Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 16)
Challenge: Single Story Week: Topic #1: Harry/Hermione learns something new about the other, Topic
#2: Harry/Hermione asks the other for a huge favour, Topic #3: Harry/Hermione visits the other at work/on duty/at
Challenge Conditions: You may choose 1, 2, or all 3 of the challenges listed. If more than one is
chosen, you must be able to weave it with the other topics seamlessly. As a bonus, for each extra topic you choose
above the first, add 1,000 words to the length of your story for today. 1 topic = 2,000 words, 2 topics = 3,000 words,
and 4 topics = 4,000 words. You need to try and tie up any and all mysteries/loose ends in this 'final' chapter
as this is the last challenge for 'Single Story Week'!
Title: The end of a perfect day. (Part 5/5)
"Umm, Hermione," Harry pushed her back gently with his nose.
"What's wrong?" she asked, searching his eyes. He smiled and kissed her tenderly on the lips before reaching down to unclip his seat belt. He reached for the recliner on the seat and started to turn it slightly so he tilted back, not once taking his eyes from the woman in his lap. She smiled slightly as he leaned away from her in his seat.
"Nothing's wrong." He smiled.
"I'm glad," she grinned as she squirmed in his lap slightly, causing his eyes to flutter shut as he bit his lip, seeing this Hermione couldn't control herself and pounced towards him with so much force that the back of the seat collapsed in to a horizontal position.
They smiled broadly at one another before their lips met. As the kiss deepened Harry couldn't control himself and laughed against her. He began to shake violently as his case of the chuckles became more severe.
"I'm glad you're finding this so hilarious," Hermione sighed as she gave up on the kiss, placing her hands on his chest and pushing back.
"You broke the chair," Harry laughed, closing his eyes; he felt her forehead lean against his.
"That's muggle workmanship for you,." She smiled.
"This is pathetic," he said opening his eyes and looking into hers, he took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb up her index finger softly. "Shall we go somewhere a little more, erm,...serious?" he asked. He grinned as she nodded and with that they apparated right outside the door to Harry's flat, leaving Hermione's car in the muggle alley.
As soon as their feet touched the ground Harry pushed Hermione into the wall with all his weight, kissing her passionately. He fumbled around in his pocket searching for his key, his lips never leaving hers. Becoming frustrated, he retrieved his wand from his holder and mumbled an unlocking spell. They burst though the door dramatically only to find Ron more then preoccupied with his girlfriend in the front room. Harry grabbed Hermione around the waist and pulled her back out of the flat and slammed the door.
"It's going to take me forever to forget that image," Hermione whispered with a laugh. Harry buried his hand into her hair and captured her lips once more. He couldn't get enough of her, she was exhilarating and he didn't want to let her go. She responded vigorously not passing up the chance to kiss the man she had loved for so long.
"Your place?" Harry growled against her as he fought to retain control of his hands. Hermione pulled back and nodded capturing his hands, in an instant they were just outside Hermione's university campus.
"Be quiet, I'm not technically supposed to have anybody in tonight," Hermione said cautiously as they walked in the direction of her building.
"Tonight?" he said. "That would imply that you have people over other nights."
Hermione raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe, maybe not."
"Am I supposed to feel this insanely jealous?" he asked, gripping her around the waist with his arms, making it increasingly difficult to reach Hermione's hall of residence.
"Yes," she answered craning her neck and kissing him.
It took them a good length of time to reach Hermione's building. When they got their however they practically raced one another up the stairs and down the corridor, it was certainly a sight to see considering they were trying their hardest to be quiet and not wake anybody. At one point Harry tripped on a bag that had been left on the floor, falling into a wall with a thud. Hermione kept shushing him in between stifling laughs.
"Okay, let's just pray my roommates are out," Hermione said as they reached the door. She proceeded to open the door while Harry kissed her neck tenderly. When they entered the dorm Harry stood looking around while Hermione called out for her roommates. Harry had never been to Hermione's residence since she started University; he had never had the chance. He was stood in what appeared to be a communal living area, to the left there were two doors, one that had a poster of a rock band hung on it and the other was the kitchen, Hermione entered back into the room from that particular door and smiled at him slightly.
"I don't think anybody's home," she said quietly. Harry glanced to his right to another door which he assumed to be her room, he turned back to face his best friend and breathed deeply, his heart racing frantically. What was he doing? He had only realised what he felt for Hermione a few months previously and was fighting mentally with himself whether or not this was the right course of action.
Is this what you truly want? Think about it Harry; your best friend, you could ruin everything here .
"Harry?" Hermione whispered warily. She stood facing him, one arm around her waist, the other brushing hair behind her ears, "Do you want to, TV?" \She smiled, biting her lip gently. Harry let out a short laugh.
Merlin, she's beautiful. He shook his head gently and held out his hands, "Come here," he said quietly. She walked over to him and linked their hand together, looking up into his emerald eyes; she wished she knew what he was thinking. "Hermione, you're my best friend in the whole world," he started, not breaking eye contact, "you've been there for me when others haven't, and I love and respect you so much." he told her urgently.
"I know that Harry," she said, anxious as to where this conversation was heading.
"But this," he said pulling their hands up, "is completely new. I don't want to do something now that could jeopardise the amazing relationship we share."
"Oh," Hermione said as she tugged her hands gently from his. She looked down to the floor her hair cradling her face.
"Hermione, look at me," Harry said softly. "I think that came out wrong, what I'm trying to say is that if something is going to happen now just for the sake of it happening, then I'm going to turn around and walk away but…if something happens that you want to happen as much as I do, then I'll have no regrets. Am I making any sense at all?" he asked nervously, his words muddling up as they came out of his mouth. Hermione nodded her head slightly a faint smiled appearing.
"Are you asking me for all or nothing, Harry?"
"Yes," he answered, reaching out and embracing her expressively. "I want to repay you for everything you have done for me." he brought a finger up to her lips as she was about to speak, "I know that I don't have to Hermione, but I want to. I owe you so much; you've been there for me all my life…my real life, anyways. From the moment I met you you've done nothing but be there for me, guiding me, showing me the right way, giving me a reason to keep on fighting. You've loved me unconditionally Hermione and I want more than anything to do the same for you. If something takes place between us tonight, I just know I won't be able to let you go," he stared at her intently, searching her eyes and waiting for a response. "Hermione, say something," he said, lowering his head to her shoulder.
"What are you waiting for?" she breathed huskily, wiping delicate tears from her eyes, "I've always been here Harry, I'm all yours. Always." His grip tightened around her waist suddenly as he heard the words.
"What time is it?" Hermione yawned as her eyes fluttered open.
"Nearly midnight," the man at her side whispered into her ear, causing a chill to run down her spine. "Will your roommate be coming back?" he asked, brushing his fingers along her shoulders.
"I'd like to see her try and open that door," Hermione smiled, turning to face him. "I think even a capable wizard would have trouble."
"Miss Granger," he gasped playfully. She smiled, pushing back his hair from his eyes and rubbing her finger gently over his scar. "This has been with out a doubt the most eventful day of my life," said Harry as he gazed into her eyes. "And that is most definitely saying something."
"I know," she grinned. "If somebody had told me this morning I'd be here with the man I've practically doted on for the past nine years, I'd have told them to bugger off and stop tormenting me."
"What?" he asked, his eyes widening in shock, "n-nine years?"
"Uh-huh." She smiled bashfully, pulling a pillow over her face.
"I didn't know that," he said, awestruck, pulling the pillow from him and tossing it away. "That's a bloody long time."
"Tell me about it," she sneered, sticking her tongue out, "took you bloody long enough."
"I have been told I'm blind when it comes to these kinds of things." He grinned fervently.
"Obviously not enough!"
"Well I suppose I'll have to make it up to you."
"Not really, it was worth the wait," she said as she embraced him tightly. They kissed chastely before smiling contently at one another. "I'm going to be so tired for tomorrow's lectures," she said as she stifled a yawn. "And we'll have to deal with the papers as well."
"Don't forget the torment we'll have to endure when we tell people that we actually are together," he added, squeezing her gently. She groaned slightly, pulling a face; they certainly were in for another long day. Harry pulled the sheet up and around them tightly before kissing Hermione's eyelids closed. "Sleep well angel," he said, resting his head back against the pillow.
Her breathing became heavier as Harry ran through the days events in his head, finding it hard not to smile. He looked at her at his side and shook his head slightly in disbelief. "I love you Hermione," he whispered gently.
A large smile sprung out across her face and Harry jumped slightly realising that she wasn't asleep as he thought she had been. She reached her arm out and around the back of his neck, "I love you too." She smiled against the pillow. "Eat your bloody heart out, Katie Bell!"