Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry & Hermione have a fight and make up.
Title: I didn't mean to hurt you
Harry Potter stormed through the library seething with anger. He cut through the shelves and tables heading directly to where he knew she would be. He rounded the corner to see her sat laughing with her friends at a study table.
His eyes narrowed as she looked up at him and smiled warmly, he gritted his teeth and glowered trying to hold his tongue, he didn't want this discussion in front of her friends.
"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked grinning as Harry turned his back to walk out. Harry lost it; the rage imprisoned inside of him was making his blood boil and he let it out, slamming a paper down on to the desk in front of her with immense force.
"What the hell is this?" he barked in a gruff, low voice, his anger clearly evident. Hermione eyes widened as she looked down at the paper, her previously grin quickly disappeared with shock and was replaced with a quivering jaw. She couldn't find words.
"Well?" He demanded staring intently at her
"Harry…I..I didn't mean for this to…."
"to get out?! How could you of all people do this to me Hermione?" he bellowed completely ignoring the shocked expressions of the girls sat around the table.
"Harry…it's not what you think….."
"You know what Hermione; I don't even wanna hear it. I thought I could trust you. I thought you were different, but you're not, you're JUST like them! Meddling and interfering around in my life because yours is too sad and pathetic, you are just like them Hermione." Harry roared at her in rapid succession, his body tense and shook up, his fists were balled up his nails packed heavily into his skin.
Hermione starred terrified at Harry. She began to shake and tears began flowing feely from her eyes, without a word she stood up and pushed past him running at full speed out of the library.
Harry's mouth became wide, hearing what he had just said to her ringing in his ears. He pushed his hands over his eyes and into his hair before falling to his knees his head bent down low.
"I didn't mean that" he breathed regretfully as moisture broke free from his eyes "What did I just do?" he sobbed. Ginny stood up from the table quickly grabbing hers and Hermione's things
"You just potentially ruined the best thing you ever had" She spat at him "You're pathetic"
A few hours later Harry walked through the portrait hole, all eyes rounded on him as came in and there was a silence, he pursed his lips annoyed that everybody obviously knew what had happened. He took a brief look around praying that Ron wasn't in there, he was sure that he would definitely receive a right hook to the jaw if he was. He walked slowly over to the bottom of the girl's staircase and stood there. His brow screwed up in concentration, she was up there and he needed to see her but knew as soon as he stepped foot on a step it would move. He racked his brain trying to think of a spell and looked around the room hopefully. His eyes narrowed as he walked over to a young boy in first year
"Can I borrow this?" he asked in a gravely voice. The boy shook his head rather taken back that Harry Potter had spoken to him. Harry picked up the Comet Two Sixty and walked back over to the staircase, mounting the broom and unevenly flying up.
He burst into Hermione's room dramatically to se her balled up on her bed, her back to the door. He walked over to her laying a hand on his shoulder, which she pulled away from underneath him harshly.
"Harry just leave" she whispered solemnly her voice filled with hurt.
"I can't Hermione. You don't have to talk to me, you don't have to do anything but I can't leave right now." He whispered back, his throat catching. He swallowed hard pulling a chair up to the side of her bed. "Hermione I'm so sorry" She shook head slightly but Harry couldn't see. "I really I am, I didn't mean to say what I did…Well I did mean to say it but I didn't mean it" He put his head in his hands; his words weren't coming out very well. "Look, I was angry, I was really angry, but I had no right to say what I did to you, it just came out, but I didn't mean it, you have to believe me."
Hermione lay listening to Harry's words intently but didn't speak.
"Hermione, you're my best friend and I love you so much, you're everything I could ever ask for and I know you didn't mean for that to happen, I still had no right. I jumped to conclusions and did the one thing I promised I'd never do in my life….I hurt you" Harry lowered his head and breathed deeply. After a few moment silence he stood up and left the room
"I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry".
She turned around as he closed the door behind
Harry woke the next morning to a hand ruffling through his hair. He opened his eyes slowly met by hers. She smiled weakly running a finger over his scar delicately.
"It's okay Harry" she sighed.
"No, it's not" he shook his head definitely. "I'm so sorry Hermione, I didn't mean.."
"I know, I'm sorry too"
She reached out for his hand before he pulled her into a tight hug, his jaw quivering as he tried to keep his emotion in check.
"I'll never hurt you again" he whispered
"Good, cause I know quite a lot of hexes" she laughed gently