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To Stand Against the Darkness by muggledad

To Stand Against the Darkness


Chapter 18: Hogwarts

"Now these are the Laws of the Jungle, and many and mighty are they; But the head and the hoof of the Law and the haunch and the hump is - Obey!

Rudyard Kipling, The Second Jungle Book, The Law of the Jungle, st. 6

******Hogwarts, Great Hall 1900 01 September, 1995******

The Great Hall seemed much more crowded than usual this evening. Harry and Hermione sat next to each other on the far left of the staff table, next to Emma. The sorting had just started and it was a tossup as to whether students were staring more at Minerva or Harry and Hermione. Harry smothered a smile after catching a look at his former Head of house's face. Look at Minerva, she's royally pissed at the whispers and staring.

Hermione glanced over at the now youthful Deputy Headmistress and smiled. Welcome to our world.

Harry could only nod in return. Looking down the table, he saw Jamie and Filius Flitwick talking animatedly. The diminutive professor had been out of the country until this morning and had come running into Minerva's office, where much of the staff had congregated to relax. He saw Minerva, restored to her youth, and his mouth dropped open "It's true then." He paused soaking in her new look while she beamed at him. She looked over his left shoulder very deliberately, and he turned and there was his old dueling nemesis and one of his best friends ever. Jamie knelt saying "Filius my old friend, it's verra good to see you." Filius walked up and they embraced as the Charms Professor wept.

Hermione was looking out at the crowd, she recognized most everyone already seated at the house tables, but it seemed like she was remembering a dream. She saw all her former year mates, Ron was facing away from the head table but distinguishable by his ginger hair. There was Dean, Seamus, Lavender, Parvati and so on. Her mind told her that it had only been a summer to the now fifth years, but to her it had been almost five years since she'd seen them. The Weasley twins were impossible to miss, their exuberance had carried them to the front table where Fred, or maybe George, had bowed deeply to the Potters and said "Oh your holinesses, most high exaltednesses and grand Poobahnesses, my lowly sibling and I wish to tell you that even though we are not worthy to lick your boots clean, we would be most grateful to eat the scraps from your table" while the other twin nodded and made sycophantic faces and noises. Harry had burst into laughter while Hermione laughed behind her hand. Harry then jumped down and gave the lads a firm handshake and a promise to catch up later on.

The sorting complete, Minerva banished the hat to the Headmaster's office and sat between the Headmaster and her husband looking most annoyed. She saw her youngest professors smiling at her, guessed the cause and then slowly arched her left eyebrow while the edges of her mouth curled slightly.

Dumbledore rose, and from his golden throne-like chair said "I have a few words for you: Sneeze, Dingo, Snorkel, and Chainsaw." After the usual befuddlement of the students by the Headmaster, they all dug into the sumptuous feast.

Emma leaned over to her daughter during the main course and said "Is the food always this good?"

Hermione chuckled "Yes, although tonight, the variety is greater than usual."

Shaking her head, Emma mumbled to herself "No wonder you never wanted me to teach you how to cook."

At the end of the meal, the last dessert consumed, the Headmaster stood and approached the podium for his opening term remarks. He stood there for a minute as the muted roar of the students catching up with each other faded into silence. Looking around the room he said "There are quite a few announcements to make so I won't dawdle. First off, the forbidden forest is as such, so do not enter it. We have quite a few new professors this term so to start off: Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taught by former Dueling Champion, Professor Jamie McGonagall."

Jamie intentionally stood very slowly. It looked like he was uncurling all of his six foot four inch frame and his dark auburn hair was falling unfettered, further amplifying the aura of menace from the man. Jamie had said before the feast "I want there to be no doubt that I am in charge in the classroom, and if I have to intimidate the little buggers with my size, so be it."

Harry had laughed outright at this while Hermione smiled broadly, causing a confused look on Jamie and Minerva's face. Glancing at Minerva and then back to Jamie, Harry said "Your wife is very much of that opinion as well. On my first day of Transfiguration, I was terrified of her."

Jamie looked around the hall with slightly narrowed eyes and then sat to slight applause while the whispers about his relation to Minerva started. Albus looked at the pair with questioning eyes and received a nod from them both. Turning back to the students, he said "For those of you not completely addled by the excellent feast, yes, the two professors McGonagall are married. I refer you to the early July edition of the Daily Prophet for details."

After Dumbledore introduced the new Muggle Studies professor, Selena Hawksworth, he introduced one of the two most popular new professors of the night. Albus only said "Our new History of Magic professor" and he was interrupted by a storm of applause. He shook his head with chagrined look and waved his hand for silence. Once he could be heard again he said "I'm sure that Professor Stone appreciates that welcome" and the shocked blond man in his forties waved to the students.

Emma now fidgeted nervously. She, Minerva and Albus had quite a few talks in the past few days. They had discussed security, muggle baiting and other issues, as well as, the standard new professor discussions and pep talks. Albus waved his hand in her direction and said "Our new Potions Professor" now the crowd of students exploded in applause, cheering and even people standing on the benches shouting for her, or for anyone other than the hated Snape filling the position. Emma shook her head in disappointment that Albus had let the situation come to this. She plastered on a smile and then stood and waved to the crowd. After a few minutes, Albus got control and simply said "Potions Mistress Granger."

At this point Hermione reached under the table for Harry's hand. Finding it she gave it a squeeze, as much for his sake as for hers, as she could feel his nervousness. It'll be fine.

At this point, Hedwig emerged from a ball of fire in the middle of the great hall, stunning everyone into silence. She trilled a quick song as she gracefully flew over to Harry and Hermione, alighting on her companion's shoulder. Harry smiled and stroked the feathers on her breast. Show off.

Dumbledore smiled again and said to the student body "Our last staff announcements are for Associate Professors Harry and Hermione Potter and Hedwig" he finished to a few titters from the students and another stroke of the feathers from Harry. "They have successfully passed their NEWTs with some of the highest overall scores in the past fifty years and are now continuing their education. Mr. Potter is pursuing Masteries in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms, while Mrs. Potter is pursuing Masteries in Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts. They will fill in for Professors McGonagall and Professor Flitwick on occasion and be involved in other roles throughout the term. They are professors and will be addressed and treated as such."

Dumbledore's face now took on a forbidding, stern look as he paused and said "I have something of the utmost import to tell you and I want your undivided attention." He paused for effect and the hall was silent again. "Professor Granger is non-magical." At the multitude of gasps, he glared at the students pointed his finger at them and said "If anyone, and I mean anyone" here he raised his voice a bit "is found to be addressing Professor Granger in any way that is derogatory you will be immediately expelled." Again, he paused and surveyed the room. The plethora of solemn faces told him he had most of their attention. "If anyone draws a wand with the intent to harm, or even in jest to frighten Professor Granger you will be expelled and arrested. Professor Harry Potter and Professor Hermione Potter are both Aurors and you will be arrested, charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I have discussed this with Minister Bones herself and she is in full agreement. All of you can consider yourself warned. Are there any questions?" At the echoing silence he said "Very well, Prefects, escort your houses to your dormitories, good night all" and turned away from the students and returned to his seat.

As the students began to file out, the whispers and staring shifted from Harry, Hermione and Minerva to Emma. Hermione glared at quite a few of the rude perpetrators while Harry just stood up and interposed himself between the student body and his mother-in-law. He said to her "Well, I think that went pretty well overall. You?"

Emma nodded "Actually, I expected a few shouted slurs and the like." She smiled slyly as the Headmaster approached and said "But Albus did a good a job of putting the fear of God into them for me."

Albus chuckled and said "Forewarned is forearmed. No one can say that they were unaware if I have to expel them." He, Minerva and Jamie made their way out with the tail end of the students.

Harry turned around and there was Ron Weasley standing there. He had grown a few more inches since Harry had last seen his one-time good friend. His robes looked new, but he had managed two gravy stains during the feast. Some things never change. Ron was shuffling his feet as Hermione came around the table to join Harry. Harry looked over, surprised at the anger radiating off his wife to see her eyes narrowed at the redhead. What's the to-do? Why so upset?

Without looking away from the youngest male Weasley she responded. He tried to kill you. I don't like people who try to kill my husband.

Nodding slightly, Harry politely said "Hello Ron. How was your summer?"

Ron nodded slightly and said, "It was alright. I had a job all summer to help pay my tuition. Kept me busy, that and my studying for my make up exams. And my community service" he added in an undertone. He paused, took a deep breath and finally looked into their faces. "Professor Potter" he said to Harry, and turning to Hermione, he continued "and Professor Potter, I would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize for my behavior at the end of last year." Harry could tell it was taking all Ron had in him to say this, if his scarlet ears were any indicator. The fifth year continued "I doubt very much that either of you want to be my friend any longer, and I don't blame you. For my part, I would like to mend fences though." He finished with a great expulsion of breath.

Hermione continued to glare at the young man. Wonder how long it took him to memorize that little speech. Wonder if Arthur wrote it for him. Or maybe Bill. He sure didn't write it himself.

Harry slightly shrugged and said with a stone face "Thank you for the sentiments, Ron. We'll see how things go."

Ron nodded, half relieved and a little sullen that he'd been dismissed so out of hand. He'd hoped that he could reconcile with his old friends or maybe part on good terms. Harry was making it sound like he was on probation or something. In a way, he was on probation. He half-heartedly waved his hand, said, "Well, I'll see you in class or something", and walked off to head to Gryffindor Tower.

Harry and Hermione gathered themselves together and were moving to leave, when Draco Malfoy bustled up to them with a look of dread on his face.

"Potter, I need your help and I need it now" the blond boy said in an almost panicked tone.

Harry half frowned. Do you buy this?

Hermione mentally shrugged back at him. Don't know. Let's see what it wants.

Harry crooked an eyebrow and said "Malfoy, why do you need my help? Why do you need my help now, and why should I help you?"

Draco looked around the now seemingly empty Great Hall and said "Look, Mother has finally broken away from Father, and we've been on the run most of the summer. She didn't want him to rejoin the Dark Lord but Father went anyway. She's terrified that he'll make me join the Death Eaters when I'm a little older."

Hermione had a look of contemplation and said "You don't want to join the Death Eaters?" The Malfoy heir shook his head in negation, somewhat violently. Hermione continued "Mr. Malfoy, everything you've ever said or stood for has been in support of Voldemort." Here the boy flinched. Hermione said with a bit of sarcasm "I'm finding it hard to believe your story, Mr. Malfoy."

Now Draco's eyes got a bit wild with desperation. "You've got to believe me! Mother will be killed if they find her! I'll do anything, please help!"

Harry looked at his wife. He said anything. Shall I take a look? When she nodded at him, Harry turned to the fifteen-year-old young man and said "Let's go have a sit down and I'll explain some of the basics of mind magic to you. We'll see if your `anything' is really true then."

As the three walked out of the Hall, a glistening pair of brown eyes glinting with madness, watched from the shadows, waiting.

******Hogwarts, Potter Suite 0930 02 September, 1995******

Sirius and Loreena strode into the sitting room of Harry and Hermione's suite and found Harry, Hermione and Draco Malfoy waiting for them. After Draco had agreed to the mind magic probe, Harry had mirror called Sirius and asked him, as the head of the House of Black, to be present as a minor of his house was to be examined. After Draco had been dismissed, Harry filled his Godfather in on the details. At the end, Sirius nodded thoughtfully and then looked to his left. Harry heard someone talking and assumed it was Loreena. When Sirius looked back to the mirror, he smiled and said "We'll be there at half nine with bells on. See you then."

Sirius viewed young Malfoy with apparent distaste, as if something was clinging to his boots that smelled badly. He looked away from the young man with a barely disguised snort of derision and said "What is this tripe about cousin Narcissa, boy?" The plan that he and Loreena had come up with was to keep Draco off balance and then `give the Ok' for Harry to scan him. In reality, Harry was to be scanning Draco the entire time.

Draco frowned at being addressed so and said "Well, as I told Potter last night…" and was cut off by a snarl like noise from Sirius.

"Boy, you will address My Lord Gryffindor as `My Lord' or `Sir,' you will address me as `Your Grace' and my wife as `Your Royal Highness' or I will personally see you disinherited for your disrespect to your superiors."

Hermione smirked behind Draco's back at that. He must hate the `superiors' line. Harry squeezed her thigh in response.

Draco stuttered a bit, saying "Of course, Your Grace, I meant no disrespect…"

Sirius adopted a bored expression and said "Get on with your tale, boy."

Malfoy blushed even more in his confusion and anger. He adopted a tone of subservience and explained the entire story almost exactly as he had the night before, finishing with his mother's current location in Knockturn Alley.

Sirius surreptitiously looked at Harry and got a faint nod. Looking at his second cousin, he said "Very well, I will dispatch someone to collect her. You are dismissed" and turned his back on Draco to talk to Loreena.

Draco flushed again, but said nothing. He bowed stiffly to Sirius' back, half turned and with a very red face, bowed to Harry and Hermione before leaving at a brisk walk.

As the door closed behind him, Hermione waved her hand, silencing the room and said "He believes he's telling the truth."

The Blacks sat opposite the Potters and Harry said "What'll you do with Narcissa?"

Sirius shrugged "Don't know. Probably put one of the smaller properties under the Fidelius and stash her there for now. I'll talk to Connie and Remus tonight and fill them in on the news, see if they have any ideas." He played with his sleeve for a second before looking at his wife, who had a furrowed brow "What? What's bothering you?" he said.

Loreena shook her head and said "It's too easy." Looking at Harry and Hermione, she said "You felt no deceit in him?"

Harry shook his head "No, not a drop. He's being honest."

Loreena snorted a most unladylike snort and said "Doesn't mean he's telling the truth, though."

******Ministry of Magic, Wizengamot Offices 1000 02 September, 1995******

Henry Asquith walked down the hall with his head up and parchment under his arms. He'd learned enough from his encounter with the now Azkaban housed Stephen Blackthorne to be aware of his surroundings. He'd never be an Auror, but a masked and robed Death Eater might grab his attention this time.

He saw George Gardiner walking toward him with a big smile on his face which confused Henry. George had voted with the Supremacist block for a few months now. It had been a bit of a shock to Henry as George was a man most moderate in his views on blood and bigotry.

George stuck out his hand and shook Henry's firmly. He then said, with a big smile on his face "Henry, good to see you, my good man."

Henry smiled thinly, "George."

Slightly put off by the less than enthusiastic welcome, Gardiner faltered for a moment then sidled up to Henry and they continued down the hallway toward the Executive Hall. "Henry, I've been wanting to talk to you for a couple of days now." He paused and then said "There haven't been any attacks in quite a while now, at least two or three months." He paused again as Henry remained quiet.

Finally Gardiner spit out "Come now Henry, all this nonsense about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named being back and all. It's poppycock! The government is just trumping up a story."

Henry stopped and looked at Gardiner in a mixture of surprise and sadness. After a short moment he said "Gardiner, It's too bad that they sent you to have this conversation with me. Do you really think that that blustering will convince me? George, he killed sixty thousand people at one go. I've seen the pensieve memory of his resurrection." He paused while Gardiner's face fell. "George, you're a good man. Who's putting the pressure on you? If I can, I'll help."

Gardiner looked around furtively. Seeing no one he said "It's my wife's uncle and aunt. They're her favorite relatives and it looks like the Death Eaters have their grandchildren. The pressure is getting pretty strong and I'm not the only one." Gardiner's face fell further and he almost moaned out "You can't help Henry. No one can. I'm afraid my wife's cousins are probably already dead."

Asquith nodded his head sadly "You may be right George. Look, tell Blackthorne's men that I cursed you soundly and whatever else you want. I'll take all the blame here." Henry shook the man's hand, clapped him on the back and started to walk away when he heard Gardiner almost whisper behind him.

"Take care of yourself Henry, you're a good man, too."

******Hogwarts, Potions Classroom #1 0900 02 September, 1995******

Emma wondered if Minerva had given her an easy class as her first lesson. The Gryffindor/Ravenclaw first years quietly entered the classroom, a little wide eyed in their first lesson ever at Hogwarts. After Albus' announcement the evening before, she doubted she'd have any problems with the lower forms. Upper forms, however….

Getting back to the present, she checked the clock on the wall: 0900. Under her breath, she said "Here we go" and smiled broadly to her students. "Welcome to your first year of potions, we are going to cover quite a few ideas and practice quite a few potions this year. First things first, let's talk about safety." She then proceeded to walk through elementary laboratory safety and pointed out the eye washing stations posted on the walls. These were new additions conjured by Hermione. Emma had asked what the school regulations were regarding lab safety and got a blank look from both Albus and Minerva. Emma had narrowed her eyes and merely said "I'll take care of it."

Once the first years were getting more settled Emma said "Why are potions important?" and her new career as an educator began in earnest.

Fifty minutes later, the students were filing out with a mixture of smiles at enjoying their lesson and looks of relief at being let out of the lesson without homework on the first day. Emma smiled when she saw Dan walk in the door.

He walked up to her as the door closed behind him and said "Well? How was the first lesson?"

She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a brief hug saying "It went well. I'm not sure who was more nervous, the students, or me. A lot of good questions and even a little laughter."

Dan squeezed her slightly and breathed a small sigh of relief. He had asked Professor Sprout if she would take him on as an apprentice so that he could prepare more for his mastery board. He wasn't nearly as far along in his studies as his wife or even his daughter and son-in-law; he hadn't had formal tutoring while they stayed at Redfields.

Dan gave her a little kiss on the lips and said "It's fine. Just be a little wary of the older ones, they might bite."

******Hogwarts, Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom #4 1030 02 September, 1995******

Jamie stood at the front of the classroom and just looked at his students. He'd called roll, put a face to the names on the parchment and watched them. Harry and Hermione stood in the back of the room, leaning on a worktable and doing their very best not to burst into laughter.

He is going out of his way to scare these kids isn't he? Harry watched the fourth year class of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs sit and squirm.

Hermione gave him a gentle slap on the arm. He wants to get the measure of them. The ones who flinch, he's going to work harder with. Makes sense to me.

Finally, Jamie looked up and said "Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin gave you a good background in dark creatures, the impostor Professor Moody accidentally gave you a good familiarization of dark curses and now I am going to cover combat." There were some students who smiled in anticipation, others who gasped in a mixture of surprise and fear.

"This term will not be easy for some of you. I will be expecting all of you to act aggressively in a dangerous situation. I know that this is outside many of your experiences and personalities. Make no mistake, though, I am NOT teaching you how to defeat Death Eaters nor other dark Wizards. I will be teaching you enough to hopefully be able to escape and evade them. Professors Potter in the back" here he lifted his hand to point. The entire class pivoted around to stare at them, "they will be assisting me and also working with many of you for your after-hours practice."

Harry noticed many of the students nod in appreciation, but some, mainly Gryffindors, scowled somewhat. Frowning slightly he turned to his wife. Did you see a bunch of scowls?

She nodded. Yeah, mainly from the Lions. Looks like Creevey and some of the others don't like that we, who not that long ago were students just a year above them, are going to be teaching them.

Harry snorted. Oh well, sucks to be them.

Harry, language. She delivered it somewhat laughingly, taking out all the sting.

As the class ended, Harry and Hermione walked to the front to discuss some of the items listed in the syllabus. As the three Professors were talking, they were observed from the hallway. Glittering brown eyes stared unblinkingly.

******Hogwarts, Entry Hall 2230 03 September, 1995******

Harry and Hermione were walking toward the main doors to meet up with Sirius and Remus for another full moon run. The moon was to rise at 2354, so they had plenty of time. Crookshanks was padding along silently next to his mistress. He'd taken to spending quite a bit of time in the forest, but would inexplicably show up in their suite at the strangest times. Hermione had finally set up a recording charm last night and later seen Crooks step out of the shadows in the corner of the room and then curl up in front of the fire.

In the middle of the hallway, Crookshanks stopped suddenly and tensed, and his humans stopped as well. Being cautious, Harry and Hermione fluidly changed into Ghosteyes and Raksha and sniffed the evening air. There was a panoply of odors; the kitchens, four dormitories of somewhat washed teenagers, the smell of lust and other things in the broom closet off to their left and in the distance, down the hall they smelled and just could make out a figure slowly walking toward them. A figure with white-blond hair.

Ghosteyes would have smiled broadly if he could, instead his jaw dropped open and he panted softly. Can we have some fun? Please?

Raksha looked at her mate and smiled as well. Oh, if you insist. I'll go around the back. She transformed back to her human shape and apparated away noiselessly. A heartbeat later, he heard softly in his mind. Ok, I'm ready.

Ghosteyes rubbed shoulders with Crookshanks and the two huge magical predators began slinking down the darkened hall on the hunt.

When they were about ten yards from young Malfoy, Ghosteyes let out a low rumbling growl that had to be heard up in Ravenclaw tower. The Slytherin stopped immediately and shrieked in a falsetto of terror "WHO'S THERE?"

Off to Ghosteyes' right, Crookshanks picked up the tune and sang a little song of his own, causing Malfoy to jerk out his wand and begin to wave it back and forth in front of him, his eyes wide and his hair flying this way and that.

When Raksha added her own voice to the song, Malfoy tried to spin around and ended up on his backside, screeching and flailing. By the smell, he'd also soiled himself. Crookshanks ambled up to him slowly to investigate. Worried a bit, Harry transformed back to his human form in case Malfoy got any stupid ideas about hexing the great cat. Instead, Malfoy froze when he saw Crookshanks' massive head about six inches from his own. After a brief moment, Malfoy began sobbing in fear. Crookshanks took a few sniffs, licked his lips, then ambled away toward the front doors, followed by a newly shifted Ghosteyes meeting up with Raksha.

Malfoy laid there for a few minutes when suddenly a lone wolf lifted his voice to the night for a farewell, "Good Hunting", to be quickly joined by another and the screaming roar of the great cat. Malfoy, grabbed his wand and sprinted to the Slytherin Dormitories. No one would ever believe this story.

******Hogwarts, Charms Professor's Office 1000 04 September, 1995******

Harry sat down across from the perpetually happy Charms Master, Filius Flitwick. He was glad he had chosen Charms and Defense, he got along well with both Masters and he felt that would help. Not that he didn't get along well with Minerva. She'd become more of a favorite aunt than a colleague. That, more than anything had convinced him not to work with her in Transfiguration. He didn't want to ruin that relationship.

Flitwick smiled and said to Harry, "Well, Harry, why Charms?"

Harry smiled and said "I was just thinking about that. Aside from personal reasons, Charms are fascinating for me. The whole topic is like a puzzle box that has multiple solutions, each of which is correct, but, depending on the context, some answers are better than others. Charms is more of an artistic pursuit than Transfiguration which seems to be far more scientific in its structure." He paused, then realized what he'd said "Don't get me wrong, Transfiguration is very interesting to me as well, just not as much as Charms."

Flitwick smiled "Interesting. I agree with what you say about charms being much more artistic than other disciplines. When you see a true Charms Master working an illusion, for example, it can be a beautiful thing to watch, much less the final result." He sighed the sigh of a Master appreciating the craftsmanship of another.

Straightening up, he said to his apprentice "What do you want to do long term? Teach?"

Harry shook his head and said "I'm not really sure. I've not done a lot of instructing outside of Hermione and I studying together and teaching each other when we get stuck. Right now, I just want to learn more and see where it goes from there."

Filius nodded and said "Very well. Why don't we have you teach a few of the lower year blocks and see how it goes over for you." He began digging through his pile of syllabi for the different year, paused and said "Will you have a problem teaching your former year mates?"

Harry shook his head and said "No, that's not a problem for me. We saw in Defense that it might be a problem for some of the less mature students, but that's there problem."

Filius nodded and pulled out a sheet of parchment. "Here we go, second years. Let's see…come around here and look at this." Harry stood and went around the desk as they started to look over what he'd be teaching beyond his advanced studies.

******Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office 2100 10 September, 1995******

Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand down the hallway toward their suite. They'd been down in the Defense classroom preparing for the next day's third years which they were going to teach. Now, they were heading back to their rooms to cuddle a bit and maybe a little more. You know, we didn't really do a lot of this when we were students here. At her confused expression he continued. You know, dating stuff. Holding hands, going to Hogsmeade on dates and so on. It's kind of funny that we're doing all this now that we've been married a year.

She laughed and wrapped her arm in his and leaned on him a bit. Ahead she saw a figure heading toward them, probably for the Headmaster's office that they'd just passed. There was something familiar about the way the man walked, but she couldn't place it. Then realization hit and she looked at Harry. He stopped, stock still and stared at the man they both had identified moments before.

Severus Snape.

Harry, don't kill him. I don't want my husband in Azkaban. She wrapped both hands around his left bicep and said "Harry! Listen to me" but he was beyond that. Inside, he was a maelstrom of emotion. Part of him screamed for vengeance for his parents and himself as well. Part of him was in agreement that he needed to calm down, that vengeance wasn't a very palatable meal.

The conflict was causing an outpouring of his magic and a wind kicked up in the hall as Snape stopped five or six feet away, sneered and said "Potter."

In a flash Harry had the former Professor by the throat and up on the wall, choking the life out of him. Snape fumbled for his wand as his face purpled before Harry unceremoniously relieved him of it with a wordless and wandless Disarming charm. Now Snape knew fear and dared to look into his killers eyes.

He saw the green of Lily Evans looking back at him without her caring. He saw his death and it terrified him. Snape began to thrash and squeal with the little air he could muster. He could hear a voice screaming but couldn't make out the words through the deep bass of his heartbeat in his ears. Finally, the pressure on the man's neck was gone and he slumped to the ground, gasping.

A few moments later the green eyes were back as the Potions Masters' head was jerked back by the hair and he stared into those depthless green orbs again. He heard "Did you enjoy it when my parents died Severus? Did you cheer when your tormentor and his mudblood bitch died?"

A flicker of emotion in the bastard's eyes confused Harry. He'd expected a bit of triumph, not the hint of sadness. He threw the man down on the ground and summoned Snape's wand that had flown halfway down the hall after Harry had disarmed him. Holding his former tormentor's wand in his hand, Harry said, "Get up you sadistic bastard. You'll pay for your sins, but not here and not now. You'll burn in all the hells ever thought of in the most perverse dreams of the damned. You are a traitor, a murderer, a liar and a thief. There's nothing I can do to you that you haven't already lined up worse for yourself." He dropped the wand at Snape's feet and with nary a backward glance stalked away, his wife hurrying to catch up.

******Hogwarts, Potions Classroom #6 1030 12 September, 1995******

"Alright everyone, settle down and open your textbooks to page 327, and we will review the advanced potion for healing skin diseases," Emma said loudly to her somewhat rowdy sixth year potions class. As expected, due to Snape's influence there was a higher portion of Slytherins in the class than the other three houses. Emma was trying to be open-minded and treat the students the same, regardless of affiliation. She had heard quite a bit of negative talk about Slytherin House over the years from her daughter, but she was trying to be fair. This was only her third lesson with this group. The first two had been a general review and base lining of knowledge and she had been shocked at the lack of understanding of the reasoning regarding preparation of ingredients.

Looking around the room, she saw everyone in the appropriate position - seated with books open. If the books were on the right page, a student attentive wasn't her problem. This was NEWT level, and she was treating these students as if they were in University. She said "Which of you will tell me why this potion is important to your further studies in NEWT potions?"

Blank, somewhat shocked stares were on all the students' faces. So far, Professor Granger had been night and day different from Snape. The students were being pushed in their understanding of the topics and taken to task to use logic and deduce the answer where Snape would have just berated them all for being stupid before telling them what the answer was.

One student in particular, Oriax Agnew of Slytherin House was almost irate. This muggle bitch is going to ruin me! Who does she think she is to do this? From his behavior so far in class, Emma was fairly certain that young Mr. Agnew would not be long for this class - class participation was forty percent of the overall grade and Mr. Agnew had yet to open his mouth in an intelligent fashion yet this term. He had obviously skirted along for all his years on her predecessors coattails. That was all over.

When no response to the question was heard for a full ten seconds, a timid Ravenclaw, slowly raised his hand. Emma nodded and the young man, Eric Baynes, said "Well, aside from the healing ability of the potion, the fact that this potion has to actually be distilled is a new process for us."

Emma smiled and said "Very good, Mr. Baynes." Turning her back on the classroom to write on the chalkboard she continued "That is correct, the distilling process…"

She was cut off by the sound of a chair scraping and the muttered "Fucking Muggle can't do this to me."

She turned around to see Oriax Agnew pull his wand slowly with an almost sadistic smirk. Lightning fast, she reached into her own robes and withdrew something she had carried for the last month and a half. She pointed her pistol at Agnew's head and slowly advanced on the now confused young man. He had frozen in the act of pulling out his wand and looked comical, his hand half in and half out of his robes. She said in a menacingly calm voice "Do you know what this is in my hand young man?"

All the muggleborn and half-bloods in the room nodded at the question while Agnew looked puzzled but fearful. This bitch was entirely different from the affable Potions Professor Granger.

Emma stopped and put the muzzle of the pistol on Agnew's forehead and explained, "This is a pistol, also called a gun." Recognition of the term appeared on Agnew's face along with terrifying fear. He now understood his mistake. "Good, I see you understand how big of an error in judgment you have made. Wait just one moment, and if you move, I will remove your head from your body."

She put her left hand in her pocket, pulled out and opened a small hand mirror saying into it "Albus, it's Emma. I need you in Potions number six, please. Immediately."

From the mirror a small noise was heard before she closed the mirror and went to put it in her pocket, all the while staring into young Agnew's eyes and keeping the pistol on his forehead.

The young man was sweating heavily now and was about to start begging when he heard the class gasp as one and then felt a sword point touch the back of his neck. He heard a young woman say "I've got him, Mum." Emma replaced the pistol in her robes and Harry came around the front of the young man with death in his face and a sword in his hand. He grabbed the wand out of the young Slytherin's hand roughly and leaned in so that only Agnew could hear him "You have just fucked with my family. I should kill you for that, but I think I will let my wife, who has a sword to your head, just cut you up for dragon food. What do you think shithead?"

At this point, Agnew lost control of his bladder and his bowels as the sword point pushed incrementally into his neck. Dumbledore, Minerva and Jamie all rushed into the classroom, wands drawn. Dumbledore immediately understood the situation and barked "Class dismissed. Everyone leave immediately and come back in thirty minutes for your things. Go now, please."

After the rush of students running out the door had subsided, Dumbledore held out his hand to Harry for Agnew's wand while staring at the offending student. Grasping the wand in his hand, the old man's face was stern as he held it up horizontally in front of Agnew, then said "Oriax Agnew, you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." With one swift motion, he snapped the wand in half, a few sparks floating down to the ground from each half.

With a smile on his face, Harry said "Now, shithead, you are under arrest" and cast a silent Binding and Stunning spell.

Hermione sheathed the Eryr Ewin as Agnew fell to the ground and approached her mum and gave her a big hug as the shakes started for Emma. Dan rushed in the room out of breath with his own pistol in his hand and up to his elbows in dirt. Apparently, he had been working when Emma made her call. He went to his wife and took Hermione's place, holding her as she shook. Harry glanced at Hermione and said, "I'll call Shack to pick up the trash" and gave Agnew a kick on his way out the door.

****** Ministry of Magic, DMLE Director's Office London 2000 14 September, 1995*******

Walking through the Ministry, Remus remarked that all the offices were closed with their lights off and only the night shift working on their obviously critical tasks. As he walked into the executive hall, where all the department heads had their offices, as well as, the Minister, he checked in with the night guard and underwent the routine scan for his identity. After passing the scans, he raised an eyebrow and said to the guard, Joe, "She down there?" to which he got a short nod. Calmly, he continued his walk and saw at the end, nearest to the double mahogany doors of the Minister, an open door which spilled light out into the hallway. He walked into Connie's office and saw her reading through one of many reports that littered her desk and the table next to her.

Remus leaned on the doorframe and waited a minute for her to look up. Finally, she exhaled loudly and said "Are you just going to lean there, or are you going to come over here and kiss me wolf?"

He smirked a little, went over, and kissed his girlfriend, before plopping down in the chair across from her desk while she took a big drink from a water bottle on her desk. He raised his eyebrows and gestured to the pile of reports.

She stared at him for a second. They'd restarted their relationship after over a decade apart like they had only missed a few days. It scared her; she'd never been this close to anyone ever. Even her parents, but they'd …best not to think about that. She blinked and said "I'm scared Remus. He's pulled everyone back, and is building his forces. Marcus and Sofia are making inroads in his recruiting efforts - six cells so far. But I get the feeling he's just coiling before striking hard and I have no idea what or where it's going to happen." She looked down at the desk "I don't think we can stop him next time."

******Hogwarts, Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom #3 1900 18 September, 1995******

Hermione had just finished some tutoring for three second years who were having a hard time with the accuracy of their spellcasting. For two of them, it turned out to be fear. They were afraid of being hurt or hurting someone in a duel of any kind. Most of the hour they'd spent in the classroom had been sitting on the floor while Hermione talked of her own reticence to hurt anyone and her own doubts about her abilities. The second years had stared at her with wide eyes as she talked about her own doubts and second guessing when Shasta Saddleback had blurted our "But you're a warrior!" and immediately blushed to his roots.

Hermione laughed and said "It has taken me five long years of training with the best instructors in the world alongside another premier warrior to get where I am today. What I'm telling you is that you can do whatever you put your mind to. You may have to work really hard over a long period of time, but in the end, you can get there." Looking at the clock she'd cut them loose and then walked out of the classroom, lost in her thoughts.

She turned a corner, heading back to her suite when out of the darkness behind her a voice shouted "STUPEFY!"

******Hogwarts, Charms Professor's Office 1908 18 September, 1995******

Filius looked at his newest apprentice and said to Harry "What is your impression of the sixth years?"

Harry pursed his lips and said "Well, they seem weak on their rapid spellcasting."

Filius nodded in return and took a drink out of the goblet in front of him. He'd had to work to catch up after missing the late summer work ups he usually performed and was eating his late dinner at his desk. He'd been visiting his sister in Germany for the entire summer and couldn't bear to break away from his little nieces and nephews. He was Godfather for two of them and was devoted to the wee ones. "Yes, they are weak in that area" he said "Defense year five usually helps them improve their speed, but last year with that insane idiot running things…" he trailed off shaking his head and taking another bite of his meatloaf.

Harry nodded and said "Well, should we give them some exercises to help overcome this deficit?"

Flitwick smiled "That's why I brought it up. I'd like to see the exercises you have planned to deliver and oversee by this time next week, please."

Harry chuckled at not seeing the lead in, but nodded and took out his planner to make a note when he froze in place. He said "Hermione", dropped everything and disapparated away, leaving a shocked Flitwick running for his Floo to contact the Headmaster that something was seriously wrong.

******Hogwarts, near Staff Quarters 1910 18 September, 1995******

Hermione had a weak full body shield up, had one up all her waking hours for the last three years, actually. This saved her from the full effect of the stunning spell that was cast from the shadows behind her. It struck in her back and due to the dampening effect of the shield; she didn't pass out, but was very disorientated and a bit woozy.

She spun around, hands outstretched and cast a full strength Contego shield while calling out for Harry in her mind. She tripped over her own feet and fell back against the wall. A voice in front of her called out in a tremulous voice "ASPHYXIA". The curse rebounded off her shield and scored a line in the wall of the hallway. The asphyxiation curse, someone's not messing around. Harry get your butt here now!

Harry apparated into the hall and immediately let loose a wide field stunning spell that acted like a bomb. Hermione and her assailant were both stunned, as well as, two mice halfway down the hall. Harry ran to his wife, visually inspected her and saw no injuries. He gently cast an Ennervate and she woke up, still a little woozy.

Looking up at her husband, she smiled. Good to see you handsome, did you get him?

Harry looked concerned. Yeah, but are you Ok?

She nodded back. Yeah, a little disoriented, it'll pass though. Who was it?

Harry stood up, pulling her with him and they walked over to identify the crumpled person lying on the floor.

As Harry rolled the person over Hermione half gasped and half groaned. It was Ginny Weasley.

******Hogwarts, Infirmary 2040 18 September, 1995******

Most of the staff had congregated in the infirmary for one reason or another. Dumbledore, Minerva, Harry and Hermione were concerned that the attack was related to Ginny's possession her first year and that Voldemort was exercising control over the young girl again. Emma and Dan were concerned about her daughter's health, which Madam Pomfrey pronounced as fit as a fiddle once she was given a small dose of Pepper-Up potion. Jamie and Filius were concerned in general and were talking near the door and screening any students that wanted access to the school nurse.

Madam Pomfrey came out from behind the privacy wards and beckoned to Albus and Minerva, who followed her into her office. After the door was locked and the room silenced, Poppy reached under her desk and pulled out a bottle of single malt whiskey. At Albus' raised eyebrows, Poppy merely conjured three glasses and poured. After a sip, she said "Miss Weasley is currently sleeping with a dreamless sleeping potion." Albus and Minerva both frowned at that statement. They wanted to talk to the young girl to find out what in the world she'd been thinking by attacking a staff member.

Pomfrey saw the frowns and said with some acerbity, "There is something very wrong with Miss Weasley Albus. Her arms are covered with self-inflicted cuts made from a knife, her legs show signs of beating, and then she attacked Hermione. The poor girl is mentally ill in some way and I don't know how long this has been going on."

The Headmaster and his Deputy's faces had turned from frowns to shock. This had been unexpected. Pomfrey refilled her glass and offered to the other two. After a moment, Minerva nodded and extended her glass while Albus declined. "Suit yourself" the nurse, replied. "I've contacted St. Mungo's and they have a specialist and nurse who will be here first thing in the morning to take her down there for a full work up."

The experienced healer leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling for a moment. "She was raving for a bit" she whispered. "All she would say was that `She stole my Harry.' I am assuming she's referring to our Mr. Potter." She rubbed her face for a moment and continued "I'm no specialist, but she didn't show any signs that I'm aware of from any of the major mental illnesses. I'm afraid her psyche was damaged her first year and has only fractured further since." She looked at the two leaders of the school and said "Do either of you know if her family had her see a mind healer after the Chamber of Secrets fiasco?"

Minerva shook her head, saying in an undertone, "I don't know" while looking to Albus who shook his head as well.

Albus sighed, "Poppy, do you mind if I Floo the Weasleys from here and have them come to talk to us in this office? This is far beyond broken bones or a potions accident. I'll need your expertise, such as it is in this area, for the discussion." With Pomfrey's assent, he stood and went to the Floo, while Minerva excused herself to explain the situation to Harry and Hermione.

As she walked out of the office, she saw the Potters and the Grangers talking in low tones. As she approached, it was obvious they were talking about their remembrances of Ginny. Hermione was saying "She was always a nice enough girl." Smiling at Harry, she said "Very taken with Harry, though" which solicited chuckles from all. Hermione continued "A chatterbox through our fourth year, during third year she was still very quiet. I assumed she was still finding her way after the disaster of her first year. Poor girl."

Minerva sat on the bed next to Emma and cast a small privacy ward. She'd fill in Filius and Jamie later. "Well, I don't have an answer, but rather I think the beginning of an answer." She proceeded to fill everyone in on what Poppy had related to many a shaken head in pity and a few exclamations of shock. At the end of her narrative, Dan said "Poor thing, have her parents been notified?"

At that moment, a shriek from Poppy's office notified all in the ward that the Weasleys had indeed been notified. A few moments later, Molly Weasley charged out of the office shouting, "Where is my baby!" Shortly she ducked behind the privacy screen and loud sobbing could be heard until a privacy ward was erected and promptly cut all sound off.

Arthur Weasley walked out of the office, almost stumbling in a shambling, shocked gait. He lifted his head, saw Harry and Hermione, and winced. Taking a deep breath, he went up to the Potters who stood and approached him. Hermione gave him a big hug and said "Arthur, however we can help, let us know."

Arthur nodded, tears in his eyes; Ginny was daddy's little girl after all. "Thank you for that, it means a lot." Taking a shuddering breath, he said "If Ginny were…" he paused taking another shaky breath "If she were thinking straight, she'd be apologizing profusely for her actions. Since…she isn't, I will in her stead." Looking Hermione in the eye, a tear fell down his face and he said "I'm sorry for her actions."

Hermione pulled him into another hug as Harry patted the sorrowful man on the back. After a few moments, he pulled back and nodded his thanks to Hermione. He squared his shoulders and resolutely turned to Harry, saying "Lord Gryffindor, twice in the span of four months have my children attacked you and your family. Take your satisfaction as you will, sir."

Harry raised his eyebrows at this statement, though when he thought about it later, he shouldn't have been surprised. Despite Ron's immature behavior and Ginny's unbalanced behavior, Arthur Weasley was an honorable man. By his declaration, using the old ways, he was offering anything that was his, including his wife, his property, even his own life to Harry; all Harry had to do was name the price. Harry put his arm on the good man's shoulder and said "Arthur, the price I name is for you to take care of your family." Nodding toward the curtains, he said "Molly is going to be devastated, Ginny is ill; who knows how the rest of the family is going to take this."

Hermione nodded, "Unfortunately, this might make it into the non-mainstream papers. We can assure the Prophet's silence, but not some of the smaller circulars. Your family will need to pull together. If you need some help getting Bill or Charlie home, let me know and we can make some calls or arrange international Portkeys. Let us help."

Another tear fell down Arthur's face as he pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his eyes before blowing his nose loudly. Hermione smiled. What is it with guys that they can't blow their noses discreetly?

Harry shrugged in return while Arthur said "Thank you so very much for your kind words and sentiments. I'll relay them to Molly when she's calmed down a bit. The morning perhaps." He half turned toward the curtained area and said "I need to go, thank you again."

As he walked off, Harry put his arm around Hermione's shoulder and they turned back to their room in contemplative silence.


1) I own nothing. Geez, isn't that obvious on a FANFICTION website?

2) The issue that Loreena was bringing up with regards to Draco is the difference between truth and honesty. Two very different issues, but sometimes the same thing. Very important for the plot in many ways. The difference has to do with relativism. Honesty pivots around the intent to deceive. If a person intends to deceive, they are being dishonest, and conversely, when they do not intend to deceive, they are being honest. Truth is an absolute, regardless of opinion, of intent and `fact.' My Dumbledore honestly thought that putting Harry with the Dursleys was the best thing. The truth was that Harry's placement with the Dursleys was incredibly wrong on many levels. See what I mean? Hence, the fact that Draco is being honest could just mean that he's left out of the `bad guy loop' and the Potters and Blacks are on to them. Or he could be telling the truth. Hehehehe. Gotta wait.

3) The punishments for muggle baiting/harming are very strict as laid out by Albus on purpose. He's become aware via his experience with Harry and gelled with his discussion with the coolest dragon on the planet that he has an obligation to help where he can. He has an obligation to protect Emma. He hired her, knowing she would be defenseless in the face of a magical attack. Therefore, he has an obligation to protect her as well.

4) Another casualty of war is seen, the broken mind. Not nearly as obvious as the broken body, but there nonetheless.
