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Destiny’s Ghost by JadeLMSkywalker

Destiny’s Ghost


AN: Thank you to the few of you who have reviewed this story. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I can already tell you, this story will be longer than The Final Belonging. Um, by a ways if you get my meaning. I thought I best say it here, that eventually this will become an H/Hr story, just give it some time.

Chapter One

Consequences of a Promise

Harry quickly backs up into the closest wall as he tries to figure out just what has happened and just where he is exactly. He knows he is in Diagon Alley, but he also knows that as of this moment in time it is impossible for the alley has been destroyed during one of Voldemort's attacks some months ago. Looking down at his feet he sees three things he knows was not with him on the battlefield a few sort moments ago. His trunk, a sports bag with the name Evan Knight on it and a note on top of his trunk, a note with his name on it in handwriting he had thought he would never see again.

With a slight wave of his right hand the bag and his trunk shrink and fly to his inside pocket of his Officer's cloak, the note flies to his open and waiting hand. It is then he realizes his two familiars are also here with him, he can feel their presence near him. He looks up to the sky and sees his dear friend Hedwig and to the right of Hedwig is his Phoenix Artoo. A name that reminds him so much of his own forced destiny as that of Luke Skywalker and his two faithful Droids. However much his name reminds him of the Star Wars movies that is not the reason it is his name.

"Come on Harry, that is not your Phoenix," Ron agues with a laugh.

"Is so," Harry argues back, "my birthday present," he repeats his story trying not to laugh.

"Is not," Ron disagrees again with what Harry has just told the two of them as he starts to pick up a pillow off of the couch at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, "Is not, is not," he calls as he starts to attack his hopefully unsuspecting victim.

Harry instantly moves into action as he jumps up from his own chair, ignoring Hermione as she rolls her eyes at their little game. "Are too," Harry says without thinking and then instantly he starts laughing as he realizes what he has just said. "That's it," he calls out as he dashes away from Ron's reach. "Ron, you're brilliant," he says once he knows he is safely out of reach.

"I know I am," Ron agrees with a confused look on his face. Hermione snorts at this as she shakes her head.

"What would ever give you the idea to call this numskull something like that," Hermione finally asks ignoring the glare thrown her way by Ron.

"He just helped me figure out his name," Harry says as he carefully returns to his seat. He knows he has a lot of things to tell his friends, he has a lot of things to explain but he also knows now isn't the time. He isn't ready just yet and he wants to savor this moment for as long as he can.

"You lost me mate," Ron says sitting back down on the couch.

"That's not hard, however, when Dumbledore gave him to me, he said I had to wait to name him until the name just called out to me. That when you name a Phoenix the name is forever and the name has to mean something important. He told me his father was the one to name Fawkes so he doesn't know the meaning of the name, but that the name is important just the same," Harry says knowing he is babbling but not really caring. He hasn't had occasion to be a normal kid for what seems forever. "So just now I figured his name," he finishes.

It is then Hermione realizes something, "The Phoenix really is yours," she asks shocked beyond belief.

"Yes," Harry agrees with an easy smile.

"Okay," Ron says finally believing as well; knowing if Hermione believes him, then it must be true. He knows Harry could never lie to her; he loves her too much for that. Now him, that's a different matter altogether, they tease not lie, so he wasn't sure if Harry had been teasing him or not. Now he knows. "What's his name again?" he asks wondering if he has missed something.

"Artoo," Harry answers with a smile.

"Well we know he's yours mate," Ron says with raised eyebrows.

"That's his name you twit," Harry laughs.

"Why would you want to name him that?" Ron asks.

"Because," Hermione pipes up finally understanding why Harry would be attracted to the name. "Artoo is loyal and trusting, Luke Skywalker always knew he could trust him with his life and never fear betrayal," she says softly, yet understandingly.

"Right," Harry says with a proud smile. "It's a Muggle thing Ron," he quickly adds as Ron is about to say something. "Artoo will be loyal to me and my family no matter what, that is why Dumbledore gave him to me. He wanted to have someone else there to help protect me, even from myself," he says with a nod of agreement.

"So your going to name him Are Too," Ron asks knowing he doesn't really understand the explanation, but trusting his friends enough to understand it is an important name in the Muggle world.

"Artoo Ron," Hermione sighs as she shakes her head.

"Right Are Too," Ron repeats.

It took Ron most of the next week to come to terms on how to pronounce his name, but once he did, he like Hermione and himself were hooked on him. He may have started out as only Harry's familiar, but he ended up being the three of theirs.

Looking down at his hand he tries to push these memories away. He looks at the parchment addressed to him in Dumbledore's fine script, he swallows nervously. Slowly undoing it he carefully looks it over from top to bottom making sure there is no surprise waiting. Once he knows it is a true letter he returns his look to the top and slowly begins to read the words left for him by his former Headmaster.


If you are reading this it means you have succeeded in fulfilling the Prophecy and are ready for the next step. Since writing this I have made you to promise me to say an incantation upon defeating Tom. An incantation I have not told you anything about.

That is what I am here to do now. I know I cannot fix the errors of my past, the errors that left you in so much pain. I can however try. You see the incantation you said upon our world's victory is a way of transporting you to another universe, an alternate world if you will.

All you have to do is make a home for yourself and be happy. I had you enchant your belongings to always remain with you and they will when this spell is complete. I also arranged for copies of your test scores, Auror status and all of your other registration to automatically appear in this new world under your false and true name.

Take care young Harry and know I love you.

Albus Dumbledore

Harry blinks as he reads this; he quickly rereads it again and then closes his eyes and shakes his head unbelievingly. He slowly opens his eyes to look around him and finds it is true. "What did you do," he whispers in question to a man who has been dead for awhile now. "What am I to do now," he whispers to himself this time as he slowly slides down the wall, bringing his knees up to his chest.