Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry and Hermione look back on their fondest memories.
Title: Don't let go
There was a surge of bright green light that spread from the spot where they stood; Hermione could feel the ground below her begin to give way as the earth began shuddering tremendously. The light burnt out in a bright crack and he fell to the floor nearly unconscious, The Dark Lord nowhere to be seen. Before she knew what she was doing she ran to him and collapsed at his side. He was in a terrible state, covered in blood, his clothes torn and ripped away exposing the mangled state of his war-beaten body. He was struggling for gasps of breath just to hold on.
"Harry," she spoke in a shaky tone, "Harry can you hear me?"
She clutched his tired, limp body as he looked up at her with his bloodshot eyes; he blinked slowly, letting her know that he could, but didn't have the strength to answer.
"Harry, you're going to be okay," she told him certainly, "it's gonna be okay, we're going to get you out of here and take you home, you'll be okay, just hang on, please just hang on?" she pleaded, her eyes swelling and tears flowing.
He continued to struggle for breaths, not tearing his gaze from hers, but it was becoming dark and cold and he feared that he wouldn't be able to survive the agonizing pain much longer. Hermione continued to plead with him, straightening his ruffled hair with her hands, stroking his face and holding him tightly. She removed her cloak and placed it over him as she could sense him shivering from the damp cold surrounding them.
"It's all over now, Harry, you did it, it's over," she continued, trying to keep his weary mind with hers, tears still readily flowing, `we can go home, and next year will be the last year at Hogwarts and we can have so much fun, you're free now Harry, you can live and be normal, just stay here with me just a while longer.' Her breaths had become fast as she fought with him mentally
"Can you imagine what it's going to be like from now on, Harry? The world is going to be a better place, all because you made it so and you can live a happy life, Harry. We'll have s much fun, carefree like our first day at Hogwarts." Hermione began too recall all the happy memories and emotions she could to keep Harry conscious.
"Remember what it felt like to cross the lake in our first year? Awaiting all the magic in that castle, a new world for us Harry, full of new experiences to be held, that's where we are now, on the verge of a new life, new experience."
This continued as Hermione inwardly prayed that somebody would come and get them soon.
"Do you remember the time in second year when I put the wrong hair in the Polyjuice potion, and I turned in to a cat? I thought I was so smart getting the potion together and then that happened. It was so embarrassing and you guys never let me live that down, laughing about it and bringing it up whenever possible, torturing me." Hermione let out a small smile as Harry breaths began to ease "And the time I slapped Malfoy? Or how about the time when Ron snuck to Hogsmeade with Fred and George and came back drunk only to confess his love to an armchair?" Harry smiled inwardly, his legs becoming numb but listening intently to everything that Hermione was saying to him. He tightened his grip on Hermione's hand the best he could, he didn't want to let go but his eyes were becoming heavier and his breaths shallower, the weight on his lids forced them closed as he lay in Hermione's arms, willing her to carry on talking to him about the good memories they shared. Hermione became panicked, gently shaking him when he closed his eyes.
"Harry don't you dare stop fighting" she told him as if scolding him for not doing homework `do not give up, not like this.' There was silence as Hermione began to sob "Please Harry, don't go, don't leave……"
"If you go, then I….I…I'll make sure your firebolt meets the same fate as your nimbus 2000." Harry used all his strength and let out a diminutive laugh his eyelids fluttering back open, he starred up at her once more, strength returning to him just looking into her tearful brown eyes.
"Miss Granger?" Hermione spun around to see Snape running through the smoke towards them "Are you okay…Oh Merlin….Harry" Hermione had never been happier to see Snape. "Albus, they're over here." he shouted through the dark shadows. Moments later Albus Dumbledore was on scene and hope began to flood through Hermione but she refused to let go of Harry.
"You can go in now Miss Granger," Madam Pomfrey told her when they were back in the safety of the Hogwarts grounds. Hermione rushed into the hospital wing to find her best friend propped up in his bed; he smiled affectionately and held out his arms to her. She rushed towards and he buried his head into her hair.
"Thank you," he whispered hoarsely, tears escaping his eyes as he held her tightly, not ever wanting to let go.