Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry/Hermione feed/eat from the other's plate at a restaurant.
Title: Nut Cracker. (Formerly called, Peanut Party)
Sequel to "Look Hermione! KRUM!"
"Don't smirk Granger! It's not funny!" Harry took a seat at the table Hermione and Ginny were occupying in the corner of the muggle pub.
"I'm not smirking, but at least it was you I `left with' and not Krum!" she said, her lips turning up into a smile she could no longer hold back.
"Need I remind you that you didn't? I was a perfect gentleman and returned you home straight after we apparated out of there." Harry glared from across the table.
"Yes, I remember I got my hopes up for nothing, very disappointing," she said, shaking her head and taking a rather large gulp of larger.
"Most men would have taken the opportunity to shag her while they could, but St. Potter, so chivalrous!" Ginny scoffed, causing Hermione to snort into her pint before laughing uncontrollably with her friend.
"Oh bugger off, it's not like I didn't think about it." He smiled mischievously, causing them to stop laughing abruptly. "I'm going to get a drink, I can see you don't need another." He pushed his chair back and stood up heading towards the bar. "Oh and please stop starring at my arse, I'm not an object," he shouted over his shoulder, hands on his hips as he made his way through the tables. Hermione whipped her head towards Ginny, blushing a deep crimson.
"Was it that obvious?" she asked seriously. It was Ginny's turn to snort into her pint.
Harry stood against the bar, waiting to be served and purposely sticking his posterior out more then he usually would in a crowd full of men. He looked at his watch, observing the time. The rest of his friends would be arriving shortly to watch a football match on the television. Harry and Dean had convinced the gang of friends to come to a muggle pub for a change; with the world cup final coming up Harry didn't think it would be a good idea for him and Ron to be seen in the Three Broomsticks.
"Harry!!" Ron suddenly bellowed from the door followed by a large roar of apparent agreement from Dean and Seamus. Dean was dressed in his West Ham football team strip eagerly awaiting the match between his favourite team and Crystal Palace. They made their way over to Harry at the bar, ignoring the glares coming from the local drunks. Harry stood up straight to greet his friends with a big smile (much to Hermione's dismay).
"Where's Hermione?!?" Ron asked waving his football flag a little too enthusiastically.
"Over in the corner," Harry said, gesturing behind them, "be careful though, the pissup's been wasted since before I got here," he chuckled. (I normally would use a period before the last quote, but chuckling is a type of verbal communication, and I think it's better this way.)
"But it's only 11:55," he said incredulously, gawking at his watch.
As the match progressed along with the afternoon, Hermione's state of rationality had become something of a distant memory. She had slumped further into her chair until only her head of bushy hair was visible above the table. Harry smiled at Hermione's condition; spying an opportunity to steal the bowl of peanuts she had been hogging for most of the afternoon he reached slowly across the table making sure not to wake her from her comatose state.
"I don't think so…mister!" she slurred, springing awake, slapping his hand away from the bowl with a crack causing the table to jump before laughing, awaiting Harry's reaction.
"Oh, give us one, you tight cow!" Harry whined, holding his hand out expectantly.
"Fine!" she half shouted, half giggled as she picked up and launched a peanut at Harry's head. Despite her present form, the peanut struck him in the middle of his forehead. Without delay he snapped his hands up to his scar clasping it as though she had sent the Cruciatus curse his way.
"Oh give it up, you woman!" she cried, giggling.
"You've been hogging them all day, now give me one," he laughed.
"Open your mouth!" she said, not giving him much of a chance before she aimed and threw another peanut which bounced off his nose.
"Again," Harry called, his mouth wide open. She threw another up in the air and with a slight adjustment on Harry's part it landed in his mouth. Both he and Hermione shot up abruptly from there seats punching the air in celebration. Hermione finding this somewhat amusing threw a couple more peanuts in Harry's direction all landing on target.
"Okay, now me!!!" Hermione shouted excitedly, pushing the bowl towards Harry. The others were watching with great interest as the pair became louder and rowdier, putting on a display for all to see.
"Okay, are you ready?" he asked cautiously, preparing her for the task.
"Just throw it, Potter!" she scolded.
What took place next seemed to happen in slow motion; the peanut reared to the right through the air causing Hermione to dive slightly as she concentrated on the peanut, consequently knocking in to Ginny's legs and very ungracefully falling over them to the ground with a loud slap stick thud. The group fell silent unsure whether it was appropriate to laugh until they saw Hermione's hand rise above the table, the peanut clenched between her thumb and forefinger. They all lost control, causing uproar. Harry snorted with laughter before stumbling around the table to help the pile up off Hermione.
"I think it's time I took you home, sweetie," he said, dragging her towards the door while she continued celebrating her victory with triumphant cheers.
Harry opened the door of the flat, carrying a drunken Hermione in his arms. He walked over to the couch, laying her down and placing a blanket over her.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
They laughed as Hermione's consciousness returned slowly.
"So my knight in shining armour has returned me to safety once more," she said before smiling coyly. "I hope I haven't got my hopes up for nothing this time," she said, reaching out for him.
Harry crawled up on to the couch and lay with Hermione before she drifted off into a sleep, feeling more than content with the day's events.