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Destiny’s Ghost by JadeLMSkywalker

Destiny’s Ghost


A/N: I was asked a question about the space/time continuum and what this story is going to do with this matter. The way I took this in mind was the fact that physically speaking they are already different forms of matter. Granted nothing that is exactly alike can occupy the same space, that is where this gets interesting. Their matter, so to say, changed when Voldemort chose Neville instead of Harry. They are no longer exactly alike, they are different. Which each choice they have made they stepped into a different line. In this story it is like standing on a slowly moving train and then you jump off onto the ground. You are the same, but your place isn't. You haven't jumped into the same place someone else occupies. This is the same in the story. Harry was pulled from his world and moved, not created or generated out of nothing, just moved. The same goes for the others when they arrive, they are inertly different then their counterparts.

Another question I was asked was: Why does Harry so trust Tom the Bartender? To this I have to say, in a way he does and in a way he doesn't. But most importantly he is only Fifteen years old. More on this question will come to be answered later in the story. For now, know that Harry needs someone, at this point anyone who will help him. Does that help with those two questions? I hope I have answered them rather than cause more of them.

Thanks to all of you who have reviewed it means the world to me. So on with the story...

Chapter Three

The Vanished One

Hermione Ann Granger, Lieutenant Commander and Second in Command of the Phoenix's Order slowly looks around in disbelief. She can't believe it is over, it's finally over. She runs on automatic as they catch the last of the Death Eaters who are still around. "It's over," a voice beside her says just as unbelieving as she feels. Turning her head she nods in agreement of her words.

"I always dreamed of the day, but never truthfully thought it would arrive," Hermione agrees.

Ginny Weasley smiles in agreement, "I know what you mean," she agrees. "I mean I am supposed to be going to Hogwarts, I would have been in my fourth year. Not out here on the field fighting in a battle to protect our way of life," Ginny reflects on the changes in their lives since the end of the Tri-Wizard Tournament a short year and a half ago.

"It has been a very long struggle," Hermione agrees.

"But more so for Harry," Ginny says knowing what is on Hermione's mind.

"More so for Harry," Hermione agrees.

"IT'S OVER!!!!!" Ron Weasley shouts out as he starts to run in their direction.

Molly Weasley hears her youngest son's words and can't help but start to cry as she realizes all of her children are safe, alive, and for the most part unharmed. Harry kept his promise even though she thought it would be impossible. All of a sudden she is pounced on by said son in a tight hug, "We did it mum," Ron whispers into her ear as she gladly returns the hug.

"I can't believe it," Molly whispers back.

"Harry did it," Fred and George shout as they hug each other briefly, and then turn on their little sister and Hermione hugging both of them as well receiving a "gerroff of me," in response but they ignore their words. They release them and go to their next victim, another addition of the family, one Neville Longbottom who needless to say is adequately shocked by the action of the two twins.

"HERMIONE," Ron shouts out as the rest of the Weasley's end up in a circle. Hermione turns from her hug with Molly and smiles back at him.

"Ron," she says loudly in return. She quickly hugs Neville before launching herself at Ron. She hugs him with all her might, he is like a brother to her, just as the rest of the Weasley's are like family.

"I think there is someone missing," Ron says into the hug as he returns it just as fiercely. He is surprised by her hug, but he is pleased. He once thought of her as someone he might be able to love as a lover, but soon realized the only reason the two of them get along at all is because of Harry. He then realized he did love her, just not in that special way. He returns her love as that of a brother, just as he knows she does.

Hermione smiles at this as she releases him from her hug, "Do you now?" she asks.

"Yep," Ron says returning the smile, "let's go and get my brother," he teases her. He knows she is in love with their other best friend; they have had many a chat about her feelings. Honestly about their feelings. It was a remembered day that Ron actually admitted that he loved Harry as a brother. His own personal twin if you will, which has been added to, Neville soon became the lost triplet in the circle of friends and family. Since that day the two of them have talked almost daily about Harry and what he is forced to go through. They were utterly surprised to find Neville to have been added to their little trio, but now that they look back they wonder why he wasn't part of the team to begin with. They were equally surprised when Ginny joined the group as well, but once again it seems to have been the only thing to do, the right thing. Though with Ginny it seemed as though she was Hermione's twin, rather than Ron's as Harry and Neville are.

"Hey, Neville," Hermione calls as she nods her head in agreement with Ron. It took her awhile to get used to Ron calling Harry his brother, as well as Neville, but now it is like second nature to her and them. All, but Harry know of this change, know of this feeling, and everyone, but Percy is in total agreement, and have made the same changes themselves. The Weasley family grew from seven children to ten. They all feel as Harry does, blood isn't the only way to have family. Family is defined by the heart and the soul, not necessarily blood.

Neville walks over to them with a wide smile, "What's up you guys?" he asks as he reaches them.

Ron looks at Neville and raises his eyebrows in question, "Who is missing?" he asks instead of answering.

Neville pauses for the briefest of moments before answering to look around at who is all there. "Our brother of course," he says without hesitation.

"What do you say we go and get said brother, and bring him back," Ron asks with a gleam in his eyes that those who know him, know means trouble, for he isn't related to the twins for nothing.

"Sounds good to me," Neville agrees smiling mischievously at the look in Ron's eyes.

"What am I going to do with you two," Hermione asks with a shake of her head.

"Don't you mean what, are we going to do with them," Ginny asks as she joins the group. She was very surprised when she was taken into the fold of the four of them. It is a day she remembers fondly, it was a day when she realized she was finally being treated as an equal and as part of their family. From that day forth the four of them, Neville, Hermione, Ron and herself have done everything they could to help their brother Harry. For they knew Harry would need it and would never ask, they know Harry doesn't want to be a burden to those he loves.

Hermione looks over at Ginny and nods her head in agreement, "That's what I said, what are we going to do with them," she teases.

"Alright you two," Ron huffs out trying to sound offended though he failed miserably as he tries not to smile.

"Huh," Ginny asks smiling widely.

"Ah, forget them Ginny," Hermione says smiling softly for the first time that day, "I'll race you to Harry," she says in a laugh.

"You are so on," Ginny laughs in agreement.

"What about us," Ron asks indigently.

"Last one there is a rotten egg," Hermione calls out as she takes off at a dead run.

"Hey, no fair," Ginny shouts out as she runs after her. The boys soon follow but a little bit slower. None of them realize that the rest of the family not only was listening to their conversation, but is now following them on their run.

Just then a shout sounds through the air, "I have fulfilled my destiny," a voice they all know as Harry's calls. "I am finished here, but I have another task to complete, another destiny not known to me in this world, transporto etanretla dlrow das sdeen gnivas," he shouts

As they hear his voice they all instantly know something is about to happen, something they know they won't like. Hermione shouts out Harry's name as they all run faster and shield their eyes against a blinding flash of light. They watch through shielded eyes as the light engulfs Harry making it impossible to see him. Hermione's eyes widen in horror as she all but screams, "HARRY!" before the light disappears leaving behind, darkness more complete than the night. In the place where Harry was standing remains nothing. The darkness of the night pales in comparison to the instant emptiness of the Weasley family at the loss of one of their own. A loss they don't understand and at the same time fear, a loss possibly worse than death.