Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Thirteen: Truly, Madly, Deeply

Hermione took a long nap when she arrived home and woke up sometime in the afternoon. Still a little sore between the legs, she made her way downstairs and found Sirius was eagerly awaiting any news from her.

"It was a complete and utter failure," Hermione said as she sat down at a table and began to eat the meal that she called for. "He was well into his cups when I met him. The only drink he didn't take was the one that I gave him."

"Do you think he suspected you?" he asked.

"No," she sighed. "It was a folly of fate that he didn't drink it."

"What about later? I saw you take him up to the rooms?"

Hermione took a swallow of the orange juice. It was Harry in disguise that she had taken up to her room, not Draco.

"It was even worse. He was so drunk that he passed out on the bed before I had a chance to do anything!"

"We'll get another chance soon," Sirius said trying to cheer up Hermione's false sour mood.

Hermione nodded. Inside she was a joyful as she could be that she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs how much she loved Harry. When she had awoken, she had spent a good deal of time lazily recalling some major highlights of last night's activities, blushing and giggling as she did so.

"Are you ready for the Opera tonight?" he asked.

"Oh, I forgot about that. It should be a pleasant night, don't you think?" she asked.

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "You mean you are actually going to permit me to escort you? I thought you were still angry with me."

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed. "Sirius, you know that I can't stay angry at you for long."
"Have you uh…heard about Miss Brown and Mr. Potter?" he asked not so casually.

Hermione shrugged. "All of society is talking about it."

"So, Harry put himself back on the marriage mart."

Hermione scoffed. "I knew from the beginning that he wasn't a gentleman. A woman would think twice before setting her heart on him. These husband hunters are a bunch of silly little ninnies."

Sirius bit his lip. It was going to take a little work to get these two kids together.


Ron and Neville gave up on prying information from the twins about the ball at Madame Rosemerta's. They only teased them with minor details of the debauchery that went down.

"So there were a lot of…women there?" Neville asked.

"You have never seen such exotic beauties," Fred said.

George smirked at the eager faces of the two young men. Such innocence. The men were gathered in a gentlemen's club awaiting the last of their party to arrive.

"I really don't know how he's going to be today. I haven't seen him since he called off his engagement with Miss Brown," Ron said worriedly.

"Yes, he's caused quite a stir among society," George said. "He's sent the husband hunters in a tizzy with this announcement. Half of them don't know what to make of this situation but all of them are aching to set their claws into him. I don't know if he's made things better or worse for himself."

"Do you know why he called it off?" Fred asked.

Ron and Neville shrugged. "I suppose it had something to do with the near kidnapping of Miss Brown," Neville guessed.

"Well, whatever the situation, he needs to know that we are behind him and that we support him one hundred percent," Ron lectured. "We all remember what a wreck he was when Miss Granger left him, this time he called off his engagement. We have to be prepared with whatever comes through that door."

"Good afternoon, gentlemen!" Harry said cheerfully as he walked into the room. "Today's a great day, isn't it?"

Ron looked out the window at the clouds rolling in then looked back at him with a concerned look on his face. If Harry recognized the puzzled looks on his friends' faces, he didn't acknowledge it. It was a great day. Voldemort himself could come marching through that door and he would've bought him a glass of firewhiskey.

"Harry…are you feeling okay?" Ron asked tentatively.

Harry looked at his friend in surprise. "Of course I am!" he replied. Ron and Neville looked at each other anxiously.

"But what about Miss Brown?" he asked.

"Oh yes, that," Harry said calmly, realizing that his mood was betraying him. "Well, I've decided that I will not let these little heartbreaks destroy me."

"Good for you," George said.

"Of course now the husband hunters and their mothers will be aching to catch you in their nets," Fred added and Harry laughed.

"Oh, I'm done for the Season," he said. "I think the bachelor's life will be for me."

Ron frowned. "Harry this isn't because of what happened to Miss Brown?"

Harry took a decanter and looked deep into its contents. "That's part of it Ron," he answered truthfully. "I realize now that any fiancé of mine will be in some sort of danger and that danger probably won't rest until the business with the Order is finished."

"But, Harry," Neville sighed. "You of all people deserve happiness, you deserve to go and find someone and be with them just like the rest of us."

Harry held the decanter up to his lips and gave a small smile. "I'm sure I'll find happiness tucked away hidden here and there."

"Well, it's a shame you didn't get out from under your rock sooner," George said. "You missed quite a party last night at Madame Rosemerta's."

"Really?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.


Sirius looked at the lovely woman accompanying him. There was something different about Hermione and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. But she truly looked radiant tonight. Her hair was done nicely and pulled into an exquisite knot on the top of her head, her emerald green satin dress looked wonderful on her, its delicate sleeves rested on the crests of her shoulders. As usual, she caught the attention and eyes of many a gentleman at the opera and the scornful looks of a few ladies.

Hermione made small talk with her escort as they made their rounds around the room and to the box. There was a stir in the audience and with a flutter in her chest Hermione saw that Harry had entered his box. He was with his usual crowd of Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom, Ginny and Luna accompanied them of course. Harry looked across the auditorium and caught Hermione's eye briefly before nodding a greeting to his godfather. Hermione's expression was neutral as was Harry's but inside she was grinning like an idiot.

"I see Mr. Malfoy has made an appearance," Sirius leaned over and whispered in Hermione's ear. She turned and looked in another box across the auditorium and saw Draco watching her and Sirius with an unreadable expression on his face before he masked it and smiled at her, giving her a polite nod.

The lights dimmed and the opera began. From the moment he had walked into the auditorium, Harry couldn't help but seek Hermione out and it took some self control not to want to leap across the room and be by her side. Hermione, feeling Harry's gaze on her looked up once in awhile to share a glance with him. It had been less than a day since she had last seen him but she desperately missed him and longed to be in his arms.

The curtain closed and the lights went up as the audience clapped. Harry's attention was yanked back into the present. He had been watching the delicate curve of Hermione's neck and remembering his favorite spot on there. He stood and left his box with his friends as they gathered in the foyer for the intermission. The elite filled the room and their chatter filled the air. Harry was aware of the glances that were directed at him. The women were torn between disapproval for what he did to Miss Brown and joy for being back on the marriage mart.

"Are you enjoying the opera so far, Miss Granger?" Draco asked. He had sought Hermione out when Sirius left her side to gather refreshments.

She smiled up at him. "I am Mr. Malfoy and you?"

He shrugged. "The ones in Paris are much better."

"I've only been one time," Hermione replied.

"Perhaps you should make the trip again before the Season is through," Draco suggested.

"I hadn't thought about it," Hermione said.

"Maybe now you will," he said then leaned close to her. "And I know a perfect escort to accompany you," he said suggestively.

"Oh do you?" Hermione said coyly.

"Ahem. I'm so sorry to interrupt," Sirius said when he returned holding drinks for him and Hermione. Draco backed away quickly from Hermione, throwing a glare in Sirius' direction.

"Sirius, darling," she said sweetly. "Mr. Malfoy here was just telling me how enjoyable the Paris opera is."

"Oh, how lovely," Sirius said falsely then took Hermione's arm, gently, and steered her away from him. Draco reached out and grabbed his arm.

"You can't keep her away from her suitors," he said in a low voice. Hermione turned around with alarm.

Sirius turned and looked at him. "Are you trying for an appointment at dawn?"

"Sirius! Draco!" Hermione came between them. She spoke quietly so as not to attract attention but Harry saw the distress on her face from across the room.

"Evening gentlemen," Harry said as he approached the three of them. Draco immediately backed off but stood closer to Hermione.

"Mr. Potter," Hermione said politely.

"Miss Granger," Harry replied. "Are you all enjoying the opera?"

"Yes, yes we are," Hermione said.

Not wanting to be under the scrutiny of Harry, Draco made his excuse. "I believe I see the rest of my party waiting for me," he said. "Miss Granger." He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Hermione smiled politely. When he left, Harry threw her a quizzical look and Hermione looked back at him innocently.

"Young Mr. Malfoy," Sirius sighed as he took a drink. "He's quite a character isn't he?"

"Yeah, he's something," Harry said dismissively. "Miss Granger, you look lovely tonight."

"Why, thank you, Mr. Potter," Hermione replied.

Sirius looked on happily. They were actually being civil to one another! There was hope after all.

"Harry, I see some friends of mine across the hall, perhaps you would be so kind as to escort Miss Granger back to our box?" he asked.

Harry looked back at Hermione who shrugged indifferently.

"I suppose I can," Harry said in a neutral tone.

"Thank you," Sirius said brightly. "I don't want Hermione to feel neglected."

"Of course not," she said dryly.

Sirius walked off leaving Harry and Hermione alone. "Shall we?" Harry asked, offering Hermione his arm. She gladly took it and together they walked to her box.

"You really do look lovely tonight," he whispered.

"Thank you and might I say you look spectacularly dashing," she whispered back.

Harry grinned. "I especially like your choice of color."

"It reminds me of someone I know," she sighed. She had chosen this dress because the shade matched Harry's eye color.

He drew back the curtain of her box and held it open for Hermione. She walked through and Harry placed a gentle hand on the small of her back as he followed her in. It was an accident, it just came naturally to him but neither of them really noticed the intimate gesture.

"You know, I believe my godfather is trying to set the two of us up," Harry said in an amusing tone.

"Wherever did you get that idea?" Hermione said wryly and they both smiled at each other.

"We could probably use it to our advantage," Harry said suggestively.

"It provides us little times like these to be together," Hermione smiled.

"We should make it harder for him," Harry suggested.

"So that he keeps trying?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

Harry looked around and saw that there were very few people in the auditorium and that their attentions were elsewhere. He reached over and played with the earring that dangled from her lobe, his fingers brushing over her skin.

"This sounds crazy but I miss you," he said in a low voice.

Hermione looked over at him. "It is strange isn't it? I feel the very same way. I guess that's what love does to you?"

"Then I'm crazy in love with you," he whispered.

Their faces were inches apart and Harry so longed to kiss her. He ached to do it. But people began to pile into the auditorium as the lights flashed and he moved away from her. Hermione could swear that Harry could feel the heat radiating off her face and she fanned herself. Sirius chose that moment to make his entrance into the box. Immediately he sensed a sort of tension in the air. He saw Harry and Hermione sitting apart, Harry leaning away from her and Hermione fanning herself. She only did that when she was flushed or seriously irritated. He could see Harry's jaw tensing and his spirits quickly deflated. He had obviously failed and he wondered what had transpired between the two that they were leaning away from each other, not speaking but the tension between them was palpable.

"Uh, Harry, thank you for escorting Miss Granger," he said awkwardly.

"It was no problem at all," Harry's voice was tense and strained. He stood to leave the box. "Miss Granger," he said.

"Mr. Potter," Hermione stopped fanning herself long enough to nod politely to Harry.

Sirius watched as Harry made his hasty exit before taking a seat next to Hermione. Hermione neatly folded her fan and rested it in her lap.

"Was his company that bad?" he asked.

"What? Of course not," Hermione answered. "It was just awkward, we didn't have much to talk about. Although I'm surprised he is here. I would think the break up with his fiancé would keep him out of society."

"And I thought you liked men who defied society?" Sirius said teasingly.

Hermione tutted and shifted uncomfortably in her chair, throwing him an irritated glare. Sirius let out a quiet chuckle as the lights dimmed for the second act.

"Are you sure of it?" Lucius whispered, leaning forward.

"I'm positive," Draco whispered back, keeping his eyes forward towards the stage. He watched Mr. Potter enter his box with his party. "They are lovers I know it."

"This should make our plans easier. Mr. Black and Miss Granger, huh?" his father said thoughtfully.

"He was at the party the other night, extremely jealous fellow," Draco whispered. He heard his mother huff angrily behind him. Draco was well aware of what his mother thought of a mudblood dragging her son to a party of ill repute.

"Very good, Draco. The master will be pleased and you will soon be able to end this horrid charade," he father said.

Draco didn't say anything. His eyes were trained on Hermione and Sirius leaning together and talking. He was slightly alarmed at the feelings of anger and jealousy that suddenly seemed to spring up within him. He very much disliked Sirius Black and the fate that the master had in store for the man seemed fitting.

What Draco didn't notice was Mr. Potter who happened to look back and catch the look he was giving Hermione and Sirius. A troubled feeling began to settle in the pit of Harry's stomach and little warning flags went up in his mind.


Two nights later, a meeting of the Order had been called and the members gathered once again into the kitchen.

"We couldn't find anything else out," Remus was saying. "My conclusion is they attacked the ship for the cargo just as Sirius surmised."

"Miss Granger tried to find out more information out of Draco Malfoy but failed at her task," Sirius spoke out loud. A guilty look briefly flashed over Harry's face but nobody caught it.

"But we may be in luck again," Sirius continued. "Miss Granger has received an invitation to a ball at the Malfoy's. She can try again there."

"I object," Harry spoke up and the members of the Order turned to look at him.

"I beg your pardon?" Sirius looked at him.

"I said that I object. I don't think it's wise that she try this ruse again. Draco will get suspicious," Harry replied.

"I don't think so. He had no idea of the plot last time. Hermione said he was already drunk and passed out before she could slip him the potion," Sirius countered.

"You are willing to stick an innocent person in a ball filled with Death Eaters? Because that is who is going to attend this ball. If you haven't noticed, nobody here got an invitation," Harry was letting his temper get to him.

"Hermione is well aware of the risks," Sirius replied angrily.

"She will be a muggleborn surrounded by purebloods who hate her!" Harry shouted.

"She isn't one to cower away from something like this!"

"This isn't about bravery this is about taking unnecessary risks!"

"Hermione is aware of the risks!"

"Then on her behalf I object. Someone here has to think about her safety!" Harry spat and Sirius lunged at Harry.

"Who do you think you are to object on her behalf?" he shouted.

"Sirius, Harry, stop this," Remus said sharply as he held Sirius back. Ron was holding onto Harry.

"Harry is only worrying about her safety," Ron defended. "He would say the same thing if any one of us were to do this."

"But none of us are doing this," Harry said, "We're sending an innocent person to do our work! There has to be another way to do this," Harry said this to Dumbledore who was frowning in thought.

He held up a hand for silence and composure within the group. "I had asked Miss Granger to become a valuable member of the Order but she declined. Her true reasons for this I will not reveal but she is in this plot whether we like it or not. We have a rare opportunity to get inside the Malfoy Manor and I think we would be fools to lose this chance," he said. "Remember Harry, Sirius, that our ultimate goal here is to find Voldemort and stop him before he can do anymore harm. Miss Granger knows this and is willing to do her part. We must brush our personal thoughts and feelings aside and now focus on a way to help Miss Granger achieve this goal."

Harry shrugged out of Ron's grasp and glared at Sirius as he grabbed his cloak. "At what point did we erase the moral code to not use innocent people to our advantage?" Harry said before he stormed out of the meeting.

Hermione was waiting anxiously for him and when she saw his dark figure land on her balcony she hurried to unlock the door and bring him into the room, closing the curtains behind her.

"Harry, I know you must be upset," she said hurriedly.

"I'm not upset Hermione," he said. "I'm furious!!"

"Shh!" Hermione said, holding her hands up in a gesture of silence. She waited a moment to listen for the stirring of servants then drew out her wand to cast a silencing charm on it.

"I received the invitation today and I told Sirius about it." She grabbed his hands. "Harry, this is our second chance to get Draco to confess his plans!" He yanked his hands from hers.

"Not this way," he said firmly. "Hermione…I can't let you do this. You're my fiancé and I love you. I will not have you put in harms way."

"But I won't be harmed," she countered. "Nobody knows of our secret."

Harry sighed in frustration. "The place will be crawling with Death Eaters who would love to torture someone like you. You're going into the snake pit," he said quietly.

"But I'm no innocent lamb," she replied.

Harry looked up at her with determination. "Then I'm going with you. And that's not up for discussion!" He added quickly when he saw her protest.

Hermione pursed her lips. "Fine," she said coolly.

"Fine," Harry replied.

She shook her head as she looked at him, her anger fading to bruised pride. She hated losing arguments.

"Oh honestly," she huffed and walked across the room to her bath.

Harry now realizing she was wearing only a silk robe followed her. "What is this?" he asked when he walked into another room with tiled floors and an overlarge tub in the middle.

"This is a small version of a roman tub," Hermione explained. "I had it specially made after I visited one in Rome. You wouldn't believe what they have there. You caught me just before I was going to take a soak."

"Great timing," Harry breathed still staring at the tub. A strange thought entered his mind and he wondered if he wasn't the first one to share this tub with her.

Hermione, sensing his thoughts, quickly said. "It's my own private place, I've never shared it with anyone." She undid the knot in her hair and it cascaded past her shoulders. She untied the robe. "So don't get any ideas that I'll share it with you," she said coyly as the robe fell to the floor to a puddle at her feet.

Harry watched with building lust as her naked body disappeared beneath a cover of bubbles in the tub. He had never undressed so quickly in his life. "Don't get any ideas that I'm fool enough to pass this up," he said and lowered himself in the warm water of the tub. Hermione giggled and they came together in a passionate kiss.

Knock. Knock.

"Hermione?" Sirius' voice rang out in the silence.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other in a panic.

"I'm taking a bath, Sirius," she called out.

"I won't be more than a moment," he said and Hermione heard him open the door.

Harry cursed silently and reached for his wand. With a flick of his wrist he managed to fly his clothes into a nearby cabinet before Hermione forced his head underwater.

Sirius walked into the room to see Hermione resting in the tub covered by a thick layer of bubbles.

"Did you cast a silencing charm on the room? I couldn't hear you answer," he said.

"Oh, yes…I must have forgotten," she covered.

"I didn't know you knew silencing charms," he said.

"I paid attention when you used them," she replied.

Under the water, Harry could hear the muffled voices of Sirius and Hermione. He desperately hoped that Sirius wouldn't detect anything suspicious. With a flick of his wand, Harry performed a charm that allowed him to breathe underwater. He had no idea how long he was going to be down here. A thought suddenly filled his mind. Looking back, he didn't know how or why the idea popped into his head. It was stupid, reckless, bold and very, very enticing.

"Oh, very clever," Sirius murmured. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about the ball at the Malfoy Manor?"

Hermione's eyes suddenly got wide and she slipped deeper into the tub before gripping the sides and pulling herself back up.

"Oh?" she said. She had been taken by surprise by the new twist Harry had decided to put on their situation. Her hand went underwater and tried to push Harry's head away from between her thighs.

"I'm sorry," Sirius said apologetically. "I didn't think it would upset you. Are you alright?"

Hermione gave up the fight with Harry. "I'm fine," she replied as calmly as she could. Harry was doing such delightful things to her with his tongue.

"No you're not," Sirius replied. "You can't hide much from me, Hermione."

"What are you talking about?" she asked nervously. Oh God, Harry!

"I think there's more to this charade of yours under the surface," he continued. "I mean, you are one of the bravest women I know, but to put yourself willingly in this situation…"

Harry was grinning. He could still hear the muffled conversation above him and the fact that Sirius had not yanked him out of the water yet told him that this clever ploy was working. And he was having fun. He lapped deliciously at Hermione and his hand left its grip on her thigh to delve a finger into her warmth.

Hermione jerked and her outer knee hit the edge of the tub. "What do you mean?" she managed to say.

"You're not…attracted to Draco Malfoy, are you?" he asked.

"Oh," Hermione moaned softly and Sirius took it as an admission. He sighed and hung his head.

"Why Hermione? Why be attracted to him? He's dangerous! He's a Death Eater!"

Harry inserted another finger into her and Hermione flung her head back and gripped the edges of the tub.

"Don't get angry with me," Sirius said. "It's just…Hermione there are other men out there. Decent ones who genuinely care for you, like…"

"Harry," Hermione breathed softly.

"Yes, Harry. He cares for you, you know. You should've seen how he defended you today. He's very much against this whole idea, he would've strangled me if he had the chance." Sirius said thoughtfully. "Look, I just wanted to say my piece. You can take it however you want it. But…just listen to me. Draco Malfoy is not for you Hermione, you can do so much better than him. That's it, I'm done!" he said, taking in her tight grip on the tub. "I'll see you in the morning?"

"Yes," Hermione gasped.

Sirius nodded and left the room. Hermione waited a moment to listen for the door closing before grabbing Harry's hair and yanking him to the surface. His fingers left her to remove the charm.

"You are such a rake!" she scolded, splashing him with water.

"I thought he'd never leave," Harry said, pinning Hermione to the tub.

He entered her swiftly, making love to her, claiming her lips and body. Hermione leaned against him, shifting her position to sit in his lap. Harry's hands splayed against her back, pressing her close to him as she moved on top of him. She felt his grip on her tighten and she brought them both to their pleasure.

They moved again and as they washed each other, they whispered words of love to each other. Well pruned and squeaky clean they left the bath. Hermione retrieved a fluffy soft towel for Harry to dry himself.

"Do you have to leave?" Hermione asked as she dried then wrapped the robe around her.

"No, no I don't," Harry replied. "I can leave in the morning."

"Good because I want you sleeping next to me all night," she said smiling.

"In what?" Harry laughed.

Hermione took in his naked form with approval. "That will just have to do."

"Only if you sleep in the same," Harry suggested in a playful tone.

They moved to the other room and Harry did a quick locking charm on the door before he slid into Hermione's bed.

"Hmm, these are soft!" he said, feeling the sheets. "And they smell good."

"Of course they do!" Hermione said walking to her table.

"I hope our bed will be this comfortable," Harry murmured still taking in the sheets.

Hermione opened a drawer and took out her potion and uncorked the bottle. She looked through the mirror at Harry and smiled as she watched him examine and smell the sheets. She looked at the potion again and made a decision. She walked over to her wash basin and poured the contents out. She turned around again to see that Harry had been watching her and that he had a small smile on his face. She walked over to the bed, took off her robe and slid into bed with Harry.

He propped himself onto his elbow and looked down at her. "You know that I won't wait long to marry you," he said softly.

"Good," Hermione replied. "Because I intend to be compromised by you in every way possible."

Harry smiled and captured her lips in a soft kiss. He moved above and over her, nestling himself between her thighs as he made love to her once more before they would fall asleep in each other's arms.
