Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 15)
Challenge: Single Story Week: Harry/Hermione travel somewhere together
Challenge Conditions: Each day we'll post a challenge topic as usual, but each consecutive day
you will continue your story from the day before...and on Friday you'll have a 6000+ word story that flows from
beginning to end and includes each of the daily challenges as given.
Title: Hit and Run (Part 4/5)
"It was nothing, I swear, I just, erm...overreacted a bit, no big deal," Hermione said vaguely to Ron as he took his cloak off at the side of her. "Why's Harry talking to Katie?" she asked. Ron's head shot up and Seamus swung around to spy on his friend.
"Oh no," Ron said, hiding his hands behind his eyes.
"What, what's going on?" Hermione asked somewhat frantically. Seamus turned his head back round to face Ron,
"We're in for a show here, aren't we mate?" he laughed, taking a gulp of his ale. "Has he even spoke to her since…well you know?"
"Erm...not that I know of," Ron responded, looking on at Harry, his eyes widened significantly as he saw Katie throw herself at his best friend. He quickly grabbed Hermione's arm trying to steal her attention away but it was too late; she dropped her glass with a start.
"Katie!" Harry gasped as he pushed her from him with force, "what the hell do you think you're doing?" Harry brought the back of his hand up and wiped his lips, not taking his shocked eyes from her.
"Look, I know what you're gonna say Harry, and yes maybe I am being stupid, but do you blame me really? After that night!"
"But we decided at the time--"
"I know we did," said Katie. "That's why I just kissed you."
"You just kissed me because you know I want nothing to do with you?" Harry asked, running a shaky hand through his hair.
"Exactly, I just needed to kiss you one last time, so now I can get over it." He looked at Katie incredulously and backed away. She smiled, rushing a feeble apology before she left . Harry stood in a daze, not really sure what to make of what just happened.
"What the hell was that all about?" Hermione grilled Ron furiously.
"Don't ask me!"
"She was bound to kiss him after what happened between them, I mean he just left it so….unfinished." Ginny giggled.
"And what exactly did happen between them?" Hermione asked irately, causing Ginny's face to drop like Crabbe and Goyle to Malfoy's feet.
"Oh…erm…I gotta go," she said, making a sharp exit with Seamus.
"Harry, I um, I'm leaving, you might want to go and talk to Hermione, I kinda accidentally forgot she didn't know about Katie." Ginny smiled weakly. Harry looked over to Hermione to find her gripping the table harshly, she looked more than unhappy.
"Oh bleeding hell," Harry said as he rushed over "Hi, Hermione."
"You did what?" Hermione turned from Ron to Harry. She looked a mixture of emotions; shocked, amused, disgusted and annoyed. "You bloody shagged Katie bloody Bell in a locker room?" she asked, stunned.
"Well not, technically," Harry said nervously, causing Ron to snigger.
"What do you mean 'not technically'?" she asked him skeptically. Harry began to shuffle on the spot nervously.
"It never erm…well what I mean to say is, that I couldn't…." He leaned in and whispered the remainder of the sentence into Hermione's ear bashfully. Hermione covered her hand with her mouth as he pulled away; her eyes widened, shaking silently on the spot.
"Oh, Harry…I'm sorry," she managed to say before she burst into a fit of giggles. Harry stood with pursed lips as he watched his two best friends nurse stitches in their sides.
"When you've finished laughing," Harry spoke to Hermione "You'll be happy to know that the wizarding world seems to think that we're engaged." He smiled smugly as Hermione stopped laughing abruptly.
"Not laughing now, are you? Apparently that's why we were arguing, over wedding arrangements or something."
"Rightly so! I'm not marrying you if you can't perform-"
"I dare you to finish that sentence!" he growled.
"And plus you're off kissing other women in bars right in front of me." She smiled.
"I didn't kiss her, she threw herself at me." He grinned, sitting down at the table.
The trio were greeted by a gaggle of journalists and photographers as they apparated back in to London at the end of the night. Apparently word had spread fast about Harry and Hermione's `on-again-off-again' imaginary engagement.
"Oh for Merlin's sake," Harry growled as the herd rushed forwards energetically. "Come on let's get out of here." He grabbed Hermione by the wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction.
"Quite the predicament you have yourself here," Ron yelled as he scampered off, laughing.
"This way," Hermione shouted to Harry as the mob got closer. They ran as fast as they could, winding in and out of alleys, trying desperately to escape. As the interviewers dwindled, they ran into muggle London. Hermione ran to her car and unlocked, jumping inside.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked as she put the key in the ignition.
"Driving away, they won't come after us in this thing, they wouldn't dare," she said as she put her foot down on the accelerator. Harry sat back in his seat, taking his glasses off so he didn't have to see.
They travelled for ten minutes before Hermione pulled the car over into a darkened street.
"That ought to do it." She smiled at Harry. He let out a deep breath, about to put his glasses on.
"Uh uh." Hermione shook her head slightly, taking Harry's glasses from his hands.
"What are you doing? I can't see." Hermione undid her seat belt and cautiously clambered over the gear stick to Harry's seat.
"Can you now?" she asked as she straddled him. Harry gulped and nodded tensely. "Why'd you push Katie away?" she whispered huskily, bringing her hands up to his neck.
"Erm…cause I'm not interested," he said, his eyes wide and his voice breaking in his throat. The palms of his hands were sweating and he shuddered visibly as Hermione touched the skin of his neck.
"Is that the only reason?" she asked again in a dangerously sultry voice. She pulled back and searched his eyes. He shook his head again, not trusting his brain to come up with the words he required.
"Didn't think so," she smiled assertively as she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. After a few moments of dizziness, Harry responded to the kiss, wrapping his arms around her.
"You do realise," he spoke when they pulled apart, "that when people ask about our first kiss, I'm going to have to say you attacked me in your car." He smiled fervently.
"How romantic!" she breathed, leaning into him again.