Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Sixteen: A Magical Night

Luna was nervous when she first stepped out of the carriage but was immediately put at ease when Harry greeted her with a winning smile.

"Are you ready?" he asked as he offered his hand to help her out of her carriage.

Luna repeated that question in her mind as she slowly approached the manor. She wore a cream colored dress with delicate crystal beadwork on the bust and sleeves. Harry thought she looked lovely and gave her arm an encouraging squeeze as they walked onto the terraces.

The night was clear and there was a slight breeze in the air. While the other guests were taken directly to the terraces below, Harry led Luna through his house and across his patio to the balcony.

"How splendid Mr. Potter!" Luna breathed.

Tall hedges surrounded the terraces, fairies twinkled within them and flew about the grounds giving off their soft little glows. Paper lanterns were magically suspended in the air above the milling crowd below. There was a large fountain in the middle, its arcs of water fell gracefully into a smaller pool that emptied into a larger square one. Some of the guests sat at the lip of this pool as well as on stone benches scattered about. There were marble statues of classical figures that were nestled in the corners by the hedges.

"I give the credit entirely to you and Miss Weasley," Harry smiled at her. He then took her hand and led her down one of the staircases that were on either side of the balcony to the terrace below.

"It is one thing to plan it all on paper, quite another to see it come to fruition," she said in awe.

"Mr. Harry Potter and a Miss Luna Lovegood," they were announced and Luna felt all eyes turn to her. She prayed silently that she wouldn't tumble down the stairs but her extra caution in her steps made her look like she was floating angelically down the stairs. She could see the looks of disdain and appraisal in the women's faces, the buzz of whispers and the looks of delighted surprise on the men's faces.

"You're doing fine," Harry whispered to her from the corner of his mouth.

He led her onto the terrace where Harry led her gently around, stopping once in awhile to chat with some of the guests. Luna was the perfect escort. She heard the music of a small orchestra in the air and Harry led her to the other balcony on this level. She looked down into another terrace, this one devoid of fountains and saw a large limestone plaza where couples waltzed to the music. More lanterns were suspended in the air, the plaza surrounded by more hedges with fairies and a small orchestra was seated on a platform at one end. Stone benches surrounded the dance floor separated by a lush grassy lawn.

She spotted her friend Ginny immediately, her lovely red hair piled on top of her head and she wore a deep blue gown that swayed gently as Neville twirled her on the dance floor. She looked radiant, happy and in love. She perused the rest of the crowd with the pretense of seeing who was wearing what or who was dancing with whom but in the back of her mind, she was really searching for Ronald. She didn't see him.

But he was there. He had been watching her since she and his traitorous best friend had been announced and appeared on the balcony above. He wasn't on the lower terrace, he was on the middle terrace where she and Harry stood watching the others. He stayed hidden. Admiring her beauty from afar. How could he have not seen her this way before? She looked like an absolute angel and he had found it hard to breathe as he watched her walk into the party. But with a scowl, he remembered that she was not on his arm, she was on the arm of his best friend. She was getting appreciative looks from the other gentlemen at the party. She was definitely announcing her arrival in the marriage mart.


Hermione walked into the gardens of Godric's Hollow and was immediately impressed with the improvements Harry had made to the property. She took in the floating lanterns, the twinkling lights of the fairies and the beautiful fountain. It was all so…magical, she thought wryly. Sirius led her forward to the upper terrace where they were announced. The crowd turned and looked up at them as they descended the stairs. She picked Harry and Luna out immediately.

Harry looked up at the exquisite creature making its way down the stairs. She wore a lovely gown and even wore the jewels he had sent her. If Miss Lovegood was an angel by his side, then Miss Granger was the playful nymph he so lusted after. She let out a playful look to him as Sirius steered her toward some acquaintances of his. He had to fight the creature of jealousy down at the fact that she was on Sirus' arm not his. But, grinning wickedly to himself, he did have her in other ways.

The music for the waltz started up and Harry led Luna onto the the lower terrace to dance. He had a way of melting away the anxiety that ate at her. She was always a wallflower, standing in the shadows of her two friends. Now she felt as if she were the belle of the ball and that every eye was on her. Normally, this would send her running for the ladies' room but tonight, on Harry's arm, she felt confident and assure. Being on the arm of the most eligible bachelor of the Season without the pressure of a marriage offer had a way of boosting her confidence.

Hermione made her way to Ginny and Neville who were standing off to the side watching the others dance. Ron was standing near them, his eyes trained on Luna's every movement.

"Lovely ball isn't it?" Hermione asked Ginny when their greetings were over.

"It is! And look at Miss Lovegood, she looks positively divine!" Ginny gushed for her friend.

Hermione made sure her voice was loud enough for Ron to hear. "Look at the other husband hunters! They realize they have some serious competition in her." From the corner of her eye she saw Ron's lips tighten and she beamed in mischief. They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Harry and Luna walked up to them.

"Oh Hermione! That dress…ooh I'm so envious," Luna greeted her friends. Hermione gave a polite kiss on the cheek.

"You look like an absolute angel!" she answered. It was the truth, Luna did look wonderful. "You're dance card must be full by now." Luna blushed at this.

Harry decided to jump into the group, greeting them. "Sirius," he nodded to his godfather. "Miss Granger," he said in a low voice, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. Hermione instantly recognized the wicked gleam in his eyes and she flushed.

"Mr. Potter," she greeted, curtsying politely. She bit her lip ever so slightly as she did this, giving him a look that only he would know in their most intimate moments. He still held her hand and his gaze still held hers.

"You wouldn't mind if I stole your partner for this dance, would you?" he asked Sirius, drawing Hermione onto the dance floor, not bothering for a reply.

Sirius stood next to Luna and Ginny. "What on earth was that about?" he asked.

Ginny and Luna shrugged. "She can't stand the man," Ginny replied.

The music for the next dance started up and Sirius turned to Luna. "If your card isn't full," he asked and Luna smiled, giving him her hand. She now was on the arm of the second most eligible bachelor. She could've been smoldering under the looks the other women were giving her.

Harry slid his hand around Hermione's waist, drawing her close to him and he cradled her hand in his. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, breathing in the scent of her perfume.

"What a lovely piece of jewelry," he said, looking at the rubies resting just above her breasts. "And what an exquisite dress."

"Thank you," Hermione cooed.

"One would think you were hiding something underneath this glove," he said.

Hermione smiled seductively up at him. "Wherever did you get that idea?" she said as Harry's thumb brushed over her engagement ring that she was wearing tonight underneath her gloved hand. "Besides," she smirked, "you should see what I'm hiding underneath my skirts." Harry faltered in his steps and Hermione grinned.

"Get me alone with you and I'll be sure to find out," he grinned back.

"Tut, tut. Mr. Potter," Hermione frowned. "It is most improper for the host to leave his own party."

"Have I given you a tour of the house?" he asked.

"Oh, I've seen it already," she sighed. "Besides, I wouldn't dare leave this party alone with you, my reputation would be ruined."

"Ah, that was my intention," he smiled.

"And the husband hunters would have my head."

"Are they a vicious lot?"

"They are poised and ready to sink their claws into you."

Harry grimaced. "I shudder at the thought."

Hermione grew a mischievous grin on her face. "You should be terrified. Miss Bell! Miss Johsnon!" she waved the two ladies over as the song ended. "You have met Mr. Potter haven't you?" she asked. She looked over her shoulder as she walked away, watching her fiancé be swarmed with ladies eager for a chance in his affections. The look of panic on Harry's face was priceless and she giggled. He looked over at Hermione, his face determined. He would get her for this.


After her dance with Sirius, Luna was approached by another gentleman of the ton. When she was finished with that, she was surprised to see that she was surrounded by other gentlemen, all of them eager for her hand on the dance floor.

"Shall I get you something to eat, Miss Lovegood?"

"Shall I get you something to drink?"

"Shall I escort you to a bench so you can rest?"

She was feeling a bit overwhelmed and declared that she would head up to the house to the ladies resting room to rest her feet for awhile. After reassuring the men that she would indeed return, she fled to the house.

"Having a good time?" a voice spoke out from the shadows on the balcony terrace.

Luna startled and came to an immediate halt. She looked over at the source of the voice and saw Ron emerge from the shadows, a drink in hand.

Luna gathered her wits and straightened up. "I am. Thank you."

He strode casually over to her. "And are you enjoying the husband hunt?" he asked. Luna had no reply to this. "It certainly looks like you're having…a ball," he said, gesturing to the group of suitors that were eagerly awaiting her return.

Luna gathered her skirts. "I hope you are having fun. Now if you please," she turned to leave him.

"He's not that great you know. That Mr. Potter," Ron called out and trotted up to her. Luna huffed and kept walking. "I wouldn't place too much into his asking you to escort him to this ball."

She stopped and whirled to face him. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that he has no intention of taking you as a wife," Ron answered.

"Do you mean that I'm not good enough?" she asked with narrowed eyes then turned to continue on her way.

"That's not what I said," Ron followed her. "He told everyone--."

"So you sit around and discuss what an unworthy wife I would make?" She was flushed with anger as she whirled to face him.

"No…" This was not going how he intended. The words in the planned speech in his mind somehow lost their way somewhere along the journey to his mouth.

"Because let me tell you something, Ronald Weasley. I would make an excellent wife! I would-"

She was cut off by the feel of his lips suddenly on hers. The shock of this bold action along with the fireworks it sent through her body rendered her nearly speechless.


She let out a small whimper as his tongue touched her lips, asking for entrance and she complied. Suddenly, her eyes flew open as she came to her senses and backed away from him.


"You, Mr. Weasley, are the most intolerable rake I have ever had the displeasure of knowing," she spat and stormed into the house.


"He kissed you?" Hermione gasped.

Luna had met up with Ginny and Hermione in the resting room. They both sat in squashy chairs on either side of her fanning her with their fans, trying to get the flush out of her.

"In the open? In front of everyone?" Ginny gaped.

Luna shook her head. "Nobody saw this."

"But could have," Hermione pointed out.

"What is he trying to do to you?" Ginny tutted. "And he said what?"

"That Harry had told everyone that he had no intention of taking me for his wife," Luna answered.

Hermione looked uneasily at her friend. "You didn't want him to, did you?"

"Of course not!" Luna looked at her. "But honestly, what gentleman says those sort of things?" Hermione looked away guiltily.

"I told you he wasn't a gentleman!" Ginny repeated. "The names Ron has been calling him all this week…Father had to talk him out of a duel with Mr. Potter."

"What?!" Hermione and Luna asked.

"It's true! He had the letter and everything and father had to physically rip it out of his and tear it up."

Hermione was worried. She hadn't intended for things to go this far. Perhaps she should go and talk to Ron and explain to him that it was her idea that Harry ask Luna to the ball. But one look at her friend told her maybe she should wait on that. Luna had a dreamy look on her face.

"He did that? He really did that?" she asked.

"Of course he did! He's talked of nothing but defending your honor which is why he surprised me by his last action," Ginny said matter-of-factly.

Hermione closed her fan and gently tapped the inside of her hand with it. "Well, I say it's about time Mr. Weasley did something about our friend. Come," she stood. "Let us return to the ball."


They walked out into the foyer and Hermione gave a pause when she saw a faint sliver of light coming from the slightly ajar door to the drawing room. "I'll join you in a moment," she told her friends who then went on without her.

Hermione knew what she would find when she walked in the door. Harry stood by the piano, a candelabra rested on top. She closed the door and leaned back to rest on them. He said nothing as he approached her, pressed her against the doors, wrapping his arms around her, feeling her arms wrap around him as he kissed her lips. The kisses quickly escalated in passion and heat and he left her lips to kiss her neck and kiss his way down to the crests of her breasts. Hermione let out a soft moan as he licked the soft mounds, the heat of his hand coming through the silk fabric.

He moved down to cup her buttocks then lifted her skirts to her hips as he hooked a thigh over his hip. She did say he would be surprised at was she was hiding, or for that matter not hiding, beneath her skirts. It took all his willpower not to free himself from his trousers and delve himself into the moist warmth that was so exposed and ready for him.

And Hermione wanted it, oh how she wanted to feel him push into her, fill her, thrust in her and bring her to that heightened pleasure. She was rewarded, instead, with his hand. She let out a soft gasp as she felt his fingers enter her. She clutched at his shoulders and he sought out her lips again. She gave him entrance to her mouth, wishing she was granting him entrance elsewhere.

He could hear her soft whimpers, he had to fight the urge to take her against this door like she asked. But it was too risky, they both knew that they would be caught at any moment. And besides, he had other motives for his actions.

Hermione felt the familiar coiling between her thighs, could feel her pleasure begin to lift her. Harry recognized the change in her breathing, the tightening grip of her hands on his shoulders. She was nearly there and exactly where he wanted her. And with a groan of protest, he removed his fingers from her.

"That was a cruel trick you played, leaving me to the harpies," he whispered in her ear.

"What?" Hermione breathed, still dazed from being yanked from her heights. She saw the mischievous grin on his face and she scowled. She knew he wasn't going to finish what he started. "Ooh, you are no gentleman," she muttered, setting her leg that been deliciously hooked around him to the ground.

He laughed and tilted her chin up to him. "Now we are even, my nymph," he said and kissed her lightly on the lips before taking his leave from the room.

Hermione huffed and straightened her dress, using a small mirror on the wall to touch up her appearance. She then stormed out of the room, her temperament was edgy due to the state of incompleteness that Harry had left her in. A nymph, am I?

"Miss Granger," a voice called out when she reached the terrace.

"What?" she snapped then immediately recovered, realizing she shouldn't take her temper out on poor Mr. Weasley.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Of course, I'm fine," she waved him off. "I'm sorry, what did you need?"

"Have you seen Miss Lovegood?"

"I think she might be on the dance floor again," Hermione answered.

He accompanied her down to the lower terrace where she found Harry dancing once again with Luna. Her eyes narrowed at him.

"There you are, Hermione!" Sirius called out. "Care for a dance?"

"Yes, yes of course," she said.

To her dismay, Harry and Luna made their way over to them as they danced.

"Miss Granger, are you enjoying the ball?" he asked.

"I am, thank you," she replied, coolly.


Ron watched as Luna danced with Harry, laughing in his arms as they chatted with Miss Granger and Mr. Black. He had never been so envious of his friend than he did now. Mercifully, the dance ended and he strode out to face Harry. He had waited long enough and marched onto the floor.

"Pardon me but may I intrude on this dance?" he asked his former best friend.

"But of course," Harry said cheerfully, relinquishing his beautiful partner. Harry's eagerness to give up Luna caught Ron by surprise. He was half expecting him to protest, he had a long fight staged out in his mind.

Luna's heart raced as Ron took her in his arms. "You know, my dance card is full."

"I don't care," he said. "They can wait all night because I've waited for this chance."

"I heard that you wanted to duel with Harry," she said bravely. Ron stopped dancing and looked at her. "Is it true?"

"Yes," he whispered, resuming the dance. "Does that anger you?"


He held her a little closer. "What time shall I come over tomorrow morning to speak to your father?" Luna grinned.

Harry went back to the upper terrace where he had last seen Hermione head. He found her by the dessert table talking to Miss Weasley. He headed toward her but was thwarted by Mr. Arthur Weasley who wanted to talk about his latest acquisition of muggle artifacts. Politely Harry listened, keeping Hermione in the corner of his eye but she wasn't moving, she seemed deep in her conversation.

But it wasn't true, Hermione was well aware that Harry was watching her. She listened as Ginny lamented on her brother's ungentlemanly behavior to her friend. Hermione scanned the desserts on the table then picking up the appropriate one, she began to indulge in it.

As Mr. Weasley rambled on, Harry glanced at Hermione and froze, his eyes wide before ripping his attention away from her and back to Mr. Weasley. She had been eating one of the pastries, a long éclair, and he couldn't help but notice how her tongue twirled around it, licking the frosting. A familiar action to him and it brought forth forbidden images of their latest frolic in her bedroom.

Hermione grinned and nibbled on the end of it and her tongue tasted the delightful cream inside. She saw Harry shift uncomfortably where he stood. Good, it served him right. Neville joined Ginny and Hermione left the couple to whisper endearments to each other. Harry saw her leave and excused himself from Mr. Weasley.

"Put that detestable thing down," he whispered behind her.

Hermione turned and looked at him. "No, I don't think so," she smiled and turned back to her dessert.

"Then I can't be held responsible for my actions," he muttered, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

Hermione was unforgiving. "Serves you right for your actions earlier," she sniffed.

Harry took the éclair from her hands and plopped in onto a plate and handing it off to the nearest server. "Touche," he said. "And to show no ill will, may I have a dance?" He offered his arm to her.

Hermione gladly took it and he led her down to the dance floor. "You know that people are already whispering? We have been dancing far too much already."

Harry grinned. "Then let us wet their appetites with scandalous behavior."

He drew Hermione to him for the waltz, holding her a little too close than was appropriate. A forbidden touch here, a whisper of something naughty there. Hermione shivered with arousal when she felt Harry's gaze on her when she danced with other partners. They would come together again a few dances later.

"Take me to the house, Harry," Hermione whispered.

"Soon, love, soon," he would answer as his hands slid down her back.

Opportunity came when his duties as host called him to the house to oversee the final preparations for dinner. He had just given instructions to his house elf to announce dinner and was walking down a corridor when familiar hands seized him and dragged him into a darkened room.

"The library," he whispered, "my second favorite room in this house." He sought Hermione's lips as she pressed him to the wall.

"Second favorite?" she asked between frenzied kisses. His hands were hot against the skin of her breasts as his hand reached into the bodice of the dress to free them. She moaned softly as his lips assaulted her.

"I haven't had you in my bedroom," he answered then added, "yet."

He switched their positions, stifling a groan as Hermione rubbed against his achingly hard manhood. He pressed himself against her, cursing the material that separated them. The unfinished ache that filled Hermione increased as he rubbed himself against her. His hands moved from her breasts, down her sides to her buttocks then to the backs of her thighs.

But he stilled when he heard the crowd begin to filter in from the outside. He and Hermione looked at each other, resigned. It was his duty to greet his guests in the dining room.

"Harry," she protested when he resumed his actions.

"Shh, we'll be quick," he whispered.

She lifted her skirts as he braced her against the wall, she wrapping her thighs around his hips. She fumbled with his breeches as he held her, releasing him from their constraint.
The din of the crowd grew louder and she gasped when she felt him rub against her moist sex. He groaned as he slid against her, seeking entrance to nirvana.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Damnation!" he cursed under his breath.

"Mr. Potter, the guests are waiting," Dobby said quietly through the door. He knew better than to barge into a room when his master was in it with a lady.

With a sigh, Harry released Hermione to the floor. She hastily adjusted her bodice to hide any improprieties.

"Come to me after the ball," she whispered. "I'll wait up for you." She kissed him once more before leaving the room. Harry needed to take a moment alone to make himself presentable to his guests.


Hermione sighed dreamily as she rested her head against the windowpane of the carriage. It truly was a delightful night. Sirius was going to visit Madame Rosemerta tonight so he apparated away after Hermione insisted she was fine going home alone. She wrapped her cloak tighter around her and shivered with anticipation of Harry's touch. He would be meeting her tonight in her room and it was that thought that got her through dinner. She couldn't stand it whenever Harry's lips closed around a morsel to eat.

But it was a good night overall. Luna had sat next to her, Ron at her side, and whispered excitedly that Ron had made an appointment to speak with her father in the morning! Oh, she was so happy for her friend. She hoped that Ron would forgive Harry when he told him of the ruse. It seemed like he did, they were laughing and smiling as Ron said goodbye, leaving to escort Miss Lovegood home.

Hermione was one of the last to leave and Harry escorted her to her carriage. Soon, was the message in his eyes. He would see her soon.

With a start, she looked out the window and saw with a panic that they were no longer on the road home anymore. In fact, she didn't recognize the road at all. She leaned forward to speak to her driver.

"Detour, Miss," he said.

A panic filled Hermione, maybe she shouldn't have gone home alone. But soon the carriage stopped and she jumped when the door opened. Harry stood there grinning.

"Harry, what are you…?" she was at a loss for words.

"This way, my love," he said, motioning out of the carriage.

Hermione peeked out of the carriage and gasped when she saw Godric's Hollow in front of her. She took his hand and stepped out of the carriage. The house was quiet, all the guests had gone home and the sky was a dull grey with the impending dawn. He led her into a side entrance into the home, the servants were busy cleaning up after the ball and paid no mind to the two of them. That or they were too polite to say anything and did their jobs well. It didn't bother her though, she would be the lady of this house soon so they should get accustomed to her and Harry being together.

Up the stairs, he led her, smiling back at her reassuringly as he headed to his room. He opened the door for her and let her walk through first. As soon as he closed the door they came at each other, seeking the conclusion to what they had started in the library.

His kisses were frenzied and filled with lust and she responded to that. The dress was too fine and he had to control his fingers as they worked the buttons, restraining the desire to tear it off her. The dress fell to the floor and she stood in front of him wearing a crimson silk corset, silk stockings with delicate flowers embroidered on them and held up with matching silk garters. She thought she heard him growl before he kissed her hard, pushing her down to the floor.


That would be the word to describe what was happening to her. They would never make it to the bed, he had to have her now. Resting between her thighs, he struggled to take off his jacket, his cravat, his shirt with Hermione's assistance as he kissed her lips, her cheeks, her neck, her chest. Frustration set in, it was all taking too long and he worked on his breeches, pushing them down past his thighs. Still half dressed, he plunged into her and she cried out in delight.

Relief, sweet relief was what filled him. He had been wanting this all night. He couldn't wait to meet her at her home so he had instructed that her driver bring her back to his home. He was paid well for this. Now he had his Hermione here with him. He pulled out of her to relax himself or it would be all over too soon. She whimpered in protest but his hands massaged her thighs, moving to untie the garters and slide the stockings down her legs, his tongue following their path. Together they slowly finished undressing each other, stopping once in awhile to take carnal pleasure in one another.

"The bed," she whispered hotly in his ear. "Take me in your bed."

She had yet to have him there. The place she had wanted to have him for so long, his own bed, where he lay, where no one else would lay save her.

He lifted her easily and placed her on the bed. Hermione stood on her knees as he kissed her neck and caressed her breasts. She drew him onto the bed with her, pulling back the covers and letting him slip under. She moved on top of him, lowering herself onto him and a small hiss escaped his lips. He held her hips as she rocked above him, her hands splayed on his hard chest. She bit her lip and moaned, the expression was one of Harry's favorites. She was close.

He stilled her to flip her under him. Hermione took a moment to rest her head on familiar pillows, breathe in the familiar scents of his bed. A moment was all he could give her until he invaded all her senses. With every thrust he brought her closer to that familiar edge. Their kisses were broken as they gasped and moaned in their passion for each other. He felt her hands clutch him closer to her and he felt her walls tighten around him before she cried out in ecstasy. With a groan he followed her over that precipice, pleasure filling him as he released himself into her. A random thought entered his mind and he realized he hadn't put a silencing charm on the room, they could have easily been heard. But it made no matter, she was his fiancé.

The thick curtains blocked out the rising sun as they lay in bed together. Hermione was cradled in his arms, her back to his front. Together they drifted in and out of sleep, she could tell when he was sleeping by his breathing patterns. He was awake now and she turned to face him. He smiled down at her and played with the curls in her hair.

"Have I told you how deliriously happy I am?" she whispered, touching his cheek with the back of her fingers. Harry gave a small smile back.

"Marry me," he said.

She laughed. "I already said yes!"

"No. I mean, marry me. Now. Today," he repeated. Hermione's smile faded, not sure if she was comprehending him.

He moved over her, kissing her. "Say yes," he whispered as he placed a leg between hers, parting them. "Say yes."

"Yes," she gasped as he entered her.

"Yes?" he asked, kissing her neck then her lips softly.

She nodded and wrapped her legs around him as he gently moved above her. "Yes."
