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Destiny’s Ghost by JadeLMSkywalker

Destiny’s Ghost


A/N: I would first like to apologize for the amount of time it has taken to post this chapter. I also would like to say, no, I have not given it up. I have been exceedingly busy with classes and homework, that I rarely have time to look at it, let alone to get the information to my Betas. Who, bless their souls are ever so patient and understanding of me and have helped to make this story as smooth going as possible. Thanks Cindy and Amdorn for all you have done and continue to do. I would also like to thank you, my readers for sticking with me even when I don't update as I would like. I better post this, I have to get back to my school work, ugh. Thanks again all of you.

Chapter Fifteen

A Matter of Life or, Well, Life

About One Month Later

Headquarters: Order of the Phoenix

With a bone weary sigh Severus Snap makes his way into the newest location of Headquarters, a place that seems to jump around more than that mutt, Sirius Black. The last official Headquarters had to be abandoned rather quickly as the group within dodged an army of Death Eaters. Severus pauses as he takes in the new setting, and to his surprise he finds he actually prefers the other place to this excuse for a building. The word 'condemned' comes to the tip of his tongue, but he forces himself not to voice his opinion of this Muggle derelict playhouse.

Severus forces his thoughts to the present, unfortunate, location, quickly locating the safest looking chairs near the back of the, if it is possible to call it such, auditorium. With caution borne from being a Death Eater for most of his life, Severus quickly checks the chair for any type of spell and is relieved to find there is none. Sitting down his mind reminds him, not for the first or last time, that he really hates these monthly meetings. He'd much rather prefer the more select ones, where things seem to actually happen or at least get discussed. These monthly things are more of a recap for all the poor schmucks who aren't part of the inner ring, the council as they have been called. Severus would much rather, go over the latest intelligence, from last nights Death Eater meeting, than to have to sit here and listen to old news.

Severus understands the need for these meetings, but what he doesn't understand is the need for him to be at these meetings. Albus, the old fool, keeps talking him into it; if that is what once could call it. More like, the great Albus Dumbledore, cons people into attending these meetings willingly, though they don't realize they've been played until long after the meeting is over. But of all the nights to have to come to the meeting, tonight is the one he would much prefer not to be in attendance of.

Severus Snape looks around at the group gathered before him and scowls caustically at the back of their heads. Subconsciously he knows what going to be talked about here today, and also knows what they will try and ask of him. What they don't know, is he'll refuse to do their bidding on this matter. He wasn't the one that screwed up so completely. For a change Severus was the only person who didn't make a complete fool themselves. He sure wasn't doing the name calling, though he did make a remark about Potter. As his cold calculating gaze drifts across the room, the only thought his mind settles on is, 'What a sorry group of people they have become'. No, he decides as he crosses his arms across his chest, he wasn't the one to dig this grave and he won't be the one to get them out of it either.

"Thank you for coming," a voice calls above the chattering of the thirty or so people. A voice all of them know as belonging to Albus Dumbledore. A respectful silence fills the room for the man before them. Well, all are respectful, but four people really, who though are quiet but the look of distaste color their features as they sit apart from everyone else at the meeting. The four people who know what this man did and some of the others in the room did. The four people sitting amongst the furthest chairs, towards the back of the room, four people who seem to have made an odd and silent pact with each other, a strange and limited friendship if you will. The Protection of Evan Knight Club, something that amuses Severus to no ends as he looks to his right to see Tom who seems just as uncomfortable with this meeting as Severus himself is. Next to Tom, Melissa and Molly are both seated, arms crossed defensively across their chests as they watch the proceedings quietly, yet with a steely look in their eyes. These are his fellow club members and oddly enough he finds he respects them, though he wouldn't be caught admitting this aloud to anyone. "Are there any matters you wish to bring up before we get on to business," Albus asks the group. Everyone knows what the planned agenda is; this whole meeting is more or less tentivily called Operation Evan Knight. It seems everyone in attendance is willing to meet just to talk about a boy, no man, who doesn't like to be talked about. "Very well," Albus says with a knowing nod, "Minerva," he says to the lady beside him.

Minerva stands up and makes her way to the center of the of the stage before the auditorium, only to ignore the podium as usual. "It seems there's been little to no contact with Evan Knight in almost a month," she starts to recap things they already know, well at least the council members know this. "The known contacts are with some of the shop keepers in Diagon Alley. A small number of the council members who know Mr. Knight hasn't said anything about seeing Mr. Knight either," she says this last part as she glares back at the four of them only to receive a glare in return.

"How does he look," Lily Potter asks from her place between Sirius and James as she turns around to look at the back of the room, her concern showing for the boy. This sudden show of concern confuses Severus greatly as he looks down the rows at her as she sits in the second row from the front. This show of concern confuses him because he knows she didn't show much care for Evan that day a little over a month ago.

"Luckily," Minerva huffs, "All reports say he looks fine," Minerva answers the anger at her own lack of helpful information evident in her voice.

"What was he doing there," Mrs. Diggory asks from the fourth row and on the total opposite of where the Potters are sitting.

"He was picking up some potions supplies, a broom waxing kit, some more books, and a wand care kit," Minerva explains to them.

"Tom," Mrs. Diggory says as they all look back at the man in question, as his own eyes move to her, his head turning considerably. "Have you seen Mr. Knight at all," she asks knowing the man refuses to lie.

Tom looks back at the lady and all but smirks at her, "I have seen Mr. Evan many times, even before all of you. if you do remember, he did stay at the Leaky Cauldron," he answers honestly yet at the same time vaguely.

"Have you seen him since that day," Mr. Diggory asks after his wife's failed attempt.

Tom looks over at Melissa in question and then over at Severus, who to Tom's surprise, shakes his head in denial, "I am afraid I will not answer that," he says.

"So you have," Mr. Diggory deduces from his response, for which Tom just shrugs slightly.

"If you aren't here to help the Order," Mrs. Diggory all but shouts out in anger at the man, "then you are here to collect information for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named," she accuses.

Severus stands up from his chair and the lady visibly cringes at the look on his face, "I do believe you don't know what it is you're speaking of," he growls out in response to her words.

"Calm down everyone," Albus finally cuts in receiving a glare from Severus.

"How come they're here if they're of no use," Mrs. Diggory turns and asks the headmaster.

"Because they're of use to us," Albus counters.

"They won't tell us anything about this current threat," she spits out.

"Evan Knight is not a threat," Molly says standing up.

"Then why are we here to talk about him," Mrs. Diggory demands.

"Because you twit," Severus says before anyone else can, "There's something special about this boy, something none of us knows or understands," he says in a growl.

"That doesn't explain anything," she shouts standing up and facing him.

"Doesn't it," he counters with a scowl.

"Please," Albus says in a commanding voice, a tone which none there has heard before, a tone of anger and sadness. "Sit down," he says to both of them. reluctantly the two does as ordered. "Mr. Knight was able to fight off the Dementors and he said something to the Demons which made them reconsider their attack on Hogwarts, he was the one who alerted the Ministry of the attack and he saved the school," he says in his commanding tone of voice, a voice that makes them understand just how powerful this man is.

"For all he seems, he's no threat to us, or to Hogwarts," he says looking over at Lily and then back to the group at large. "We're here to try and fix a mistake that was grievously made, a mistake that should never have happened," he continues. "But to do this we must find him," he says and then looks at Mrs. Diggory, "Tom, Molly, Melissa and Severus it seems were able to make friends with Mr. Knight and they're here to protect him. They know what occurred, our dishonor, and they will not tell us if they have or have not seen young Evan Knight. I understand their reasoning, I understand why, and I hope you'll let them be for they will tell us anything if something is drastically wrong. This I've no doubt about, but we must pay penance for our sins," Albus says reminding everyone what happened that day.

Knight's Sanctuary

Same time as the meeting

The sounds of paper moving slightly, steady scratching from a quill, and the occasional dip of the quill into ink, fill the otherwise silent room. If the walls could talk, they would talk about how nice it is to have someone living within their walls once again. Though they too, would talk about how obsessive their new charge is, for studying, writing and exercising seem to be all the young man does. Occasionally their charge does leave, but never as his true self.

If a building could ever become overprotecting, then Knight's Sanctuary is that place. The manor tries it's hardest to help its young master, be it when he is screaming in his tortured sleep, when he exerts himself too hard and falls from his high perch in the gym, or even as he sits in his seemingly favorite chair and does his own self appointed work. If a building could ever be glad of its ability to remember, contain its memory from all possible, well, relevant dimensions, then this is one building who would be happier than three kings, but at the same time, just as sad.

Evan Knight looks up from his writing to look around the library; a strange feeling was penetrating his very soul. Such pain, confusion, and hopelessness that he hasn't felt in a long time, not since Moony had passed away. Pushing back from the table he walks over to the window that gives him a beautiful view overlooking Hogwarts. Seeing nothing he turns around and takes a step to return to his work when a sharp jabbing pain courses through his body. With a gasp he falls to the ground, his hand clutching his side as though trying to hold it together, hold it in.

He closes his eyes as he tries to pinpoint where this feeling is coming from, he sees a house, a familiar house. The Burrow, his mind screams at him. He forces himself not to remember what happened to the Burrow in his world as he tries to locate the source of this pain. He turns around in the clearing before the forest and catches a glimpse of something. Instantly he takes off towards what he sees, needing to make sure it is what he hopes it isn't. He drops to his knees beside someone who in his world was more of an Uncle to him than his biological one. "Moony," he whispers to the form. The jumps and looks around in horror, "Shh, don't be afraid, I'll be here in a moment," he promises the scared man lying in a pool of blood near the edge of the woods.

Opening his eyes, Evan pushes himself up from the floor and takes off at a full run through the house, in order to Apparate to Remus Lupin. Forcing his feet to move faster as a feeling of urgency sweeps through his soul, a sense of impending death starts to settle on his heart. Shaking his head, Evan starts muttering with each exhale of breath, "I have to get there; I can't fail this one as I did my Moony". Evan refuses to let this Remus die if he can do anything to help him. He bursts out of the doors of the mansion and automatically Apparates to the edge of the Burrow, ignoring the wards he has just set off as he continues to run to the edge of the forest, not missing a beat.


Remus Lupin stumbles along the path not really sure where he is heading but knows he needs help. The stab wound in his side slowly takes his life away from him as he continues to bleed out. He can't help the smile that crosses his face as he sees the edge of the trees ahead. He stumbles and lands on the ground; he tries to push himself up from the ground but finds he hasn't the strength to do so. Pulling himself as far as he can with his left arm, he collapses from exhaustion and pain along the edge of the trees. He knows this place is where he is going to die; this is the end for him. He looks up at the clear sky and smiles his goodbye, only to jump out of fear as someone calls to him. He looks around wildly, wondering if it is his angel of death talking to him. He smiles at the words, "don't be afraid," the words seem to reassure him more than he ever thought possible.

Almost two minutes later Remus is beginning to doubt the words and finds fear claiming his soul as he hears feet running towards him. He looks up straight into purple eyes, his eyes widen as he tries to recoil from this stranger. "Shh," the same voice of just a few minutes before comes from his mouth, "I'm here to help you," he promises. Remus can't do anything to defend himself, but as the stranger carefully takes him into his arms he knows there is nothing to fear. "You're going to be alright Moony," the young stranger promises. "Where can I take you," he asks.

"I don't know," Remus coughs, "can't go to Hogwarts," he finds himself admitting and starts to curse himself.


"Okay," Evan whispers to the form in his arms, "I've got you, I won't let anything happen to you," he whispers as he tries to pull enough energy from around him to stop the man in his arms from dying, which Evan knows Remus is doing at this moment.


Remus feels warmth embrace him and he knows this young boy is as true as his word. Remus sighs contentedly as he lets the darkness surround him and take him to the world of dreams.

Evan looks down at the man for a moment and then back at the figures running his way. He smiles at the forms knowing exactly who they are. Bill reaches him first, wand pointed at him, "How did you get here," he demands of the boy before him who is holding the slack figure of another. Though who he doesn't know, the shadows just won't let him see.

"Relax Bill," Evan says shocking him. "I mean you no harm, tell your mother I said hello," he asks as he closes his eyes and starts to concentrate on where he wants to go.


"Who should I tell her said so," Bill asks knowing his calmness with this stranger could be his death, but he can't find it within himself to be afraid.

A bluish glow surrounds the two figures and they are both instantly gone, only an echo of the word spoken by the boy resound through the air as Charlie catches up, "Evan," the kind voice echoes at the edge of the trees allowing them to be heard by the two men and no one more.

"Evan," Charlie says in shock, "as in Evan Knight," he asks.

"I would figure," Bill says as he kneels down and puts his finger to a puddle on the ground. "Blood," he says when he brings the finger up to look at.

"His," Charlie asks hoping it isn't, for he doesn't want to have to explain that to his mother.

"No, the other persons," Bill says standing up. "Evan was the one who tripped our alarms," he says turning to look at his brother. "Somehow or another he knew where that man was and came to help him," Bill says knowing in his heart it is the truth.

"But how," Charlie asks as the two of them head back towards the house knowing what just happened was both the creepiest and the wickedest thing they have ever seen in their life.

"He's an Empath," Bill reminds his brother with a shake of his head.

"Duh, I forgot," Charlie says only to get hit in the arm by his brother.

"Wait till mum hears he was here and she wasn't," Bill laughs out.

"I think I'll be leaving when she returns," Charlie complains, "my hearing hasn't returned since she yelled at the twins for that last stunt I don't think my ears can handle anymore," he laughs out teasingly.

Knight's Sanctuary

An Hour Later

Remus Lupin moans as he feels consciousness start to return to him. He jumps as something touches his face, something cold. He tries to push himself deeper into the encasing warmth that surrounds him. "No, Remus," a voice calls to him, "you need to drink this and then you can go back to sleep," the voice asks him as Remus feels his head being lifted up. A cup is placed next to his lips and he takes a small hesitant sip knowing the tastes of potions to be horrid on a good day, but with the way he feels at the moment that wouldn't be a good thing. As the warm liquid makes its way down his throat he is surprised at the sweat taste and he quickly drinks as much of the wonderful tasting liquid as he can. "That's enough for now, you can go back to sleep," the kind voice says softly to him as he lies his head back down on the pillow. Remus can't help but smile at the kindness and the warmth he is feeling as the darkness takes him away again.

Godric's Hollow

Later that night

In the darkness of the pale, late night or early morning, moon light the Potter house would seem silent, still, asleep. However if the casual passerby, though at two in the morning just how it would be causal is beyond reason, would find a single light shinning from a small window on the second floor. A room that has its lights on more often than not, though to anyone who ever noticed such a light, they would not understand the reasons for the light to be on, or the people within to still be awake at such an ungodly hour of the night.

On this night however, there isn't just one or two people awake as is the usual practice. This night there is another with them. Another person who it seems is just as worried, upset, and awake as the other two. Though the reasons for this are clear to the three; the rest of the world, who is awake at such an hour, would know it is because of some, according to the long haired man, 'stupid, useless meeting that didn't cover anything worth going for'. Most would have agreed with the redheaded woman as she scolds the first man, 'would you please be quiet there are people trying to sleep Sirius', though this did nothing to stop the loud man from cursing loudly.

The neighborhood might have been more understanding had they known what exactly was on their young minds. Given the fact they were not privy to this information, resulted in many loud shouts of 'would you shut up,' 'knock it off will you,' 'you do realize it is two in the morning,' 'people are trying to sleep,' and many other helpful, but avoided suggestions.

Now however, even half an hour later the same man is still just as tightly strung as he had been on the front lawn of the Potter's home. Luckily, now however, the rest of the world can not hear his rants, his raves as he continues to worry about someone who should have been at the meeting a few hours ago. Just as luckily is the fact the world can't hear the thoughts, feelings, and worries of the other two people who were with him on that lawn.

"That's just it, he wasn't there," Sirius barks as he continues to pace back and forth in the living room of his best friends family home.

"When's the last time you saw him," James voice could be heard over the incessant mumbling, and cursing of Sirius as he watches Sirius pace from his position on the couch. His legs curled under him in an attempt to stay out of Sirius's way.

"Two weeks ago," Sirius growls in answer.

"This is turning out to be a very bad day," Lily sighs as she sits back in her chair. She is sitting on the opposite side as her husband, though her legs are just as hidden as James's.

"What's happened to him," Sirius asks softly as he drops down in the chair across from James.

"I don't know, but we all know Moony, he's okay," James says knowing in a voice is less than convincing.

"He didn't come to the meeting tonight and he promised he'd be there, he didn't call in yesterday at the check in time, the last known communication with him was two weeks ago yesterday and it was short, he said there was a problem but he couldn't tell me what it was, and that was it," Sirius grates out in a tone of voice reminiscent of a whining dog. His pacing continuing without pause and it is this fact that alerts both James and Lily that Sirius is trying to reign in his panic; Sirius is trying to stay in control of his emotions. Though his control is slipping quickly given by the fact Sirius is starting to show his dog traits.

Just then there is a tapping at the window of the study, everyone turns to look at the window to find the most beautiful snow white owl looking back at them. "Who's that from," Lily asks as she stands up to let in the bird. She smiles softly at the owl as it lands on the desk before her and sticks out the letter for removal. Lily removes the letter and gives the owl some treats in reward; the owl quickly takes the treat and then instantly takes to flight. "Beautiful creature," she whispers in amazement. Looking down at the script on the front of the envelope she realizes she doesn't know the writing but feels compelled to open it anyway.

Potter's and more than likely Black,

I realize my writing to you is the last thing you would've ever expected, though granted I didn't do this of my own accord. I'm not sure how to put this or if I even should try given our last meeting.

Before I get totally distracted I've some important news to tell you. I was able to locate a friend of yours. Yes, I know I'm being very vague, but in my life you learn not to be overly outward with what it is one wishes to relate. Covertness is one thing, telling everyone everything is another. Professor Lupin taught me that, or was it Moody. No Moody, oh here I go again. Anyway the aforementioned friend who, you KNOW has been put into this letter was located at our Redheaded friend's place this very eve.

He was in a right mess if I do say so myself. He said he was unable to go to school because of an illness and this injury of his. You'll have to inform his Professors and all. The moon is nearly full, and yes I do know what this means. So don't be expecting your friend for another few days. He is well, tired, sore, a little worse for the wear, but okay. If you are unable to figure out who it is I am speaking of, then you are not his friends. If you don't know this man in the bed beside me then you did not attend school together and didn't break all those rules to be with him.

Now if you will be so kind as to forgive this letter and its rushed words, I must now take care of my waking charge. Anyway, I do believe it is time to howl at the moon.


Lily pauses at the end and then rereads the whole letter again. "Lily," James asks as he sees her movements. "Is everything okay," he asks.

"I'm not sure," she admits. "I think we've located Remus," she exclaims with a raise of her eyebrow.

"What do you mean think," Sirius asks as Lily hands over the letter. As Sirius reads he huffs at the title, "Professor Lupin," he laughs out. His eyes catch the bottom and he instantly looks up at Lily, "the boy," he asks her.

"I think so," Lily agrees softly as she passes the letter across the room to James.

"Do you think he's okay," James asks as he finishes reading the letter.

"I think so," Lily says with a sigh of relief.

Sirius takes the letter again, rereads it and at his inhaled breath everyone looks at him, "he knows what Moony is," he gasps out.

"What," James stutters.

"Right here he says, the moon is nearly full and yes I do know what this means," Sirius reads, "Therefore he knows what Moony is," he explains.

Lily takes the letter back, "and from what he said Remus is unable to go to Hogwarts. He says here, he said he was unable to go to school because of this illness, this injury of his, you'll have to inform his Professors," she reads in a shock as she realizes this boy is giving them more information than she at first thought he was.

"Smart kid," Sirius declares in admiration. Lily looks over at him with a raised eyebrow, "he gave us a clue to tell us he's who he says he is," he says taking back the letter. "Right here he says, he is well, tired, sore, a little worse for the wear, but okay," he murmurs and then looks up at her, "he said that to me on the battle field only then he was talking about you," he explains something neither James nor Lily would have picked up on.

"Very smart kid," James agrees, "he even told us where he found him, located at our redheaded friends place this very eve, he found him tonight at the Weasley's," James replies in awe.

Lily takes the letter again, "he has Remus in a bed, and he was just waking when Evan was writing this. That means he will be okay," she sighs as she drops into her chair.

James stands up and goes over to the fireplace, grabbing a handful of Floo powder he tosses it into the fire as he kneels before it, "THE BURROW," he shouts as he puts his head into the green flames.

The Burrow

"Dad," a voice calls out in shock at seeing his father's head in the fire looking back at him.

"Hey Harry, is Molly around," James asks in a tone of voice Harry knows not to mess with.

"Yeah she just got in," he says hearing the sound of the back door opening to allow said person into her house. "Mrs. Weasley," Harry calls, "Floo," he explains as Molly steps into the room and pauses as she sees the face in the fire.

"James," she asks in shock.

"Harry, go upstairs," James orders his son who throws him a defiant glare as he takes off up the stairs to Ron's room. "Molly is the coast clear," he asks.

"Yes," Molly says after a moment as Arthur, Bill and Charlie walk into the room with her.

"We just received a letter from Evan," James explains to her, "he claims to have been near your place this evening," he says.

"He was," Bill answers before Molly could comment. "He Apparated in at a dead run, something I thought wasn't possible then he took off to the hills as we gave chase," Bill continues to explain to everyone there.

"That kid can run," Charlie agrees with a nod.

"Anyway, when we got to him he wasn't alone," Bill says honestly, "couldn't see the other person," he explains.

"Did he look okay," James asks worriedly.

"No," Bill says honestly but reluctantly. "Evan asked us to tell mum he said Hello and then a blue light surrounded him and the man in his arms and they just disappeared," he answers.

"In his arms," James asks hoarsely.

"Yeah, the man didn't look as though he was holding onto life well at all," Charlie supplies.

"Do you know who it was," Bill asks.

"According to the letter he sent us, it's Remus," James says to the shock of everyone there.

"Oh dear," Molly whispers in distress as she all but drops down in the nearest chair.

"Is he okay," Arthur whispers hopefully as he places his hand on his wife's shoulder for support, though not only for her but for himself as well.

"The letter says he's sore, tired, a little worse for the wear but he will be okay," James sighs softly as he tries to assuage their fears, and in truth his own.

"If Evan says he's okay, he will be," Molly confidently promises the sad figure in the fire before her.

"I hope so," James agrees, "thank you," he says.

"Sorry and I hope you sleep well," Molly says in a departing greeting. James face disappears and Molly turns to look at her two sons, "he was here," she asks hopefully.

"Yes mum he was," Bill answers with a smile at her tone of voice. It has been only a month since his mother met this young boy, but nothing has been the same since, everything has been better. The night after the meeting he joined his mother for cookies and chocolate milk and they spent the whole night talking about Ginny. Fred and George also joined in and it did them a lot of good, it helped them to see it is okay to live and to still remember her. The one thing they all realized they wished they could do, is have a proper burial for her, but to be able to do that, they would need to know where she was.

"The poor boy," she whispers in answer, "having to see another person hurt," she comments with a shake of her head.