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Love Bites by spacegal

Love Bites


Title: Love Bites

Characters: Harry/Hermione Draco/Luna slight Ron/Hermione at beginning

Rating: Mature/Adult

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything, everyone and everything belongs to JK Rowling, I do not make any profit/money or take any credit from creating this fan fiction.

Summary: There was another reason why Harry avoided Hermione in third year, he has a secret that he kept from the Muggle and Wizarding world but now he must harness the secret if he is to take down Voldemort.

Question is…will anyone accept him?

Warning: Consensual sex, Vampirism acts, Bashing of Ron and Molly, Bondage, Soul Bonding, Violence and Character Deaths.

This is set after Fifth year and will be AU - there is no horcuxes as part of this story. This is not sixth and seventh book compatible.

A/N: I'm back! And with a brand new Harry Potter story! I apologise for not having the new part of Darkness Series out but that is really giving me mind blocks and I think my muse has gone on vacation and she has taken my patience with her so this is an attempt to try and get her to come back but we'll see.

Anyway - I hope you will enjoy this story instead. See below for more.

Oh - and I know the title sucks but it works - go with the flow - that's my motto :D

Things you need to know

'…' Someone is thinking

'Italic' someone is talking to each other telepathy

Bold they reading something

Italic a memory is being shown

Chapter 1: Gotta make a Choice, Pup

He groaned as he clenched his hand into a tight fist that his knuckles were turning white and his blunt nails was digging into the skin of his palm. He swallowed before he gritted his teeth, his muscles tightening in his cheeks before he clenched his green eyes close.

'It was getting worse' he thought to himself as he forced himself to exhale, relaxing his tense body and uncurling his fist as the pain gave a brief respite. He was sitting upward on the bed, his foot planted on the floor.

He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black shirt that was unbuttoned, showing off a sliver of skin marred by white scar lines and silver dog-tags was resting just above sternum, glinting off the moonlight that was shining through the curtain-less windows.

His black hair was as messy as ever and he had removed his glasses, not wanting to be bothered by them when pain rushed through him once more and he clenched his eyes shut, bowed his head and curled his hands into fists once more as he forced himself to breathe through the pain.

A white owl was perched on top of her cage as she watched her master with large orange eyes, obviously shining with concern.

Harry straightened his back as his pain passed over, unclenching his fists as he did before exhaling. The pain was finished for the time being, he knew that and the relief coursed through him, he hated the pain but he had to deal with it.

There was a tap at the door and Harry turned to see a brown owl flying outside of the window. He reached over and opened it, allowing it come in and it settled itself on the desk, fluffing out its wings as it did before setting the letters on the desk.

Harry gave it a treat and it drank from the water from the bowl before flying off again and Harry closed the window before he looked at the letters and saw the seal of Gringotts, the only bank in London that belongs to the Wizarding World.

Harry picked up the first envelope, unsealed it and started reading it, curious to why Gringotts would be writing to him.

'Mr Potter,

Our sincerest apologies over the lost of your godfather, Sirius Orion Black, but we have received our orders to give you this will and letters that were bestowed to us by your godfather shortly before his death.

If you wish, you can sign a form that will emancipate you from your current living conditions and allow you to become your own guardian - it does not matter that you are not seventeen - your godfather has willed this. You are the owner of nineteen Black Houses and now the head of the Black's house - you are welcome to take on the name if you wish.

Mr Black has also requested that one of the houses should go to Remus Lupin along with 150,000,000 gallons to help him start up in life. He had requested that 160,000 Gallons and all the Black's books in the library are to be left to Hermione Granger. 50,000 Gallons are to be left to Ronald Weasley as in attempt to help him understand that money does not make the world go round. 150,000,000 Gallons are to be left to the Weasley family as a thank you. 160,000 Gallons are to be left to Draco Malfoy as he understands what the young man is going through and had even offered him a contact of emancipation if he wishes to do so.

The Weasley Twins are left 200,000 Gallons in order to continue their business and all of the Marauders pranksters' notes so they will continue the job and make an 'old dog' proud,' Harry couldn't help the brief smile that crossed his face. 'Mr Black also asked for to us to tell you of your parents' will in order to help you understand where he is going. You have been left all of your parents' inheritance, chests that contains their stuff - wands, jewellery (Not their wedding rings, those were buried with them), diaries and photos. There is even a pensive with their memories. You have inherited numerous of estates, those are in a different letter along with the Black's estates, and you are declared as the Potter Head.

If you accept those terms, you may sign the parchments but do not worry, they will return to us automatically.

Our deepest sincere apologies for your loss,

Griphook, Goblin of Gringotts."

Harry sighed as he folded the letter and picked up the others, one of them had Sirius' handwriting on it, there were two other ones, one with a female handwriting and another with a male handwriting that he didn't recognised and two large thick envelopes - Harry recognised those ones almost immediately, one of them would hold the estates and everything he now had in his vaults while the other one would hold the contracts for him to take over as the Head of Potters and Black.

Harry picked up the female handwriting letter first, curious to what they held and he unfolded it only for his breath to get caught when he saw the name signed at the bottom. Closing his eyes, he ordered himself to breathe and gave himself time to let the tears fade before he opened them once more and read the letter.

"My sweetest baby boy,

If you have received this letter then the one thing I have been afraid of since I heard the prophecy has come true, we are no longer alive to see you become the young man I know you will become.

As I write this letter, you are in your cot playing with the teddy bear your Uncle Sirius, or Padfootie as you like to call him, had bought you for your first birthday and it breaks my heart to think you are growing up without your father or I by your side but I take in comfort that Sirius and Remus will look after you as they are loyal to a fault.

Peter, on the other hand, please watch out for him, I wish and hope with all my heart that he is not our betrayer but I can't deny what my gut instincts are saying and I know that Peter, while he tries, can fail when it comes to bravery upon standing up to the dangers that surrounds him.

I hope that you now know of the prophecy that surrounds you and I know what the wizarding world is like, once they have received word that Voldemort has 'died' they will refused to believe that he would come back again but I urge you to take every precaution you can and find love when you can, when you do, hold on to it and don't let go.

I love you and I always will, no matter what Harry.


Harry folded up the letter and picked up the male one and read it, finding it was from his father. His father basically said the same thing apart from the bit about Peter, he couldn't believe that any of his friends would betray him and hoped that they would have made the right choice in what they have done by picking Peter to be their secret keeper.

Harry folded the letter and picked up the last one…the one with Sirius' handwriting, took a deep breath before he unfolded it and started reading.

"Well Pup,

I guess if you have this, then I'm no longer around. Morbid I know but that's the way how it goes. I just hope I have gone out doing something spectacular like taking down a group of Death Eaters or having sex with two babes,' Harry rolled his eyes at the last one, knowing just how smutty Sirius' mind could get when he wanted it to, 'but I hate the thought of leaving you alone in the world with one less parent figure - I know how overbearing Molly can be and while she just mean well, she can push you too far. At least you have Lupin, and hopefully in time, you will have Tonks as an aunt, if a certain wolf-boy would ever get the guts to ask her out.

Don't grieve for me Harry, I am with your parents and that's one of the greatest gift anyone could have given me other than bringing them back to life so you can see what they were like, and I will always miss hanging out with you but I know you are strong Harry, stronger than anyone else I have ever met and I know you have tough choices ahead of you but I also know that you will do the best you can.

You know better than anyone else what is it like to lose two parents, see death each year and come close to dying yourself - don't think McGonagall has skimped on telling me what really happened. And you know understand what it is like to have both side of the coin, to be powerless and abused yet to know frame and money. But you never have once let it get to you, you picked yourself up, dusted yourself down and moved on and that, Harry, is what we call hope - you symbolise that emotion for the rest of us.

You have a tough choice to make if you ever want to finish Voldemort - I know of the prophecy and I know that you have the power that Voldemort doesn't but you need to ask yourself, can you really exploit that power when you don't know enough about? Find the person who can give you the answers you need and this will help you to decide.

Remember when I told you that you would have to make a choice when it came to relationship that time you came up for Christmas? Now you will really have to make it - it's the only way you can go forward.

I told you my warnings of Molly expectancies and I have told you who I think will suit you better but you gotta make a choice, Pup, it's the only way you can go forward.

But no matter what - I will always be looking out over you and for the love of Merlin, don't get yourself killed on some stupid mission!

Take care.

Sirius AKA Padfoot

Mischief manage'

Harry folded up the letter and placed it to the side, exhaling slowly as he tried to control his emotions. He closed his eyes and counted to ten till he felt he was strong enough, his throat was no longer tight and painful and his eyes no longer stung with the tears.

He opened his eyes and turned back to the last envelope and ripped it open, pulled out the thick parchments that held the contracts that would guarantee him the freedom that he needed if he ever wanted to go forward.

He read over the contracts to make sure there were no loop-holes or anything missing before he picked up a pen and signed his name on the contracts, hissing when there was a cut upon his hand and he saw that the ink had changed to his blood.

The contracts glowed bright red for a moment before they rolled themselves up and disappeared with a small flash before Harry gritted his teeth in pain, his back arching as sharp needles like pain over the back of his right and left shoulder before they stopped, leaving Harry dazed before he shook his head, getting rid of the numbing feeling.

Standing up, he made his way over to the long mirror on his wardrobe, pulled the shirt off and turned his back toward the glass before shifting his head to see the tattoos that were on the back of his shoulders. On his right one laid a black dog with its head tilted back, almost like it was howling at the unseen moon. On his left one had a black panther lying down, almost lazily but Harry could see the determined glint the panther bright green eyes.

Realising that the Panther was the Potter's line and the Dog was the Black's line, he was now the Head of the Potter and Black's line and pulled back on his shirt. He had a choice to make and he was going to make it…no matter what.

Once he was finished, Harry stood up straight; his combat black boots were laced up. His shirt was buttoned and his had an ankle length black duster coat on. His trunk had been shrunk, filled with his books and other things and placed into a rucksack which held his clothes, pictures and other personal stuff.

Hedwig hooted softly, not loud enough to wake up the occupants of the house as she tilted her head, curious to what her master was doing when he opened the window and handed Hedwig a letter.

"I need you to take this to Hermione, girl, and no one else - it's for her eyes only," Harry told her. Hedwig bobbed her head before she took the letter into her beak, hopped up onto Harry's shoulder and nuzzled into the side of his head. "You stay with Hermione until I call for you." She gave another soft hoot before she flew out of the window and into the dark night.

Harry closed the window and shrunk down Hedwig's cage before placed it into his rucksack before slinging the rucksack over his shoulder.

He walked over to the door and waved his hand over the handle. His hand glowed white for a moment before there were a series of clicks of the locks unlocking themselves before he opened the door, stepped out of the room and closed the door, waving his hand to lock the door once more.

He looked down the hallway at the other closed doors before bowing his head and made his way down the stairs, skipping past the last two that make creaking sounds. He walked down the hallway with the walls covered in photo-frames but, curiously, not one of them contained the young man that ignored them as he reached the front door.

He unlocked it, looked behind him for a short moment before he walked out of the door, closing it behind him and there was a soft clicking sound. He walked toward the end of the garden and stepped onto the sidewalk, reaching till he reached the edge of it and held out a hand.

With a loud bang that didn't seem to penetrate the silence of the night, Harry looked up to see the same conductor he had met back in his third year.

"If it ain't Neville Longbottom, whatcha doing out here again?" Stan Shunpike asked.

"Take me to London, please," Harry told him and Stan nodded as he stepped back, allowing Harry on the bus before taking the fare and handing Harry a ticket before he rapped on the glass and the bus set off once more with a loud bang where Harry's disappearance wouldn't be noticed until the next morning.


First chapter done and dusted - not betaed though so all mistakes are mine.

To those who want to know about Darkness Series, I do not know when I will get the new series out but please don't leave me reviews inquiring about it; I will let you know when I, ever, get it out.

Thank you.