Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Single Story Week: Harry/Hermione deal with the media discussing their relationship
Challenge Conditions: Each day we'll post a challenge topic as usual, but each consecutive day
you will continue your story from the day before...and on Friday you'll have a 6000+ word story that flows from
beginning to end and includes each of the daily challenges as given.
Title: Driving me Crazy! (Part 2/5)
Harry sat in the passenger seat of Hermione's car with wide eyes, his face had paled and he was clutching to the seat belt with white knuckles.
"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked him as he continued to stare dead ahead.
"Nothing!" he breathed deeply. "Other than the fact you drive like a raving lunatic!" he let out in an exasperated tone.
"Oh give it up Harry, I'm not that bad and you know it."
"No not at all…for those with a deathwish," he chuckled to himself. Hermione simply rolled her eyes with a sneer as she opened the door and got out.
"Mio!!!" came a call from a crowd of muggles sat on an embankment next to Hermione's parking space, Harry could tell by just looking at them that they were students from her university. The majority of the group sat on a bench while others stood with large foam coffee cups. As Harry shut the car door he saw Hermione give them a wave.
"Mio?? What the hell's a Mio?" Harry laughed loud enough so that the group could probably hear him. Hermione scolded him with wide eyes over the top of her car.
"Well it's a damn sight better than `Mione!" she whispered keenly.
"Well to be honest they both suck." Harry laughed as he came around the front of the car to meet her.
"Tell me about it," she replied laughing. "What time do you need to meet your boss?" Hermione asked, checking that his suit looked impeccable. Or so that's what she planned to tell him if he caught her looking him over.
"10:30. Should be over by dinner though, what time does your lecture finish?"
"Huh! You only want me for a ride home!" Hermione sulked playfully.
"Actually after that driving I'll apparate home, thank you! Seriously, what time do you finish? We can get some dinner; I need to talk to you about something anyway."
"Oh okay, well I'll meet you here at twelvish then," she smiled gently. "I better go," she said, pointing somewhere behind her.
"Okie dokie," Harry said whilst (Same thing as before.) putting an arm around her shoulder and kissing her
lightly on the forehead. He turned and started to walk in the general direction of the town but was forced to turn back
around to face her when he heard a loud wolf whistle. He turned back smiling broadly as Hermione glared at her friends
outraged, her face had turned a deep crimson.
Oh she wants me.
Harry grumbled as he sat down on the bench which had earlier been occupied by Hermione's Uni friends. His meeting
with the co-owner of `Firebolt' had been long and arduous; he had spent the majority of the morning trying to
convince the squib of a new technique of charming that could increase the racing broom's performance. His
suggestions seemed to be falling on deaf ears however. He took his jacket off, untucked his shirt and undid his top
button on his collar.
"You look terrible." Harry looked up to find Hermione approaching with a grin.
"Thanks," he sighed heavily. Realising that he obviously felt as bad as he looked; she sat down next to him and put her hand on his knee.
"Harry, what's up? The meeting not go well?" Harry shook his head before standing and taking her hand. They walked through muggle London until they reached the leaky cauldron, moving through into Diagon Alley they quickly found somewhere to eat and ordered their food. Harry told Hermione all about the disastrous meeting and how pathetic he thought the owners of the company were. She sat and listened intently as Harry vented his thoughts; when he finally drew to a close she looked at him reassuringly, she didn't utter a word, instead moving around the table they sat at outside of the café and kneeing before him.
"What?" he asked expectantly. She smiled lightly and pulled him into a hug, patting him on the back slightly. He laughed against her neck pushing his chair back and pulling her up into his lap returning the cuddle a little more deeply. "All better." He gasped noisily as they pulled apart.
"Good." She smiled pulling her hands down to her lap. Harry circled his arms around her waist and looked into her deep brown eyes.
"How was school?"
"It's not school Harry! It's University."
"Okay, how was University?" he grinned, mimicking her.
"Fine, thanks," she sneered. He looked at her debating whether or not to bring up the letter he received earlier on that morning.
"So I've been meaning to ask you about that…erm...."
"That what?"
"That letter I go this morning." He grinned, twinkles appearing in his eyes. Hermione looked at him vacantly as if expecting him to continue.
"What about it?"
"Oh come on, Hermione, I've figured it out," he said, smirking.
"Oh I'm glad, you erm...wanna let me know what your talking about?" she asked, getting up and moving back over to her side of the table.
"I know it's from you Hermione! What I don't get is why you didn't just let me know instead of sending a stupid letter." Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.
"I did not send you that note!!! I am not some Harry Potter groupie!" she spat, standing up and moving back from the table.
"Oh come on! That's what you said in the note!" he laughed, mirroring her as she stood up and moved away from the table.
Their conversation became increasingly heated as they discussed the letter. Hermione was outraged that Harry thought that she sent him a letter like a thirteen-year-old Lavender, and Harry was getting increasingly wound up that Hermione was denying the whole thing.
It resulted in the pair standing in the middle of the alley, bantering at the top of their voices with a rather large and intrigued audience. The pair only realised their surrounding circumstances when there was a number of flashes from a camera and then hurried footsteps.
"Oh we are going to be hearing about that!" Hermione groaned before turning her back on Harry and retreating away. She could hear various whispers from the crowd.
"They're having a lover's tiff."
"Was about to hit the rocks eventually; no couple's perfect."
"Oh bollocks!"