Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Four: A Chance Encounter

Harry took a morning stroll of his grounds at Godric's Hollow. It was quiet and peaceful and it made Harry nervous. For a large part of his life, he had been surrounded in war. At the age of eleven, he had learned the truth of what had truly happened to his parents, that it wasn't just a magical accident. Lord Voldemort had murdered them, given up by a trusted friend. He learned that his parents were in a secret organization called the Order of the Phoenix, a group of spies led by Dumbledore to wage an underground war against Lord Voldemort and his fellow Death Eaters. Voldemort ruthlessly hunted his parents down and murdered them but somehow when he tried to cast the killing curse on himself, it backfired, and Harry was left with a scar on his forehead and deeper scars inside. He became bent on revenge. Everything he learned at Hogwarts he used to sharpen his skills preparing for the day when he would face his enemy and take him down.

At fourteen, he had unwillingly participated in the rebirth of Lord Voldemort. Kidnapped and tortured, he had barely escaped with his life but Voldemort was alive. His reign of terror was more deadly than the first claiming many casualties. At fifteen, he had learned that the reason Voldemort was after him was due to a prophecy. He was the only one who could destroy him, he had to for neither could survive whilst the other lived. This was justification for his actions.

Casualties took many forms. Harry had given up his first love, Cho Chang, there were more important things at the time. Like revenge on the wizard who had caused him so much pain. When Harry had graduated from Hogwarts, he turned his back on his godfather and enlisted in the war. Sirius had wanted him to come home but Harry stayed by Dumbledore's side. A decision that was necessary for him to meet his goals.

The fruition of which happened on the fields just outside of Hogwarts. He had him there. He had disarmed him. Harry looked down upon the wizard with hate and he thought of his revenge as he cast the killing curse. The moment the curse had left his wand, he knew something went wrong. The spell was powerful and it knocked Voldemort flat on his back. But it didn't kill him. It knocked his life essence out of him. Dumbledore had approached him at that time and had seen the spirit curse Harry then flee away into the darkness of the nearby forests.

Harry never forgot the look on Dumbledore's face. He looked at him with a mixture of disappointment and pity. The wizarding world had counted on him to defeat the Dark Lord and he had failed. But by then, others had seen Voldemort's lifeless body on the ground and the word quickly spread that he was defeated once again before Dumbledore or Harry could stop it.

Voldemort would not bother them again for some time and Harry had nothing left to do but pack up and go home to a life he had left behind so many years ago. Dumbledore had summoned him to his office before Harry left.

"Tell me, Harry," he had said, "what was it that you were feeling when you cast the Killing Curse on him?"

Harry frowned and shrugged. It was so obvious to him. "Revenge," he answered simply.

Dumbledore nodded and frowned. "Well, Harry, good luck to you. And I sincerely hope you find what it is you are truly looking for in life."

Harry had thought a lot about those words. When he had cast the curse, it felt wrong and empty. He got no satisfaction that he had destroyed Voldemort to a mere spirit. But he had filled himself with the idea for revenge for so long, that he didn't know what else to feel. So he buried himself in his home life. He would return as Lord to his lands, be the good person who tended to his people, find a proper wife, have a few kids and find the peace that had eluded him his entire life.

"Hello Harry," said a familiar voice.

Harry was startled out of his thoughts by a visitor. "Professor Dumbledore, sir."

The old man smiled kindly at him. "I hope I'm not bothering you? Your house elf let me in and I said I would find you myself. Such a lovely day for a stroll isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," Harry agreed.

"You have a very nice property. It's always been one of my favorites," Dumbledore said.

"You are welcome here anytime, of course," Harry offered.

Dumbledore smiled kindly. "Well, Harry, I've come here on some business."

"Any word about him?" Harry asked, speaking of Voldemort.

"I'm afraid not. That is what has me uneasy. His Death Eaters have become silent and are reemerging into the wizarding world," Dumbledore sighed. "I'm re-organizing the Order. They are needed at this time to be my eyes and ears."

"I want in," Harry said immediately.

"I figured you would, Harry. But I must warn you that you will have to interact with the previous members. And get along with them on a professional level, leaving personal matters outside of your duties," Dumbledore said cryptically. Harry knew he was speaking of his godfather.

"Yes sir. I understand," Harry said earnestly.

"We will be doing some recruiting. Think carefully of whom you wish to bring in the circle," Dumbledore said. Harry immediately thought of Ron, Neville, Fred and George. He would speak to them individually about this in private. "I will send word of where and when our first meeting will be held. In the meantime, take care, Harry. And uh…good luck on your current endeavor." The old man's eyes twinkled and Harry shifted uncomfortably.

After Dumbledore had left, Harry returned to the manor to ready himself for a brunch with the Diggory's. He apparated just outside their quaint tudor and was greeted by a house elf with large violet eyes. It had been a long time since he had seen Cho and she was just as lovely as he remembered her to be. She and Cedric were expecting their first child and it made her more radiant. But the puppy love had worn off and Harry saw her as she was to him, a good friend.

"Harry! I'm so pleased you could make it!" Cho said cheerfully as she rose from her seat to greet him.

"You look lovely as usual," Harry said warmly then shook Cedric's hand in an earnest greeting. "Congratulations Diggory," Harry said, speaking of the expectant child. Cedric had served under Harry but when news of Cho's pregnancy came about, Harry had him transferred out of the battlegrounds and into a safer, clerical position. Cedric had been glad about that. He was able to come home to his wife and be with her while still apparating to London once in awhile to take care of business.

"And how are you, Harry? Able to get the peace and quiet you deserve?" he asked.

"It will happen," Harry shrugged.

"Sooner than later if Cho has her way," Cedric muttered and Cho playfully hit her husband with her fan and gave him a cold look. Cedric shrugged and gave Harry an apologetic look.

"This way, Harry," Cho said, leading Harry out of the house and to the patio where a table was set up.

Harry could now see why Cedric was apologizing. He was pleased to see Neville at the table sitting next to Miss Weasley. And next to Miss Weasley was, to Harry's delight, Miss Brown. It was very obvious that Cho was doing a little matchmaking, but it didn't upset Harry. She could've set him up with much worse.

The brunch was a pleasant affair with light and playful chatter. When the tea was finished, Cho rose from her chair and suggested that they all take a walk on the grounds to see the remodels she had done to the gardens. The couples paired off and slowly began to put some distance between each other as they walked through the grounds.

Lavender looked very pretty in the pale pink dress she wore, although the hat she was wearing seemed a bit annoying. But as she explained, she had delicate skin that was subject to freckles in the sun. The mysteries of feminine beauty ideals was a topic that Harry steered clear from.

"So…," Harry said, fetching for a topic to converse on. "You will be going to Falbrooke tomorrow night?" he asked.

"Oh yes," Lavender answered enthusiastically. "It's the official start of the season! Everyone is going to be there."

Unease settled in Harry. He was uncomfortable enough at the dinner at the Burrow and that only had a few people. Now it seemed all of wizarding society would turn up at Falbrooke. Harry briefly wished he hadn't sent his acceptance.

"You know, it has been so long since Godric's Hollow has received visitors," Lavender said. "Now that you own it, are you going to open it up?"

"Do you think I should?" Harry asked.

"Yes, people would love to see it. I should enjoy it, I've never been there," she said.

Harry smiled down at her. "Perhaps I should open it up. I'll probably have to host a dance."

Lavender's eyes lit up. "That would be magnificent!"

"I shall think about it then," Harry said. In truth, he had no idea how to go about doing these things. Maybe the house elves did, he'd ask them when he returned home.


Falbrooke was large. Its many windows were lit in the evening somehow making the large structure more imposing. Or maybe it was all in his head. Harry stood next to Ron who was gaping up at the place.

"Well," Ron said. "I believe we should go in. We can't stand out here forever Harry."

Harry had been the one holding them back. His nerves were on edge, there were so many people here and already they were pointing and whispering at him as they arrived. Twice he had failed to summon the courage to march ahead. But Ron pushed him forward.

"A Mr. Ronald Weasley and Mr. Harry Potter," they were announced.

Harry felt every eye turn on him and he wanted to run but he was swallowed in the crowd. The room was gold and gilded, the floating candles put a bright glow in the room. There were so many people here and all of them dressed smartly.

"It's so good to meet you, Mr. Potter!"

"This is my daughter, Miss Emmaline Smith."

"Cheers to the war hero!"

"What was it like defeating You-Know-Who?"

"May I introduce you to the Misses Parvati and Padma Patil?"

"It's such a pleasure to finally meet you."

"I've heard so much about you!"

The walls slowly began to close in on him and he had miraculously managed to make it out into the near empty foyer. He felt trapped and he felt as if his lungs were being squeezed. There were stairs next to him and he took them to the upper floor where it was quiet. Large portraits hung on the wall and looked at him curiously as he passed. The doors were open in one room, revealing a large library. The stacks went clear up to the high ceiling, the tables were piled with papers of the Quibbler. A cool breeze floated in from open doors that led to a balcony. Harry stepped onto it and immediately found that he was not alone.

"Oh! I beg your pardon!" he said quickly.

The young woman who was there started and looked up at him. Harry felt as if he were suddenly knocked to the floor. His world literally felt like it shifted. She was the most beautiful young woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her lovely cinnamon colored hair was piled graciously on the top of her perfect head revealing a long and slender neck. Her eyes were pools of brown that Harry wanted to drown himself in. Her cute little nose led to cherubic lips that begged to be kissed. She wore a rust colored gown with a daring and revealing v-neck that gave just a glimpse of the wonderous flesh that lay beneath it. Then she spoke and it was the most beautiful sound Harry had ever heard.

"It's quite alright. The balcony is big enough for two."

Hermione had to choke those words out. She hoped she didn't sound like a fool. The young man startled her and when she turned to look at him she felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Goosebumps rose on her flesh and there suddenly seemed to be no air to breathe. He was handsome. Devastatingly handsome. He was tall and slender, his dark hair seemed slightly unruly but seemed to emphasize a hidden wildness underneath. His emerald green eyes bore into hers and she felt as if she was being plundered, willfully ravaged. She felt like a rabbit trapped by a fox. All her flirtations had flown out and left her behind to tremble like a silly little girl. He stepped onto the balcony, accepting her offer with a smile. Her hand that rested on the rail, suddenly gripped it as if her life depended on it. She needed to pull herself together.

Harry looked at her curiously. It was improper for him to be alone with her without an escort. Her reputation would be at stake if anyone should find them here together alone. But he wouldn't pass up an invitation like this and as he stepped onto the balcony he felt a tingling sensation, something that told him that this was a moment he wouldn't ever forget.

"I needed to get away from there," he said gratefully. Instantly he wished he could take that back. He sounded like a coward.

"It is overwhelming," she said. "All those people."

"Talking," Harry added.

"Whispering softly," Hermione added.

"Knowing they're...talking about you." Harry looked at her. They had both finished his sentence.

Hermione held his gaze for a moment then looked away and laughed lightly. "I'm sorry, you must think me a coward."

"No, no I don't," Harry answered softly. "I apparated here and it took me three ties to work the nerve to step inside." Hermione laughed again and Harry felt his insides somersault.

"At least you can apparate," she said. "I had a long carriage ride to work up the nerve."

"It does seem a bit unfair that only wizards can apparate," Harry said.

Hermione tilted her lead and looked at him. "Do you really think so?" she asked and Harry nodded.

"I think women should know as much as the men do about magic. It would come in handy." Harry sadly thought of villages that had been ravaged by Voldemort. Many of the casualties had been women and children. If only they had know how to protect themselves.

"I envy you," she sighed. "Studying under the tutelage of Albus Dumbledore. Learning all those spells."

"He truly is a great teacher," Harry agreed. "But I'm sure they teach witches some handy spells at Beauxbatons?"

Hermione scoffed. "I have a large repertoire of cleaning and cooking spells. You know the everyday household kinds."

"Did they not teach you any defense spells?" Harry asked, surprised.

Hermione shrugged. "Why would they? Why would we have any use of them for?" Harry heard the disdain in her voice. "Besides, the war is over now."

"Wars are never over," Harry said softly.

"I agree," Hermione said gently. This man was obviously a soldier. What horrors had this Adonis seen?

Harry looked over at her. "Would you like me to teach you one?" he asked.

Her eyes sparkled. "Oh, yes!" she said eagerly and reached down the front of her dress for her wand. Hermione inwardly cringed. Had she really just done that? Harry looked at her, an amused look in his eyes. He stepped closer to her.

"I'm going to teach you a disarming spell," he said. "Although I really don't think you need magic to disarm a man." It came out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Was he under the Imperius? Where had that come from? Was he flirting? He cleared his throat. "The incantation is Expelliarmus."

"Expelliarmus," Hermione repeated.

"Very good," Harry said. "Now the motion to make is this." He made a slashing motion with his wand. Hermione repeated it but didn't quite nail it down. "No, more like this," he repeated the movement again, this time a little slower. Hermione mimicked him, a little frustrated because she really wanted to learn this and didn't want to look like a complete imbecile.

"Here, let me." Harry walked over to her and stood next to her, his hand reached and wrapped around hers that was holding her wand. A shock ran through them both at his touch but Harry bravely didn't step away. He concentrated at the task at hand and not on the feel of her skin under his hand, the underlying fragrance of flowers from her perfume, the closeness of her.

Hermione wanted to lean back and melt into him. She wanted the hand that rested on hers to wander all over her. She breathed him in and closed her eyes briefly. A heated flush crept over her. She made the slashing motion with him and then again. The air around them was fragrant and warm. The fairies that had decorated the gardens flew by them once in awhile, little soft glowing balls of light.

Harry left her side to face her again. "Now," his voice was barely above a whisper. "Disarm me."


Harry's wand flew out of his hand and into the library. She had done it. But she didn't shout out and rejoice. She just stood in front of him, transfixed.

"Accio wand," Hermione said carelessly and Harry's wand flew into her waiting hand.

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest as he slowly walked over to her. Was it the exhilaration of the new spell? The trouble that he could get into for teaching her this? Harry didn't know and didn't care. All he knew, as he approached her, was that he was going to kiss her. He had to.

"Thank you," he whispered as he took the wand from her hand. But he didn't move and Hermione didn't protest or try to move away. She watched as he lowered his head to hers, closed her eyes as she felt his breath hot on her lips. Harry pressed his lips lightly against hers, feeling something burst inside of him.

Magic. That's what it was.

Oh, what was he doing? This was so unheard of and he'd never been so bold in his life. What had come over him? It was something in the air, something in the moment that made his actions make sense. There was no turning back, propriety or not, he wouldn't leave this moment.

Was this a dream? It had to be, how else could she explain what had happened? The most handsome man she had ever met stepped onto the balcony with her, talked with her, kissed her. She became very aware of her surroundings, felt the goosebumps on her skin, his body so close to hers. She normally teased and played with the men before deciding if she would give him the opportunity to kiss her. But she hadn't had a coherent thought since he stepped onto the balcony with her. It was the lightest of kisses and her lips were soft under his but they both felt as if they had stumbled upon something explosive, it simmered and bubbled, waiting…waiting…

Harry ended the kiss with a small peck to her cheek. What was he doing, the logical side to him was screaming. This was most improper, meeting a stranger on the balcony, kissing her although she didn't protest. It was all very strange…but right. It felt right, deep down something inside clicked into place. He gave a small laugh as he stepped away.

"This is a little late but I don't even know your name," he said smiling.

Hermione laughed at the absurdity of it all. "You're absolutely right! My name-"

"There you are!" The sound of Sirius' voice was the pin that burst her bubble of enchantment. "I thought I would find you in the…library." Sirius' voice trailed off at the end when he saw her companion.

Hermione felt like a child who had been caught doing something naughty. She was flushed and stammered out her next words. "Sirius, er, Mr. Black this is…"

"Harry," Sirius answered for her. "Harry Potter."

Harry suddenly dreaded this moment and braced himself for the usual reaction. The wide eyes, the flickering glance to his scar. But he was not at all prepared for the look on the young lady's face. She looked at him as if he were an insect she had inadvertently squashed with a satin slipper.

"I see you have met the lovely Miss Granger," Sirius said smiling.

Harry masked the shock on his face. Miss Granger? Hermione Granger? He put her lovely face to the stories the men had told that night at the Burrow and he couldn't believe it.

"I'm glad to see you are returned home safe and sound," Sirius said.

"Thank you, sir," Harry replied.

"Are you planning on staying?"

"I have taken up residency in Godric's Hollow." Harry felt a twinge of guilt for not seeing his godfather sooner.

"And so the prodigal son returns," Sirius said with a hint of amusement.

Harry gave a short laugh and changed the topic. "I hear you have made quite a fortune for yourself."

Hermione who had said nothing the entire time was in an outrage. She huffed loudly, gathered her skirts and abruptly left the company of the gentlemen. Harry and Sirius both stepped forward to stop her but then looked at each other awkwardly. It suddenly occurred to Harry that Sirius had come into the library looking for Miss Granger. He had no idea what was the relationship between them, he could be courting her for all he knew. Oh, but he had to know what had upset Miss Granger and why she had looked at him the way she did.

Sirius took advantage of Harry's pause and continued on his way to pursue the young lady. With irritation, Harry let him go on. Miss Granger would be on the dance floor soon. He could catch her there.

Sirius caught up with her in the corridor. He caught her upper arm and turned her to face him. "May I ask what has gotten you all upset?"

Hermione looked at him appalled. "I don't believe you! How can you stand there and be amicable with that…that…man after all he has done to you!" Her voice was a harsh whisper.

"Hermione, he is like a son to me. In my eyes he can do no evil. Frankly, I'm happy to have him returned to me in one piece."

Hermione clucked her tongue impatiently. "He abandoned you, Sirius. Abandoned you to run off and join a war."

"He had his reasons."

"There is no excuse to turn your back on the ones you love." She turned to leave again but Sirius put out his hand to stop her. A sharp look from her and he let her go.

The noise of the crowd from the ballroom spilled into the foyer as she went down the stairs. This would not do, she was in a horrible mood, so much had happened just moments ago. She took a calming breath and composed herself before walking into the room. She sought Ginny and Luna out immediately and stood by their sides.

"So many people here this time," Hermione commented.

"The end of the war has brought people out for celebration," Luna explained. "Plus I added the bonus of inviting two of the most eligible bachelors." She nodded toward the doors as Sirius walked into the room.

"Yes, I can't believe Mr. Black was brave enough to show up tonight," Hermione said, watching the mothers and daughters eye him curiously. Her view became blocked by two stocky identical red heads.

"Hello dear sister," one of them said.

"Might I add that you look delightful tonight?" said the other.

Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes at them. She turned to Hermione and said in a dull tone. "May I introduce my brothers Fred and George Weasley. Fred, George, this is Miss Hermione Granger."

"Lovely to meet you," Fred said, raising her hand and kissing the back of it. Hermione's eyebrows rose.

"Very fortunate for the introduction," George said, mimicking his brother's actions.

"Twins! My, my," Hermione smiled and they grinned back.

"Have you met many before?" George asked.

"No. You two get the honor of being the first set I've met," she replied.

There was a slight commotion at the other side of the room and Hermione saw that Harry had entered the room. The ladies looked torn between Sirius and Harry. She saw that he was scanning the room and her stomach contracted when his eyes locked with hers. She hastily looked away but it was too late. He was coming forward to approach her. She shifted uncomfortably, looking for a way out. The music began for the first dance of the evening and Fred turned to her.

"May I?" he asked. She looked over his shoulder. Harry was nearly upon her.

"Of course!" she said brightly and took his hand to the dance floor.

Harry's eyes narrowed as he watched Fred escort Hermione for the first dance of the evening. She had seen him coming and was deliberately avoiding him. Extremely put out, Harry sought out Miss Brown.

As they danced, Hermione could see Harry in the corner of her eye dancing with Miss Brown. Good, keep him occupied, she thought. But she could feel him watching her once in awhile. The dance ended and Harry cursed silently as George stepped in his brother's place. Fine then, the next dance. She couldn't hide from him forever. But the next dance she took with Ron Weasley, and the next with Fred again. Sirius looked as if he would approach her but Hermione threw him a scathing look that told him not to even try it. She had managed to avoid Harry so far but her luck soon ran out.

"Shall I get us some drinks?" Fred asked.

Hermione was a bit parched. "Yes, please," she said and stood off to the side, waiting for him. Leaving her without a partner as the next dance began. Harry took this opportunity.

"Would you care to accompany me for this dance?" he asked her.

Hermione looked up at him. "No."

Harry's jaw tightened. He was quickly losing his patience with her. She gave out a small sound of protest when he grabbed her hand and practically yanked her onto the floor. Harry and Hermione could hear the flurry of whispers as they stood opposite each other. Miss Brown was throwing daggers at the back of Hermione's head. Anger burned in Hermione. How DARE he! Fine, if he wanted to hash this out now, so be it. They bowed to each other at the start of the dance, both of them throwing challenging glares.

"I should like to know why you looked at me the way you did when you learned my name," Harry said coolly.

"Because I think you're a cad," Hermione answered.

"I assume it's because of our little scene on the balcony."

Hermione scoffed. "That little scene on the balcony would not have occurred had you been a gentleman and told me your name."

"If I can recall correctly, you were a very willing participant," Harry muttered and Hermione flushed. "Very well, it's not that. This was the first time we have met so I can't think of any other way I've offended you."

"Mr. Black," she answered.


"Yes, I don't like you because of the way you treated your godfather." Harry missed a step in the dance but recovered quickly. Hermione had a small smile of triumph.

"I hardly think that it's any business of yours," Harry said harshly.

"My friends' well-beings are my business," she retorted.

"Is that what Sirius is?" he asked. It came out more bitter than he had intended. Hermione didn't answer, she just gave him a secretive smile. Harry had to willfully suppress the urge to punch or throw something against the wall.

He was still simmering with anger when dinner was finally announced. He watched as Fred and George escorted Hermione into the dining hall, taking seats on either side of her. He sought out Lavender. Lavender was quiet, Lavender was safe. He forced pleasant conversation with those around him but her laughter would sometimes ring out as one of the twins whispered something to her. She was thoroughly irritating him and he looked up at her once and caught her eye. He could see her humor was forced as well. He could see her anger with him bubbling under the surface. Good, he thought. Her dinner was ruined as well. Mr. Weasley was right, that young woman was trouble in a neat little package indeed.
