Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Thanks for all the great reviews from everyone. This chapter will be rated NC-17 for…well, um, you'll see.

Chapter Twelve: Masquerade

Hermione looked at herself in the mirror, summoning up the courage to go downstairs. The music and noise from below drifted into the room. Draco was waiting for her. She picked up the red rose on her table and placed it into her hair. She wore a white dress lined with lace and a black bodice. The laces were done up the front, the sleeves of the dress were capped and fell off the shoulder revealing her smooth creamy skin. She checked the laces and adjusted the bodice. The top of it ended just below her breasts, the white material gave the faintest hint of the rosy nipples underneath.

She held a small crystal vial in front of her, the crystal clear contents sparkled within. She slipped the vial into her wristlet. She could do this. She would be able to seduce Draco, slip the potion into his drink and bring him up here to her room and ask the questions that she needed to know.

She picked up the velvet black mask, it was a half mask covering only the top half of her face. She placed it on her head then took one more calming breath before opening the door and going down to the party.

Harry lifted himself up one more limb then reached out and climbed atop a ledge. He climbed over the balcony and peeked into the room. It was empty. He carefully and quietly opened the window and slipped inside. He went to the door and put his ear to it, the hall seemed quiet. He threw on his invisibility cloak and slipped out into the hall and followed the music downstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, a couple was enamorously entangled and with great relief Harry saw that the young lady had blond hair. The music of violins filled the air playing a strangely arousing melody as he continued on his way. He was careful not to tread on toes or bump into anyone. But he doubted if some people even noticed him if he did.

He walked into a room with rose colored wallpaper and matching plush sofas framed in a dark wood. There was a couple sitting on a chair, the woman had dark hair and was rocking slowly on an older gentleman's lap, who oddly bore a striking resemblance to the Minister of Magic. The woman's face was hidden, her mouth slightly open as she let out a moan. Her skirts were gathered at her hips while the gentleman's trousers lay slack on his knees. That wasn't Hermione either.

Next to the chair was a sofa upon which two young men sat, a young woman with blond hair lay across the two of them. One of the men kissed her lips and fondled her breasts while the other had a hand up her skirts.

Hermione's plan was not going as she had imagined. As she went downstairs to search for Draco she had to fend off a number of gentlemen who wanted to drag her into a dark corner. And then when she found him, he was already indulging himself with a pretty girl with brown hair dressed as a harem girl. When she finally pried him away from her she found that he was a little into his cups. Now she found herself pressed awkwardly and painfully up against a bookshelf while his lips sloppily assaulted her and his hands awkwardly fumbled her. She was quickly losing her patience.




"What?" he asked impatiently.

"Let's take a small break and enjoy some of the refreshments."

"I am enjoying something," he mumbled then went back to her neck. She wriggled herself away from him.

"Maybe so but I'm going to need a break," she said coyly. "A woman can handle only so much pleasure and I need to build my stamina for what I hope will be a very long night," she winked at him and walked away. Draco followed her willingly.

The banquet room held a long table that was piled with food and drink. Hermione picked up a small plate and began to pile food onto it, Draco did the same. Hermione turned and handed him her plate.

"I'll get us some drinks," she said cheerfully.

She walked to the other side of the room and picked up two flutes and filled them with champagne. Taking a quick look around her, she quickly took out the vial and poured a few drops into one of the glasses.

"Thank you," she said when she returned to him and exchanged a flute for her plate. She raised her glass for a toast. "Here's to a lovely evening," she said.

"A very eventful evening," he offered suggestively.

Hermione raised the glass to her lips and watched as he did the same. The champagne nearly touched his lips when he suddenly brought his arm down.

"Isn't that Sirius Black?" he asked.

Hermione turned and saw indeed that he had entered the room and began to help himself to some food. He was here to make sure Hermione's plan was seen to the end and it helped that he already had an invitation from Madame Rosemerta.

"He's a jealous fellow isn't he?" Draco asked.

Hermione looked at the untasted champagne in his glass. "Yes, I suppose so," she said dismissively.

Draco set down his glass and plate. "Come on," he said as he took her plate and glass from her. "I have a better idea." And before she could protest he whisked her away to another room.

In the middle of the room a couple was dancing to the violins that played the tango. Onlookers lined the room and Draco cut through them.

"Do you know this dance?" he asked.

"A little," Hermione answered.

"Good enough for me," he said.

Harry made his way into a circular room where people were gathered in silence. In the middle of the room was a circular table upon which were a naked man and woman having sex while the others watched. They were both masked and the woman had her thighs hooked on the man's hips as he moved above her in the rhythm to the music that was playing. Hermione was not in this room either. He moved into the hallway and immediately flattened himself against the wall.

"I lost her," he heard Sirius say. He wore a full mask in the shape of a dog and he spoke to two red haired gentlemen who wore dominos.

"We saw them head this way," one of the twins said and together they left.

So, Sirius was watching over Hermione as well as the twins. This would make things more difficult and he had to change his plans. He originally wanted to abduct Hermione and take her out of this place but now her absence would most definitely be noticed.

He followed them into the room where the enchanting music of the violins was louder. There were couples dancing here and with a sudden start he saw her.

Draco pressed her close to his body as he danced with her. Over his shoulder she spotted Sirius and two familiar red heads. She would have to try again with the champagne. He hand slid down her back, past her buttocks and to her outer thigh as he slowly dipped her, bringing her thigh up to hook on his hip. Hermione eased into the dip, holding on to him as he bent over and kissed her neck and moved slowly down her chest before bringing her back up.

Harry watched as they danced, rage bubbling inside of him. He watched as they stopped dancing and Hermione led him off the dance floor. Harry saw the look of lust in Draco's eyes, saw him whisper something to Hermione, then leave her side.

Now was his chance.

He quickly followed Draco through the crowd, up the stairs then into the quiet of his room. Draco quickly brushed his normal dress attire off the bed and into a trunk. He then went to the bed and straightened it. Taking a few candles out of the trunk and setting them about the room and lighting them. Uncorking some champagne, he cast a cooling charm on it then set two flutes next to it.


Draco fell to the ground with a thud. Harry quickly uncovered himself from his invisibility cloak. He quickly removed Draco's costume then undressed himself, changing into the disguise. He wore black trousers and a loose fitting white shirt that was open at the collar and a black cloak. He slipped a tiny object in a pocket in the cloak. The mask Draco wore was a simple bandana that luckily covered the hair so nobody would see the change in hair color. Harry tied it behind his head, adjusting the mask so he could see through the two eyeholes. Harry looked once more around the room then blew out all the candles. With a swish of the cloak, he left the room and stepped into the hall. He held a bundle in his arms that held his invisibility cloak and his clothes and hid them in a tiny broom closet.

Hermione finished the champagne in her glass and set it down. She wandered from room to room, wondering what was keeping Draco. She felt an arm slip around her waist and lips on her neck. It was most definitely not Draco, she recognized the touch instantly. She whirled around and faced her pirate, green eyes filled with mischief stared back at her. She opened her mouth to protest but was quickly silenced with a kiss. Hermione wrapped her arms around him.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered when he broke the kiss for air.

"Putting a stop to this ridiculous plan of yours," he whispered back.

"You'll ruin everything," she said.

"Good," he answered then claimed her lips again. He moved her back towards a wall pinning her against it, pressing his body against hers. She let out a small whimper and Harry grinned triumphantly.

"Draco will be back any moment," she whispered frantically, trying to push him away.

"He'll not return tonight."

"What did you do to him?" Harry didn't answer her, he instead began to kiss her neck. She clutched at him desperately, feeling his hardness press against her thigh stirring that familiar desire inside.

"Sirius and the twins are here," she said.

"So play along," he whispered in her ear.

"And if they spot you?"

"They won't recognize me."

He claimed her lips again and Hermione kissed him back hard, demanding entrance to his delectable mouth. His hands moved up her side from her waist, his thumbs brushing over her erect nipples before coming to a rest to cradle her head.

Hermione broke the kiss and whispered hotly in his ear. "The twins just walked in the room, come on."

She took his hand and they walked out of the room, losing themselves in the crowd in the hall, moving around couples intimately entwined. They moved into the parlor and Hermione led him to the far side before turning around and claiming his lips. Harry bent his head down and Hermione felt his hot mouth through the fabric of her dress as he teased her nipple. She inhaled sharply with pleasure as she pressed herself against him. Harry brought his head back up to kiss her lips and Hermione led him to a dark corner. The material against her left breast was moist where Harry's mouth had been. His hand yanked the material down, exposing the breast briefly before Harry covered it with his hand. Hermione fell against him, she felt unbelievably moist between her legs. He caressed her breast, kneaded it gently then claimed it with his mouth. Hermione sighed contentedly as he suckled her, his tongue brushing gently around her nipple.

He placed her dress back over the breast, covering it as he ravished her mouth. He stifled a groan into her mouth as her hands reached under his cloak and cupped his bottom, pressing the firm muscles, pressing him against her. She pushed him slightly away from her as she sank to her knees. Harry leaned forward, the cloak covering her, hiding her. He bit into his hand to keep from crying out when he felt her take him out and the hot wetness of her mouth surrounded him. Hermione sucked on his long and hard member, relishing his taste. She stifled a giggle when she felt the muscles around his buttocks tense, controlling himself from bucking his hips as her tongue swirled around him.

"Hermione," he whispered in a strained voice. "Hermione, Sirius just walked into the room."

Hermione quickly tucked him back in and rose to her feet. Harry took her hand and led her back into the hallway. They ducked into the room that was much more crowded but quiet. It was the room where the couple lay on the table in the middle of the room making love. But it was a different couple this time. Harry pressed her into another corner. One hand rested by her head against the wall while the other began to gather her skirts. Hermione helped him and was rewarded with his fingers delving into her moist heat.

"Oh, God, Hermione," Harry whispered in her ear.

Hermione clung to his shoulders as his fingers teased her, letting out small quiet moans when his hand brushed against a particularly sensitive spot. But she wouldn't let him have all the fun. Her lower body covered with the cloak, Hermione reached down and undid his trousers. His breath hitched and his hand briefly stopped their ministrations when she began to stroke him with her hand. Their breaths quickened and they looked deep into each other's eyes. Hermione bit her lower lip in anticipation of the building wave of pleasure.

"Hermione," Harry breathed in her ear. "I don't want to finish this way."

Hermione let go of him but closed her eyes to the pleasure. "I'm sorry, Harry but I'm about to-"

She cut off when she felt his hand leave her, then she was lifted and pressed against the wall, her skirts unceremoniously shoved to her hips. Her thighs hooked around hips and his mouth stifled her scream of pleasure as Harry powerfully thrust himself into her as her wave crested. His piston like movements brought her over the edge as she tightened around him bringing him to his finish as she felt his warmth spill within her.

Harry leaned against her, taking a moment to catch his breath before he pulled out of her and set her to the ground. Hermione stood on shaky legs as she readjusted her costume.

She looked up at Harry, her eyes shining with happiness and mischief and saw the same emotions reflected back in them. His hand reached out to cup her face, his expression turned slightly concerned.

"I suppose you heard about Lavender," he said and she nodded.

"You now have a reputation for not being a gentlemen. Although, I thought so all along," she sighed and Harry grinned wryly at her.

"Yes, I suppose I shall not be received for the rest of the Season," he sighed.

"Oh, quite the opposite, sir. The husband hunters are salivating now that you're back in the marriage mart."

"Well, they'll be disappointed to find that I'm taking myself off the mart."

Hermione looked at him, her heart began to race. "Have you uh…set your sights on another fiancé?" she asked in what she hoped was a casual manner.

"Heavens no!" Harry exclaimed. "It will be the bachelor's life for me."

"Oh," Hermione said with disappointment. "Well…erm, I'm feeling a bit parched. I think I shall fetch myself something to drink." She moved away from him and made her way through the crowd and out of the room. Harry, with a wicked grin on his face followed her.

In the banquet room she fetched two glasses of champagne, offering one to Harry. He looked at the glass suspiciously.

"I didn't put anything in it," she hissed at him playfully.

Harry took a drink of the bubbly drink then turned to Hermione to see her down the entire glass.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked.

"No, no, no. I'm fine!" she said a little too brightly. "Well…it's just a shame, that's all."

"What's a shame?"
"It's a shame that you're taking yourself off the mart. I'm sure if you asked the right woman, the match would be much better," Hermione shifted uncomfortably.

"Do you really think so?" he asked.

"Of course I do. A woman would be a fool to let you slip through her fingers." Oh, God. Had she really said that? Hermione mentally cursed herself then grabbed another glass of champagne. The more occupied her mouth was the better.

Harry watched her gulp down another glass. "Well, you did."

Hermione laughed. "Believe me, Harry. I can be the first to admit what a fool I was." Oh dear. Maybe she should stuff her mouth with cheese.

Harry gave a knowing smile. "So…if you could do it all again you would say yes?"

"Of course I would," she scolded lightly then reached for another glass.

Harry plucked the glass from her hand and turned her to him. "Then do it," he said softly, taking her left hand and sliding something on her finger.

Hermione blinked and looked up at him. "What?" she asked, confused.

Harry moved in close. "Say yes," he said softly.

Hermione looked down and saw the ring on her finger. She looked up at him in surprise. She was not going to be a fool this time.

"Yes!" she whispered and kissed him.

He deepened the kiss, picking her up and swinging her around. Absolute euphoria was in her eyes as he set her down. He kissed her lips again, hugging her tight to him until he heard her whisper in his ear.

"I think we've been found," she said.

Harry turned around and saw that Sirius and the twins had entered the room.

"Then we make a hasty exit," he said.

"Oh but wait!" she said. She grabbed a basket from off the table, spilling most of the grapes out of it and filling it with bread and cheese. Harry grabbed a bottle of champagne, thought twice and grabbed another bottle before Hermione hastily dragged him out of the room and up the stairs. They stopped only once so Harry could retrieve his bundle from the broom closet before continuing on their way.


The pale grey light of predawn illuminated the room, its light roamed over a floor littered with clothing, an empty basket and two empty champagne bottles. The candle on the bedside table had been burned down low, the wick burned itself out. Next to the table was a bed that was currently occupied by two young lovers in the throes of their passion.

Hermione held Harry close to her, rocking with him as his hands rested on her hips to delve deeper into her. They came to their pleasure together, holding each other tight before Harry collapsed onto her. He listened to her heartbeat slow down from its rapid pace while her hand lazily tangled in his hair. Hermione felt him slowly pull out of her, her sex ached with their activities of the night and she wondered if she would ever be able to sit normally ever again.

"Oh, Harry, what are you trying to do to me?" she laughed as he rolled off of her.

"Trying to make sure that your reputation is ruined beyond repair and compromise you in every way possible so you have no choice but to marry me," he said sleepily, one arm draped over his eyes.

"Good plan," Hermione breathed. She looked at the ring on her hand and twirled it around her finger. "This wasn't Lavender's was it?" she asked.

Harry removed his arm and lifted his head to look at her. "Of course not! Don't be silly." He lay his head back down and draped his arm over his eyes again. "It was my mother's actually," he said.

Hermione had nothing to say to that. Her eyes moistened with tears. She looked outside the window and saw that the sun was beginning to rise. Harry watched her.

"I guess it's time to get on with the show, isn't it?" he said quietly.

"Do you believe we can do this?" she asked.

"A secret engagement? Yes, if two people can it would most definitely be us," Harry said.

Hermione sighed tiredly and moved herself off the bed to dress. Harry put on his normal attire while Hermione hung her costume up for the maids to clean. Harry stepped behind her and helped her with her laces. She put on a simple cream colored dress with a pink sash. Harry held up a thin gold chain necklace upon which she placed her engagement ring. Harry fastened it around her neck and the ring fell below her neckline to fall in the valley between her breasts. She packed her things in the trunk, opened a drawer and packed her comb, small jewel box and a small vial of purple crystal, liquid swirled inside. Harry did his best to mind his own business but Hermione saw the frown on his face. This was the potion she took to ensure that she would not get with child. She packed it in her trunk then closed the lid.

"Ready?" he asked her and she nodded. It was a bit odd to see her fiancé's head hover in mid air when he donned his invisibility cloak. "I love you," he said to her.

"And I love you," she replied accepting a kiss from him.

She opened the door and felt Harry pass her before she closed it behind her. She tiptoed down the corridor and down the stairs to Draco's room. She opened his door and slipped inside, she felt Harry follow behind her. She closed the door and Harry slipped off the cloak.

"Help me," he said and together they lifted his unmoving body off the floor and onto the bed. Hermione promptly began to remove his clothing. Harry scattered his costume about the room along with the empty bottles. Hermione brought out her stockings and her satin pink slippers.

"Okay I think that should do it," he said. "Make it quick and be careful."

"I will," she replied. He kissed her once more then put on the invisibility cloak. The door seemed to open by itself and a wand hovered in the air.

"Ennervate!" she heard him whisper then the door closed softly.

Draco stirred in the bed and let out a groan.

"Well, good morning!" Hermione said cheerfully.

Draco blinked his eyes at Hermione who sat on the edge of the bed, one leg lifted as she put on her gartered stockings. Draco made to move out of the bed but saw at once that he was naked under the covers. He sat up abruptly, keeping care to make sure his lower half was covered.

"I don't remember anything," he said as he watched Hermione lift her other leg, the hem of her dress moved up to the middle of her thigh as she tied the garter.

"Well we did have quite a night," she said. "In fact, it is a bit uncomfortable sitting down right now." Hermione adjusted herself but it did little to ease the dull ache.

Draco looked around the room, taking in the empty champagne bottles, his costume. Hermione leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"You were wonderful last night," she grinned then got off the bed. She faltered a little as she walked to the door. Heavens, she was a bit sore. She giggled and turned to him. "Heavens look at me! I can hardly walk!" She opened the door and looked back once to give him a little wave. Draco lifted his hand to give a half-hearted wave back, he was still very confused. Hermione smiled once more then left the room.
