards anyway. Do you know why you are so sought after in the marriage market? It's because the way for a witch to make her place in society and life is completely dependant on a marriage to a suitable partner. You are handsome and very rich, so you are quite the catch."

Harry blushed. "And you don't have your eyes set on a husband?"

"No, I'll not marry. I'll not have my independence taken away. Besides, I have loads of money as well, I don't need to marry."

"So you'll live your life a spinster?"

"With the occasional lover," Hermione added and Harry laughed.

"Well I must say it doesn't sound like too bad of a life. Perhaps I should take a page out of your book," Harry said.

"No," Hermione gave him a small smile. "You'll marry. You are the marrying type."

Silence fell between them again until Harry broke it.

"Do you like books?" he asked, remembering the way her face lit up when she entered the library. Just like the way it did now.

He left the room to retrieve a book then returned and sat on a chair next to his bed. They took turns reading the book through the evening until Hermione's eyes began to droop and she fell into a deep slumber. Harry closed the book and got to his feet looking down at her.

"Goodnight, Hermione," he whispered and left the room.


Hermione woke the next morning like the last one, with the pale dawn sky and the birds singing. Her eyes blinked as they adjusted to the sun and she yawned and turned to snuggle further into the soft pillow. Her eyes caught an object on the bedside table. A vase was filled with freshly picked wildflowers that rested next to a thick and heavy book. Hermione lifted the book and read the note that was on it.

Happy Reading - Harry

Hermione left the note on the table and looked at the front cover. Hogwarts: A History. Eagerly, Hermione opened the book and delved herself into it.

Sirius and Remus came calling later that day. Harry was out on business but he gave instructions to see to anything that Miss Granger asked and to let her receive her visitors. She smiled brightly when the two gentlemen entered the room.

"And how is our little invalid doing today?" Sirius asked.

"I'm feeling a bit better," Hermione answered.

"Hopefully this will have you thinking twice about entering any mazes by yourself?" Remus said sternly and Hermione grimaced.

"Have you heard from my father?" she asked.

"No he's still away on business," Sirius said. "It is my duty to inform him of what has happened here." Hermione blanched slightly. "I haven't said a word of it yet only because very few people know about this incident and I'm sure they don't want this news to spread." Hermione thought of Lavender. No she wouldn't want everyone to know that her future fiancé had another young woman staying at his estate.

"And of other business?" she asked.

"I'm taking care of them," Remus answered. "We managed to make a hefty profit from our last run. Payment will be distributed accordingly."

"Good," Hermione answered. "And did you happen to bring my papers?" she asked.

"Yes, I figured you couldn't go this long without your work," Remus smiled and handed her a small ledger.

"Madame Rosemerta is beside herself not knowing where you are," Sirius said. "I had to tell her that you decided to take a country vacation."

"Good, I don't think it would be proper of me to receive her here," Hermione frowned.

"Caring about propriety?" Sirius asked.

"Not really. But I don't want to harm anyone else's reputation by me staying here. I think I've done enough damage to Mr. Potter as it is," Hermione replied.

"Speaking of my godson, how is he treating his guest?" Sirius asked.

"The perfect gentleman," Hermione answered.

Ginny and Luna stopped by next, happy to see that their friend was recovering. They got her up to date on the latest gossip, details on the last ball they had attended. Hermione frowned for missing what sounded like such a delightful event. Luna and Ginny said that Lavender was beside herself because Mr. Potter had been absent from the ball to stay here at home. Hermione made a mental note to talk to Harry about him abandoning his social duties.

Harry spent the day doing business with his properties, he had to go into London to visit the Ministry of Magic. He had run into his best friend Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom. They, too, wondered about his absence from the ball. He merely said that he thought it impolite to leave Miss Granger while she was in such a state to go out for an evening of dinner and dancing.

He had finished his transactions towards that afternoon and a strange feeling washed over him. He was actually looking forward to going home this evening.

He knocked on his bedroom door to find Hermione sitting at a desk writing letters.

"I'm pleased to see you're feeling better," Harry said genuinely. "Now we are up and about walking."

Hermione smiled at his entrance and set down a quill. "Just a little, I've only just now sat at this desk to write some letters."

"I take it walk around the grounds is not possible yet," Harry asked.

"No, but I'll let you know." She sanded her letter and sealed it using her seal that Remus had brought.

Harry glanced at the small pile of letters that she had already sealed. "Been quite busy today? I thought you were supposed to rest and take care of yourself."

"I have been," Hermione answered. "But business does not wait. But don't worry Harry, Most of these are just instructions to various people, Remus is actually performing the transactions. I'm planning a dinner soon and I do a lot of charity work and I've not yet set a date for my next Witches For Equality meeting."

"My, my. You do keep yourself busy," he said smiling.

"Would you like to know where your ten galleons went from our little bet?" she asked and held out a small ledger opened to a certain page. Harry took it and read her neat writing.

"It went to an orphanage of war victims. You have graciously bought them new blankets for their beds. I'm thinking of asking Fred and George to donate some of their merchandise from their store, the children could use some laughter and games. Do you think they'll do it?" she asked. She looked up at him and was caught off guard. He was looking at her like he never had before but before she could decipher the look it was gone.

"I'm sure they will. I'll summon them for a meeting with you if you would like," he offered. She never ceased to surprise him. Looking at the ledger she could see all the time and money she had spent on the orphanage, a cause that hit a little too close to home. At that moment Harry knew that he was in love with Miss Granger, in love with a woman who would deny him, in love with a woman who would ruin his reputation if he ever took up with her.

The next day, Hermione was feeling well enough to take a small walk around the house with Harry as a companion. They ate dinner together again that evening. The next day, Ginny and Luna joined Hermione in the drawing room and took tea as they held their meeting for witch's equality. Harry shook his head and smiled endearingly as he heard a snippet of Hermione's passionate speech while Ginny and Luna politely listened. Hermione and Harry's walks slowly progressed from inside the home to the grounds outside. Harry had the servants tear down the maze and he wanted Hermione's advice on what to put in its place.

"Oh, I don't know if it's my place to decide what should be there. That's a job for your future lady of the house," she said.

Hermione felt heartsick saying this. She was really beginning to enjoy this house.

One day Harry walked into the library and surprised Hermione.

"There's someone I would like you to meet," he said eagerly as he took her hand.

Hermione couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm as he took her hand. He was acting like a child at Christmas. He led her to the drawing room and Hermione stopped in her tracks when she saw the visitor.

"Miss Granger, please allow me to introduce you to Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts," Harry announced proudly.

The venerable wizard rose to his feet. "A pleasure to meet you Miss Granger. Mr. Potter has told me so much about you," he said kindly.

Hermione managed a squeak and a curtsy. Albus Dumbledore just spoke to her. The most important wizard of their time was in the drawing room and was a personal friend to Harry Potter. To ease Hermione's nerves Harry sat everyone down to tea then suggested a walk on his grounds. Hermione began to compose herself and found that the old man was easy to talk to and he listened with an eager ear to Hermione's ideas on equality in the education of witches. He even suggested that she start a petition. Hermione soaked in his wise words with awe and admiration. When he took his leave, Harry saw him to the door.

"She's a lovely creature, Harry," Dumbledore said.

"She's a handful," Harry sighed.

"Well, you didn't really want a quiet life did you?" Dumbledore's eyes twinkled mischievously.

"It's not what you think," Harry said firmly.

"Oh, I beg your pardon. I guess I was just seeing something that wasn't there." With a wink Dumbledore walked away and apparated at the end of the drive.

Madame Pomfrey came that evening and said that Hermione was now well enough to go home. Hermione didn't know how to feel at this news. A week ago she would've been elated to leave but now she had grown accustomed to this home and Harry's presence that she felt a little heartsick. Harry felt horrible. He should be happy that Miss Granger was feeling better but that meant that she would leave this place.

He stood in the doorway of his room after seeing Madame Pomfrey to the fireplace. Hermione began to gather her things and place them in a small trunk. She had written a letter for Sirius to send for a carriage first thing in the morning. Winky had brought her dress up for tomorrow, it had been cleaned and pressed. What could they say to each other?

"Thank you very much for your hospitality," Hermione said quietly.

"You have been a wonderful guest," Harry replied.

Dobby came into the room with a tray for Hermione's dinner. The house elf had been regularly bringing Harry's meal into the room with him that Harry was surprised that there was only a serving for one. Hermione read the questioning look on his face.

"I asked Dobby to only bring my meal up this evening. I heard that there was a ball tonight at the Brown's."

"I wasn't planning on going," Harry said.

Hermione smiled at him. "You know you have to. I know that you have been neglecting your social duties because of me. This is an important dinner. You are going to meet her family."

"I thought you didn't approve of her," Harry said as he walked into the room.

"I've changed my mind. You do deserve a life of peace and quiet, Harry. She would make an excellent wife for you."

Harry hadn't said anything to her but he had begun to have second thoughts about Lavender. "But this is your last night here."

"I insist on you going. I've stayed here long enough and it isn't proper to have me stay longer."

"I thought you didn't care for impropriety," he said.

"I don't care about it for me, but I will not ruin the reputation of…of my friend." Harry smiled at her words, at least he had found a friend out of this debacle.

"I think it would be up to me to decide how I want my reputation ruined," he replied quietly.

He left her presence to ready himself for the ball and returned just before he left. He walked into the room to find her sitting by the fire finishing up Hogwarts: A History. Hermione looked up and was filled with a sad longing. He looked so handsome in his suit.

"Fine, if you insist, I will go to the ball, but only if you promise to say goodbye before you leave."

"I shall ask Dobby to raise you from your slumber," Hermione said as she walked toward him. She fussed a little with his shirt, straightening it out. "Do try and have fun tonight," she said and turned up to face him. She was inches away from his face and she looked into his deep green eyes.

"I will," Harry said softly. He bent down and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Hermione closed her eyes, committing the sensations to memory. He pulled away, his lips brushing lightly over hers as he left her cheek. He turned and left the room.


Despite the comfort of his bed, Hermione couldn't sleep. She was filled with such anxiety and apprehension about leaving him. She got out of the bed and lit a small candelabra and ventured out into the hall. She made her way past the sleeping portraits, lifting the hem of Harry's nightshirt out of her way as she made her way down the stairs. Harry had not returned yet, it was only halfway through the ball. She slipped into the drawing room and wandered around the room, remembering her first time here. She wandered over to the pianoforte and set the candelabra on top of it. She sat on the bench and placed her hands on the keys and began to play a sad and soft melody. She closed her eyes and listened to the tune echo around the room.

She sensed him come into the room before she heard him step into the room and walk up to stand behind her. He had returned early from the ball. She didn't open her eyes as she felt his hands rest gently on her shoulders. She continued to play as she felt them wander down to the strings of his nightshirt and untie them. Her heart began to race as his hands went back to her shoulders and slowly pulled the nightshirt over her shoulders and down to just above her breasts. His fingers lightly touched her skin as he did this leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on her flesh. She tilted her head as he brushed her hair to the side and gently placed his lips on her neck.

Harry left the ball early, his desire to see Hermione overwhelming him. He walked into his home to hear a sad melody being played in the drawing room. He walked into the room and saw her sitting at the piano. The soft glow of the candle illuminated her and she looked so desirable in his nightshirt. He had to have her. Propriety be damned.

She faltered in the song as his lips set fire to the sensitive skin of her neck, his hands caressing her shoulders. She stopped completely when she felt them wander down to the strings again, loosening them some more and pulling the shirt down over her breasts. The cool night air hardened her nipples and made them so sensitive to his touch as his hands boldly cupped and caressed them. A small sigh escaped her as his lips continued the welcome assault on her skin and rolled a nipple between a thumb and forefinger. She shrugged out of the shirt, letting it drop to rest at her waist.

Harry turned her around to face him. She looked deep into his eyes dark with lust before he leaned in and captured her lips in a searing kiss. He bent down over her, burying his hands into her brown curly hair, cradling her head. He leaned against her, setting her back to rest against the piano, a hand reached out brace himself hitting the piano keys. His other hand slid up the outside of her leg, bringing the hem of the nightshirt up with him. Hermione wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply, their tongues exploring each other's mouths. His hand reached behind her thigh and brought her leg up to hook around his hips. Hermione's hands left his back and moved the front to remove Harry's jacket. To make things easier for her he dropped to his knees and shrugged out of his jacket.

Together they hastily removed his clothes, their lips parting only briefly. Harry stood to remove his britches and Hermione took this time to admire his lean form. His hard muscles glowed in the candlelight, his thighs smooth and muscular. She reached out and let her fingers trace his abdomen and heard Harry inhale sharply at her touch. She stood and kissed his neck, the hollow of his throat as the nightshirt fell to her ankles. She stepped out of it and brushed her fingers over his chest, his hardened nipples. Her lips followed her hands, licking him, tasting him. She felt his hardened sex press into her inner thigh and her sex moistened with delight.

Harry gathered her to him and together they sank to the floor. He kissed her lips as he placed a knee between her legs, parting her for him. Hermione let out a contented sigh as she took him inside her, he let out a small moan. He filled her, stretched her. She moved her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. He started slow, savoring her warmth wrapped around him. He didn't compromise her, she wasn't expecting anything out of this but the pure enjoyment of being in the most intimate of ways two people could possibly be. Hermione's soft whimpers of delight and his heavy breathing were the only sounds that filled the room.

Sensations of pleasure washed over her body as he moved above and within her stopping once in awhile to have his lips wander over her body before returning himself to her wet warmth. She had never had a lover like him and she knew she was in trouble. This was only to be a one time thing but she could already tell that she would miss him, miss his touches and caresses. She would toss all her principles out of the window to have another night with him, to be entangled with him in this way. This was the madness that Madame Rosemerta had talked about and it frightened Hermione that she would be so willing to give everything she had wanted away so easily.

His thrusts became deeper and more urgent and Hermione gasped with delight as he brought her to the height of her pleasure. He followed soon after, a groan of pleasure leaving his lips as he spilled into her. He would not get her with child, she had told him that she was taking a potion that would prevent such an event from happening. Harry could freely enjoy this moment without the consequence of trapping her.

He summoned a blanket from somewhere in the house and they moved to the sofa as he wrapped it around them. They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.
