Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry. Hermione. Rain.
Title: Do Not Shut The Heavens
Sequel to Motorcycle Fiasco
"Come on, Hermione, come back!"
Harry followed Hermione into the kitchen of the Granger house, laughing. She stormed over to the refrigerator, retrieving a bottle of water and then barged past him out of the kitchen towards the living room. Harry continued to follow her, the smile not disappearing from his face.
She walked into the living room and collapsed onto the couch. She avoided eye contact with him by turning her head away. Harry thought this was highly amusing and knelt in front of her.
"Hey, it wasn't that bad."
"Wasn't that bad??? Wasn't that bad!!!" Hermione wailed at him.
"Aww, poor baby," he said, sitting on the couch next to her pulling her into a hug, "did the ickle motorcycle scare Hermione?"
"Don't patronise me." She smiled, looking up in to his attractive emerald eyes.
"Would I?" he whispered slowly, placing his hand on top of hers, edging closer to her on the couch.
She stared up into his eyes as his face became sombre. Her heart began to race and the palms of her hands were becoming moist. Her eyes flickered closed as she moved her lips towards his.
"Why were you in my room, Herm??" Hermione's younger sister barged into the room causing, Hermione's mouth to drop in disbelief. "Hey Harry!!! I didn't know you were here, how are you?"
"Hey, Ellie, I'm fine," Harry said, turning awkwardly from Hermione and smiling up at her sister.
"Eleanor, haven't you even heard of knocking???" Hermione yelled.
"Why the hell would I have to knock to come into my own living room? And stop calling me Eleanor, it sounds so snobbish." Harry looked between the sisters, he was amazed at how different they were.
"Shouldn't you be reading over some of your spell books for next year?" Hermione asked, standing up.
"I've been reading most of the day, actually!"
"Don't lie, I'll ask Mum!"
"Fine!" Okay so maybe stubbornness is a shared characteristic, Harry mused as Hermione left the room looking for her mother.
"How are you liking the spellbooks, Ellie?" Harry asked.
"They're great. I'm so excited about going to Hogwarts next year." Harry smiled, remembering how he had felt on hearing that he would be attending Hogwarts. "Hey, do you fancy a game of football in the park?" she asked eagerly. She along with most Granger family members had taken a liking to Harry.
"Yeah, that would be great, but you know I suck, right!"
"Yeah, I know. That's why I want to play," she said, smiling.
Hermione came back into the room, greeted by the news that Harry was being whisked to the park by her sister. She hadn't been too happy about it at the time but had decided that she would rather go with them than stay at home.
"Oh come on, you tackled me, that was a blatant foul!" Harry bawled, laughing at Ellie's antics.
"It's not my fault you're too slow," she laughed back from halfway across the pitch, kicking the ball into the back of the net.
Hermione sat on the sidelines with a book. She was watching intently as Harry and Ellie laughed and joked, having fun.
"I can't believe she just left with her friends, that's so rude!" Hermione commented as she and Harry
headed home.
"She's at the age; hanging around with her square sister could be bad for her reputation."
"I am not square!!!" she punched him in the shoulder for his remark.
They walked from the park as the skies began to darken; they were halfway to Hermione's house when the heavens opened and rain began to pour down violently.
"Come on," Harry seized Hermione's hand as they set off into a fast run; they ran down a number of streets and up a few alleyways before reaching the Granger home. Hermione ran up to the front door only to find it locked.
"Mum and Dad must have gone out," she told Harry frenziedly. "I haven't got my wand."
"Me neither." He smiled, seeing the humour in them getting soaked through and through, being locked out of the safety and warmth of Hermione's house. "What do you suggest we do?" he asked as she joined him at his side. Her hair was sticking to her face as thunder rolled in the distance.
"Come on, around the back," Hermione darted around the side of the house, desperately searching under plant pots; she let out a cry when she found a spare key. She ran and unlocked the back door, turning smiling at Harry she walked into the kitchen, only to slip when her wet shoes met the kitchen tiles, Harry who was close behind her swung his arms around her waist instinctively trying to catch her before she fell, all this achieved however was her to pull him down with her. They collapsed in a heap on the floor laughing energetically at the soaked version of the other.
Harry softly knocked before entering Hermione's bedroom; he entered to find her drying her hair with a charm.
"Nice!" She smiled cheerfully at Harry's appearance, their clothes had become extremely muddy and so were put into the washing machine, leaving Harry having to borrow a pair of red shorts and a rather large black t-shirt from Hermione's father.
"Oh you know you can't resist me in these shorts," he replied, twirling for her to get a better look. He straightened up starring at Hermione; he loved it when she laughed; it make her look even more beautiful in his opinion.
"What?" she asked as a bolt of lightning clapped outside.
"I was just thinking about earlier," he answered, his voice raspy, "on the couch in your living room."
Hermione smiled coyly up at him, hoping he was thinking the same thing she was. In turns out he was as they each crossed the room quickly, throwing their arms around one another, pressing their lips together passionately.
After a few moments they pulled away smiling at one another vibrantly. Harry kissed Hermione's forehead and tangled their hands together
"See I told you, it's the shorts."