Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: The Beach...
Title: Beach Bewilderment
Sequel to A Comfortable Sign
Hermione yawned sleepily as she awoke from her enchanting slumber. She rolled over, sighed slightly as she realised that her subconscious had been playing tricks on her once again. She had been dreaming about Harry, only this time it had felt so real. She dreamt that they had spent the night together in Hogsmeade, laughing and joking before heading back to her flat where the passion she held for Harry had reached its peak in an intimate confrontation. However as she regained her perception of the real world she realised that her relationship with her friend had not changed in the slightest from the previous day, nothing out of the ordinary had happened and he was still only her companion.
"I swear Ron, it was the weirdest dream I've ever had!"
"Really? Even after the experiences you've had?" Ron asked as he literally jumped on top of the muggle suitcase he was trying in vain to zip up.
"Yeah, I mean, it was, Hermione! And it was me! And we were….well… know!" Ron's head snapped in Harry's direction, his face was laced with astonishment.
"What?? You were…." Ron made a vulgar motion with his arms causing Harry to spit out his coffee as he laughed.
"Yeah. I'm telling you it felt so…real! It was nice" he added with a sigh making Ron smile knowingly.
"Was it wicked?" Ron asked mischievously "I mean is she…good?"
"Blimey, Ron it was a dream, a warped delusion and nothing more, how would I know if she's satisfying in reality?" Harry answered smiling broadly "I'd be happy to try and find out for you though!" Ron and Harry dissolved into a tirade of laughter as they finished packing there suitcases in preparation for the trip they were about to take.
"Then what happened?" Ginny asked curiously, not trying in the slightest to hide her excitement about her friend's reverie. Hermione raised her eyebrows suggestively whilst biting her bottom lip. "Oh my gods!" Ginny shrieked out of character jumping up and down. Hermione blushed but smiled nonetheless.
"If only it was reality!" Hermione shouted over Ginny's excessive racket in order to quiet her down.
"If only what was reality?" a male voice asked form behind the girls, making them jump slightly. Hermione shrugged the question off whilst going to retrieve her luggage. Ron looked to Ginny instead for the answer but received the same reaction.
"Women!" he snorted as Harry entered the room.
"Bloody hell, Hermione, I didn't know you even owned that many clothes!" Harry protested as he caught a glimpse of Hermione's baggage. "There going to have to send another plane out!" he joked as he smiled fondly. She sneered at him sticking her tongue out, to which he snapped his jaw closed rapidly in attempt to bite it off, they smiled flirtatiously at one another, as they always did.
Ron and Ginny watched the floor-show rolling their eyes. They left the flat as Harry and Hermione bantered playfully.
"Why don't they get a freaking room?" Ginny asked rhetorically, causing her brother to laugh.
"I know what you mean, it's bad enough they make `goo goo eyes' at each other at all, never mind in front of people". The Weasley's laughed as they handed their luggage to taxi driver.
By the time they had loaded all their luggage into the black cab and climbed in, it was getting closer to their flight time. They had agreed to take an authentic muggle holiday this year and the four of them were meeting a few more of their friends at the airport before flying off to Greece.
"Whoa, this place is beautiful" Harry said in awe as he looked out across his balcony. "Ron come and check this out?" he turned to find Ron opening and closing the tiny fridge door in their apartment, with a large grin on his face.
"Look! The light knows when to come on!" Harry shook his head before turning his attention back to the azure blue sea. The sun was blazing and Harry could see many people lounging around on the beach and cooling themselves off in the sea. He smiled enthusiastically, he had never experienced anything like this before; it was amazing.
"Oh my, is that? It is! Look! It's Harry Potter." Harry turned his head to the side to find Hermione stood on the next balcony with her hands crossed over her heart. "Can I have you autograph?"
"Only if you earn it!" he added with a wink, before clambering across the balconies into her and Ginny's room.
After a quick tour of the girls room most of the party decided to overlook their packed suitcases and decided to take out the bare essentials before heading off to the beach. Seamus lay on a towel looking around frantically at all the `sights,' Harry and Dean were throwing a volleyball around to one another while Ron tried desperately to take the cap off a bottle of sun cream.
Harry vaulted the ball in Dean's direction and laughed when it bounced straight off his friends head with a thud. This didn't take him out of his trance, however; Harry turned to see what had him so enthralled and literally fell over at the sight that greeted him. His eyes widened and his throat became as dry as the sand squelched up between his toes.
His two best female friends were walking towards them in nothing but scantly clad bikini's they were in deep discussion and hadn't noticed the large number of male eyes drawn to their direction.
Hermione looked up and smiled in Harry's direction with a wave, causing him to startle out of his trance.
"I think I need to go….over…to...swim!" he turned swiftly and raced to the sea without looking back.
Oh great Merlin, Oh great Merlin, Oh great Merlin! Pull yourself together man! It's just Hermione.
He chanced a peak back in her direction to find her rubbing cream into her sun glistened body.
Oh mother of all that is holy!!!