Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 14)
Challenge: Single Story Week: Harry/Hermione is confronted by a former crush
Challenge Conditions: Each day we'll post a challenge topic as usual, but each consecutive day
you will continue your story from the day before...and on Friday you'll have a 6000+ word story that flows from
beginning to end and includes each of the daily challenges as given.
Title: Insanity. (Part3/5)
Just an ickle note, this chapter has irksome factors. Now don't be fooled it's going somewhere but I think I'd better warn you so you don't kill me!
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"What the hell have you gotten yourself into this time?" Ron asked as Harry slammed the door to their flat.
"Well, Luna just had to leave," he said, pulling a t-shirt over his head. "Her dad owled her and said there was some urgent news that needed to be reported regarding you and Hermione."
"Oh for Merlin's sake," Harry exclaimed, pulling off his tie and his jacket hurriedly.
"What happened?" Ron asked plopping down into a leather armchair. Harry was perched on the edge of their coffee table, taking his glasses of rubbing his eyes thoroughly.
"Basically," he said looking up at Ron "I just made a complete arse out of myself in front of Hermione," he said dejectedly. "And apparently the rest of the world."
"What did you do?" Ron had to remind himself to suppress a grin; he didn't think Harry would appreciate him laughing in his face right about now.
"You know that note I got this morning," he said standing up "Wait, I'll go and get it."
"Don't bother mate, I um already read it, carry on." he said, smiling impishly.
"Figures!" Harry sighed, sitting back down "Well I, erm...kinda accused Hermione of sending it." He trailed off at the end of the sentence. Ron looked at him plainly, biting his lip in order to keep himself from laughing.
"Erm...why?" he asked.
"I don't know," Harry replied with a nervous smile, finding the funny side of the whole situation. "I just got it into my head that it was from her, the things it said…," he said, trailing off.
"Let me guess, she had a fit about, right?"
"Oh, true to Hermione style, it started off quite playfully then she just got really pissed off with me and stormed off. She said she would never do something so ridiculous." Harry looked up in thought, his brow furrowed in concentration. "She didn't seem to be annoyed about the `confessing the love' part though." Harry looked at Ron thoughtfully who started fidgeting with the arm of the chair, his eyes looking anywhere at Harry.
"Yeah?" he said, the tips of his ears turning crimson. Harry smiled, slowly looking at him.
"Is there a reason why Hermione didn't say anything about that part?"
"How should I know mate? I wasn't there." Ron stood and left the room hastily. He mentioned something about needing a shower but Harry wasn't paying much attention; instead he sat in the room alone, a broad smile crossing his lips.
Harry gently kicked his bedroom door open and danced in across the threshold; his hair was still wet from the shower and dripped down his shoulders and his torso. Despite the fact he knew the papers would be splashed with his name and picture tomorrow he didn't care, the reason being he had just figured it out. The reason why his best friend had become so flirtatious with him recently, he assumed that she now felt the same way as he had for months.
Ron's earlier reaction had spurred this thought on, and he kicked himself for not realising it sooner. As soon as it had entered his mind though he was off, he jumped into the shower as soon as Ron had finished and begun to plan out what he would say to her when he saw at the Three Broomsticks that evening. He recited his game plan as he pulled on the jeans and shirt he planned to wear for the evening.
"Okay, Harry," he said to himself. "Walk in with Ron, find Hermione and ask to speak to her alone; easy enough. Apologise profusely for thinking she would do something so…how did she put it…Lavender-ish?" He shook his head. "Tell her that secretly you were hoping it was her--not technically lying there mate--then beg like the shameless man you are." He smiled at his reflection as he splashed on small amount of aftershave.
"She's bound to fall for it, dear," the mirror spoke to him.
"Fingers crossed," he tied his shoe laces and left the room. "Ron, are you ready yet? I don't want to be late."
"Whoa Harry, you stink!" Ron said, wafting the air in front of his nose as he came out of his room. "Could you have found a stronger cologne?"
"Shut it Ron, I'm dressed to impress!" he answered with a grin.
"Impress who? Why are you so giddy? Stop it, it's frightening me."
"Hermione, because I am and no," he answered all of his questions in turn.
"Hermione? Why?"
"'Coz I swear on Merlin's name that I'm gonna make her fall for me one of these days." Ron gawked at Harry
"You are so bloody dumb!" he muttered under his breath, smiling.
"I said I'll shout for you when I'm done," Ron spoke loudly before going back into his room.
On opening the door to the Three Broomsticks, Harry could tell that there was a large crowd inside. He ran his fingers through his hair with nerves. He could see Hermione seated talking to Luna, Ginny, and Seamus across the room.
"Breathe," he whispered to himself. "Be confident, be confident." She looked up at him with pursed lips, trying to radiate anger, but he could see the warmth in her eyes. He smiled to her as he was grabbed by the arms and pushed off to the other side of the bar.
"Harry, we need to talk." Harry turned his head to find Katie Bell (you're going to upset Fred/Katie shippers with that, you know! Lol!), an old school friend, had hold of his arm. "Is it true what they're saying? Are you and Hermione Granger engaged?"
"WHAT?, it's not true," he said waving it off. He saw Katie visibly swallow and he started to get concerned, she had a strange glint in her eyes.
"Oh," she smiled flicking her hair "So did you get my note?" she asked him bashfully.
"Your note?" he asked astonished. "Oh my goodness, Katie! What happened between us that night was a well…drunken fantasy…we talked about it at the time, remember?" he asked alarmed, swallowing hard.
"I know Harry, but I can't help it, just thinking about it's driving my crazy, I mean…whoa!"
Without warning she grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket and pulled him into a lip-locker of a kiss.
A/N I used KB because I knew Ginny and Cho would be used on the SWSC by the other authors……………….Please don't kill me