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A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Two: Some Powerful Advice

Hermione Granger was the only daughter of Edward Granger. Her mother had died when she was very young and as so, she had much of her father's influence on her as she grew up. Her father always said she had her mother's beautiful face and her father's rebellious streak, a streak that Edward didn't even try to tame.

She was a very intelligent woman and picked up her father's business very quickly. She had even offered her father some business advice from time to time. Her father mostly dealt in land acquisitions but when the war started, he delved into a more lucrative business of smuggling and had grown even more rich from it.

Edward worried about his daughter being exposed to such things but by then it was too late. Hermione was already knee deep in it and holding her own. He couldn't be more proud than if she were a son. But, she was his heir and would inherit a tremendous amount of wealth. Something that her father worried about. She would be prey to young men seeking her fortune.

But Edward really was naïve about his daughter. She was no innocent. Her rebellious streak had caught the attentions of her Headmistress Miss McGonagall who had taken her under her wing and put ideas of women's rights into her head. Hermione took those lessons to heart, absorbed everything she could with an eager mind. She watched and listened to her classmates sigh and dream about marrying well to set their stations in life. Hermione vowed that she would not marry. She would not base her entire well being on fetching a wealthy husband. She didn't need a husband, she knew she had a fortune of her own.

One day, during a summer break, Hermione met another woman who would influence her life. Madame Rosemerta. She owned the richest brothel in London, in all of England probably. Her clients paid many a galleon for a night with one of her beauties. Madame Rosemerta was in the gambling saloon and had instantly taken a liking to the young lady. Hermione saw her as the independent woman she was, owning her own business, even if it wasn't what society what could consider proper. Hermione invited her over for tea the next day.

It was then that Madame Rosemerta gave her a very important piece of advice.

"There are powers a woman has that would bring down the strongest of men. Wars have been fought and Kingdoms torn down because of them," she had told her.

Hermione put down her cup of tea and leaned forward, eager. "What…kind of powers?" she had asked.

Madame Rosemerta smiled wryly at her from behind her cup. "Oh, I dare not teach you such things, young flower. You are rich and dangerously beautiful, such power wielded by you could have devastating results."

Hermione was a willing and eager student.

"Sex is powerful," she had said to her. "I have made myself rich off of it. But it isn't all about the honey between your thighs." Hermione blushed deeply. "It can be a subtle as a touch, a smile, a laugh, a peek of skin. Anything that can hint to the mystery under your dress.

Hermione became more aware of the looks men began to give her. Looks that suddenly made her blush and feel as if she were standing naked before them. She had snuck out to the brothel to visit Madame Rosemerta sometimes and when she did, she watched with curious eyes as the ladies led the men upstairs to their rooms. Hermione wondered what it was like. Sex, what was it like? She would be ruined if she tried it before her wedding night but she had resolved that she wouldn't get married. She wanted to be strong and independent with her wealth.

The object of her adolescent adoration at the time was a young stableman on her father's property. When the day was hot, she had a view of him from her window, working with his shirt off as he pitched hay to the horses. His muscles gleamed underneath his tanned skin. He would send naughty thoughts to her mind and her body became acutely aware of his every move. She had cornered him one afternoon and he fell easy prey to her charms, as would any young hot blooded male. Afterward, the young man fled, fearful that the master of the house would find out what he had done to his daughter. Hermione heard that he had enlisted in the army and a year later she found his name on the casualty list. He had been killed in battle.

She had told Madame Rosemerta, later, that the sex was not great, that it had been rather painful and that she must've done something wrong. Madame Rosemerta was shocked that she had done this and had protested that she would be ruined in society.

"I don't give two figs what society thinks!" Hermione had said. "I don't need to hunt for a husband and I doubt the men after me really care about my virtue, only my money. Besides, society has let me down by falling into the hands of a madman."

Madame Rosemerta laughed at this. Then she said that the first few times might be painful but it could be quite pleasant. The key was to know how to reach that crest of pleasure. And she was right, her next encounter was much better but Madame Rosemerta cautioned her.

"Be careful my dear," she had told her. "In the hands of an equally capable lover, the passion can drive you both to madness."

Hermione had yet to meet that lover.

Because of her wealth, her place in society was in no danger. She was invited to a few balls over the season but she could hear the whispers of the ladies. "Scandalous" was a word that quickly became associated with her. She shrugged it off. People were nice to her face, money could buy you friends, but her true friends were Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. They were the only two people who would actually sit and pay attention to Hermione's lectures on the unjustified treatment of the fairer magical sex. And even Hermione knew that true friendships were priceless.

So she was pleasantly pleased when the two of them called on her when they were in town. She invited them in for tea but it was a somber occasion, they were biding time for the casualty lists to be printed and distributed. Hermione rode with them in the carriage into the town square.

She held her two friends hands as they waited. Mrs. Brown and her daughter stood nearby giving disapproving looks. Hermione squeezed her friends' hands.

"Oh, I can't stand it. I cannot wait another minute!" Ginny exclaimed.

She didn't have to wait long. A wave of noise came from the front of the crowd as they surged forward. The girls stayed away from the near riot, Hermione having sent a footman to retrieve the list. He reappeared in front of them, suit ruffled and hair a mess and handed the list to Ginny who practically snatched it from the man.

Ginny and Luna huddled over the list, reading the names. A sigh came from both of them.

"They're not on there!" Ginny breathed gratefully. "Everyone's coming home safe!"

"Your family is blessed with good fortune," Hermione smiled and took the list from Ginny.

"Are you looking for someone you know?" she asked, curious. It was very rare that Hermione took an interest in the lists.

"Looking up someone for a friend," she answered, scanning the list.

No Harry Potter's were on it. She would tell Sirius in person.

"Thank heavens the list is small," she said.

"Probably due to the new captain," Ginny said, smiling. Hermione looked at her quizzically. "Ron wrote to us about him," she explained. "He was second in command to Dumbledore and he's nearly our age!"

"Harry Potter," Luna said dreamily.

Hermione's jaw dropped. Sirius' Godson?!

"He's the heir to Godric's Hollow but he hasn't yet to claim it. I wonder if he will now that the war is over," Luna said.

"He should," Ginny sighed, "he's got quite a fortune on his hands. And single. He will be quite the catch this season."

Hermione had visited Godric's Hollow long ago and was impressed. It was a beautiful manor, a bit large though but it had pretty gardens.

"I'm sure my dad will invite him to our ball," Luna said. "You'll be invited too Hermione. I'm sure everyone is curious about him."

Ginny and Luna went off in a tangent about the sunny outlook of the Season. Hermione pursed her lips together. No, she had no interest in Mr. Potter. Anyone who had severed relations with Sirius was of no interest to her at all.
