Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Nine: Fools in Love

The day was pleasant and warm. Harry had just finished a tour of the mill and was now looking over the surrounding property with the muggle that ran the mill. He was pointing out some of the fences that needed fixing and Harry was nodding his head in agreement. The sound of horse hooves caught his attention and Harry turned to see a familiar figure ride over the crest of hill.

"Sirius," Harry said. "This is a pleasant surprise." He was actually glad to see his godfather.

"Hello, Harry. I apologize for calling on you in such a short notice but I thank you for receiving me," Sirius replied as he readied to dismount his horse.

Harry stopped him. "No, no don't get down. I was just finishing up here, we can go for a ride after this."

Sirius led his horse a short distance away to give Harry his privacy to conduct his business. When he was through, Harry joined him on horseback.

"I've always loved this area," Sirius said wistfully as he looked over the valley. "I always enjoyed summers here with your father when we were at Hogwarts."
"I meant it when I said you were welcome here at any time," Harry said sincerely. Sirius smiled gratefully.

"So, how is the ball coming along?" he asked, changing the topic.

"I think it is going well," Harry answered. "I have no idea how to plan it so I'm leaving it up to Lavender, Ginny and Luna."

"Well, part of the reason I am calling on you today is to let you know that you are personally invited to the ball that I am throwing in a week."

"Ah, you beat me," Harry mocked. "No matter, I would be honored to go." He faltered a little at the end. It suddenly occurred to him that Hermione would most definitely be there as well. "Lavender will be pleased to squeeze in another ball before mine," he added at the end.

"She is a lovely creature…your fiancé," Sirius said truthfully.

"Yes, yes she is," Harry felt a little uncomfortable talking about her with his godfather. Sirius picked up on this.

"It was very quick, your engagement," he began, testing the waters. "Are you sure you've had enough time to think on this?"

Harry sighed wearily and Sirius could tell that he was not the first one to ask him this question. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry," Sirius said hastily.

"I understand everyone's concern," Harry answered. "They all just want me to be happy."

"And are you?" Sirius asked. "Does she make you happy?"

"Yes she does. I think I can be happy with her and we have a whole lifetime to figure that out."

"And love?" Sirius asked.

Harry's jaw twitched. "Love will come."

"And what about Hermione?"

Startled, Harry looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

"Harry there's something you need to know about Miss Granger and me, something you should think about."

"I already know about the two of you," Harry said politely but Sirius could hear the bitterness in his voice.

"We aren't lovers," Sirius said quickly. "But I won't lie to you and say that we never were. She has a way of making the most level headed man a fool but she she's no more in love with me than I am with her."

Harry dropped his head and sighed. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want to make sure you are doing the right thing."

Harry scoffed. "Sirius, I really wish you hadn't told me this. You've made me feel a bigger fool than I already had."

"How…"Sirius was at a loss for words.

"I asked her to marry me," Harry explained. "I asked her to be my wife and she said no." Sirius was in a state of shock. "Up until now I thought it was because she loved you, that you two were lovers. Now I see she rejected me for the simple fact that she doesn't want me."


"I know. You were only trying to help. No matter. I am happy with my fiancé and even if your news was different, I am a man of honor. I will not take back my word to Lavender," Harry said.

"Of course. I expect no less," Sirius said feeling defeated. He had come here with the intention of fixing things for his godson, now he felt as if he had made things worse.

He had left Godric's Hollow and went to the Granger's to seek Hermione but she was not at home. And she had given explicit instructions to the footman that he should feel free to hex Sirius should he step a toe inside the home. This was not good. He needed to speak with Hermione. He needed to get a hold of the dock master's log. There was a meeting with the Order in two days time.

He went to his home to check up on the final preparations for the ball. Replies had begun to fly in by owl, almost all of the society would turn up.


Hermione's had returned with a big, red WILL NOT ATTEND written on the small card. Sirius sighed heavily. This had been a total fiasco. Harry was too honorable to take back his word, rightfully he shouldn't. Hermione had rejected Harry's proposal for who knows what reason, it was so clear that she was totally enamored with his godson. And his godson was so completely enamored with her. And now Hermione was refusing to even see the matchmaker, this was quickly going to hell. Perhaps they shouldn't be together, he had thought. They were both idiots. It was giving him a headache just thinking about the two of them.


Hermione waited patiently at a muggle storefront, pretending to stare into the goods that were on display, all the time watching in the reflection the building behind her. She nervously chewed on her lower lip.

Then she spotted him come out of the dusty building.

Hermione turned and hustled across the street, hoping to head him off.

"Professor Dumbledore!" she said sweetly as he nearly bumped into her.

"Oh, I do beg your pardon, my dear, I didn't see you. It was if you came out of nowhere," he said jovially, his eyes twinkling.

"It's no bother! It's such a pleasant surprise to run into you like this," she said. "Perhaps you would like to escort me for awhile?"

Dumbledore offered his arm. "It would be an honor," he said and together they strolled down the street. "And how is your crusade going for the admittance of witches in Hogwarts?"

"I've thought about your idea for a petition and I think I will start one," she replied.

"Good, I'm looking forward to it, I shall be one of the first to sign it."

Hermione flushed. "Thank you, sir. That means so much to me."

"Now that we have chit-chat out of the way, what is your real reason for darting across the street to see me?" he asked and Hermione blushed, embarrassed.

"I…I have something that I would like you to return to…a friend of yours," she said and she reached into the beaded sack she was carrying and handed him a large book that had been magically shrunk.

"Hogwarts, A History?" he asked.

"Yes, I borrowed it and now I'm returning it," she said.

"Perhaps, you would prefer to return it in person?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh no! No…no that's alright. There's a chapter in there that I found most endearing about a room full of chamber pots," she said.

"Well, I shall read it right away. It sounds most intriguing."

Hermione smiled. "Well, I have taken enough of your time. You have been a most wonderful escort."

"The pleasure has been all mine," Dumbledore replied and saw Hermione to her carriage.


The meeting of the Order was a fiasco. Harry and Sirius slumped in the corner. They were the only two not to have completed their assignments nor bring anything new to the meeting. Harry had failed to get inside the Malfoy manor and Sirius had failed to get the boat documents. Mr. Leavensworth did not speak to him, he only spoke to Hermione and Hermione was not on good terms with Sirius.

"And before we conclude our meeting tonight, I will not let it go on a sour note," Dumbledore said cheerfully. "I have come into possession some valuable information that will help our mission." Dumbledore reached into his cloak and took out a familiar tome that Harry recognized. "It would seem that the Malfoy's arrived on a muggle ship, the Wavebreaker, that came in from the America's. They had no other persons with them and trunks, which held their belongings. This person did further research and found that the Wavebreaker set sail from Boston with two less passengers than what arrived on the dock. Two names appeared to be added at the bottom of the ledger, and from what this source had found, was in a forged handwriting."

"Let me guess," Harry interrupted. "Draco and Lucius Malfoy."

"Precisely," Dumbledore nodded.

"How can we trust this information?" Remus spoke up.

"It came from a reliable source," Dumbledore answered.

"Did it?" Sirius asked and raised an eyebrow. Harry stared at the book in Dumbledore's hands, the very same book he had given Hermione.

"And on that note, I believe this meeting has come to an end," Dumbledore announced. As everyone began to filter out, he stepped forward toward Harry. "I believe this is yours," he said quietly.

"I don't want her involved," Harry said quietly but determinedly. Sirius stepped up next to him.

"I agree."

"I think it is a clever idea," Remus interjected. "She has wonderful connections."

"I will not have her blood on our hands," Harry hissed.

"I appreciate your concerns, gentlemen," Dumbledore said evenly, "but it is up to me who I trust my sources to be."

"But…" Harry and Sirius objected but Dumbledore raised a hand.

"This is the end of the discussion. And I would appreciate the upmost discretion in this matter." And with that, Dumbledore walked away.

Harry turned angrily to Sirius. "You talk to her, you talk some sense into her." He pointed a finger angrily at him.

"I would if she were on speaking terms with me at the moment," Sirius hissed back through gritted teeth. They both turned to Remus.

"I have no pull with Miss Granger, you know this," he said defensively.

"Yes, but she is on speaking terms with you," Sirius argued.

"And she'll listen to what you have to say," Harry pressed.

Remus looked away guiltily. "It was your idea wasn't it?" Harry guessed.

Sirius grabbed his hair in frustration. "Have you lost your mind completely?!"

"Look, you two, we need all the help we can get. She asked me how to find him, the rest she did herself. I agree with Dumbledore." And with that he made a hasty exit, leaving Harry and Sirius fuming behind him.


The cellar was musty, dark and dank. Lucius swatted away the spider webs from his head with an irritated flick of his hand.

"What news do you bring me?" the cold voice pierced him to his very soul.

"Potter has no indication of your return," Lucius replied. "The plan is still very much a success. He has a fiancé now, a Miss Lavender Brown."

"Does he?" Voldemort's interest was piqued. "And Sirius Black?"

"Draco says that they are not close. Sirius has a mudblood lover named Hermione Granger," Lucius said. "He believes we can use the mudblood to lure Sirius."

"Very good, tell your son to keep up the good work."

Lucius' jaw tightened. "I think he has finished his job. He has spent enough time with the mudblood already."

Voldemort tilted his head to the side and gave Lucius a scrutinizing look. "You believe your son is doing too well a job?"

"I do not want our family line tainted with unpure blood."

"I have no care for such things. What matters is that I get a body back, that the body be someone who can get close to Potter but without raising suspicion. Your family line and whom your son chooses to taint it with is of no concern to me." Lucius looked angrily to the side. "Now, you may leave me."


Hermione had been enjoying her walk until she saw Sirius stomp towards her.

"I told the footman to hex you if you stepped so much as a toe inside the house," she said angrily as she picked up her skirts to stomp toward her home.

"I'm not in your house, am I?" he said in an icy tone and Hermione glared at him.

"What do you want?" she hissed as they stepped through the doorway.

"You're going to my ball," he answered.

Hermione scoffed at him. "I am most certainly not."

"Yes, you are."

"No. I'm. Not!"
"Yes. You. Are."

And with a shout of protest from Hermione, he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of flour and carried her upstairs to her bedroom while she ranted away. He kicked open her door, walked in and unceremoniously dumped her onto her bench in front of her mirror.

"How dare you!!" she protested angrily.

Sirius swooped down angrily upon her. "I'm tired of your childish games and I'm tired of your foolish stubbornness. You will get ready. You will arrive at my manor tonight. If you don't, I will see to it that I come back here and personally see that you get ready." Hermione opened her mouth to protest but Sirius cut her off. "Don't think I won't. I know very well how to dress as well as undress you." He pushed away from her and slammed the door behind him as he exited.

Hermione sat there fuming. She was livid. She went to her writing desk and wrote out a quick note, sealed it and then summoned the servant, instructing that she deliver it right away. Then she quickly undressed to ready herself for the ball.


Harry had to give credit to his godfather, the ball seemed to be a hit. It was an eclectic crowd, he recognized some people from the after party the night of the Opera. Madame Rosemerta was here, along with some of her "ladies" although they were dressed nicely and flirting wonderfully with the gentlemen. The ladies of the elite looked a bit perturbed at this.

So far, Harry had been enjoying himself with his friends and receiving congratulations on his excellent choice of bride. He felt a bit paraded by Lavender who led him around for awhile like a circus attraction. But she was happy, she had now become the most revered young woman of the Season.

He had been enjoying his conversation with Ron and Dean when the announcement came that rocked his happy little world.

"Miss Hermione Granger, escorted by Mr. Draco Malfoy."

"I don't believe it!" Ron said.

Harry whipped his head around to see if the footman had been jesting. But there she was, dressed in a red dress that revealed her smooth shoulders and dove down in the middle to give a tantalizing glimpse of the cleavage of her breasts. He looked over at his godfather who was standing with Remus and wore a look of anger and shock on his face. She had brought Malfoy to the ball with her?!

Whispers sprang up around him, a faint buzz over the small orchestra that played. Harry went to the refreshment table and poured himself a beverage, gulped it then poured another. Hermione was pleased with herself at the infuriating look on Sirius' face. Nobody forced her to go anywhere she didn't want to go. Let it teach him a lesson. She took her place with Draco as the first dance began. She glimpsed down the line and saw Harry with Lavender. She turned away and forced a smile on her face for Draco.

He did dance divinely, she gave him credit for that. And he only mildly groped her as if to tease her, if only she responded she might have enjoyed the game. But she grew a little tired of dancing and soon she had slipped away from him and sought solace in the library.

She walked into the large room and closed and locked the door behind her. She rested against it, eyes closed for a moment before she slowly opened them. The room was dimly lit by several candles and she moved to the other side to open up the windows. She relished the cool breeze that caressed her hot skin.

"Nice painting," a voice spoke that was slightly slurred.

Hermione jumped and turned around. "Harry! I mean…Mr. Potter," she said.

"Oh, I think we're a bit past formalities, don't you think?" he asked. His jacket was off and his cravat was loose. He had a glass of what Hermione assumed was Firewhiskey in his hand. "I noticed that it's non-magical like the other portraits," he said as he motioned to a painting in the room, some of the drink sloshing out of the glass and onto his hand. He didn't seem to notice.

"It was painted by a muggle in Paris," she said.

The portrait in question was one of her in a white dress with green ivy leaves embroidered on it and a green sash. She and Sirius had been strolling down the Seine and he had commissioned a poor muggle painter on the street to paint her.

"You look beautiful," he commented.

"Thank you," Hermione replied softly then she bravely stepped forward. "I never did offer my congratulations to you on your engagement to Lavender Brown. She's a very lucky young woman." He blinked at her as if not comprehending what she was saying to him. "Well, take care, Harry."

She headed for the doors but stopped at Harry's words. "At least she didn't use me," he said softly.

Hermione dropped her hand away from the door handle and slowly turned to look at Harry. "What did you say?" she said between clenched teeth.

"At least she didn't use me," he said more boldly.

"You don't call that little parade down there using you? She's no angel," Hermione said angrily.

"You of all people have no right to judge her!" He moved closer to her. "You're like a spider who ensnares men in your web and when you are done with them you cast them aside as if they were nothing."

"And you! The angelic hero who seduces women and throws out proposals like they were dinner invitations!" She angrily turned around and opened the door but Harry reached her in two strides, slamming the door shut again. Hermione turned around angrily, his hand still above her head, his body close to hers as he pinned her to the door.

"What do you think you're playing at, giving Dumbledore that information?" he whispered angrily.

Hermione met his challenge. "I was only trying to help."

"We don't need your help."

"From the looks of it, you do. I want to be involved in this war as much as anyone else."

"It's too dangerous."

"I like danger."

"Is that why you're with Malfoy?"

"Ooh! Is he dangerous?" she teased as she opened the door again but Harry once more slammed it shut.

"I'm not playing, Hermione. He's a Death Eater."

"I know that," she shot back. "And I also know that if my charms can wheedle out some information for the cause then it's worth it."

"Nothing is worth putting you in danger."

Hermione tilted her head and looked at him. "Why do you care anyway? What I do is none of your concern."

"My friend's well-being is my concern," he answered harshly.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Oh…is that all I am to you?" She opened the door and ducked away from Harry.

He once again closed the door and leaned against it. The faint smell of her perfume filled his nostrils and sent his already hot blood boiling. He thrust himself away from the door and made his way to the decanter of Firewhiskey and filled his tumbler. He raised the glass to his lips and his eyes settled on the painting of her. She seemed to be smiling down at him, mocking him.

"Damn you!" he curse angrily and flung the glass at the portrait. It shattered on the painting, the glass falling to the floor making tinkling sounds as the broken shards hit the floor.


The carriage came to a stop in front of the Malfoy manor and Draco reluctantly extracted himself from the arms of Hermione.

"I had such a lovely time," Hermione said as she leaned out of the carriage window as Draco stepped out of it. "Thank you for accepting on such a short notice."

"I was facing a boring night alone so I was happy to receive it," Draco replied and he stepped back up to the carriage and sought out her lips once more. Lucius Malfoy stood in the shadows, watching this exchange.

"Goodnight," Hermione smiled and pulled herself back into the carriage and it set off at a trot. Hermione sighed and leaned her head back, closing her eyes, trying her best to push her conversation with Harry out of her mind. She slowly opened them and saw that Draco had left his jacket.

"Fredrick!" Hermione called out to her driver. "Fredrick stop here! I have to go back and return something to Mr. Malfoy. "

"Do wish to turn around?" he asked.

"No, just wait here. I shall return shortly," she said as she stepped out of the carriage.

The road was wet from an earlier rain and fog settled over the street but she could make out the lights of the manor from a distance. She wrapped her cloak closer around her and drew up the hood to keep out the damp chill.

"I think I will do as I please!" she heard the angry voice of Draco.

"Do not shame this family," she heard another voice say, presumably his father, they sounded so alike.

"The Master doesn't disapprove of it," Draco replied. "And we obey the Master." There was nothing said for a long time and Hermione hid behind a large bush, well hidden amongst the foliage and fog.

"Speaking of the Master, he has a little assignment for us concerning Potter's betrothed," his father said and Hermione let out a silent gasp, her fingers resting on her lips. "He wants Miss Brown kidnapped and brought to him tonight. I have Death Eaters waiting as we speak."

"And what does he want with her?" Draco asked.

"Do we really care? The Master wants to keep her and torture her, bring Potter to his knees begging for the release of his love."

Hermione had heard enough and slipped away silently and briskly as she headed back to her carriage. Thoughts rapidly went through her mind. Lavender had gone home with Ginny and Luna, Sirius and Harry were still at the ball having cigars in the parlor with the other gentlemen and she had no idea where the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix were.

"Frederick, get home quickly but keep the carriage waiting. I'll leave a message for Sirius then we must head to the Brown's as quickly as possible."

She sat back as Frederick sped the carriage off. Yes, yes she would leave a message for
Sirius, he would alert the others and Harry. She bit her lower lip and stared outside at the dark night.

"Please let luck be with me tonight," she whispered.
