Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry and Hermione take an impromptu nap.
Title: Sleeping Jealousy
"Hey, Harry."
"Hi," he replied getting up from the table, finishing off his piece of toast.
"Last night was fun, even by studying standards."
"Ah, well, the Harry Potter way of studying is the best, twice the fun and less the work" he smiled with a goofy grin.
"Well anyway, you seemed stoked about that book you were talking about" She handed him the very old dusty tome. His eyes widened and he looked at it incredulously,
"How, Where, Whoa, this must be really old!" He told her "Where did you get it?"
"It was my dads, so it doesn't get used much anymore…anyway take it, I know you would appreciate it, I saw the glint in your eye when you were talking about it…so just be careful, it's kinda…valuable." she smiled at him,
"I'll guard it with my life.." he told her and the starred off to space "Which isn't really a good idea actually - are you sure you wanna…"
"Look Harry, I trust you, so just take the bloody thing." she thrust the book into his hands with a smile and a flick of her ash blonde hair. He just smiled at her
"I really appreciate this you know." He told her with an intense stare "I'm going to go lock it in my trunk before I go to charms…do you…wanna walk?"He asked
"Yeah!" She replied as her face lit up "Let me just go and get my stuff from my house table". She turned and left as he followed her with his eyes.
"Who the hell is that? Where is she from? Why didn't you tell me about her? How is it possible that I have never noticed someone that hot!" Ron asked, he had been listening intently to the meeting as had other certain Gryffindors. Harry turned to face Ron chuckling
"She's called Taylor, She's from the year above in Ravenclaw, I didn't tell you `cause you were asleep when I got in and probably because you're stupid." he answered picking his bag up, he left the great hall with his new Ravenclaw friend and the tome under his arm.
"Nice one Harry!" Seamus projected "What is it with him and older women?" The Gryffindors in ear-shot all began laughing, all that is except one Hermione Granger. She starred at her breakfast while she tried desperately not to shed a tear.
Later that evening when classes had finished Harry went back to the common room only to be given an inquisition by Ron about Taylor. He had told him that he was in the library struggling with some homework when she had noticed and offered to help him. Ron carried on asking questions but Harry only answered them half-heartedly, he was concerned for the wellbeing of his other best friend Hermione, she was sat in an armchair facing the fire, she wasn't partaking in any conversation and her eyes looked puffy.
"Hey Mione," he said approaching the chair, taking her hand in his "Are you okay? You seem quiet." he asked his eyes and voice filled with concern. She turned from the fire and gave him a small smile, which he knew was put on.
"I'm okay, just tired." she told him turning back to the fire
"Have you been getting enough sleep? You look very tired." he asked the concern still evident.
"I dunno…no I guess…I'm gonna go…" She got up from the seat, brushed past Harry and made her way to her dorm room.
"What was that about?" Ron asked Harry, He didn't respond, he just starred after her and shook his head.
Harry came through the portrait hole she was sitting there or rather studying there, trying her hardest not to fall asleep. It was a Hogsmeade weakened and a lovely snowy winter's day so the common room was fairly empty,
"Why are you here?" He asked Hermione approaching her table, she looked up at him and Harry could see that she was exhausted.
"I could say the same thing" she spoke softly returning to her book.
"I had to talk to Katie about next weeks Quidditch match, now answer my question." He sat down next to her.
"I have work to do." she told him not moving from her book.
"Right come on," he pulled the quill out of her hand and set the book aside
"Harry, what are you doing? I need to finish that."
"Hermione, that's not due in till next week, it's Saturday afternoon, and your tired, so no more work for you!" He told her forcefully.
"I'm not tired" she assured him stifling a yawn.
"Oh yeah, you don't look it either." with that he pulled her over to the couch beside the fireplace. They lay down together and he pulled her tightly towards him making sure that she was comfy. He wrapped a blanket around them and rested his head back.
"You don't have to sleep with me." she whispered so quietly, secretly hoping that he wouldn't move.
"Yes I do, `cause if I leave, you'll go back to that bloody essay, now be quiet and relax!" She didn't have the energy or the willpower to fight with him. After a lengthy silence Hermione spoke.
"Why didn't you ask me?"
"Ask you what?"
"Ask me to help you with that homework?" He lifted his head up so that he could look at her, he was surprised by the question.
"Why?" He asked with a smile.
"I just….wondered,"
"Are you...jealous?" he asked fully aware that somehow she was. Hermione looked away.
`Merlin, you so are!' He smiled down her laughing "I came to look for you in your room but you were fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you `cause you looked so cute."
"Yeah right!" she said quite loudly.
"Are you fishing for compliments?" He asked her still smiling.
"Ha! Hermione Granger does not and shall never fish!" She responded vigorously.
"Shame," he muttered looking away before returning his gaze back to hers "Because I have quite a lot for you" he smiled sincerely and she could not help but beam from ear to ear. He lowered his head back down to the couch and once again pulled her tightly, she snuggled up to the crevice of his neck, breathing him in.
"Now sleep," he whispered "We can talk about your jealousy later." he continued smiling against her. He wasn't prepared for the wallop that came his way.
And then they slept.