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To Stand Against the Darkness by muggledad

To Stand Against the Darkness


Chapter 3: Disclosures and Declarations

The dignity of truth is lost with much protesting

Ben Johnson, Catiline's Conspiracy, act III

******Hogwarts, Headmasters Office, 1730, 25 May 1995******

"Sirius let me offer you my heartfelt congratulations on your public redemption. I am sorry that it took so long. What can I do for you this evening?" said Albus Dumbledore as Sirius Black entered his sanctum.

Dressed in new clothes, with a fresh haircut and carrying a new wand Sirius grasped the Headmasters proffered hand and replied while trying to keep the scowl off his face. "Well Albus, you can start off by explaining why Harry was never informed of his Head of House status, the true extent of his inheritance or the existence, and the contents of, the prophecy regarding Voldemort and him."

With a prolonged sigh, Albus replied "There are two reasons. Shall we sit and discuss this?" After they were comfortably settled with tea and biscuits provided by a house elf, the Headmaster continued. "As to the first two items on your list, Harry's Head of House status and his inheritance, the reason I did not inform him of either of these is because I was afraid he would then leave the Dursleys and never go back. Because of the blood wards there, it is the safest place he can be. I am aware that they were, and are, less than pleasant people, but he must reside there, especially now that Lord Voldemort has returned."

"Less than pleasant!" Sirius almost shouted at the Headmaster. "Those fucking muggles beat him like a cur on a regular basis! They would withhold food for days as a punishment. He slept in a cupboard until he was 11. He didn't even know his own name until he was five years old because he was only called `freak' or `boy'. He learned his own name at school when the teacher called roll! I'm here to tell you Albus Dumbledore, that my godson will never see those people again, much less live with them. I am taking him home with me, as should have been done fourteen years ago."

Dumbledore's face paled to the point where Sirius considered calling Madam Pomfrey. "I had no idea." the old man muttered.

"You had no idea, because you assumed that you were right in your decision to leave him there and never checked up on him. Oh I know about Arabella," said Sirius to Dumbledore's unvoiced objection, "but if she was effective at monitoring Harry's true status, you'd have known about all the abuse. Wouldn't you?" At Dumbledore's soul weary nod, Sirius continued, "Look, Albus, I'm not here to crucify you for what has happened. You don't need my forgiveness. You need to look to Harry for forgiveness, not me. Your wrongs were to him. I'm here to look to the future and the plan from here."

"I know now, that I should have had a more active role in guarding him not only from without, but also within. But Sirius, his aunts home is still the safest for him because of the blood wards" plead Dumbledore.

"Can you state categorically that Voldemort cannot pass the wards, now that his new body was made with Harry's blood?" retorted Sirius, struggling to maintain his composure.

"No, I cannot" said the Headmaster in an undertone.

"Harry will return with me to my ancestral home whenever he leaves Hogwarts from here on out, then. The old place is already unplottable, and nigh on indestructible from its preexisting defenses. I contacted the Goblins today, to upgrade the wards to include the Fidelius. The upgrades will be done by the end of the week. I will be the secret keeper, this time" declared the dark haired wizard. "Also, I expect that Hermione's parents will have to move in shortly due to security purposes, but we'll play that by ear. When school is out, the six of us can sit down and talk about it. Now, as to the prophecy…" Sirius finished with a wave of his hand as to prompt the Headmaster into an explanation.

Without meeting Sirius' eye, knowing that his explanation would not settle well, Dumbledore intoned "I wanted Harry to have as normal a childhood and school experience as possible. I still want that and am still opposed to telling him the prophecy now."

Now Sirius did explode, his anger boiling over "Childhood! A little late for that Albus! He lost it the day you dropped him off on the front step of those abusive muggles, or the three subsequent times that you've failed to protect him from Voldemort, or a basilisk, or a dragon, or a village of merpeople, or a swarm of dementors, or a horde of Death Eaters. For the love of Merlin Albus, grow up!" At the end of his rant, Sirius was panting with emotion and leapt out of his chair to pace off his energy. "You had better never say that to Harry. I can tell you that he will break with you in a heartbeat if you play the `you're just a child' card with him. You listen to me Dumbledore" and now Sirius' voice was ice cold as he pointed a finger at the visibly shaken and aging Headmaster, "you will tell him the prophecy tomorrow, or I will. Pick now. You have one minute."

"Very well, I will tell him" said the Headmaster slumping in his seat and rubbing his wrinkled face with knarled hands. "I must say Sirius" said the Headmaster with a resurgence of his previously extinguished twinkle "I don't think I've ever seen you this passionate about anything. I think it's a very good thing."

"Huh" grunted Sirius, not amused at the attempt at levity. "One more thing Albus, or really it's one very small thing and one possibly large. Tomorrow, when Harry is discharged from the infirmary, he, Hermione and I will be going to Gringotts to pick up his Head of House ring, have an overview of his inheritance, discuss possible emancipation and pick up one little item from the family vault. The one little item is the last thing I wanted to talk about" said Sirius as he resettled in his chair across from the Headmaster. Taking a sip from his tea, he said "When James and Lily told me about the prophecy before going to the cottage under the Fidelius, James told me about the `Orb for the Chosen One' in the Potter family vault." At Dumbledore's raised eyebrows, Sirius laughed, "Yeah, pretentious name, but hey, I didn't name it. Anyway, the family grimoire states that this Orb is to be used by the guardian of the light in great need to prepare him and a select few chosen companions. Apparently, this is one of the very first entries in the grimoire, so obviously this is a very old artifact, as the Potter family was a contemporary with the founders, and possibly even Arthur. The instructions on how to activate the Orb, and the object itself, are in the family vault."

As Sirius paused to take another drink of tea while looking longingly at the firewhiskey on the sidboard, Dumbledore spoke up "This is very interesting, but I have some concerns and reservations. First this could be a well crafted trap and this Orb could be a very dark artifact."

Laughing, Sirius shook his head and said "Albus, this is the Potter family here, not the Black family."

Wearing the first genuine smile of the interview, Dumbledore continued "True. True indeed. I would like to examine this object before we decide if Harry is to use it. I am assuming Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley and yourself would be his companions?"

"Two things" Sirius replied evenly, his face becoming inscrutable in an instant. "First, you and I will not decide for Harry. We will advise him, but the decision is his to make. Not yours and not mine. Let's be frank, your track record in deciding for Harry is rather abysmal. Also, James and Lily firmly believed that the Orb for the Chosen One was meant for Harry to use. I will advise him to use it, and accompany him through the experience, no matter what the results. I failed James, Lily and Harry fourteen years ago; I'll not do it again. To be safe, though, I agree that you should inspect the Orb before we use it."

"Very well" said Dumbledore, defeated at every turn this evening. "What was the second item?"

"Second? Oh yeah. When I stopped by the infirmary before coming here tonight, I was told that the youngest male Weasley has had a terminal falling out with Harry and Hermione. So only the three of us may be using the Orb. I intend to tell Harry about the Orb in the same discussion as the prophecy, he'll need some hope after that bit of news."

******Hogwarts Infirmary, 0730, 26 May 1995******

Hermione waited for Harry as he showered, shaved and dressed. Madam Pomfrey had examined him earlier and pronounced him fit to associate with the healthy masses. So as she waited for him to complete his morning ablutions, she contemplated the recent changes to their relationship. So far so good. He's still the same old considerate, kind, responsible, brave …sexy…Harry, and wow, what a kisser! I was afraid he'd change on me and get possessive or controlling. In retrospect, that's rather silly knowing Harry. I doubt it'll be any different now that we'll be out of the infirmary. How do we deal with idiot Ron though? Reconciling is out of the question, but how to deal with him? Ignore him? Talk to Harry, his usually has a unique perspective.

At this point, the aforementioned boy-who-lived exited the infirmary lavatory and the entry doors opened to admit both the Headmaster and Sirius. "Ah, good." started the Headmaster "I'm glad we caught you before you had left Harry, if you would, we'd like to talk to you up in my office. Miss Granger, you may return to your common room." Sirius rolled his eyes behind Dumbledore before Harry said "Whatever you have to say to me, sir, can be said to Hermione. Where I go, she goes."

Hermione beamed at Harry and had a look on her face that promised the snogging of a lifetime when they were finished with this business. As they linked hands following the two adults, she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss saying "Thanks for saying that, you didn't have to, but I really appreciate it."

"Ah, but there you are wrong Miss Granger" Harry replied in a passable imitation of Dumbledore, "I did `have to' as you put it." Then seriously he said "I meant it when I said that I love you. This is part and parcel of that. No secrets. If it's too much, and I can see how it might be, let me know, and I'll try to just be your friend…"

He was cut off by the sudden application of her lips on his, and they stumbled to a stop in the hall. "Silly man! I know what I'm getting into. Now come on, they're getting too far ahead."

******Hogwarts, Headmasters Office, 0800, 26 May 1995******

The four people present were arrayed in a square around a low table in the sitting room area of the Headmasters office. Surprisingly, when the four entered, they found Hedwig perched next to Fawkes, and Crookshanks stretched out in a puddle of sunlight on the floor. Both familiars looked up at their bonded humans as they entered the office. Now, Dumbledore was concentrating, trying to think of where to start, Sirius looking expectantly at the old man while Harry and Hermione glanced at each other occasionally, getting more nervous as time passed.

"Albus" said Sirius breaking the silence "just cut to the chase and tell him, or I will."

"Quite right Sirius" replied the Headmaster. "Harry, before you were born a prophecy was made regarding Lord Voldemort and a person we now know to be you." At this Hermione scooted closer to Harry and he reached out for her hand. Continuing, Dumbledore said "the prophecy was worded thusly:

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…and the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…. And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…

"A Death Eater overheard the first half of the prophecy and relayed it to Voldemort, hence his pursuance of you. Now before you say anything Harry I have a few things to say to you, and I hope you will listen. I realize this is a shock, but pay attention. First, you are the person referenced. It could have been another, but in his attack on your family that long ago Halloween, Lord Voldemort marked you - your scar. Next, I'm sure that once the initial shock wears off, you will want to push those closest to you away from you `for their own good.' That would be stupid and borderline suicide." Harry blinked at the blunt speech from the normally eloquent and soft spoken Headmaster. "You need those that you love, and in particular the two people on either side of you at this moment. I believe you will not only survive, but defeat Voldemort if you have them. Of note Harry, the concept to focus on in the prophecy is not `neither can live while the other survives' or `either must die at the hand of the other ` but rather `The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches'. You can beat him. You have the power. In specific, I do not, at this time, know what that power is. I do have a hunch, and my hunches are usually pretty good. Harry, Tom Riddle who in the process of becoming Lord Voldemort sacrificed his humanity and the most essential part of his humanity, is the ability to truly love another person. There is much power in and associated with love. Power of motivation, there is even raw magical power, though this is not well understood. My point is that I believe that you need those you love to defeat Tom Riddle. If you push them away, you all will die. If you keep them close and cherish them, I believe you can vanquish him once and for all." At this point, the old headmaster pulled out his wand, and holding it in front of him, intoned "I put forth all that I am and can offer you in support of your quest." With a flash of light, the magical oath was sealed.

Sirius looked on and after a moment, pulled out his wand as well. Harry went to stop him but Hermione held him back. "I put forth all that I am and can offer you in support of your quest" swore Sirius. "So kiddo, reactions?"

Harry's mouth opened and closed a few times like a fish and looked to Hermione. He saw tracks of tears on her face, but she cried silently. She cried not in grief, but for the pain and suffering that her man must suffer in the battles to come. "Love, at least now we know why he keeps coming for you." she half smiled at him. He nodded in return and she then very slowly and deliberately pulled out her wand while looking him in the eyes. She could tell he wanted to stop her, but he made no move. " I put forth all that I am and can offer you in support of your quest" she said "I love you, and I'll do anything I can for you."

"I'm a bit overwhelmed right now" said Harry "but I agree with Hermione, at least now I know. It also explains Voldemort's statement about me being the `prophecy child.' Your oaths weren't necessary, but I am honored by your confidence and trust." After a quick moment of consideration, he pulled out his own wand and swore "I put forth all that I am and can offer in support of my quest." At this point, there was not only the bright flash of a magical oath, but a great wind swirled in the room, rustling parchment and blowing hair.

"There is strong magic in this room right now, fueled by the love of a parent for a child" said Dumbledore nodding at Sirius, "the love of a beloved one, for her beloved" nodding at Hermione, "and the love of a mentor and grandparent for a charge" placing his open hand on his chest. "Your love in return" he said looking at Harry "binds us all in ways not truly understood, but can only help all of us in the days and months ahead. This is one of the reasons why I said earlier that love has a magic, a power all its own. I am truly proud to call you all my friends."

Sirius cleared his throat and addressed Harry "There's hope Harry. It's not all gloom and doom. Like Albus said, the prophecy says you can beat him, so what we focus on now is honing your edge to get you ready. Let me guess, right now, you don't feel like you're on the same continent as ready, yeah?" At Harry's exasperated nod, Sirius then explained about the Orb of the Chosen One.

"So you think I should use this Orb then?" said Harry when Sirius had finished.

"We'll let the headmaster take a look at it, make sure it won't kill us all, but yeah, I do think so. So too did you parents."

That finished the discussion for Harry. He looked at Hermione, she nodded in agreement and Harry said "Let's go to Gringotts."

"Excellent" said Dumbledore clapping his hands together. "Sirius, before you all go I'd like to discuss something with you. Harry, Hermione, upon reflection, you should hear this as well." The aged Headmaster assumed an air neither of the teens had ever seen before, an air of command. Dumbledore turned to Sirius saying "As you may have deduced, I am in the process of reforming the Order" in an aside to the teens he said "the Order of the Phoenix is a quasi-paramilitary organization dedicated to the downfall of any threatening dark lord. As such it is an intelligence gathering organization as well as a support structure for the Champion of the Light. In 1908, a prophecy was made to name me the next Champion of the Light. The abortive war in 1910 and the much more grueling war in 1935-1945 was when I stood as the Champion of the Light and since then, also, in the first Voldemort war. Although, I believe that I was merely marking time in the first Voldemort war, waiting for you Harry. The Order has existed for centuries in many countries. This instantiation here in Britain is probably not the only `Order of the Phoenix' in existence today, but it is the only `Order' here in Britain. Anyway," he said picking up the thread again with Sirius "I am reforming the Order and would like to officially offer you membership again, as well as, ask a favor of you."

Sirius pulled at his face while considering. "I'll be rejoining under a few conditions, Albus. Know that my stewardship and training of Harry, and by extension Hermione, always comes first over any other tasking you may desire for me."

"That is to be expected. In fact one of your primary duties would be as the informal `liaison' to the Champion presumptive" here Dumbledore looked to Harry "and keep him informed of all relevant news and intelligence. I think Harry, that it would be unwise to fully and openly induct you into the Order proper at this time as some of the older and more conservative members would most likely object to a person of your age present in meetings where, by necessity, we will be discussing death and mayhem. Little do they know that you are, unfortunately, intimately familiar with those two aspects of war. By your membership being informal, we bypass an internal battle that need not be fought. Your thoughts?"

Hermione spoke up suddenly, with a deliberate, clear tone "Professor for clarity,I want to be sure I understand what you are saying. Are you telling us that one of the primary purposes of the Order of the Phoenix is to support Harry and you are passing on the role of Champion of the Light?"

With his usual serene countenance, Dumbledore answered with a concise "Yes that is correct. To clarify though, Harry is the champion, I will act as the Leader of the Light." Looking kindly, although with some humor, at Harry the Headmaster continued "Harry, you have quite enough tasking regarding personally defeating Voldemort, I don't think you need to be the one to organize and lead an organization. Leave it to us old fogies."

Holy shit. What am I going to do now? thought Harry as he ran his hands through his already messy hair. But really how different is Champion of the Light and being the chosen one of prophecy? It's just a title. Kind of like boy-who-lived. Doesn't really change anything.

Turning to her boyfriend, Hermione said softly, "they're going to help you, Harry. They too, will help you in your quest" and she rose out of her chair, sat in his lap and gave him a gentle, reassuring hug. Harry looked to Dumbledore while still holding Hermione "Professor, I have to agree about Hermione and me being informal members of the Order until we are of age. At that point, no one can argue. Also, I don't think I want the contents of the prophecy told to anyone outside of this room yet. If you think it best to tell someone else, could you please talk to me about it first?"

"Of course, Harry" replied the Headmaster.

Taking in the touching embrace with his godson and his girlfriend, Sirius looked to the headmaster and asked "You had a favor to ask as well, Albus?"

"Yes, I do" Dumbledore said with slow deliberation. "Due to the extensive warding in place, I would like to know if you would be willing to allow the Order to use Black Manor as its headquarters."

"No, Albus, I don't think that will be possible" said Sirius deliberately, but without malice. "Since the Manor will be Harry and my primary residence, I want to limit personnel access to an absolute minimum. However, I do have another house, in the Lake District, Charon House, that may be suitable." Sirius went on to explain how Charon House is large enough to function as a headquarters with enough spare rooms for overnight missions and for people recuperating from wounds. On top of that, it was very remote, making it easier to identify intruders and observers. The house had extensive warding and Sirius said he was open to discussing with Dumbledore adding additional protective wards that the Headmaster might want to add. They made arrangements to visit the day after next.

"Now, you must be going, Gringotts waits, and" here Dumbledore cast a jaded eye at his desk and finished almost in a growl "parchment work awaits me."

A/N - I own nothing

  1. One of the main character points I wanted to get across this early in the story, is that Harry and Hermione had life altering experience during the third task. Both realized that life was short; hence they jumped at the chance to be together; Harry doesn't let the Headmaster push him around as much, although some of his backbone is due to the support of Sirius & Hermione.

  2. Dumbledore is not malicious in this fic. He has made some pretty whopping mistakes in action, as well as, attitude. But none were malicious. That's how I see Dumbledore in canon as well. One thing that mystified me in canon is how the adult characters blindly accept Dumbledore's actions and words as if inherently correct. Don't any of these people have a backbone? They must, or they wouldn't be performing subversive activity in the face of government and a lethally homicidal maniac with enough power to kill most anyone he meets. So why doesn't anyone look to Dumbledore and say, "No Albus, I think I will go see Harry tomorrow" or whatever. Also, I've included the talk to Harry about perspective that I think a real Albus Dumbledore would have done post-prophecy revelation. Whew, ok rant over.

  3. And yes, for the observant, all those who swore oaths had their familiars present in the room.

  4. Now that I've caught up to my posting on, the chaps will come more slowly now. Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed. This is my first fic and I'm really excited to be putting this up. My wife thinks I'm somewhat deranged, but hey, it's my world & I like it just fine.
