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Destiny’s Ghost by JadeLMSkywalker

Destiny’s Ghost


Author: Jade L. M. Skywalker

Beta Reader: Cindy Evans

Release Times: Longer than 'The Final Belonging' about two to four weeks on the long side. Also Review dependant.

Category: AU/Action/Adventure/Angst/Romance/General.

Spoilers: Books 1-5, though this occurs directly after Harry's fourth year it contains information from Book five.

Warnings: Possible OC: Out Of Character

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Alas I own nothing, I am just borrowing these wonderful toys for this story and I hereby promise to put my toys away when I am finished. Therefore these wonderful toys belong to JK Rowling, Scholastic Publishing and Warner Brothers Inc. Star Wars is owned by 20th Century Fox and George Lucas Entertainment and I am borrowing some of the story and or characters, in general, anything you recognize is not mine.

Chapter Five

A Chat with Tom

Evan walks as quietly as he can down the stairs to the main part of the pub. He is surprised to see Tom up at such an hour in the morning. He knows the Tom in his world never much cared for the morning. Maybe that is already a difference between the two universes. "Good morning Tom," Evan says as Tom looks up at the new comer.

Tom smiles as he looks at the young man coming down the stairs, "Good morning Mr. Evan how are you feeling this morning," he asks concerned as he remembers the state the young man was in last night.

"Fine thank you," Evan answers as he walks closer to the counter. "Are you okay Tom," Evan asks with his own concern.

Tom can't help but smile at his kindness, "I'm just worried is all," he admits as Evan sits down on the stool across from him.

"I may not be of much help, but I can lend an ear and not so wise words," Evan offers as he tilts his head in question.

"And here I thought I was the bartender," Tom teases with a gentle laugh.

"I've learned everyone needs a break sometime or another," Evan admits truthfully.

"That's for sure," Tom agrees as he starts to wipe the counter top again. "I guess," he starts surprised he is actually going to tell a fifteen year old kid his problems, a kid that shouldn't have the answers, but Tom can't help but believe he just might. "The main thing is I am frustrated with how things have turned out in my life," he tries to explain.

"You don't like to run the bar," Evan asks not really sure he knows where this is going to head and if he really has any help to offer.

"I love to run the bar, I think it's because I can't get to know my costumers like I used to," Tom says with a sad sigh.

"Why not," Evan asks trying to get him to continue.

Tom looks up at Evan and Evan can see the true sadness in Tom's eyes, "They either die or get murdered by the Death Eaters before they come here again so what's the use of getting to know them," Tom asks.

"That, Tom is a very good question," Evan agrees with the older man. "However, you're forgetting the human part of the equation," he adds on after a moments thought.

"The what," Tom asks confused, yet at the same time amused by this boy before him and what he is being told.

"The human part of the equation," Evan repeats.

"What is that?" Tom asks interested.

"The part of life where people need to get to know each other, or at least try," Evan starts to explain. "There was this person I used to know a right nice fellow, my first friend, only no one ever gave him a chance. They only saw what he, was not who he was. You see he was being ridiculed for something he couldn't control, his blood. This man was a half giant," Evan says knowing if even part of the history is shared between the two worlds Tom will know this man.

"I know what you mean," Tom says thinking about someone he knows who gets treated the same way. "Hagrid gets the same treatment," he admits with a shake of his head.

Evan smiles, "but you don't treat him the same as everyone else do you," he asks already knowing the answer.

"He's the nicest person I know," Tom defends him.

"Now think if you'd never given yourself the opportunity to get to know him, think of what you would've missed out on," Evan responds truthfully.

"What're you getting at Mr. Evan," Tom asks curiously though he knows what he says to be truth.

"Well think about this, who of those who come here that you haven't gotten to know could be the next best friend, the next nicest person you ever meet," Evan poses. "Here's something else to think about," he says as Tom is about to open his mouth, "What if something you do or say here has an impact on their lives, just the smallest thing can make the biggest of differences," he continues. "Who's to say that when they meet their death that they aren't thinking, its okay that I die, you know why its okay," Evan asks. "It's okay because there are still nice people in this world, there are still people who care," Evan answers without giving Tom a chance to answer.

"What does this have to do with me," Tom asks realizing he isn't feeling as depressed as he was a few moments ago. This conversation has lifted his spirits more than he ever thought possible.

"You Tom," he pauses as he waves his left arm to the area behind him, "are the passport to Diagon Alley. People walk in your door every day. Now this can happen one of two ways, let's start off with you just letting them walk on by, or grunt a greeting. I've learned throughout my travels that most people are mirrors; there are some exceptions to this, however, they'll react the same way they're treated. So they'll either grunt their own greeting or simply ignore you, and continue on their way to the back of the pub. No exchange, no pain, right?

Now lets say they see you smile and greet them as though they are your best friend, you ask how their day is, how's the family, how's work going, how's school that sort of thing and they'll return your smile, answer your questions, maybe even return them, but most importantly they'll believe there are still people who care. They'll believe there are still reasons to continue fighting, reasons to continue to live, reasons to continue to be human," Evan explains to the aging bartender in front of him. He knows the answer to two of his questions without having to ask them, Voldemort did happen in this universe and he's still a threat.

"Are you saying I can make a difference in people's lives," Tom asks not really believing.

"You've made a difference in mine. Have I made a difference in yours?" Evan asks as he tries to make his point. As Tom thinks about Evan's words his eyes widen in realization.

"Merlin," Tom whispers in stunned shock.

"It's a scary thought knowing you impact others lives so completely," Evan agrees. "There was this student I was going to school with," he pauses as he tries to sort out his thoughts. "He was in a different house, it would be similar to that of Slytherin," he tries to explain. "The house rivalry was at its worst, I mean it was ugly. Sure I didn't care for most of the people in the house, but people are their own, heck I was almost placed in there myself," he admits. "I seem to be getting off the story. Anyway, this kid had it rough, he was Muggle born," he explains.

Tom nods his head in understanding, "It was like sending the lamb to the slaughter," he agrees.

"Right," Evan agrees with a nod, "So here was poor young Adam, he didn't have a friend in his own house and the other houses never wanted anything to do with a Slytherin. They never wanted to give Slytherin a chance," he continues with the story as Tom comes around the counter and sits down on the stool next to Evan.

"What happened," Tom asks engrossed with the story.

"There was two students who didn't care about the separation of houses you see," Evan continues the story. "These two students where two of three best friends, both weren't raised in the magical world, the third was a pureblood, but he usually went along with the other two," he pauses, "after awhile anyways. These students tried to form their own options on who was trustworthy or not. They didn't know this kid any, but they weren't mean to him either. When they passed in the hall two of the three would smile and nod in greeting, nothing big or important, the third thought it was a waste of time.

One day the trio of friends was walking down to the Great Hall for dinner when Adam called out to the most popular of the three. All three stopped, confused as to what the young student wanted, but interested just the same. What Adam told these three was extremely surprising to say the least, it turns out that one of the times the two of the three smiled and nodded at him he was on his way to the restroom, but not to go, oh no, he was headed there to commit suicide," Evan says trying not to remember his own shock at this news.

"He wasn't," Tom gasps out in shock.

Evan nods his head, "It turns out things were really bad for him. At home and at school," he tries to explain.

"Why didn't he do it," Tom questions.

"He told the trio the reason he couldn't go through with it is because not everybody hated him. You see when they smiled at him, it showed him not everyone is judging him, not everyone is out to get him. It showed him there are things worth living for," Evan sums up the words Adam used that day.

"You were one of the two weren't you," Tom asks in awe.

Evan simply nods in agreement, "From that day on I tried to smile at people more often for I never knew when just one action could save someone's life," he says with a shrug.

"So what you're saying is that I can make a life saving difference in someone's life," Tom asks incredulously.

"You never know," Evan says, "I never thought I would," he admits.

"You, Mr. Evan, have given me a lot to think about," Tom says as he slides off his stool. "As I think about it would you like your breakfast," he asks with a renewed smile.

"That would be great Tom," Evan answers.

"What would you like," Tom asks.

"You know what, just surprise me," Evan says with a shrug, "It's been a while since I had actual food that I think I've forgotten what it tastes like," he teases.

"Okay Mr. Evan you asked for it. House special coming right up," Tom says as he starts to head to the kitchen.

"I almost forgot, I need to sign the register and pay for another day," Evan calls out.

"So you'll be staying will you," Tom asks as he gets out the needed paper work.

"Until I can figure out what I'm going to be doing next at least," Evan answers as he starts to fill out the paper work.

"You're more than welcome to say for as long as you like," Tom calls as he heads to the kitchen to get his order.

"Thank you Tom," Evan says in response.