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A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret

A Game of Hearts

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Five: Trouble in a Neat Little Package

The small group of wizards crowded into the kitchens of the abandoned family home of Sirius Black, Grimmauld Place. Harry was surprised to see some familiar faces that he had fought with in the war standing next to him in the room. Most surprising was the Potions professor Severus Snape, Harry's most disliked teacher at Hogwarts. Ron, Neville, Fred and George joined them. Along with Harry, they were to be initiated into the group tonight.

"Nothing, no sign of him and no news," Snape was telling everyone.

"He will come out from hiding somehow," Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

"I say we keep an eye on some of our Death Eater suspects. I'd bet one of them would lead us to him," Sirius spoke up.

"I agree," Harry said.

"Very well. It's settled then," Dumbledore said. "We keep our enemies even closer, watch them. Even the darkest secrets have a way of coming out."


The sky was a bit hazy when Harry met up with Ron, Neville and Dean. Seamus was coming along shortly. They had gathered at the Longbottom Estate for a hunt, Dean wanted to show them how to do it the muggle way, releasing the fox ahead of time before the hounds. The horses Neville and Dean provided were healthy and strong and Harry wondered if he should look into starting his own stables. It had been two days since Falbrooke and Harry was looking forward to this hunt as a way to unwind. The fates were not with him today.

"Well, I'll be…" Dean said amusingly.

Harry followed Dean's line of sight. Over a small hill, two riders appeared, Seamus…and Miss Granger. Harry swore under his breath but only Ron heard him and he looked at his friend curiously.

Hermione's throat seemed to close when she saw who was among the group. All the anxiety she felt that night at Falbrooke seemed to wash over her. She summoned up her courage and rode to meet the gentlemen.

"I hope you gents don't mind but rumor has it that the lady is a rather accomplished rider," Seamus said as he joined them.

Murmurs of consent could be heard among them and they all flashed her winning smiles. All but Harry who remained tight lipped and was scowling. Hermione saw this and made it a point to greet the gentlemen with a winning smile of her own that nearly unseated them.

"Seamus has said this was to be a hunt the muggle way?" she asked Dean.

"Uh…yes. Yes this is a muggle hunt, I mean a fox hunt," Dean stammered and recovered. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Gentlemen, if we are finished tripping over ourselves, shall we proceed?" he said coolly and began to lead the group.

For some insane reason, Hermione wanted Harry to notice her, to fawn over her like the others did so easily. But she shook her head and came to her senses. If she could avoid the man, the better.

Damn the tart! Harry's mood was dark and he didn't join in the light-hearted discussion that was going on around him. How dare she ride up to him, looking positively delectable in her grey riding dress? He was so angry with Seamus that he nearly cancelled his participation. But he wouldn't do that, she wouldn't run him out of society. For crying out loud, she wouldn't run him out of anything.

The riders approached the field and Dean got down from his horse and set a crate on the ground. He opened a latch and the red little fox burst out, running madly into the tall grass. The hounds bayed and howled, itching to have a go at the fox, straining against their leashes.

The riders all waited patiently, Harry and Hermione's horses stood next to each other. Harry was pleased to see her grip tighten on the mantle when he rode up to her. Little triumphs. Little triumphs.

"Dabbling in hunting now, Miss Granger?" Harry murmured next to her. "How un-ladylike." His tone was light and playful.

Hermione threw him a look of scorn. "You are a poor judge of mannerisms, considering you are no gentleman," she replied tartly.

Harry gave her a wry grin that sent a heat pooling to her thighs. "Only around you, Miss Granger. Only around you."

Ron gave a slight glance in his friend's direction. He had heard every word and had seen Miss Granger's reaction to him, had seen her flush red. Was he…seducing her? His mild mannered friend, the hero, the young man who was so awkward with the ladies even though he had no trouble catching them?

His best friend was no saint. He was cut from the same cloth as any young hot-blooded male. His notoriety gave him no shortage of beds to lie in but his friend was reserved, losing himself only a few times in the arms of a maiden and more than once had learned the lesson of biting off more than you could chew.

Harry had had a rough life and Ron was looking forward to him settling down, finding himself a suitable wife and living a life of peace that he had fought so hard for. His friend was now falling into the entrancing web of Hermione Granger, I mean, weren't they all? Seamus and Dean were making fools of themselves over her and he, himself, wasn't resistant to her charms.

But now that Ron stepped back and looked at the picture, there seemed to be more going on underneath the surface. Harry wasn't really falling into the trap and Miss Granger was not trying to lead him into her spell. She seemed…afraid of him. And his friend knew it, well deep down he did, the matter probably hadn't come to the surface just yet.

"Shall we make a friendly wager?" Harry asked Hermione.

Hermione looked at him, amused. "I didn't think you were a gambler, Mr. Potter."

"I only gamble if the odds are in my favor for a generous return," his voice was low and husky. Hermione looked at him appraisingly, unconsciously her tongue slipped out to moisten her lips slightly as she thought. Blood rushed to Harry's loins.

"Ten galleons," Hermione said coyly. "On the fox."

Harry raised his eyebrows. "You bet on the prey? Fine, I shall take the predator."

The hounds were released and they scampered into the field. Harry watched with amusement as Hermione adjusted her riding position to sit astride, her dress hiking up to reveal shapely calves and ankles.

"This will be a good ride," she said before digging into her horse to race after the hounds. Harry, not to be outdone, took off after her.

The wind felt wonderful as it washed over her, roaring past her ears. She felt free and alive. She followed the hounds ahead of her, the yelps and bellows barely heard above the din of clattering hooves. Harry pulled up next to her, grinned then pulled ahead. Hermione urged her horse faster, closing the gap between them. Harry looked back and laughed. It was a child like and carefree laugh. He had never felt so alive.

Hermione grinned as she pulled up next to him. The fox forgotten, competition with Harry filling her mind.

So she wanted to race? He made a hard left, veering into the wooded area, away from the others, Hermione in pursuit. Harry dodged effortlessly between the trees and shrubs, listening for the pounding of hooves behind him. She was still on his tail. Nimbly, she raced after him, a desperation to prove herself an able rider motivated her.

They broke free from the woods and Harry came to a stop at the crest of a hill. Hermione pulled up next to him. She peered over a green valley, a small creek running through and a large familiar looking house loomed in the distance.

"Godric's Hollow," Harry said, answering her unasked question.

"It's beautiful," Hermione whispered. It was the truth. The land and home were truly breathtaking.

Harry looked over at her. She was flushed from a hard ride, her hair falling out of its knot, making her look wanton and untamed. Harry desperately fought the urge to take her down from her horse and have his way with her, right here on the soft earth.

Hermione seemed to sense him, sense his thoughts and a flush crept over her. Curiosity and temptation took over her mind and she brought her horse next to his. Their legs touched and they both felt the addictive sensations that came with it. Hermione wanted him to kiss her, kiss her fiercely with passion. She wanted to fly to the sun with him and be burned. She knew exactly how to play him.

"Tell me, Harry," she said softly. "Do you kiss as good as your godfather?" She watched, delighted, as the muscles in his jaw tensed then he turned to look at her, his eyes dark. A stab of fear went through her and she knew she had stirred a sleeping dragon. The fox was in the hound's jaws.

"No," Harry replied roughly, "I kiss better."

With one hand, he reached behind her head and brought her lips roughly to his. The kiss wasn't the light and pleasant one on the balcony. It was rough and raw and permeated with pure lust. The flame of desire inside Hermione was no longer a flame, it was a roaring fire. It was too hot and she tried to back away but Harry wouldn't let her go. His lips hot on hers, his tongue thrusting entrance into her mouth and she complied. Her hands that had been fisted now clung to him for dear life. With her tongue she tasted him, drank him. She was drowning and desperately tried to claw to the surface.

What game was she playing? Harry knew she was baiting him and he gladly fell into her trap, filling the desperate need to feel her mouth against his, the need that he didn't know was there. She was like opium, addictive, he needed more of her and he didn't know if he could ever be satiated.

Was this what Madame Rosemerta had warned her about? It had to be, she was losing her center. She needed to stop this.

She was saved by the pounding of hooves in the distance. She ripped herself from Harry just as the others in their group emerged from the forest. Harry was rudely ripped into reality and he looked at Hermione. She was instantly calm and composed, though her lips were red and looking very well kissed. Seamus didn't seem to notice as he rode up to her and took a place at her side. Harry made way for him, putting distance between himself and Hermione. What had he been thinking? What had come over him? He had never acted so brash before. It was so un-gentlemanlike that he wondered of what he had said earlier was true. Miss Granger had a way of stripping him of honor and propriety. He watched as she giggled and laughed at Ron, Seamus and Dean's antics as they rode away. Neville rode beside him as they headed toward the Longbottom Estate.

"Well, the fox got away," Neville sighed.

"Yes," Harry said quietly. "Yes, she did."


Dressed in a pale blue light dress, Hermione made her way to the patio at the back of the Burrow. Hermione desperately needed the comfort of her two best friends to set right her world that Mr. Potter had thrown askew. Approaching the table, she saw that Miss Lavender Brown and Miss Susan Bones had joined the tea party. Sitting down next to Ginny, Hermione relished the disapproving looks she had received from Lavender and Susan. Hermione politely sipped from her teacup and picked out two delectable cream cakes from the plate on the center of the table.

"I was just telling Ms. Brown and Miss Bones that this Season is the best one yet," Luna exclaimed.

"Falbrooke was just delightful!" Ginny gushed. The ladies agreed.

"It would be delightful if we all were in the company that our dear Ginny was in," Hermione smiled.

"Mr. Longbottom is wonderful, isn't he?" Ginny blushed.

"He is quite the gentleman," Hermione agreed. She truly did like the young man and found him to have quite an agreeable temperament. If only the same could be said for another one of his friends.

"Mr. Potter thinks quite highly of him," Lavender said as she took a sip from her cup.

"Speaking of which," Susan stepped in, "I want to wear pink to your wedding."

"Oh stop it!" Lavender blushed and said modestly, although Hermione could see the flattery underneath it.

"What?" Ginny asked leaning forward.

"Has he spoken to your father?" Luna asked eagerly.

"No, no of course not. Susan is just speaking ahead of herself. You mustn't make such assumptions," Lavender protested weakly.

"Oh, it's only a matter of time before Mr. Potter does," Luna said reassuringly. Hermione nearly dropped her teacup in her lap.

"Everyone can see how enamored he is of you," Ginny smiled.

Hermione was in shock. That cad! That miserable little rake! That vile, wretched excuse for a gentleman! Twice he had kissed her in an intimate way and the entire time his affections lay elsewhere! Hermione enjoyed her men, but she certainly did not fool around with those who were unavailable.

"Hello ladies! I hope you don't mind our company."

Harry was with Ron, the twins and Neville when they decided to crash the tea party. He knew that Lavender was there but he was shocked to see Hermione. He hid it well as he strolled out onto the patio, Ron announcing their arrival.

Hermione was very put out, her tea ruined and she seethed with anger at the handsome young man as he walked in. Harry deliberately ignored her and went straight to Lavender, claiming a seat next to her. Hermione was relieved that Fred sat next to her but not wanting to spend another moment in close proximity to Harry she stood up.

"Actually, it's a very nice day and I was thinking of going for a walk. Would you care to join me?" she asked Fred.

"Oh, but it's not proper!" Susan protested. "You cannot walk about without a proper chaperone!"

"I'm proper enough," Fred protested as he rose from his chair. "Miss Granger will be in very capable hands." George sniggered and Hermione grinned wickedly. Harry sat there and said nothing, although inside he was raging. He watched with cool eyes as Hermione and Fred left their company.

"Don't look so scandalized, Susan," Ginny said. "Hermione can take care of herself."

"She is too independent," Lavender sniffed. "It's just not proper!"

"But that's Hermione," Luna interjected. "She's an independent and wild spirit. And our friend and it's most improper to insult your host's guests."

With that, Lavender dropped the subject and Harry found a new admiration for Miss Luna Lovegood. He found a strange comfort in the thought that Hermione had such loyal friends.

Hermione's walk with Fred was innocent enough, filled with lighthearted chit-chat. She had learned that he and his twin George were thinking of opening up a shop in Diagon Alley catering to pranksters. She found an easy comfort in Fred's company, he made her laugh and managed to take her mind off of the tension of the tea party. But the moment had come when they found themselves back in the company of others. The remaining members of the tea party had joined them on the grounds of the Burrow.

"Mr. Potter's just had a lovely idea," Ginny said as they approached. "He's invited us to Godric's Hollow."

"The place is now properly ready to receive visitors," Harry added.


The carriage ride was the longest most tortuous ride in her life. She felt trapped, like a scared animal in a cage awaiting its doom. She didn't want to go to Godric's Hollow, she didn't want to see the lion's den. She was beginning to panic, she didn't want to be anywhere near Mr. Potter.

"Are you alright, Hermione?" Ginny asked with concern.

"Yes…yes, I'm fine," Hermione answered as composed as she could. It must have sounded plausible because Ginny was pleased with her answer and didn't pursue the topic any further.

Godric's Hollow came into view as they crested a small hill. The large structure had a long drive that was lined on both sides with tall, lush and green trees. The carriage came to a halt and a footman hurried over to open the door. Neville Longbottom, ever the gentleman, rushed over to assist the ladies from the carriage.

Harry felt nervous, this was the first time he had invited anyone but his closest friends to his home. Dobby came out and Harry informed him of the number of his guests. Lavender stepped down from the carriage and took her place by his side.

"It looks wonderful, Mr. Potter," she said in a voice of awe.

Harry smiled down at her. "I'm glad you like it," he said.

He looked up in time to see a delicate gloved hand pop out of the carriage and rest in Neville's hand. Elegantly, Hermione stepped out of the carriage and raised her head up to take in all of the manor. For some reason, Harry was nervous, her reaction to his home somehow seemed so important to him. He cleared his throat and offered his arm to Lavender and walked inside.

The group walked into a large foyer, a table in the middle held a large arrangement of fresh flowers. Two staircases lay on either side of the room leading upstairs, a plush red carpet rested upon them. There were two sets of French doors that rested on either side of them, one leading to the drawing room, the other the parlor. Harry led them through both rooms, the guests oohing and ahing at various family treasures. Next he led them to the large dining room which held a large mahogany table with a number of chairs then had red plush cushions. Ginny gasped with delight when Harry took them through the ballroom, its gilded gold mirrors reflected the polished wooden floors.

"Oh, Mr. Potter, you must hold a ball here!" Ginny exclaimed.

"It would be a shame to keep people away from such a lovely house as this," Luna agreed.

"I was thinking about it," Harry said casually.

As Harry led them up the stairs and into the corridor, Hermione felt a twinge of jealousy toward Lavender. All this will be hers someday. She would be Lady of this house.

Hermione examined the portraits that looked down upon her curiously and she nodded politely back. She stopped at one that contained a lovely looking couple, the lady had beautiful red hair and familiar looking green eyes, the gentleman who stood next to her was ruggedly handsome and also looked very familiar.

"They're my parents," said a quiet voice behind her.

Hermione turned around to see Harry looking up at the portrait, a hint of sadness in his eyes. They were somewhat alone, the others had gone further down the corridor following Dobby.

"They're a handsome couple," Hermione said honestly. Hermione turned and began to stroll after the rest of the group, Harry at her side.

"You have a lovely home," Hermione said politlely.

"Thank you," Harry replied. "I'm a bit nervous, this is the first time I've received visitors other than my best friends."

"Well, I shall consider myself fortunate that I should be among the first of your guests," she said. "Miss Brown is nearly beside herself. I think she will enjoy being the Lady of this house." Harry's face must have registered shock because Hermione laughed lightly. "Your inevitable proposal was discussed at tea."

"Are my intentions that obvious?" Harry asked.

"Are you not in the marriage mart looking for a wife? Although I do think you a rake for misplacing your affections on me."

"And are you in the marriage mart this season?" Harry asked with irritation.

Hermione laughed. "Of course not. Oh, don't look so surprised, I'm sure you've heard the rumors about me. And it's probably why you choose to take your frustrations out on me but I will tell you this, Mr. Potter. I would appreciate no further such encounters with you, especially since you are to ask another for her hand. You need to pay that sort of attention on Miss Brown."

"I'm sorry you are misguided but I was not taking my frustrations out on you," Harry retorted.

"What would you call it then?" she asked.

"I don't know but I do know that you felt it too," Harry persisted.

An odd silence fell between the two of them and they joined the others in the library. Harry watched as her face lit up with delight at the collection of books they held. Immediately, she perused the titles, her delicate fingers tracing the spines of the books. It wasn't all in his head was it? Maybe she was right and he was taking his frustrations out on her, but it couldn't be, how else could he explain what had happened between them.


It had to be just pure and simple lust. He was a hot-blooded young man and she a reckless young woman. They were bound to collide like this.

"Would you like my opinion?" she asked casually.

"I doubt you would hold back," Harry replied.

"It doesn't seem to suit you…a quiet marriage to Lavender."

"I think a little peace and quiet is just what I need," Harry answered abruptly then walked away to join Lavender at her side.

Hermione gave out a little huff of frustration. Why was she in such a tizzy about this? She and Harry were having a little fun, that was all. She needed to pull herself together.

The group went outdoors to take a small tour of the gardens and Hermione's mood began to reflect the darkening sky. She watched as Harry bent down to talk to Lavender, watched her smile and look up at him. Tears began to sting her eyes and she felt as if she would be sick. She stood near the entrance of a garden maze and sought solace inside. If she was going to cry she was going to do it alone where no one would see her, where she could calmly compose herself and walk out of here with her head held high. Harry Potter was not going to reduce her to a sniveling ninny.

The smell of rain hung heavy in the air and the first drops of rain began to fall as they finished their tours of the grounds. Harry was determined not to let Miss Granger get to him. Lavender was a good match for him, a match with Hermione was absurd. He wouldn't even think about it. The kisses he shared with Hermione were just fueled by lust. Or so he told himself. He could achieve the same with Lavender. Yes, that was what he would do, he would kiss Miss Brown, he hadn't even tried that yet. The fireworks between them would be even better than the ones with Miss Granger. His stomach would tie in even tighter knots because this was who he was meant to be with. Lavender. Miss Brown. The future Mrs. Harry Potter.

The rain suddenly began to come down fast and the group ran inside. Laughing and a bit wet they retired to the drawing room where Dobby had prepared a nice warm and roaring fire. Hot tea was served to warm everyone up and the ladies cast drying charms upon themselves to stop the ruin of their dresses.

"Where's Miss Granger?" Fred asked.

"I thought she was with you," Ron said.

"She was in the gardens with us. I remember seeing her," Ginny said, worry began to show on her face.

"She must have wandered off," Luna said, fretfully.

"That is why one must always have an escort," Lavender said matter of factly.

"Oh and now she's lost," Susan added with worry.

Harry calmly turned to his house elf. "Dobby, did Miss Granger come back to the house?"

"I don't know, sir. I will tell the others to search for her." The little elf disappeared to organize a search inside the home.

"She might be outside as well," Harry said.

Fred immediately walked to the door of the drawing room. "I'm going outside to search for her."

"I'll go with you," Harry said.

"Me too," Ron added.

"Oh, Neville, please don't go. Stay with us, my nerves are on end," Ginny said wide-eyed.

"I'll stay here with the ladies in case she returns," Neville said calmly.

The familiar feeling of worry began to bubble into Harry whenever the report of someone missing passed his ears. But he fought it down, it was an old habit. Voldemort and his Death Eaters were not here and they certainly didn't have Hermione in their clutches. She was probably just lost on the grounds. Damn her, she should've stayed with the group. He was beginning to agree with Lavender, it would settle nerves if she only took an escort with her. He could only imaging the extent of worry that Miss Granger imposed upon her father.


"Miss Granger!"

The men's voices called out to her, searching the grounds. The rain was relentless and a cold wind began to blow.

"We have to go back in Harry," Ron said when the group reconvened. They were wet and cold. "We'll catch the death of us. Have the house elves look out for her."

"Maybe she is back at the house and we just missed her?" George suggested.

The men made their way back to the home, back into the warmth of the drawing room. The ladies cast drying spells upon the men and handed them warm brandy. Hermione was not there. Harry really began to worry. She was out in the rain for far too long.

"She's not here, sir," Dobby informed him.

"She's outside somewhere. I know it," Harry murmured. Suddenly, he stilled. The thought just occurred to him.

The maze.

There was a maze on the grounds. Harry had forgotten about it because he avoided it. It was in a maze that he had been kidnapped and tortured by Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He had been planning to remove it completely from the garden.

"I'll be back," he said and left his guests in the room.

The blast of cold and wet air blasted him as he walked out the door. The rain was icy cold and penetrated his clothes. He ran to the maze, calling out her name.

Hermione was in the maze when the first of the rain drops began to fall. Sighing wearily she started to head back. At yet another dead end she had resigned to the fact that she had become hopelessly lost in the blasted contraption. The rain began to fall heavy and blurred the view in front of her. Did she make a left here or a right? She began to run, making turns that led her nowhere except further into the maze. She heard voices calling her name and she shouted back but her voice was lost in the rain and wind. It was cold and her delicate gown clung to her body, wet and freezing. She shivered and continued on her way.


She paused, that voice sounded close, very close.


Was that Harry? Hope began to bubble in her. "Harry?" she called out.

Harry paused deep in the maze. Was that her voice? He called out to her again and heard a faint reply. It was her! He blasted a hole in the hedge to get closer to her, all the while calling her name.

Hermione let out a frightened shriek when the hedge in front of her blasted revealing a hole. Harry stepped through.



She ran into his arms, grateful for him finding her. Harry was filled with relief when he saw her. They ran to each other, wrapping their arms around each other. Hermione buried her face in his chest, tears of relief falling down her face. Harry held her, she was shivering and cold, so cold. He had to get her to warmth. He looked down at her, turning her head up to him with gentle hands. Hermione trembled as his lips sought hers, his mouth so warm. She clung helplessly to him, she was freezing. Harry felt her trembling in his arms. She suddenly stopped kissing him back and her weight became heavier. Harry broke the kiss and found that she had fainted.

He lifted her effortlessly in his arms and headed out of the maze, blasting his way through. He would have to send for a mediwitch when he got home.

"Oh, Hermione!" Ginny and Luna cried out when Harry entered the room with Hermione in his arms.

He set her down on a sofa and Ginny and Luna cast drying charms on her. Lavender cast one on him.

"Wherever did you find her?" she asked.

"She was in the maze," Harry answered. "We need to send for a mediwitch. Send for Madame Pomfrey." He turned to his house elf as he said this. Dobby nodded with large eyes, worried, and ran to the fireplace.

"She's so cold," Ginny whispered worriedly. The whoosh of flames from the floo network nearly covered her words.


Harry had ordered the elves to place Hermione in his bed. Ginny and Luna dressed her in a nightshirt of his. She lay quiet and still as Madame Pomfrey looked her over. Harry paced in the drawing room, worry ate at him. She would be alright. The most that could happen to her would be that she would catch a fever right? He felt guilty for leaving her side in the garden. Ron nudged him when Madame Pomfrey entered the drawing room.

"Is she alright?" Harry asked.

"She has a fever and I'm afraid she's very ill," Madame Pomfrey said severely.

Harry inwardly groaned. He was a dead man. Her father would be so angry with him. And Sirius! Sirius would probably throttle him.

"I'm afraid that she is too ill to move. She will have to stay here until she is well," Madame Pomfrey added.

"Yes, yes of course. She must have the best care," Harry said. "I don't want her moved if it will cause her more harm."

Madame Pomfrey seemed pleased with his answer. "Miss Weasley is writing the proper letters to her father and guardian to let them know of her circumstance."

Harry nodded and the mediwitch dismissed herself leaving behind numerous potions that she had given explicit instructions to the house elf that would be caring for her, Winky. His guests left, Lavender a little upset with the arrangement that Hermione would be staying with him. Ginny and Luna promised frequent visits along with the twins. Harry politely saw them off then returned to a house that now had one extra occupant.
