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To Stand Against the Darkness by muggledad

To Stand Against the Darkness


Chapter 16: A Professor, a Foundation and Payback

"Times go by turns, and chances change by course, From foul to fair, from better hap to worse."

Robert Southwell, Times Go by Turns [c. 1595], st 1

******Black Manor, London 1035 03 July 1995******

Harry and Hermione had been nursing their small injuries after the engagement at Malfoy Manor. Getting beat about by a Nundu was not something that happened without consequences and as a result, Harry's minor concussion and Hermione's sprained knee had kept them hobbled for a bit. So they were taking it easy and assisting Madam Pomfrey with whatever she needed as she tended to Sofia, Marcus' wife. Sofia had suffered significant spell damage when she apparated from their home. In a fortunate turn of events, Marcus had been taken from this plane of existence to Avalon only minutes before their return a week and a half ago. Thanks to her Dhampir healing ability, Sofia was up and around, merely lacking the stamina she normally enjoyed. Poppy assured her that she would be back to normal within days.

Connie, Emma and Sofia had taken an instant liking to each other. It had started with Emma brewing her healing potions for Poppy and they had sat, talking for hours. Sofia had been born in what is now Greece in 960 BC. In that time, Dhampirs had been revered as demi-gods as the magical and non-magical population did not really know what they were. Hercules had been a Dhampir, and Sofia's second cousin. "He was a bit of a pig" she said one day. Where Marcus was taciturn and reserved, Sofia was gay and merry. Her long black curls cascaded down to her shoulders and shook like a tree in the wind when she laughed. "Always strutting around, picking up heavy things showing off how strong he was. Granted, he was very strong. Stronger than normal for one of us, but still…" and she rolled her eyes. As the women laughed at her description, Harry, Hermione and Dan entered the sitting room, each holding a letter in their hand.

"OWL and NEWT results are here" Hermione said as she tossed the envelope in her mother's lap. "I thought we'd all open our scores together." With a rustling of parchment, the family opened their scores and quickly looked them over. Harry and Hermione sported grins, nodded and looked at each other. Well, love, how did you do?

I did Ok. He thought as he smiled. Tilting his parchment, he showed her his scores.

Straight Outstandings is a bit better than just Ok, buster. Smiling at him she scooted over and gave him a small kiss. I'm proud of you.

Kissing her back, Harry felt the warm glow he had felt so many times from his wife. Wrapping his arms around her, he completed the feeling. He had felt her emotions since their bonding, and on occasion, it was a very intense experience indeed. Their lovemaking was the pinnacle, with no barriers, they joined, body, mind and soul. On occasions like this, they could enjoy a different intimacy as well. It wasn't as intense or pulse pounding, but just as wonderfully intimate. Kissing the top of her head, he looked over her shoulder and saw her scores. Straight Outstandings as well, Mrs. Potter, well done. You know, I don't think I've ever told you how much I admire you. She half turned to her husband in surprise as he continued. You work so hard, combined with your native genius here she playfully smacked his leg makes you an incredible woman. He smirked slightly. Incredible in so many ways. He nuzzled her neck as she snuggled back into her husband's arms and grabbed his sheet to compare the two, side by side. Harry looked over at his father-in-law and said "So Dad, how'd you do?"

Dan looked up from his sheet and shook his head. "I got an Exceeds on my OWL and an Outstanding on my NEWT. Who would have thought it, eh?" and passed his sheet with its solitary course scores on it to his daughter.

After glancing at the sheet, Hermione looked at her mother who was sitting next to Sofia on the other couch. Sirius and Remus wandered in to see what the commotion was about and pulled up chairs. Hermione saw her mother staring at the parchment in her hands and not moving. Her heart fell, fearing that her mother had done badly. She knew that Emma had begun to feel a true devotion to what Snape had once aptly described as "the subtle science and exact art of potion making." Reaching her hand out and touching her mother's knee she said "Mum? How'd you do?" Getting no response, Hermione traded a look with her dad and felt Harry's concern over their link. Gently, Hermione reached out, plucked the parchment from her mother's unresisting fingers, and looked at the text.

Hermione's eyes opened wide for a moment and with a "Squeee!" jumped in her mum's lap and engulfed her in one of her patented Hermione Potter Rib Crushing Hugs TM.

Harry and Dan looked at each other, then everyone else in the room in confusion. Bending over to retrieve the parchment on the floor, Sirius whistled when he read Emma's score. "Damn, she aced it." At everyone's respectful nod of understanding that she did well, Sirius looked up and said "No, you don't understand. She got a perfect score on both OWL and NEWT. The Ministry is offering to give her the Potions Mistress test any time she wants to qualify."

Now jaws dropped around the room and eyes swiveled to the mother-daughter embrace that was still going on with muttered a "I knew you could do it" coming from Hermione.

An hour later, they were all gathered around the dining room table and eating lunch. Minerva and Jamie had popped over for the meal and catch up with everyone. When presented with the OWL and NEWT scores of her students, she had hugged the Potters and Grangers tightly and pulled back to wipe a tear from her eye. Jamie had given his firm handshake and big smile to all and they sat down to eat and talk. Emma was seriously considering taking the Potions Mistress exam, and was talking to Minerva about the details. "There will be a board of five currently certified Potions Masters or Mistresses. The oral board will be comprehensive and will last anywhere from six to eight hours."

At this declaration, Emma shook her head. "I did worse for my DDS, but swore I was done." Mock-groaning, she said "What have I done?"

Minerva laughed and said "My Transfiguration Mastery board was not nearly as difficult as I expected and I didn't do nearly as well as you did on my NEWT. There is a syllabus provided by the Ministry of topics that are eligible to be examined for the Mastery board. Review them and study up on the topics where you aren't as strong as you'd like to be. I think you'll do fine." Minerva trailed off and her eyes became unfocused while she tapped her fingers on the table for a minute. Recollecting herself, they finished lunch amiably.

******Ministry of Magic, Minister's Office 1000 04 July 1995******

Lord Alexander Blackthorne stormed into Amelia Bones' office with her secretary on his heels. "Madam Minister, I tried to stop him, but he just walked past me" the young woman said in a huff while scowling at the man.

Amelia returned Blackthorne's stare and said "It's quite alright Lucy. Hold my visitors until Lord Blackthorne and I can straighten out what seems to be bothering him."

The door shut behind Lucy with a click and before Amelia could say or do anything, Blackthorne spat "Where is my son?"

Amelia settled back in her chair slowly. She was in charge of this situation and she was going to run the discussion her way. Steepling her fingers in front of her chest she paused a full minute while looking the man in the face with an expression as if she were inspecting a beetle. Blackthorne's face became more mottled as she stared at him. Just as he started to draw breath for a new rant, she said "He is in holding cell 42A to the best of my knowledge. Why do you ask, my Lord?"

Blackthorne's face darkened and he leaned over her desk "You will release him this instant. He is the scion of the house of Blackthorne and you will not treat him like a common criminal. Move."

Amelia stared at the man with barely contained rage and hissed at him "I am the Minister for Magic of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and I will not be addressed like a deck seaman on a garbage scow. You forget yourself, my Lord. Your son has been arrested and will be arraigned today for the torture of a member of the Wizengamot by the use of an unforgivable curse. The courts will decide his fate." She paused for a moment and looked at his hands and said "Get off my desk and out of my office. Now."

Blackthorne straightened and appeared to bite back a whole host of insults he wanted to hurl at her. Pivoting on his heel, he stormed out of the office like a raging bull.

Amelia watched his back recede before reaching for a piece of parchment. She was going to have Connie move young Blackthorne to a different holding cell - just in case.

******Black Manor, London 1730 04 July 1995******

Harry and Hermione were sparring with Sofia and Marcus in the basement of the Manor. Sirius had Dobby and Winky clear out three old storage rooms, refinish them, knock down the walls separating them all and then he had added magical windows to let in light. Two of the walls had mirrors on them while the other two had three windows each overlooking an ocean scene.

The couples had paired up by gender and Harry and Marcus were trading punches, kicks and blows at a blindingly fast rate while Hermione and Sofia were sparring with quarterstaffs.

Harry lashed out with a right jab that Marcus slipped under and used his downward momentum to fuel his leg sweep that Harry jumped over. Landing and bouncing into a back flip, Harry gained space for a moment before Marcus attempted to bull rush him.

Shifting his weight, Harry hip threw Marcus and followed up with a leap to incapacitate by landing with all his weight on Marcus' back. Marcus rolled left at the last moment and Harry ended up somersaulting forward and spring back up to avoid the counterstrike from Marcus.

Deciding to bypass finesse, Harry closed with the Elder and started to rain blows high and low, all blocked. Suddenly, with a loud grunt, Harry found himself flying through the air after Marcus had slipped under his shoulder high kick and drove into him with his shoulder.

Sofia took advantage of the momentary distraction Hermione had due to her airborne lover and lashed out like a snake striking. She hit the young woman's right hand, breaking it in three places. As Hermione began to curse under her breath in four languages, two of which were no longer used, she dropped her staff and cradled her right hand in her left. Harry pulled himself to his feet, bowed to his opponent who returned the bow, and went to his wife. How is it, love?

Hermione grimaced and stopped her stream of curses that would put a sailor to shame. I think it's broken.

Sofia approached and looked at the afflicted hand. Glancing up to Hermione's face, she said "It's broken?" At Hermione's affirmative nod, Sofia nodded back and waved her hand in a circle thrice over the broken bones.

There was a soft pink glow and after a moment of sharp pain, Hermione said "Oh!" and looked back down at her hand, flexing it. "Did you heal it?" At Sofia's nod, Hermione said "Thank you. Do you think you could teach me that spell?" Harry smiled, shook his head and glanced at Marcus who smiled in return. They gathered up their towels and a bottle of water each and went upstairs to get cleaned up, the ladies perambulating after them.

Entering the kitchen from the stairwell, they saw the occupants of the house clustered around the kitchen table. Wandering over, Harry curiously asked the group "What's going on?"

Sirius called out with a stuffy, formal voice "The article is in the paper, my Lord Gryffindor."

Harry smiled and replied sarcastically "Really, your Grace. Do tell, is it as good as we had hoped?"

Sirius wiggled out of the mass of people reading over his shoulder wearing a big smile. "Evening edition of the paper" and he indicated over his shoulder. "It's not bad, really. The information is all there, the hot button items and the little teasers for Voldieshit. James' people did a good job." Sirius had heard the SAS Sergeant Major calling Harry's nemesis that, and had found it hilarious.

Hermione and Sofia came upstairs and Harry related to them the news about the paper. Hermione raised her eyebrows. "Well, let's hope it goes as well as we hoped."

Harry nodded in agreement. Two days ago, the Goblins had notified him of the completed purchase of the newspaper and Harry had met with James Shanahan, an Irishman that Sirius recommended to oversee the editorial staff on a day to day basis. James was to be a managing publisher, supervising the editorial staff to `guide' them until sound decisions could be made to replace the bigots and the scandal mongers. He was a muggleborn Wizard that was married and had three little ones just out of nappies and was almost violently anti-Voldemort and anti-Supremacist. He and the Marauders had been at Hogwarts together and where the Marauders had all been Gryffindors, James had been in Hufflepuff. After Harry laid out his big picture goals on where he wanted to the Prophet to go - anti-bigot - James had cracked a big smile and with his thick Kerry brogue said "Sir, I believe that this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship." All the while Harry and Hermione had been skimming his thoughts and found him to be truthful and trustworthy. Harry felt the newspaper stewardship was in good hands.

Sirius said in a half serious tone "It's going to begin now. The mobbing in the streets and so on. Don't be surprised if the pureblood lunatics start kissing your arse so much you get a hickey."

Harry laughed "You too, Padfoot" to which Sirius waved his hand at his Godson.

Sirius got a half surprised look on his face and said out loud to everyone in the room "Hey, what do you say we go get some Chinese food in Diagon Alley tonight. Kind of a public appearance to back up the article." Looking around he smirked "I think with all of us together, we could defend ourselves. Get a good meal too." At Winky's hurt expression, Sirius stammered and apologized all over himself to the amusement of everyone else.

An hour later, they were meandering their way down the alley, ten strong and the staring and pointing was only `obvious'. The news hadn't had enough time to percolate so that the attention could move into `annoying'. Sirius pointed out the restaurant that had been recommended to him and they went in.

The Maitre'd's first response was to refuse them a table, as their party was too large. After a second appraising look at exactly who was in the party, he grabbed two waiters and dragged them to the back and they threw out two parties to make room for the Blacks, Potters, the DMLE head and her boyfriend, the Grangers and of course, Marcus and Sofia.

After an enjoyable meal and coffee afterward, they all strolled down the alley toward the apparition point. Sirius was telling a joke about a naked Banshee and a four Quintapeds when three men stepped in front of the group. Harry and Hermione moved to go past them when the man in the middle reached out and made a very serious mistake.

He grabbed Hermione.

Two seconds later the man was on the ground with a crushed windpipe, a broken wrist, a broken arm and a broken nose with matching broken cheekbones, the last two courtesy of Harry, as the man fell under Hermione's onslaught. Sirius launched himself at the man on the right and bore him down while Loreena stunned the remaining man in front of them.

From behind them, they heard a scuffle and turning, they saw Marcus subduing the last of six men. Five were unconscious and bleeding from their noses and mouth while the last was on his knees, his head pulled back by his hair. Marcus looked like he hadn't even broken a sweat. He looked at Harry and nodded "What would be your pleasure with this one my Lord?"

Harry stalked up to the man, with less charity in his heart than had existed three minutes before "Who do you work for?"

The man said nothing and Marcus gave his head a rough shake to remind the recalcitrant man of his current disadvantage and said "Tell him or I'll rip all your hair out of your scalp. Now."

People were starting to come out from a nearby pub. They had to finish this soon. Harry glanced at Connie, she said "I'll tell you everything we get." She walked up to the only conscious perpetrator as Harry backed off and said "Well, fuckstick, it's your lucky day. You have the right…" and she began to inform the moron of how society protected even the idiots and scum.

******Ministry of Magic, Wizengamot Chambers 1000 05 July 1995******

"…and the final vote for Wizengamot Bill 1995-231 is 93 for and 324 against" intoned Albus Dumbledore "1995-231 is defeated." He looked across the chambers at a bewildered Henry Asquith and together they shook their heads at the stunning, complete crushing of Henry's meticulously crafted bill to authorize the use of Veritaserum and Legilimancy on all Ministry employees.

After most of the members had filed out, Albus moved to where Henry was sitting to commiserate with the honorable man. "You did the best you could Henry" said the Chief Warlock. Asquith looked up at the old man who said "The bill was fair and just and effective. We canvassed as best we could but Blackthorne's speech scared many people senseless. He's an excellent orator and by the time he was done talking, most of the members were probably afraid the Ministry was going to use Veritaserum on anyone at anytime. These things happen."

Henry nodded his head in resignation "True, but I don't like it. Blackthorne is still very angry about his son's confinement awaiting trial and I'm sure that fueled some of his vituperation today. I've never seen him so venomous before."

Albus nodded his head in agreement, "Come my friend. Let's go break the news to Amelia and try to come up with another plan."

******Ten Downing Street, Prime Minister's Office, London 0730 06 July 1995******

"…and a bloody dragon! When Colonel Richfield briefed us yesterday, I about laughed him out of the office, then you bring this, what's it called?" said the Prime Minister.

"Pensieve" said Amelia Bones.

"Yes, quite. Well, I'm just flabbergasted. Now that I'm done with the gushing, what's new?" he said getting himself back in gear.

Pulling out a folder marked TOP SECRET, Amelia handed it over to Mr. Blair and said "The day before yesterday a group of nine Death Eaters foolishly tried to attack Lord and Lady Gryffindor and their companions." Shaking her head ruefully she continued "Three of the fools were killed outright and the rest subdued in less than thirty seconds. The leader of the group was Antonin Dolohov, a right brutal bastard who escaped from Azkaban a bit back."

Blair had the folder open and was reading Dolohov's record while Amelia spoke. He whistled under his breath and said "This is a bad man. Did he survive?"

Amelia nodded, "Yes, he did. He and his five other surviving compatriots are all at a safe house recuperating from their wounds. In a few days we are going to bleed them dry of any information we can get using various magical means. This Dolohov could help us get to Voldemort." Pausing for a minute, Amelia said "Look, I know the press is eating you up, but please don't release that we have Dolohov. I don't want Voldemort changing things up because of this leak in his security."

Blair nodded and said "Very well, I'll see to it. Thank you for being so upfront, Amelia. It's rather refreshing to have one's fellow Cabinet members actually be honest and upfront."

Amelia laughed and said "Well, I was a copper for many years first, so maybe that's why."

She gathered up her folders and shrunk the pensieve, then rose to show herself out when the Prime Minister said "Oh yes, I have an Audience today and will pass on the letter regarding Gryffindor and Redfields." Amelia nodded her thanks and apparated away.

******Ministry of Magic, Head of DMLE Office 1000 07 July 1995******

Rita Skeeter settled into the chair that Director Hammer offered her. Taking out her acid green quill, she set up parchment for dictation of the upcoming interview. Rita had been working hard to get this interview. Connie Hammer was the youngest DMLE Head ever and a woman to boot.

With a predatory smile at the blond Director, she began "Director it is so good of you to see me and grant this interview. Our readers are very interested in you and your story." Rita paused as her stomach rumbled ominously. With a small frown, she continued, "I'm sure that you know that young Witches throughout Britain look to you as a role model. Is that knowledge part of your ambition and drive to succeed to higher office?"

With a frown, Connie began to reply, "To be honest Rita that has not been an active motivation for me. If young Witches see my success as proof that women can succeed in government service, then I'm happy to fill that role." Connie was cut off in her answer by a squeaking noise that emanated from Rita, who immediately colored a deep red. With a questioning look at her interviewer, Connie continued, "I have been driven by a deep seeded desire to be a part of the machine of justice for our world and help defend those who cannot defend themselves."

Rita's face was contorting and sweat stood out on her brow. Finally, she lost the battle and a loud fart escaped her. Connie's eyes widened slightly at the explosion of noise and Rita now colored to resemble a freshly picked tomato, right off the vine. "Pardon me" she said in a mortified undertone, "Please, continue. You were saying about" and another explosive fart escaped her causing Rita to jump slightly with a look of shock on her face. Connie eyed her for a moment, pulled her wand out and conspicuously performed an air freshening charm.

With a beet red face, Rita squirmed for a moment then said "Anyway, we've heard that you are in a romantic relationship with Remus Lupin, former professor at Hogwarts and a known werewolf. Do you have…?" The fart that followed made Connie wonder if the woman hadn't hurt herself or the chair she was sitting on.

With a concerned look on her face, Connie said "Rita, do you need a moment? You can use my loo, just cast the air freshening charm again…" Rita grabbed her quill and parchment and stuffed them in her purse and almost ran from the office apologizing and almost in tears.

Connie nodded and smiled after the odious woman left and wandered over to the corner of her office, and pulled out her wand. She cast "Finite Incantatum" revealing Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, lying on the floor because they were laughing so hard. After the first little squeaker, they had Silenced each other and then broke down in laughter. Remus had tears running down his face while Sirius lay there limp and laughing in his mirth. Connie started laughing too and said "Mischief Managed."

******Ministry of Magic, Department of Education Testing Center 1600 08 July 1995******

Emma was exhausted. She hadn't slept very well the night before - nerves over the coming oral board. She ate two pieces of dry toast and drank two cups of tea to fortify her a bit before setting off for the Ministry with Dan, Hermione and Harry escorting her. They wended their way through the halls of government and eventually found the testing center. Greeted by Felicity Smith, who would act as the official recorder of the test, they sat in the waiting area resplendent with year old Wizarding magazines; Witch Weekly, Potions Master Quarterly, Society for Advanced Transfiguration and so on. Finally, at 0800, the double doors opened and Felicity beckoned Emma in with a smile. Dan gave her hand a squeeze and she went in with Hermione and Harry's "Good Luck" ringing in her ears.

She entered a well-furnished and decorated room that had a long table in its middle. In front of her was a lone chair facing the green velvet covered table and on the other side were five occupied chairs. Of the five board members, two on the right looked at her as if she was something found at the bottom of a three-year dirty cauldron and was wasting their time. The board chair was a wizened old woman who was dwarfed by the high backed chair she was sitting in. Moving to the extremely lonely chair for the examined, Emma looked across the table to the other five and gave a short smile. She knew that they were trying to intimidate her. She doubted it was because she was a muggle - well mostly at least; she was certain that all applicants were treated the same type of intimidation.

The board chair picked up a piece of parchment and read the official welcome to the applicant and the rules of the examination. She fuddled about a bit in replacing it in its folder and then turned to Emma and with a neutral expression asked why Devil's Weed was critical in the brewing of Skele-Grow. Emma smiled and the game was afoot.

With a short break for lunch they recommenced and this is where Emma found herself eventually; exhausted and wondering how she did on the exam. Felicity came to the small waiting room and with a smile and a wink, beckoned her back to the room.

Resettling in her chair, Emma scanned the faces of the board members. The two on the right who had been borderline hostile throughout the entire day were scowling while the other three were smiling broadly. Emma felt her hopes rise as the board chair stood and slowly moved around the table to her. Stopping a few paces from Emma's chair, the old woman said "Congratulations, Potions Mistress Granger. We, the board, are extremely impressed with the depth of knowledge you have displayed this day" and extended her hand for a congratulatory handshake. Emma, elated with the news, brushed off the hand and enveloped the shocked old Witch in a hug before running out to tell her family the good news.

******Black Manor, London 1730 08 July 1995******

Harry and Hermione tandem apparated Dan and Emma home. They arrived in the hall entryway and heard voices in the sitting room. Moving into the room, Harry saw the occupants of the house there plus the McGonagalls and Dumbledore. They were obviously waiting for the news on Emma's board. Everyone fell silent and looked at Emma, waiting for her to say something. She gave everyone a big, ear to ear smile and Sirius jumped up "Way to go Emmie!" and engulfed her in a huge hug, twirling her around in a circle.

Harry looked at Hermione. Emmie?

She shrugged and smiled. I think Mum will let it go for today. Tomorrow, she'll give him a good bollocking if he does it again. Laughing, the Potters joined the party.

Remus turned on the wireless and music filled the room while Dobby and Winky rolled in carts that had various hors d'oerves on it. Music, wine and good food were all present and the party began. Everyone congregated around Emma as she told snippets of her board experience; Jamie, Minerva and Albus nodding knowingly.

Harry grabbed Remus' elbow and nodded his head toward the other side of he room. Mione, I need you for this.

You going to ask Remus?


Hermione made her way over to where Remus and Harry were talking to hear her husband say "Remus, I've been thinking about what Connie said the other day about Voldemort trying to recruit the werewolf community." Remus took a sip of his drink and nodded at Harry who continued "Well, if we can offer the Lycan community, as a whole, a better deal than Voldemort, I think that we can save a lot of people afflicted with lycanthropy from being killed."

Remus considered for a moment and waved at Connie who was walking by. "Love, come listen to this. Harry has been thinking." After a light teasing from Connie, Harry reiterated himself and went further saying "I'd like to form a Werewolf Foundation. It would give free Wolfsbane to any afflicted person and a safe place to undergo their transformation. If the person is without a home or stable job, the foundation could offer a boarding house to help get these men and women and sometimes children off the streets and under a roof." Harry paused as Remus' eyes started to glisten and jumped when he was engulfed in a big hug from his good friend.

"Harry, you have grown up to be a fine young man" said Remus wiping his face. "What else? How can I help?"

Harry got a big grin and looked at his wife who said "Well, we think that the foundation should be for werewolves, by werewolves. This way, there can be a level of trust for the people out there all alone that this isn't some government round up or a do-gooder on a mission. We want you to run this for us Remus."

Laughing somewhat at the nonplussed former Defense teacher and his girlfriend, Harry said "You can relate to these people in a way that I, nor any other non-werewolf, can ever understand. You are trustworthy, intelligent, hard-working and a general good guy that I can have confidence to manage this."

Hermione picked up the thread, getting excited now and waving her hands for emphasis "Eventually, we could see the Foundation having a work placement or hiring ability. If you can find enough competent brewers, they could brew all the Wolfsbane you'd need, produce any other idea you come up with and become a manufacturer of products. Possibly become self-sustaining. We could sponsor start-ups of individual businesses for Lycans that show sound profitable prospects for investment. We could do so much good with this umbrella organization. And we need you, Remus, to make it happen."

The now openly crying man hugged both Potters to himself while Connie wrapped herself around them all. It was the beginning of a life's work for Remus that would bring him fame, world renown and wealth. However, the thing he would value many years from now while talking with his children and grandchildren was that he helped many people because of the generosity and humanity of Harry and Hermione Potter.

On the other side of the room, Emma was having a discussion with Dumbledore and Minerva which had as many far reaching consequences as the Werewolf Foundation.

"Emma" said the aged Headmaster "Minerva brought your Mastery exam to my attention and had a proposition for me." With a small smile he said "Really, the proposition is for you. I'd like to extend to you an offer to be the Potions Professor for Hogwarts."

******The Speckled Basilisk Inn, Knockturn Alley, London 1215 09 July 1995******

Draco Malfoy was worried. No, he was very worried. He turned to his mother, who was sitting at the small table in their miniscule room of the disgusting boarding house where they were staying "Mother, are you sure?"

Nodding her perfectly coiffed head, Narcissa Malfoy said "Yes. All will be well if you stick with the plan. We've lost almost everything, but can get much, if not all, back if you only stick with the plan."

Nodding to himself, he contemplated his mother's words. After a few moments, he returned her gaze and said "I will follow the plan."

Narcissa imperceptibly relaxed. Smiling the first genuine smile she had smiled in years she said "Thank you, son. I love you."

Draco rose from the bed and hugged his mother "I love you too, mother."

******Charon House, Cumbria 2000 09 July 1995******

Harry stood in the back of the main meeting room, leaning against the wall with Hermione leaning back on him. Looking around at the nearly full room, Harry was surprised and a little annoyed. Where were all these people when we took on Malfoy manor?

Hermione shrugged as she pulled his arms tighter around her waist. Most of them aren't fighters. They are Ministry workers, a few shopkeepers, more than one homemaker and I don't recognize the rest. Members like Connie, Shack and Alastor were there, but they were there in their official capacity. I think Dumbledore has just taken anyone who wants to help, regardless of his or her combat abilities.

Harry nodded at the thought. It made sense. He said that the Order was primarily an intelligence gathering organization now that the Ministry had Amelia in charge, fighting for the light. Imagine if we had a hostile Ministry. Harry shuddered. It'd be a nightmare.

Hermione nodded in agreement, watching Major McGrath talking with her father over by the front doors. Albus had agreed with Connie's recommendation to have a permanent non-magical warfighter presence. Amelia had talked to the Prime Minister, and he had directed the Army to allow the Major to relate any pertinent Military Intelligence to the Order.

Harry kissed the top of Hermione's head as Sirius and Loreena came in the front doors, spied the Potters and moved through the crowd toward them. There were quite a few whispers and pointing from the Order members resulting from the article, and Hermione was annoyed. How have you put up with this? I know that it's part and parcel of who we are and what's going on, but really people! Harry smiled into her hair as he recognized the building up of a full-blown Hermione Rant. Hugging her close, she seemed to settle down and just let off a mental Harrumph!

Harry heard a throat clearing and looked up to see Arthur and Molly Weasley standing in front of them. Arthur was smiling and said "Harry, Hermione, let me offer our congratulations on your marriage. I'm not sure I understood the timeline from the article in the Prophet, but you've been married for some time now, yes?"

Harry nodded and Hermione smiled and said "Yes, we've been married for just short of a year."

Molly stood next to Arthur with a small frown playing on her face. She would force a smile every so often, but the frown returned quickly. Finally she said "But aren't you two far to young to be married? And Hermione what do your parents think?"

Arthur sighed as Harry, Hermione's faces went blank, and Hermione responded flatly "I am almost twenty-one and my husband is nineteen, almost twenty, if it's any of your business. My parents fully approved our union and were present at the wedding. It was nice to see you Arthur, Molly" and turned to Loreena who was standing next to her. The dismissal shocked Molly who was guided away by her embarrassed husband.

Harry shook his head as the red-headed couple made their way to seats on the other side of the room. You know, I always took her inquiries after my health and the `too skinny' comments as motherly love and affection that she just spread over on to me, as I was Ron's friend. Do you think she's maybe just a know-it-all controlling old bag?

Hermione leaned her head on Harry's shoulder. Not completely. I think she has quite a lot of that. A nosy-parker too, sticking her nose in business that isn't hers. But I do think she genuinely cared for you in her own way mixed in with the other stuff.

Harry processed the thought as Loreena and Hermione discussed some plans Loreena had for Harry and Sirius regarding the Wizengamot. At the same time, Dumbledore stood in the front of the room and the conversations dried up quickly as he welcomed everyone.

"Welcome all" the head of the Order of the Phoenix started with. "I'm glad to see us all here, safe and well. We have much to cover this evening so I won't dilly-dally about. The most important thing first. Three days ago, Malfoy Manor was assaulted and five of our members gave their life in the assault. Joseph Brown, Caleb Diggory, Thomas Dolan, Christopher McKee and Michael Criss. We will have a memorial service here tomorrow at noon, please make the time to attend.

"We have some people to induct into the Order, a debriefing of what occurred at Malfoy manor, a general discussion of what the major groups are doing and, of course, a time for general questions." He paused while surveying the room looking for dissenters. "Yes, well, we are here to induct nine people into the Order. Well, really only eight, as Sirius Black has been in the Order since the first war with Voldemort. The persons to be inducted before us all are Jamie McGonagall, Loreena Black, Harry and Hermione Potter, Dan and Emma Granger and Marcus and Sofia." Most everyone blinked at the lack of surname for Marcus and Sofia, but Dumbledore smoothed it over easily with his nonchalant attitude.

One person was not to be denied her time to voice her opinions, and Molly Weasley stood. "Albus, with all due respect, I think it most unwise to induct children into the Order. Let them stay at home and let the adults fight. Harry and Hermione have had some interesting…experiences I'm sure, but they are far too young to be involved." Turning to Dan and Emma, she hissed in a stage whisper "I can't believe you condone this `marriage' sham of theirs."

There was a moment of silence before Alastor Moody burst out laughing. Roaring a belly roar, he bent over and was wiping tears from his good eye, as many others, including Bill and Charlie Weasley, chuckled at Molly's statements.

Albus looked a little stunned and said "Yes, well. Molly, see me after the meeting and we can discuss your issues" as a red-faced Arthur pulled Molly into her seat. Looking around, Albus said "Does anyone else have any…issues they wish to voice?" When no one said anything, Dumbledore nodded and said "So mote it be. The eight persons listed shall be added to our rolls. Moving on, Remus, would you please brief the Order as a whole on the engagement at Malfoy manor?" and sat down.

While Remus quickly briefed the assembled crowd, Hermione seethed. That stupid bint. Who does she think she is? We're not old enough. We shouldn't be married. Cow!

Harry held her tight and smiled. This rant could only run its course and nothing he could do would make it better. So he did the thing that Dan and Jamie had recommended he learn how to do early in their marriage: shut up and listen.

A half hour later Dumbledore stood and said "We shall now discuss some of the various groups and their activities to date. For security purposes, there will be few specifics, but rather overviews and some conclusions where appropriate. Arthur, would you start us off on the guard duty?"

Arthur stood to the amazement of his wife. Molly's face was purpling, and most of the assembled figured that Mr. Weasley would be given a significant tongue lashing by Mrs. Weasley later this evening. "Thank you Albus. Currently, we have a twenty four hour a day guard on the entranceway to the Department of Mysteries. The guard is usually for two to four hour shifts under either a disillusionment spell or an invisibility cloak. So far, we have stopped one after-hours attempt by a marked Death Eater to enter the Departments spaces." Finished he sat down and ignored his wife's glares.

Sirius raised his hand and called out "Why are we doing the Department of Mysteries job for them? Or are they so compromised that they can't be trusted?"

Arthur stood again and said "Good question Sirius. The answer is we don't know. We don't know if they are compromised and talking with senior DMLE" here everyone looked at Connie and Shack "Albus and Amelia felt that our `unofficial' help was the best solution to the problem." Sirius nodded as Arthur sat down.

Molly stood, incensed over several issues and almost barked "Why is there a guard there in the first place? Hmm?"

Arthur looked to Albus pleadingly to answer this for him. He was in enough trouble and didn't want to make it worse. Albus stood and said "I don't think the reason is something we need to discuss in an open forum, Molly. Only those personnel who have a need-to-know will be told the reason" and as the aged Headmaster sat down his and Harry's eyes met and an understanding of the safety of the prophecy passed between them.

At this point, Dedalus Diggle stood and began to, in very brief and vague terms, discuss the intelligence gathering that the Order was doing. They believed that they had culled out quite a few Death Eaters out of the Department of Transportation. The after-hours "discussions" with various members had led to an even dozen arrests and three other discharges for cause. The Department was not running at its best due to all the new people, but it was safe again for common use. "However" Diggle cautioned, "I do not recommend for anyone in this room to use the Floo." At some exasperated sighs from various parts of the room his face became angry and he said with some force "This is not a game, people." Suddenly, there was no one making any noise in the room. The fighters in the room who had fought not that long ago looked at the others with a measure of pity and astonishment. Diggle continued "All of us are known Light supporters and are targets by the Death Eaters."

Albus stood and said "Thank you Dedalus for that appropriate reminder to us all." With his face grave, the old man scanned the room and said "Do not become complacent. The lack of Floo is inconvenient, but so too is death." Resuming his friendly, grandfather demeanor, he said "As Remus briefed, we have established good relations with our non-magical counterparts in the British Army. Major McGrath" here the Major stood and waved to all "Is our liaison and will funnel any intelligence to us from the other side of the fence, as it were. Major, is there anything you can say to us all in this forum?"

McGrath thought for a minute and said "Post Mission Analysis revealed that of the ninety nine Death Eaters killed or wounded at Malfoy Manor, seventy two were killed or wounded by non-magical means. I wanted to pass on that our Colonel was very impressed with Mr. Lupin and wanted to personally thank my Lord and Lady Gryffindor for their unnecessary gift to the men."

Albus looked to Harry, who still had Hermione in his arms and he shrugged while having a small smile on the corners of his mouth.

The Major laughed for a moment and said "We did not have the means, of course to analyze the Harpy kills, Lady Gryffindor took care of that problem for us" and those that were there chuckled while Hermione blushed and waved her hand to the crowd. "The Nundu, well, it was fairly obvious how that bastard died" he said to more laughter from the warriors. "As far as future Ops, well, we can talk about that in a smaller group, sir" and sat down.

Albus stood with a smile on his face "Thank you Major, I think I shall enjoy our working together. Now, does anyone have any questions?" Looking around the room he saw no hands, so he said "Very good. Thank you all for coming, and be careful out there." He hadn't even started to move when Molly Weasley made a bee-line for him, her face already red.

Steeling himself for the conflict, and Albus Dumbledore disliked interpersonal conflict immensely, he awaited the fiery red-headed mother of seven. She stopped right in front of him, raised her right hand with finger outstretched and took a deep breath when Dumbledore said quietly but firmly "Molly, I appreciate what you do for the Order. However, if you cannot keep your comments constructive, I'll have to ask you to refrain from attending meetings."

Molly's shock was evident and she stood there speechless. "Don't get me wrong, Molly. I think you are a good woman and an asset to the war effort, but your comments tonight were divisive, insulting to the Potters and Grangers, and I'm sure Arthur was humiliated. None of that helped the Order in our fight against Voldemort" and here she shuddered and looked away at the mention of the hated name. "I would recommend that you take some time to re-evaluate if you want to be a member of the Order. A constructive member, that is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few people I need to talk to before they leave."

Harry and Hermione were talking to Major McGrath who said "Colonel Richfield wanted to extend an invitation to dine in the Officer's Mess on the 16th of this Month. I meant what I said. After the engagement, he grabbed me and said `Bloody Hell McGrath, those two just wiped out all those Harpies and turned into big fucking wolves and took on that thing. And was that a bloody dragon?!' " McGrath laughed for a bit. "He was very impressed with the dragon. Anyway, can you make it?"

Harry looked at his wife and nodded. Hermione turned back to McGrath and said "We'd love to come. Let us know where and when, and we'll be there. Thank the Colonel for his invitation."

McGrath nodded, picking up his paperwork. They all shook hands before McGrath said to Hermione "Oh, yes. Please pass on to your father that the pistol permit will be no problem. I'll have it for him at next week's meeting."

As McGrath walked out with Nymphadora Tonks, who was to apparate him back to Credenhill, the Potters were joined by the Blacks and Albus Dumbledore, who was muttering to himself about "…red-headed fools with tempers…"

Sirius smirked and said to Albus, "So, did you smack her down?"

Albus chuckled softly to himself and said "I did what I had to do Sirius." With a deft flick of his wand, the old man cast powerful privacy wards and said "Harry, as you have no doubt gathered, the guard that Arthur was describing was to protect the record of the prophecy between you and Voldemort."

Harry nodded while Hermione reached out for his hand "Yeah, I figured as much. Why don't we simply destroy it or replace it with a fake? It's not like pursuit of the prophecy is slowing old Tommy boy down any, is it?"

Albus pursed his lips and considered the proposal, "What you say makes good sense. I would think that replacing it with a fake would be best, then no one could casually see that the prophecy is gone." At everyone's confused expression, he elaborated "Only someone that is the subject of the prophecy can lift the sphere from its shelf. The shelves in turn are permanently mounted and explode if lifted from their moorings. It's a security measure."

Harry nodded and said "Fine, I'll meet you at seven in the morning in the Ministry atrium tomorrow, before everyone gets there and we'll do the switch."

Dumbledore nodded his head to acquiesce when they all felt it. A huge magical pulse, like a shock wave from a nuclear explosion; yet it felt evil, dirty and corrupted. The little group looked at each other and seeing confirmation that they weren't alone Sirius spoke up. "Ok, what the hell was that?"

Hermione had a worried and even fearful expression on her face and said, "I'm not sure, but I think Voldemort has just elevated one of his lieutenants via the bonding ritual." With horrified expressions and thoughts, they all went home to their beds.

******Daily Prophet Offices, London 1235 11 July 1995******

Rita Skeeter was furious. She'd just come from Editor Ferguson's office and she'd been reassigned. Not to the prestigious page one byline that she'd been working towards all he adult life. Being reassigned not even to the page two above the fold column she'd settle for instead. No. She knew that she had to conceal the news for as long as she could. It wouldn't be secret forever, but for as long as possible was required. Without prompting, she threw back her head, "I'm going to be the Home Cooking Editor!" she screeched to everyone in the newsroom. Covering her mouth, she looked around to see if anyone had heard her and saw the entire newsroom looking at her. Some with shocked faces, others with undisguised mirth.

Looking at a laughing Joe Connolly, she got up and went over to him, ready to tear into him for laughing at her. Her heart was promising retribution and she opened her mouth and said "Joe, I want you to know that I have to go to the healer for a problem and will probably need to get a cream to relieve the itch." Shocked at what had come out of her mouth she spun around on her heel and left Joe laughing at his desk.

Sitting back down at her desk, she was approached by the associate managing editor, Lilith Goodbow, who Rita had always kissed up to over the years. Lilith patted her on the shoulder and said "There, there dear. Everything will work out fine, you'll see."

Rita looked up with a simpering smile on her face, intending to be at her most ingratiating. Trying to get some position back she opened her mouth. What she intended to say was replaced with "Shut up you stupid cow. I've never liked you. I know you screwed old man Johnston regularly for ten years to get your job. I would have done it too to get your job, but you beat me to him." Again, she covered her mouth in mortification, shared by Lilith as the newsroom went quiet again for a moment to be filled with a few discreet snickers a heartbeat later, followed by raucous laughter.

As Lilith ran for her office, Rita gathered her things. Glaring around defiantly she raised her right hand with her index finger pointing straight up to the heavens and shouted "I'm going to go get really drunk and dance around my flat wearing a leopard skin leotard that is two sizes too small while singing muggle music. Mainly from `The Sound of Music.' I love Captain VonTrapp!"

At the entrance to the newsroom, a disillusioned and silenced Harry and Hermione Potter held on to each other for balance as they laughed until it hurt. Mischief Managed.

******Black Manor, London 2100 11 July 1995******

The occupants of Black Manor were sitting in the drawing room after a good dinner and Harry was recounting for Sirius the events at the Daily Prophet that afternoon. "And she stalks out of the newsroom screeching at the top of her lungs `The Hills are Alive, With the sound of Muuuuuusic!'" Everyone was laughing and Dan was coughing while tears ran down his face, despite the mangling of Julie Andrews. Dan was a serious Julie Andrews fan.

Sirius said between giggles, "That was a spell that Lily invented our seventh year. James had bet her that she couldn't invent a charm that would duplicate what Veritaserum did. She came up with this spell, which caused the person to blurt out random truths, but the person couldn't really be controlled or directed like they can with the potion. When she told us about it, it took Remus, James and me four months before she'd give us the incantation and wand movement."

The laughter was still ringing in the air as Kingsley Shacklebolt ran in the room. As Head Auror, Connie and Sirius felt he could be trusted with the secret, so he had been let in the exclusive club who knew about Black Manor. Tonight, his eyes wide and robes askew, it was evident this was not a social call. He turned to Connie and almost shouted "Death Eater attack at Buckingham Palace!"

Harry and Hermione jumped to their feet and their casual jeans and T-shirts were replaced with black combat fatigues with their swords strapped on. Hermione tapped the back of her hair with her left index finger and her hair wrapped itself in a tight braid. Looking around, Connie saw that Marcus, Sofia, Sirius, Loreena and Remus were similarly attired and ready. Realizing she had a potent strike force here in her own sitting room, she conjured a long rope, tapped it with her wand muttering "Portus" and said to Shack "Get back to the office and mobilize as many Aurors, DMLE officers and a whole shitload of Obliviators and follow as soon as you can." Shack ran out to the entryway and shortly thereafter, there was a crack as he apparated away.

Everyone but Dan and Emma lined up and grabbed hold of the rope portkey. Harry, Hermione, Marcus and Sofia all drew their swords while the others all drew their wands and looked to Connie. Emma gave Hermione a quick hug and squeezed Harry's hand saying softly "Come back to us" and with a quick tap of Connie's wand, the Warriors were gone.

They landed unsteadily in the Queen's study. Connie hissed to everyone "We're in the residential wing of the palace. We'll take a left when we get out of this room and head toward the Queen and Duke's sleeping quarters." She paused as everyone present smelled smoke drifting through the ventilation system. "Shit" she said, "Let's move."

Harry took the lead out the door with Marcus as rear guard. Both men had their wives on their shoulder for immediate backup with the Blacks, Connie, and Remus in the middle. Connie would hiss out a direction to turn as they wound their way through the maze that is Buckingham Palace. They turned another corner and heard spellfire ahead.

Looking back over his shoulder, Harry saw Connie give the "move forward and attack" signal. He glanced at his wife. Got my back?

Hermione nodded as she looked into his eyes. Always. As we clear into the room, you go left; I'll go right and let the trailers pick up the slack.

Giving her a quick but thorough kiss, Harry charged and jumped into the closed door in front of him, shattering it into splinters as he hit it. Landing on his feet he saw they were in a ballroom sized sitting area clogged with maybe three dozen cloaked and masked Death Eaters.

The world erupted in light, color and noise.

Casting strong shields over themselves, the contingent of the Order of the Phoenix charged into the teeming mass of thuggery. Swords and spellfire of all the rainbow flashed in the crowded room, Death Eaters fell like wheat before the reaper. Sofia was grimacing and flashing her fanged teeth like a god of old as she dealt death right and left with magic and blade while Marcus personified the quote of Oppenheimer: "I am become Death, the destroyer of Worlds."

Sirius, Remus, Connie and Loreena held the middle, no small task in its own right as the sword-wielding couples worked to turn the flanks of the Eaters. Sirius was moving like quicksilver as he fought with a quiet savagery he didn't even know he possessed. Suddenly, he was knocked down by a Bludgeoning hex that broke his left arm. Loreena screeched a war cry out of the ancient past and drew her own short sword and with her wand in her left hand and with her sword flashing and licking in and out in the deadly dance, she stood over her wounded husband.

Remus was fluidly, methodically taking down Death Eater after Death Eater as they appeared in front of him. He'd been hit with four or five hexes that his werewolf nature let him shrug off and his robes smoldered in the aftereffects. Blood dripped down his face from flying debris that had peppered his face and head a few moments before as Connie fought like a corded whip; lashing out with deadly finesse and accuracy, using the Piercing charm like it had been invented just for her.

Harry looked up after disemboweling a Death Eater and hitting another with a Reductor curse to the chest to see Bellatrix Lestrange staring at him with a maniacal look in her eyes. Using his Mage sight, he saw her aura pulse and glow with black and red merging and swirling brightly. She advanced on him slowly, almost languorously, raised her wand, and just as Harry cast "CONTEGO!" and the powerful shield went up around himself and Hermione as a whirlwind of flame surrounded them. The flame kept up and the room heated to the point where the wall coverings were bursting into flames. Harry's hair started to smoke and his shoes to melt. He cast "Aguamenti" straight up, to make a shower to keep him and Hermione cool. Love, go get her.

Hermione quickly sat at Harry's feet under his shower of water, concentrated for a brief moment and then her Avatar was streaking through the flames, searching for Bellatrix. Emerging from the firestorm, Hermione-A turned left, saw her quarry and charged. Bellatrix stood there with her wand outstretched and an erotic smile on her face. With a small show of effort, she increased the heat of the flames and they turned white hot. With ethereal arms outstretched to mentally eviscerate and shut down the insane woman, Hermione was repelled backward with a force she hadn't felt before, a malevolent, evil presence. Bellatrix turned unseeing eyes in her direction, knowing that an assault had happened, but unable to see the attacker.

Realizing that Bellatrix's demonic bonding was forcefully defending itself autonomously, she called out to her husband. Harry, grab my body and apparate out here. I can't get to her this way. I need you to hit her from behind as soon as you land. Hermione-A then deliberately looked over the area behind Bellatrix so Harry would know where to land.

A heartbeat later, Harry appeared ten feet behind Bellatrix and hit her with two Bone-Breaking curses in her back, one from each hand. As she began to fall, Bellatrix apparated silently out of the inferno-filled room.

Looking around, Harry saw that there were piles of Death Eater corpses, but his family was still alive, although fairly beaten up. Passing both hands in a circle in front of him, Harry extinguished the fires, and then with a subtle wave, restored the room to its original condition. Hermione opened the windows with a gesture and with another; a soft breeze cleared the room of smoke. Connie headed toward the door on the other side of the room and said "Come on, we need to check on the status of the Queen."

Reaching the door, gunfire erupted on the other end, punching holes in the door followed by shouts of "Stay back!"

Connie cast the Sonorous charm on herself and said "I am Director Constance Hammer of the Magical Law Enforcement Department, identification code" and here she pulled out a small sheet of paper, read the right day and time combination and finished "I authenticate Alpha Four X-ray."

After a moment, the guards on the other side yelled "Charlie Three Zulu."

Connie exhaled loudly; the gun-toting persons on the other side were fighting on the side of the angels. "Open this damn, door. All the Death Eaters are dead."

The door opened slowly and a man with a torn jacket and shirt, with blood running from his left ear emerged, holding a H&K submachine gun in front of him. His eyes widened as he took in the scene in front of him. The young blond woman in front of him was unhurt, but the tall man with the salt and pepper hair had a sheet of blood on the side of his face while another blond woman was tending to a man with black hair. She waved a stick in her hand and the man stiffened then relaxed as his arm glowed yellow.

He half turned and raised his gun when two people with jet-black hair and swords in their hands came into his field of view. What scared the man the most was that they had blood running down their chins. Apparently, a few Death Eaters got too close to the Dhampirs. Behind them was a young couple with swords and soaking wet, the man fairly singed. As the young couple walked up Harry said "Is the Queen safe?" the security officer nodded at the young man from whom power was radiating like water from a burst dam.

From over the man's shoulder a woman's voice said, "Yes, young man, we are. Constance, is that you?"

Connie sighed again in relief saying "Yes, Ma'am. It's me with some help" as the Queen and the Duke emerged from the small room where they had taken shelter.

The Queen looked over everyone and said "I cannot thank you enough for your valor" and nodded to Connie to perform quick introductions.

Approaching Harry and Hermione last, Connie said, "Your Majesty, may I present to you Harry and Hermione Potter. They dealt with the leader of the attack and crippled the leading forces, giving the rest of us time to engage the enemy."

At the mention of the Potters names the Queen's eyes lit up and she said to Harry "Sir, We have need of your sword" and extended her hand, it was fairly evident that she was used to being obeyed. When Harry handed over the Danio Tymestl, she said "I received the letter from King Rhodri, Our Royal counterpart and am happy to do this. Kneel please sir" looking to Hermione she said with a smile "Mrs. Potter, please join your husband." The Queen placed the flat of the bloody sword on each of Harry's shoulders before saying "Rise Sir Harry Potter, Knight Commander of the Royal Order of the Bath, and We confirm you as a Knight Commander of the Red Dragon Order, go forth into the Realm with certain knowledge of the Crown's support." She then turned to Hermione and did the same. As they rose and Harry took back his sword she said "The letters patent will be forwarded to the government to `create' your title of Gryffindor tomorrow, and yours sir" here she looked at Sirius "as Redfields." Her hands started to shake a bit and she said "It's been a trying evening, I do believe we shall retire. Thank you all again."

******Ministry of Magic, Wizengamot Chambers 1000 18 July 1995******

Albus Dumbledore looked around the Wizengamot Chambers noting that every seat was filled. Every seat save two that is. Nodding to himself more than anything, he cast a quick Sonorous charm and said "My Lords and Ladies, Members and proxy Members, please take your seats."

As the rustling died away, Dumbledore stood and said "We have two who come to claim their seats. Seats belonging to houses long bereft of Lordship." Here the doors opened at the back of the circular chamber and all the members craned their necks to see the two men who were probably the most popular men in the Wizarding world, Harry Potter and Sirius Black.

Sirius strode into the hall purposefully, wearing his Head of House robes made of the best Acromantula silk and trimmed in gold thread. Stopping in the center of the chambers, as per custom, he waited for the Chief Warlock. Dumbledore said "Your Grace, you come to claim the seat of the house of Black, is this correct?"

Sirius, at his aristocratic best, said loudly and confidently "Yes, this is correct."

Dumbledore bowed to Sirius and said to the members seated in the bowl like arrangement of the chamber "His Grace, the Duke of Redfields has come to assume the seat of the house of Black. All ye gathered take notice." When this was finished, Sirius climbed up to sit in the seat that the head of the Black family had occupied since the Wizengamot was formed, over eight hundred years ago.

Once Sirius settled himself, he smirked as he looked to the doors and saw his Godson enter the chamber. Harry too had his Head of the House of Potter robes on, made of Acromantula silk and trimmed with gold. He also wore the Danio Tymestl at his side, and had the medallions of the Order of the Red Dragon and the Order of the Bath on his left breast. With the way he carried himself, he looked every inch a warrior. As he came in the chambers, people could see what he wore at his side and the murmuring began.

Harry stopped in the center of the chamber and waited a moment before meeting Dumbledore's eyes. He gave a quick nod and Dumbledore said "My Lord Gryffindor" and the murmuring became a roar "you come to claim the seat of the house of Potter, is this correct?"

"This is an outrage!" shouted Dolores Umbridge. "This jumped up half-blood is no more Lord Gryffindor than I am! Be gone with him!"

"SILENCE" shouted Dumbledore, and the chambers fell silent. Glaring at Umbridge with a look that could melt glacier ice he said "Proxy Member Umbridge, you will not speak out of turn again or you will be banished from this august chamber and Lord Malfoy will have to find a replacement proxy or attend himself." As she paled, Dumbledore said "Am I clear?" to which he received a nod.

Returning his attention to Harry who had not moved nor even acknowledged the furor, Dumbledore said "My Lord, on behalf of the Wizengamot, I apologize for what just occurred. Are you, my Lord claiming the seat for the house of Potter?"

Harry replied "Yes, that is correct."

Dumbledore bowed to Harry and said to the members seated in the chamber "The Earl Gryffindor has come to assume the seat of the house of Potter. All ye gathered take notice."

As Harry began to climb to the seat for the house of Potter, which was right next to the Chief Warlock's chair, someone yelled out "Why does he have a sword? No arms in the chamber!"

Harry stopped mid stride and turned to the chamber and deliberately looked them all in the eye before he said "As a knight of the realm, I am authorized to be in this chamber under arms" and sat in his chair looking over the room coolly.

Up in the visitors gallery, Hermione in expensive robes sat next to Loreena. After sharing a quick smile with her best female friend, Hermione resettled her attention on her husband. Husband, you look delicious down there. She could see a smile on the edge of his face. Deciding to be a little naughty, she continued. I think I'm going to have to shag you senseless tonight. Harry now rubbed his face with his hand to cover up the smile that bloomed like a flower. Laughing under her breath, she gave him a break. Joking aside, you and Sirius made a good first impression it should give Voldieshit pause.


1) I own nothing

2) Recalling witnessing the explosion of the first atomic bomb near Alamogordo New Mexico on July 16, 1945, Robert Oppenheimer [the lead scientist of the Manhattan Project] had this to say: "We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita…'I am become Death, the destroyer of Worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another."
