Unofficial Portkey Archive

To Stand Against the Darkness by muggledad

To Stand Against the Darkness


Chapter 12: The Practice of Warfare

"The purpose of Terror is to Terrorize"

Vladimir Ilych Lenin 1870-1924

****** Ministry of Magic, Minister's Office 1015 15 June 1995******

Henry Asquith sat in the Ministers office and was unhappy. He had survived in the Wizengamot long because he was a quiet inoffensive man that stood for decency and fair play. The supremacists and Death Eaters ignored him, for the most part because of a combination of his own pureblood status and a perceived lack of threat from him. That perception had changed much in the last few weeks. Since he had convinced some of his long term friends to vote with him, and in turn with the Government about freezing the assets of the Potter Memory Death Eaters, he was ignored no longer. Nothing violent had happened, yet, but quite a few glares from people who had previously thought him beneath their dignity. He was sure that after tomorrow, the glares would not only get worse, but the violence would begin.

He had made arrangements for his only niece and her husband to get a transfer to the United States, and had contacted some old friends in the United States Department of Magic to watch over her and set up wards and other home defenses for them. He didn't even know where on the whole continent that they lived, and that was probably for the best. He had contacted Gringotts and had all of his familial properties put under an interdict, which not only hid them from being found, but removed them from this reality and put the property in a limbo space where no human could survive. As such, he had moved into one of the guest facilities at Hogwarts for the indefinite future. Albus had arranged for him to have a reusable portkey to the Shrieking Shack, from where he would apparate to his destination. He had received a stern briefing from the new Head Auror about the inadvisability of using the Floo under any circumstances. Things were in much direr straits than he had imagined which led to his current unhappiness.

Cornelius Fudge and Albus Dumbledore were at the Ministers desk, reviewing the wording of the proposed bill and Amelia Bones and Connie Hammer were going over the stratagem to execute said bill. The bill in question, if ratified, would allow for the Government to seize all assets of any person who the government could prove to a magistrate was a Death Eater, marked or not. It was therefore illegal to be a Death Eater, and the person could be arrested, as well and expect to spend twenty years to life in sunny Azkaban. The immediate usage would be to seize the assets of the Potter Memory Death Eaters and any Death Eaters in Azkaban. The fortunes involved were enormous; Malfoy, Lestrange, Crabbe, Goyle and Macnair where some of the wealthiest magical families in all of Britain. The Government stood to gain quite a bit. First they were denying a source of funds from the enemy, but this was more symbolic than anything. For the last two weeks, those vaults had all been locked down by order of the Ministry and Wizengamot. This was a slap in …his …face more than anything. Amelia and Albus were hoping to provoke the senior Death Eaters into rash action that could be capitalized on. Also, it was an attempt to send a warning shot across the bow of any fence sitting families of what they could expect if they came down on the wrong side. The fact that the government was enriching it's own coffers significantly was not mentioned by anyone in the room.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would be furious. Henry knew that he would be identified as a major supporter of the bill, and therefore targeted by the Death Eaters. His own unhappiness sprung not from a conflict of whether he ought to support the bill; he had to support it, his moral compass allowed no other action. His unhappiness sprung from the knowledge, that leading his voting block down this road would put them in He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's sights as well. He would call them together tomorrow morning before the vote and explain what was going on and why he felt it necessary to support the bill. Albus had convinced Cornelius to drop the ridiculous façade of the Death Eaters return but not He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Ms Hammer and Amelia Bones would brief his block on the events of the 24th of May before he said his piece. He just hoped he could sway them to support the measure. If it failed it would be a major setback for the Government and a blow to the conduct of the war.

******Redfields House, Avalon 0630 Arrival +30 Months******

Sirius stood, leaning on his sword in awe of the pitched battle taking place in front of him. The warriors were moving far too fast for the eye to pick up more than a blur of motion and color. Harry, Hermione and Marcus had been at it hammer and tongs for fifteen minutes and were showing no signs of letting up. On his right, Dan was making noises and wincing when a rather sturdy blow was parried with a loud "CLANK" of the swords meeting. He too, had a sword, a gift from Rhodri after Marcus said that it was doubtful that Dan would hurt himself with it anymore. Coming from Marcus, that was high praise indeed.

On his left was his lover, Loreena. She had no weapon, but had been attending these morning sparring sessions for a few weeks now, an intense look of concentration on her face as she tried to keep up with the moves of the contestants. Over the last year, their relationship had matured quickly so that they had declared their love for each other after seeing each other for a few months and became lovers shortly thereafter. Sirius had never been happier, happier than even when the Marauders had been together. He was finally whole. His healing from betrayal, loss and imprisonment, while not complete, was very close to it. The dreams still came occasionally, but a touch or caress from Loreena and he was quieted.

A surprised yelp preceded the jettison of a plain sword from the sparring ring, to stick in the ground point first ten yards away. Harry and Hermione, breathing hard had their swords at Marcus' throat for a second, and then saluted. "Well done" the Dhampir said as he too was breathing hard as he moved to retrieve his weapon. With a somewhat feral smile, he continued "Since I can no longer beat you together as a team, starting tomorrow we shall first duel individually, followed by a three on two scenario with Black and your father over there assisting me."

Loreena frowned and approached Marcus, as Sirius moved to talk to the teens. "Hey you two, good job today. I still can't keep track of your movements. I've tried that trick, of tapping into my magic to try and slow everything down, but I don't think I have enough power to pull it off. I can just barely use my magic to make me stronger, but I don't have your stamina. Face it, you're just too powerful" he finished with a smile. This had been a running joke between the three of them for some time. Shortly after the purification ritual, Harry had been out in the garden and he accidentally sent a book into orbit when he absentmindedly levitated it with all his power. Sirius didn't know what was more funny, the fact that Harry did it, or Hermione's expression when she found out he had sent one of her favorite Transfiguration texts to orbit the moon.

"Yeah, yeah" said Harry with a smile. "The only reason we beat him is because we can coordinate our attack with thought which is significantly faster and more secure than speech. Without our mind speak, we'd be hamburger after he was done with us."

Hermione shook her head. With all the work that she had been devoting herself to in supposedly `masculine' areas, she had begun to feel a little insecure about her femininity. She knew she was tied for second as the most capable sword wielder in all of Avalon, and could take anyone in the realm on a good day in hand to hand. Her Transfiguration was at Minerva's level and Charms was slightly behind Harry who was equal to Jamie. All that said, she was still a woman, and she still liked to feel like a woman and to look good for her man. About six months ago, she had started wearing dresses when she was in the house for lessons and was disappearing with Loreena for long stretches once in a while.

Looking at her boyfriend, she said "Harry, don't say that. Even without me or mind speak, you approach weapon master status with the Danio Tymestl. Don't run yourself down, you are far better than good." Don't make me go to Cuchulainn, love. Be honest, you're damn good with that skewer.

Harry looked at his love, and putting his arm around her waist, waved to Sirius as they walked off. He smiled and nodded. I love you. What would I do without you keeping my head on straight?

Hermione half snuggled into his side as they ambled down the path to the house. You'd be a sniveling wreck, whining to everyone how unfair life is. She laughed under her breath. Yeah, like that could ever happen. Honestly, you keep me in line more than I do you.

Maybe. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate it though.

She stopped and looked him in the eyes very seriously. Love, I'd like to talk about something, let's find a private spot.

They transformed into their Dire Wolf forms and loped off into the woods for a few miles and pulled up at an overlook that they had found last winter. You could see for miles and miles. The house, the lake beyond, it was beautiful. Transforming back, they sat down side by side, with their hips touching, leaning back on their hands letting the morning sun wash over them. They sat for a few moments enjoying the quiet. Hermione stared straight forward down the valley, not looking at Harry. Love, I'd like to make love with you.

Harry sat there stunned. Now?

No, not now! I mean in general. Waving her hands in frustration and embarrassment she continued. We've been together almost three years, known each other for four more beyond that. She turned to look at the flabbergasted boy-who-lived. You're the man I want to wake up with for the rest of my life and I don't need or want to wait any more. I feel utterly and completely confident in where we are as a couple and as individuals. I think taking the final physical step in our relationship is Ok. She looked ahead again, too afraid to see his expression.

Harry had a thoughtful look on his face. First off, I love you and I hope you don't think that we need to do this as a test of our love or because I need you to prove your love for me. At her almost frantic shakes of her head, he calmed. We've been pretty…open minded in this area, doing everything but making love. Have I not pleased you? It was his turn to stare ahead afraid.

No, no! You're wonderful, all I could ask for! I just want you, completely and without reservation. She paused considering. My mum told me when I got `the talk' to not even consider sleeping with a man until I was ready to have a baby, as that is always a real possibility. As Harry's eyes widened, she smiled at him. No, I don't want to have your baby - yet. Someday, most definitely, but not just yet. But the thing is, I wouldn't be destroyed to carry our child right now. It would be a good thing. Harry barely heard her voice for the next line. Don't you want me?

Harry turned so fast to her he ended up on his knees. He grasped her hands and stared into her deep brown eyes. You know I want you. I want you so bad that I can't sleep many nights. I just need to hear that you're as sure as I am. I wanted to talk about this as well, but I had absolutely no idea how to bring it up without sounding like a pig. Sirius was actually a good person to talk to about this. He said that he'd made all the wrong choices so he could tell me if I was going to `screw the pooch.' His best advice was "Don't say to her `Hey Hermione, wanna get naked and make the beast with two backs?'" The both laughed. Harry paused, pulled out his wand and concentrated. Hermione was confused. Just wait a moment. I wanted to do this right, and this feels right. A few seconds later a small object smacked into his hand. He inspected it, but Hermione still couldn't see what he had.

Nodding, Harry took a deep breath and turned to her. He stood up and pulled her up with him. He waved his wand and an ornate gilt chair settled on the grass, and Harry handed Hermione into the chair. Hermione was completely confounded. The conversation she wanted to have with her boyfriend had been going so well after a balky start, and now Harry was acting strange…OH MY GOD.

Harry had just got down on his knee in front of her with a tear in his eye. I love you with all my heart. I've asked for and received permission from your parents. I need you. I love you. Be mine until the day I die. Let me be yours until the day I die. Be my wife. I want to be your husband. Will you please marry me?

With a beaming smile and a tear, she placed her left hand out with the ring finger sticking up. Yes, I will.

After placing the ring on her finger, he stood and pulled her to him and kissed her with all the passion, love and tenderness he could muster.

Hermione looked into his eyes as they broke the kiss. Harry, take us to your bedroom, now.

He smiled. As you wish.

An hour later they were cuddled under the sheets in his bedroom. After making love, they had taken a shower, and then returned to the bedroom to make love again. Harry had never felt so good, so loved and so … complete. I love you so much future Mrs. Potter.

She smiled into his chest and stroked her hand up and down his opposite side arm. And I love you too, my future husband. Scooting up for a languorous kiss, she said, "We should go downstairs and clue everyone in on the good news. Also, the old woman will be here in about an hour. On top of that, I'm hungry" she finished with a smile.

Smiling, he got out of bed, noticing Hermione moving a little gingerly. It's nothing; I'm just a little sore. A nice hot bath tonight and a healing charm or two and I'll be fine. At his worried expression, she gave him a hug. Don't. It's so very worth it. He could have sworn that she purred when she thought it.

After dressing and they went downstairs hand in hand. Harry laughed as he had to adjust the ring on her hand so the diamond didn't cut into his fingers. It was a good thing. Entering into the sitting room, he found all the travelers plus Loreena in a discussion. Harry cleared his throat meaningfully and conversation ceased while most everyone present began to wear broad grins as they guessed the forthcoming news. With a nervous grin, Harry said "Everyone, I asked Hermione to marry me and she said yes."

Pandemonium broke out as everyone stood and moved to the newly engaged couple for congratulations. Dan and Emma knew that this was coming, as Harry had asked their permission two weeks before. A teary Emma hugged Hermione close, after which she gave Harry a big hug and put each hand on one of Harry's cheeks, looked him in the eye with a smile and said "You are going to start calling me mum now, and call Dan dad. If that isn't uncomfortable for you that is" she finished with a hint of worry on her face.

Harry smiled and said "I'd like that. Thanks."

Sirius was beaming and said `Oi! We need to have a bit of a get together!" Turning to Loreena he said "Love, let's go talk to your dad. We need a room at the castle and some supplies. Earl Gryffindor has chosen the Countess!" he said with a leer and a wink at Harry.

Loreena had just given Hermione a hug and a sisterly kiss and glared at her boyfriend while she said "Sirius Black!" At his chastened expression she smiled and said, "Of course, I already mentioned to him that we would need the hall soon." Looking at Harry with a smile she said "Thanks for not making a liar out of me and waiting any longer." She paused and said "You know you need to get some things straight with him? Some of the niceties must be observed."

Harry nodded "Yep. Already got it written down." Seeing confused expressions on Dan, Emma, Minerva, Jamie and Sirius' faces he said "As a peer and knight of the realm, as well as, a relation of the King, I have to request permission to plight my troth to my intended and she must be judged worthy of my state and status. I've already got the request written; he helped me write it" Harry said with a smile. At Hermione's puzzled look he said with a laugh "Where do you think I got the ring? I don't have access to my Gringotts vaults here do I? Rhodri was the first person who I told that I was going to ask you when I told him I needed a ring."

****** Ministry of Magic, Outside Wizengamot Chambers 1600 16 June 1995******

Henry Asquith was pale as a sheet as he waited for Albus Dumbledore outside the chambers of the Wizengamot. The measure to seize the assets for all Death Eaters had passed, 221-215. It had been hard fought all day. Albus had started off with the procedural reading of the text. The opening salvo had been from the proxy member for the Malfoy seat.

Dolores Umbridge stood with her simpering smile that fooled no one even remotely acquainted with the violently bigoted woman. Only Malfoy would have her stand proxy. "My Lords and Ladies, we have here before us a blatant attempt by the tottering Government to strip assets from political enemies all under the veneer of justice. I strongly urge an immediate vote to quash this lunacy which has sprung from the fetid imaginations of those unworthy to move in the circles of government and power." She finished with another smile that left many members shivering and wondering if the woman was actually deranged.

From out of the crowd a voice was heard to shout "Seconded!"

"HOLD!" shouted the booming voice of the Chief Warlock. "We will allow comment and rebuttal to be held." He paused and Henry stood. At Albus' nod Henry took a deep breath and began "Chief Warlock, my Lord and Ladies, this bill before us is the governments attempt to begin to fight this new war that we seem to find ourselves in the beginning stages" at the shouts of derision and disbelief he levied a cold eye while Albus' gavel pounded in the background. When a semblance of quiet had been restored, he continued "Make no mistake, this war is in its opening stages, but it is here. The followers of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named are striking and growing. We've all seen the briefings from the DMLE. You can choose to stick your head in the sand, as we all did twenty years ago. Back then, many of us ignored the portents and chose the easy path of avoidance and willful ignorance and the result was mass murder and mayhem. Bloodshed among wizardkind, by wizardkind of the likes we have not seen since the Conquest. I will not stand by idly any longer." Henry's voice began to grow in volume and his very being seemed to grow as he leaned forward over the rail. He was instinctively speaking his heart, and had left his prepared remarks behind minutes before. "I refuse to cooperate with a lunatic. I refuse to be bullied by a madman and his henchmen. I refuse to bow to a fanatic whose only agenda is gorging on our society like a vulture on carrion. I will stand for what is right. I will stand for the parentless children from the last war and those that are being orphaned every day around us. I will stand for the right action. My name is Henry Harold Asquith, last scion of the house of Hufflepuff, and I will stand against the darkness that invades our shores! I will never bow! I will never give up and I will never surrender even if it cost me my life! I plant my standard here! I draw the line and say, NEVER AGAIN!" and he pounded his fist on the railing in emphasis. Applause burst forth around him like a dam giving way, shouts of encouragement mixed with those of derision. Albus was pounding his gavel after a few moments to gain a level of control over the proceedings. Henry was tempted to call for a vote, but Albus shook his head. The crafty old man knew it was too soon. Emotion would help, but not carry the day. The Wizengamot needed to believe that this course of action was the right thing to do and logic was needed now.

Marcus Flint Sr. stood in rebuttal and the back and forth began. Twice more during the day, Henry stood and wove logic with emotion and in the end they won the day. By the end, he was like a limp dishrag. Emotionally spent, and physically exhausted from the day's events, he waited as Albus had sent him a note saying he wished to talk to him afterwards.

He ran his hands over his face, trying to get some energy back and when he dropped his hands he saw was Dolores Umbridge standing in front of him with her simpering scowl on her face. "You think you've won today, don't you Asquith?" she said with venom. "You are a fool. You champion the muggle and mudblood. Probably half breeds and beasts too! The Dark Lord knows, trust me, he knows. His will be done and you and those like you will fall in an agony of pain so that at the end you will beg for dispatching. Have no fear, he will win. His wrath is coming for you. I pity you in a way, blood traitor. You could have been so much, heir of Hufflepuff. Too bad" and she waddled away, her disgusting visage and deformed body both defeating the intensity of the threats uttered while at the same time also making them much more real.

******Redfields House, Avalon 0630 Arrival +36 Months******

Harry snapped his blade in a high slashing attack and was parried. He quickly moved defensive and blocked the backhanded return attack from his opponent. He did a back flip to gain distance and launched a flurry of overhand attacks to try to drive his opponent to overbalance. Jumping over a low ankle attack he braced himself and parried a quick vertical upward slash. After a quick jab to distract, that was avoided; he attempted to wandlessly cast the Summoning Charm at his opponent's feet. He was informed of his success when Hermione yelped and fell on her bum.

Lying on her posterior, she glared at her intended. Harry! Not fair. He didn't say we could use magic or I would have had a low level shield up the whole session.

He didn't say we couldn't either. He leisurely pointed the Danio Tymestl at her throat while smiling. Yield?

You are so not getting laid tonight buster. Her smile belied her tone.

Harry laughed out load. Promises, promises. Are you threatening me or you?

Hermione smiled saucily and saluted with the Eryr Ewin. Harry helped her up. Again? No magic this time.

Let's rock. Harry immediately sidestepped an over the shoulder slash and parried a horizontal attack to his chest.

From the house, Emma watched her children try to kill each other. Oh, they had explained all about dueling wards and how an actual hit would only leave an ink-like mark, but it sure looked like they were trying to kill each other. Dan came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back into him. Their marriage had become so much stronger these last almost three years. Dan focused on the kids and his own training and exercise and also had become devoted to his gardens. Emma had discovered a passion and talent for potions. After the first book had been consumed, she had tentatively approached the old woman, to ask if she knew someone who might be able to offer tuition on the subject. Two days later Cadfael had shown up at the door.

The little old man wearing rust black robes had smiled his little happy smile at her and said, "Come, let's have a little walk" and they went out in the pouring rain for two hours. As they walked, Cadfael pointed out plants and their attributes. He noticed her sopping wet state and said "Oh my, madam. I'm terribly sorry…so thoughtless…so forgetful" and he brought out his wand with two quick flicks, she was dry and then impervious to the elements. Every day for six months they had gone on their walks and if she hadn't been enjoying learning so much, she would have been annoyed that they hadn't even looked at a cauldron yet. Then, Cadfael had then given her what she referred to as her shopping list. It was an extensive list of herbs that she needed to collect by herself over the next month to stock what would be her potion lab. She had been journaling extensively to put her newfound lore down on paper so she didn't forget it. One month later, she had the beginnings of her lab and Cadfael came back and walked through it with a smile. She had been so nervous. It was like her grandfather coming to inspect. Cadfael had obviously seen her nervousness and with his berry stained fingers, patted her on the hands, smiled his happy smile and said "Child, you have a wonderful workroom. Let's go for a little walk" and now she began to learn about minerals and other materials.

Over the years, Cadfael had taught her what Harry and Hermione knew as Herbology and Potions from the ground up. He still came by every week or so, and would challenge her to brew an exacting or challenging potion, but most of the time they just chatted about life. He talked about his wife, and how she kept him busy. After nearly one hundred and ten years of marriage, Cadfael had a different view on marriage than most, and he was an inexhaustible source of very funny tales of life with his wife, their three children, numerous grandchildren and even more great-grandchildren. With a flummoxed look, Cadfael confided to her that he couldn't even remember all their names, there were too many.

Most importantly, she and Dan had focused on their family. It had been easy to get lost in the day-to-day of the practice and not focus on what was really important, especially with Hermione gone three fourths of the year, every moment was precious. Now, she felt that their family had never been stronger. And Harry. He'd been a wonderful addition to their family unit. He had wanted so very much to be loved by his bastards-of-relatives that it made her ache for him. Dan had told her what Sirius had related about the abuse Harry had suffered as a lad and Emma had almost run shrieking from the house in rage and indignation. She had come to know, love and respect the quiet young man who had won her daughter's heart. He was a good man, and she could ask no more for Hermione.

The objects of her musings came in the back door laughing and carrying on loudly as they went upstairs to clean up after their sparring. They were to meet with Cuchulainn today, and the old woman in the afternoon. Without moving from her position, she said to Dan "You do know that they are sleeping together, right?"

She felt his head slump forward and his forehead rest on the back of her head. "Yes, I do. I'd also like to never talk about it again. Even after they have kids, I'll be in blissful denial, thinking my baby girl is as pure as the driven snow."

She chuckled at the antics of her man "I just bring it up because if I know our Hermione, and I do, she will most likely be telling us that she is moving into Harry's room or vice versa sometime soon. Best you prepare yourself. Notice, I didn't say she'd be asking us, I said she'd be telling us and you mister" here she turned around to face her sheepish husband "will nod and acquiesce quietly. They're engaged and of age." After a moments pause she said "And two of the most powerful people on the planet who could burn us all to ash, so you will not make a fuss, do you understand me Daniel Joseph Granger?"

Dan could only give in and replied with the correct answer for married men ninety nine percent of the time: "Yes dear."

******Charon House, Cumbria 1930 16 June 1995******

Remus looked across the kitchen table at Bill and Charlie Weasley. Two brothers who looked alike in the face and yet were radically different. Where Bill was tall and lanky, Charlie was short and stocky. Bill was soft spoken and refined; a brandy drinker. Charlie was rough and loud; a Firewhiskey drinker. They were both brilliant in their own fields. Bill's Rune Mastery had led to his employment for Gringotts as the first human curse breaker in over four hundred years. Charlie had taken his passion for the outdoors and magical animals in general to the premier dragon preserve in the world at the Fields of Fire near the Romanian and Bulgarian border. Both of their chosen professions required not only technical mastery, but also a hardness inside to do that which needs to be done, even if it means a death. After much debate between Connie and Alastor, they had chosen the eldest Weasley brothers to assist Alastor and Remus with their snatch and grab missions.

"So that's the plan. Are you in?" Alastor had briefed the red-heads for the last thirty minutes on the whys and wherefores of the project. They were still refining the list of targets, but had enough right now to start the "culling of the herd" as Albus called it.

Charlie spoke up "I'm in. When do we start?" He had given up his prestigious job to return home during these times. He was also pursuing his Mastery of Magical Creatures working under Newt Scamander, but his primary purpose in being home was to fight the good fight.

Bill looked thoughtful. Finally, he gave a short nod and said "Me too."

Charlie grinned and nudged his brother in the ribs with his elbow. "You might also have a little extra time to see that little half Veela you met at the Tournament, eh?" Bill rolled his eyes at his brother and refocused on Remus and Alastor across the table.

Remus smiled a very wolf like smile. "Tonight we visit good Mr. Thornberry, head of Floo Regulation Division. Go get some sleep, meet here at one AM. You can sleep upstairs in one of the rooms, if you'd prefer and sleeping draughts are available from the house elves."

******Thornberry Residence, East End of London 0300 17 June 1995******

Three AM is considered to be the time when human biorhythms are at their lowest ebb. If anyone was awake on guard duty at all in the house, they'd be working under that handicap and be sluggish at best. Attackers usually do not have the handicap as they are usually keyed up with adrenalin.

The dark figure that appeared in the entrance hall of the posh home stumbled slightly before crouching and casting the bubblehead charm. After setting down a large vial of a pale blue liquid and uncorking it, the person flicked their wand and a strong breeze spread the sleep inducing fumes throughout the house, instantly putting any person that was in the house into a deep sleep with no identifiable aftereffects. After re-corking the vial, another wand movement and all the windows in the house opened and the magical breeze cleared the house of the fumes.

Remus took off his balaclava and opened the front door and his three disillusioned companions strolled in before Charlie shut the door behind them all.

Alastor re-appeared and took command "Charlie, go." His role was to secure the main floor and basement, stand guard at the base of the main stairs watching the front doors. With a growl, Mad-Eye added "Don't forget to check the back door as well." He waved his hand at the other two and they went upstairs. He pointed to Bill and waved his hand in a circle and the oldest Weasley brother went to secure the rest of the upstairs while Remus and Alastor had their little "discussion" with Mr. Thornberry.

In the master suite they found the owner of the house. During their surveillance, they had not seen Thornberry's wife or pre-Hogwarts aged children in or near the house. A moment later, Remus heard in his ear "Main floor and basement secure. Taking up waiting position now" from Charlie. A moment later, "Second floor secure, no one home. Taking up waiting position now" was heard from Bill.

Alastor and Remus continued to point their wands at the sleeping figure while the retired Auror put the wand he found on the side table in his sleeve. Mad-Eye woke the sleeper with a rough shake while Remus covered him from the foot of the bed. Thornberry woke with a sleepy "Huh? Whazzgoinon? Sylvia, you back?"

Alastor vanished the mans pajama top and saw, in all it's disgusting glory, the mark of Voldemort on the corpulent man's left forearm. With distaste, Moody said "No dickweed, Sylvia isn't here, neither is Santa. Now, let's just be a good little Death Eater and answer a few questions so we don't kill you, Ok?" Remus nodded in satisfaction as the fat man almost physically deflated in front of them and nodded.

The resulting interrogation had required no Veritaserum, and just passive Legilimancy by Moody to ensure the truthfulness of the answers provided. At the end of the "discussion", Moody stunned, obliviated and bound the man with Thornberry's own wand and then made the ropes that bound him into a Portkey. This Portkey conveniently took him to Amelia Bones office, to be found in the morning without his shirt on. The new law against the Death Eaters would do the rest. "Bet you Bones arrests the son-of-a-bitch just for being fat and ugly" Alastor cackled as they left the bedroom. Remus smiled and with a twitch of his wand, sent his thought to Bill and Charlie "All done, rendezvous at head of main stairs for extraction."

When the two Weasley brothers appeared in front of him they all touched the Portkey in front of them and vanished in a fall of color. They had been in the house for twelve minutes. Next time would not be so easy.

******Redfields House, Avalon 0630 Arrival +39 Months******

Harry and Hermione approached Cuchulainn's clearing with caution. Lately, the Razortail had taken to attacking them en route to their discussions to teach them patience and how to be aware of their surroundings.

An impatient Warrior is a dead Warrior. One of his many aphorisms that they had found was true. Patience is a way of life that springs from the soul of a Warrior. Know thyself, younglings, and you will know all you need.

With a screeching roar Cuchulainn dove at them from above in a free fall, speeding like a meteor toward the ground. He let forth a gout of flame from his massive jaws, igniting the forest in their path. Before the flame had even left his jaws, though, the Witch and Wizard had apparated two hundred yards up the path and stood back to back, scanning for his next appearance. He landed with an earth rattling Thump in front of Hermione and stared at the two as they fanned out to get cross fire on him, but still be mutually supporting.

The timeless Warrior would not give them the opportunity, though, and upset their plan by charging Harry, roaring so loud that a nearby tree split in half.

Somewhat stunned by the volume of the roar, Harry blind apparated to Hermione's side who then cast the Volume Control charm on him, which she had just cast on herself. Instantly, she transformed into Vixen, standing guard over her wounded mate. With her ears flat on her head and her lips pulled back in a growling snarl, the three hundred pound she-wolf slowly advanced on the dragon. She side stepped to her left, away from the burning forest so as not to be hemmed in. She made a few snarling rushes at Cuchulainn when he reared up, trying to wound him and distract him, always scampering away before he could bring his natural weapons to bear.

Here I come.

No worries, take your time. Vixen kept Cuchulainn's attention on herself, barking and snapping at him, working herself up into a frenzy while Ghosteyes snuck up from behind and with an enormous leap, the three hundred and fifty pound Dire Wolf laid hold of the throat of the dragon.

Cuchulainn roared and reared, shaking his great neck in fury and pain. Ghosteyes flew off and bounced off a tree. He bounced back up and charged the great dragon.

Vixen, seeing her mate being shaken loose, charged immediately and without sound. She leaped and with a slashing rip of her fangs tore open the Razortail's face. As Cuchulainn roared in pain, she landed and saw Ghosteyes in mid-stride. Spinning on her hind legs she resumed her attack. Dodging a tail whip attack which cut down three trees in its path, Ghosteyes latched onto Cuchulainn's neck again as Vixen made a slashing attack at the dragon's underbelly.

In a moment of sheer comedy, Cuchulainn lifted his head but Ghosteyes had a firm grip this time and merely closed his jaws tighter as he was suspended about ten feet in the air, before the dragon began to laugh. I yield! For the first time in over three thousand years, I yield! He lowered his head so Ghosteyes could let go without a fall.

After Harry and Hermione transformed back, Hermione checked over Harry, as his ears were bleeding from Cuchulainn's roaring attack. Hmm, for your ears you need to see mum with her super fix anything potion she and Cadfael came up with. With a few quick flicks she cleaned him up. That should hold you until we get back. Hurt much?

Harry shook his head as if he had water in his ears. Nope. When she glared, he followed up with the truth. Well, not too much. Hold on. In his mind he called out Hedwig!

With a burst of flame the white Phoenix arrived and circled once before settling on Harry's shoulder. Could you please? And he tilted his head to the side. Immediately grasping the problem she began crying the pearly healing tears into his ear. She took off and alighted on his other shoulder and when he tilted his head the other way, she repeated the gesture. A few moments later, Harry was healed. Thank you Hedwig. She trilled a short song and flew away through the trees.

As Harry turned his attention to putting out the forest fire, Hermione now turned her attention to the dragon, who she noticed was bleeding somewhat from his neck, underbelly, face and forelimbs. Honored One, may I heal your wounds?

With an amused expression, which would still be quite frightening to anyone who did not know the Razortail very well, he contemplated his pupil. You may, Lupa.

After Hermione cast the healing charms at full strength, so as to overcome his natural magical resistance, Cuchulainn was ready to talk. He settled himself down like a cat does, tucking his forelimbs under his great bulk and wrapping his dangerous tail around his body. So, what did you learn?

We are stronger together than apart.

When we need to, we can fight well on our own though.

True, but I was thinking more practically. He waited while his pupils thought for a minute. Finally he gave up. Don't forget to look up. Never forget the other dimension, up and down can get you killed just as easily as in front of you and behind you. Also, here he looked at Harry never be too sure of your kill. If you are presented with the chance, tear out its throat without hesitation.

Harry sat next to Hermione and they leaned on the tree behind them. He paused and then asked something that had bothered him for quite a while now. Honored One, what is glory?

Oh, now that is a question indeed. Cuchulainn lifted his head and opened his eyes all the way, a sure sign he was interested and fully in the conversation. What do you think glory is, youngling?

Honestly? I think it is an illusion. I have been thinking about all that we have talked about and not once have you mentioned `the glory of the victor' and other such things. I think that you are correct in saying there are merely those that survive and those that don't. Some are in between and are vanquished but survive, but they aren't the point. Harry turned to his fiancée to get her input.

I agree, it seems that `glory' is merely the invention of those that have never held a sword to try and justify sending Warriors into an unjust war or in an attempt to be a part of that which they cannot understand. They do not understand the fear and terror of the battlefield. They do not know what it means to slay. They see only victory and loss and call it great. Or praise the `glory' of the victor. There is no `glory' in killing; only the dead. And nightmares. Finishing up she looked to her man with a knowing look.

Good, good. Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. You are truly following the Way. A true Warrior does not desire accolades, but in humility accepts them for the fallen and to acknowledge his own deeds. Looking at Hermione, he could sense a question. What is it little Lupa?

Hermione worried her lip a bit. Honored One, may I be so bold as to ask you why you are here? You know our destiny and goal. Everything I have read tells me that dragons have never meddled in human affairs. So why now?

He stared at her with his yellow eyes for a full minute. Hermione was getting very worried that she had overstepped herself and was about to offer profuse apologies when he spoke.

Without moving, Cuchulainn related the story in a low, intense voice. The dark one came for my mate, Brigid. She had just delivered our first clutch; five eggs. I was out hunting. We had nested in the Burren in Clare and I had to go far and wide so as not to lead humans back to our nest. When I returned, he had just killed her and was tearing her heart from her chest. In my rage I attacked and slew the twenty men he had left that he brought with him for she had slain scores in defending our clutch. The coward apparated away. I only found out his name a few years ago. Voldemort. My clutch has hatched and the hatchlings are safe enough here. The King has given his oath that they will not be harmed. My heart burns in my chest for this Voldemort, though. For my Brigid.

At this, he put his head down and said no more. A silence descended on the glade. A silence of suffering and sadness. The water that Harry had spread to put out the fire dripped loudly, as if the very forest was crying.

****** Ministry of Magic, Minister's Office 0500 17 June 1995******

Albus Dumbledore hurried into the Minister's office. He had received an urgent Floo call from Amelia Bones not ten minutes before telling him to "get his scrawny old ass down here now" and she was gone before he could enquire as to the emergency. "Amelia, my scrawny old ass is here, now, would you please tell me what the emergency is? Wait, where is Cornelius?" the old Headmaster looked around the office and saw the Head Auror in the corner, talking on the Floo, the Head of the DMLE and a few other senior Aurors, with wands in their hands, standing guard behind him, near the door. The Minister was noticeably absent.

Amelia looked up at him grimly "That's why you're here. Last night, at approximately 0115 one of Cornelius' protective detail, Auror Dawlish, entered the master suite at the Minister's house and killed the Minister and Mrs. Fudge in their sleep with an asphyxiation curse. He then stood there, waiting for one of the other three Aurors to find him at the crime scene." At this news, Albus rubbed his old face and then looked at the DMLE Head and crooked an eyebrow. She nodded in return "Right now, we are thinking Imperius, but he's being held just in case. Dawlish may be a bit of an idiot, but he isn't a Death Eater."

Albus sat in one of the chairs next to Amelia. "Retaliation, you think?"

She nodded, "I do. You should watch out for our Henry. He'll be next on the list you know. This law will help us significantly, but Voldemort must be out-of-his-mind-insanely-furious."

Albus shook his long maned head "No, you are next on the list Ms. Bones. Are you under the Fidelius yet?" At her nod he let it go and watched Connie gather her forces so as to have as much information as she could for Amelia's expected press conference at 0800.

Albus sighed. "I'll get the notifications out to the entire Wizengamot that we are going to convene to vote on a new Minister in" he checked a calendar on the desk "three days time." He straightened up and assumed an air of dignity and power that he rarely projected "Madam Bones, as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot I charge you to act as the Minister for Magic until the Wizengamot of Great Britain and Northern Ireland can elect a replacement for Cornelius Fudge. Do you accept?" At her acquiescence, he said "So, mote it be."

He relaxed and before them all was the Headmaster of Hogwarts again. "I must go, you can contact me here in my offices until about noon, and at Hogwarts after that." He headed out of the office before he paused and turned around to face Amelia, "We are going to have to start using Veritaserum and Legilimancy soon, you know that, don't you?" Amelia nodded and he said with a bit of gallows humor "By the way, good luck."

As Albus walked down the hall toward the Chief Warlock's office suite, his countenance was grim. Harry, I hope you can come back to us soon.

******Redfields House, Avalon 1400 Arrival +41 Months******

Harry and Hermione had just returned from Camelot overseeing the final preparations for their wedding next week. Harry had been told exactly what he was to wear, and so too had Sirius who was standing as best man. He had been teasing his Godson unmercifully about the clothes and flowers, "Oh the flowers!" he would shriek in a falsetto and prance around waving his hands in the air. Her Royal Highness the Princess Loreena, who was standing up with Hermione, had informed Baron Black that his presence was not required until the fittings were held, and maybe not even then if he did not clean up his act. A chastised Sirius apologized and backed off the teasing. With a smile, he got a kiss from Loreena and they ambled out into the garden "to talk" for a bit.

A month before all this, Harry had thrown his hands up in the air and requested an elopement. Hermione asked him through her laughter how they were going to get to Gretna Green or Las Vegas.

"Hedwig will do it. Won't you girl? Take us to Gretna Green or Vegas, please." said Harry and the Phoenix promptly flew away to Harry's dismay.

Here they were, almost at the finish line. Hermione curled up into Harry's side on the couch in their bedroom and said "Honestly, this wedding seems to be more about the guests than us!" The ceremony was to be held in the Great Hall of the castle, with the King as the binding official, assisted by the Queen and the old woman.

Hermione stood and looked at Harry. Come on, the old woman will be here shortly and it's duel day. Up and at `em lazybones.

So, do you think that Harry-A and Hermione-A can take the old woman today? They had begun referring to their avatar selves in this way once they had developed control over their avatar to the point that they could fight with them. Harry had described it to Sirius, who was learning from the teens, "It's like a spiritual puppet that can do magic and beat up on another spiritual puppet."

Laughing she hooked her arm in her betrothed's arm and shook her head. We can but try, eh?

A few minutes later, the two pupils and the old woman were seated in the workroom. The old woman looked around, smiled in anticipation and nodded. A moment later, three spirit avatars sprang into the center of the room and the younger two dove toward the old woman in attack. The old woman-A raised her hands, palms out and bowed her head for a moment in concentration. Harry and Hermione's avatars were thrown back into the walls and bounced off silently. They stood and shrugging, looked at the old woman-A as if to say "Hey, we had to try."

Hermione, in her spirit form, crouched in front of Harry-A and he stood still for a moment. Suddenly Harry-A threw his hands out toward the old woman's form and sheets of flames leapt from his hands at his opponent who threw her hands up in an arc, shielding herself from the bulk of the attack. Under the cover of the wall of flame, Hermione-A stood and with a pulling motion, pulled the wall behind the old woman-A loose to fall on her. Hearing the creak of timbers, she quickly apparated to an unused corner of the room only to be attacked once more by Harry-A, this time with ice and sleet. She was encased with a thick coat of ice for a moment before breaking out, sending shards of ice everywhere at high speeds.

The teens avatars apparated behind the shards and continued to press their attack until they were close enough, for then Harry-A attacked the old woman's mind. It looked like his avatar was merely placing his hands on the old woman's head, but he was trying to force his way past her last defensive shields. The goal of the duel had been to retrieve the memory of when they had all met and Harry was painfully trying to crowbar his way into the old woman's mind while Hermione's avatar kept up attack after attack on the old woman's avatar to keep her from Harry.

At first Hermione-A kept up a string of blasting and bludgeoning curses up from both hands, but old woman-A shielded and caught her breath before apparating behind Hermione-A. At this point, she engaged old woman-A in hand to hand, and if anyone had been watching, they would have been astounded by the utter violence and fluidity of action by the two avatars. After a moment, Hermione-A gained space with a handless cartwheel and braced herself before a cone of white hot eldritch fire encased old woman-A. Minutes passed and Hermione-A's arms began to shake with the strain of such a powerful spell being kept up for over ten minutes.

Finally, the teens were exhausted and collapsed. Hermione, in fact, passed out. Harry stood from his chair and reached out to her in his tiredness. You there, Mione?

Yeah, love…let me sleep…tired now…go `way.

Harry looked up from the sleeping young woman whose head was in his lap to see their teacher stagger up from her own seat and meander over to them. "Is she well?"

Harry looked back down and ran his fingers through her hair. "She's Ok, just really tired. That took a lot out of us." He ran a concerned eye over her and said "You too by the look of things."

Sitting in the chair next to where Harry sat on the ground she said "Yes, well you get attacked by two ArchMages at the same time at my age and see how well you fare? Hmm?" She finished with a laugh, taking the sting out of her words. With a friendly smile, she said "Now, my young Gryffindor, tell me; how are you faring with your forthcoming nuptials?"

Harry grimaced at the question. He was utterly and completely sure that he wanted to marry Hermione, but what a pain in the keister this whole wedding planning had turned out to be! "Hermione has been great, just deciding about things that she knows I have no preference and really don't care about. But the bloody court aspect….uh" and he stammered at his swearing, looking at the old woman as if expecting a reprimand.

She smiled and said "I was married for one hundred and forty one years young man, I've heard much worse. Continue."

Blushing, Harry said "There is all kinds of paperwork and oaths and now the King is talking about elevating both Sirius and me. He is expecting Sirius to get off his backside and propose to his daughter soon and he can't marry a royal Princess to a Baron, nooo. Got to do it right. Sometimes it would be nice if life were easy for a bit" he finished sarcastically.

The old woman looked at her charge for a moment or two. "Your relationship with your lady has been easy, has it not?" Seeing Harry begin to contemplate her question, she elaborated "Not easy as in never disagreeing or having a spat or two. But, your feelings for her, and hers for you just fell into place, did they not?" she finished with a knowing smile.

With a big goofy grin Harry said "Yeah, they did." After a moment he looked to his teacher, realizing another lesson had just taken place. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. Why don't you take your intended upstairs and put her to bed and we can talk more about your performance today. I'll meet you in the library." After Harry gathered Hermione in his arms and apparated upstairs to their room, she slowly stood and muttered under her breath "I'll tell them the truth about their Dark Lord after the wedding."

****** Ministry of Magic, Head Auror's Office 1230 17 June 1995******

Remus walked past the Auror cubicles toward Connie's office. He had heard the news and figured she needed a quick break and he was going to take her out to lunch. Passing the office next to hers, he saw two men in it that he hadn't seen before. That in itself wasn't unusual; the fact that they were both talking on telephones and looking at computer screens was very unusual. Remus continued on and seeing that she was alone, entered his girlfriend's office.

Looking up, she smiled at him and Remus' world brightened. "Hey there love. Boy has this been the day from hell" and she stood to give and get a big hug. Holding her in his arms, she nestled her head under his chin where she seemed to fit just perfectly.

"I saw the Prophet" he said. "I figured when I woke and you were gone that something was up, but this is pretty big. Imperius?" She nodded in reply and he held her a little closer. The Imperius Curse was scary because you never knew who could be under Death Eater control. Remembering what he had just seen, he said "Say, what's with the muggle gear next door, won't it get ruined the first time someone does any magic?"

Connie led them over to the sofa and they sat her holding his hand. "They aren't Wizards but muggles. Special Agent Archie Stevenson is our new liaison with MI-5 and Chief Inspector Ian Murray is our new liaison with New Scotland Yard. The room is warded and no wands are allowed in so they can use their tools."

Remus thought for a minute. "But the statute of secrecy?"

Connie smiled, "Both have a Squib parent. Works out well. They're both top-notch." She waved her free hand in front of her "They have access to information at their fingertips like I can only dream of having."

Remus stood and held out his hands to her. Pulling her up after him he said "Come on, I'm here to take you to lunch and won't take no for an answer." She smiled and crossed to her desk to grab her purse when they were interrupted by a knock at the door. There stood Stevenson and Murray, white as sheets.

Connie let out a little sigh "Come in lads, what's the to-do now?" At Stevenson's hesitant look at Remus, Connie remembered herself. "Ah. Introductions then. Archie, Ian, meet Remus Lupin. Remus, Archie Stevenson and Ian Murray." As the men shook hands, Connie said "Remus has a Top Secret Access; he also has need to know for any of Voldemort's actions. With that all out of the way, I repeat myself, what's the to-do?"

Stevenson, still looking pale said "There has been a multi-day musical festival going on at Wembley Stadium in northwest London the last two days and today is the grand finale, as it were." He paused, and ran his shaking hand through his hair. Taking a deep breath, he continued, "Well, at approximately 1030 this morning, the few witnesses we can find are saying that huge animals of fire just appeared in the crowd, burning people up left and right. All the doors and gates out of the stadium were sealed by strange stone barriers that seem to just have appeared in place. Those that weren't immolated by these fire animals or suffocated were trampled to death." He looked around the room, taking in the expressions of horror on everyone's faces. "Estimates by the sponsors of the event have attendance at approximately sixty thousand." He looked hopelessly at the two magical persons "We've only found thirteen survivors."

"Dear God" said Remus.


1) I own nothing. Rats!

2) Sorry, in last chapters notes on FF net, Loreena McKennitt's website URL didn't come through. Here it is: quinlanroad (dot) com (fslash) homepage (fslash) index (dot) asp. Thanks to pfiel for the catch

3) Two recommendations for this chapter: Harry Potter and the Warrior's Path by librarywitch and Message in a Bottle by Angry Hermione, only found on FF net. Good stories that have some meat to them.

4) Wizarding society is corrupt. Some fanfics have said irretrievably so. One of the best out there is Bobmin's Sunset/Sunrise Over Britain. Great stories that are about a billion words long. Taking nothing away from Bobmin, as they wrote fantastic stories that I read again and again, but from a realistic standpoint, I find it hard to believe that all of the Wizengamot is on the take. I can see quite a few (notice the vote was just over 50/50) being on the take, but all? Nope. Look around you, there are far too many decent people out there who may just be old fashioned afraid. They need someone to rally around. They need a Harry or Hermione. They need a Henry or Amelia. Then, they can have the courage of their convictions.

5) The Burren (Irish: Boireann, meaning Great rock) is a unique karst-landscape region in northwest County Clare, in Ireland and one of the largest Karst landscapes in Europe. Karst is an area that has had most of its topsoil removed or transformed due to a wide variety of reasons, most of them natural.

6) Harry and Hermione's feelings about their wedding mirror mine and my wifes. After a while, I asked her if she thought her mother would mind if we just went to the courthouse and filled out the paperwork. She actually considered it - for about .03 seconds.

7) In Irish mythology, Brigid ("exalted one") was the daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. She is the goddess of all things perceived to be of relatively high dimensions such as high-rising flames, highlands, hill-forts and upland areas; and of activities and states conceived as psychologically lofty and elevated, such as wisdom, excellence, perfection, high intelligence, poetic eloquence, craftsmanship (especially blacksmithing), healing ability, druidic knowledge and skill in warfare. Obviously, she was a very important goddess. The Dagda is a father-figure and a protector of the tribe. He was a bit of a pig. An extremely powerful pig, though, who carried a club with which he could kill 9 people with one swing. He is kind of like Zeus in his overall role in the pre-Christian Irish pantheon of gods and goddesses. The Tuatha Dé Danann are a race of people in Irish mythology. In the invasions tradition which begins with the Lebor Gabála Érenn, they are the fifth group to settle Ireland, conquering the island from the Fir Bolg. Interestingly, one of the most popular Irish Saint is Saint Brigid, sometimes even surpassing Saint Patrick.

8) For the American readers, Gretna Green is a small but thriving town on the west coast in the south of Scotland famous for runaway weddings. For the British & Irish readers, Las Vegas is the same thing for us, just much more gaudy.

9) Cuchulainn is quoting the Duke of Wellington in his dispatch from his victory at Waterloo regarding the battle won vs. the battle lost.
