Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry inherits Sirius's flying motorbike. Will Hermione ride with him?
Title: Motorcycle Fiasco
"Whoa, check out the biker!"
"Ooo he's getting off, whoa, nice B-hind, mister,"
Hermione shook her head at her muggle friends; they reminded her of Lavender and Parvati so much. She refused to turn and ogle the poor man they had targeted. They were seated outside a café in a nearby village, drinking coffee and catching up. Hermione had been home a few days and wanted to spend some time with her two friends.
"He's taking his helmet off…okay, so he pulls off the nerdy glasses, not only is he gorgeous and does he ride a motor bike, he's smart."
"Check out that scar too! Above his right eye."
Hermione's head whipped up from the napkin she was fiddling with with raised eyebrows. She turned around to find Harry Potter standing by a large black motorcycle. Her mouth dropped and her eyes widened.
"Harry James Potter, explain yourself now!!!" Hermione's friend's gawked at her as she stood marching over to the cute guy, hands on her hips. Harry reached out to his best friend hugging her. She didn't respond, she just stood there, hands still on hips, lips pursed.
"Hey." He smiled the largest grin he could muster.
"Don't `hey' me! What in Merlin's name is this?" she asked. Her friends were trying hard to listen to their conversation from the table, obviously intrigued by how Hermione knew Harry.
`It's a motorcycle, Hermione," he said, trying to be cute
"I can see that perfectly well for myself, thank you," she retorted.
"Why'd you ask if you knew the answer?" he smiled cheekily.
"Shut up!" she said, patting him on the arm, "where in the world did you get it?" Harry didn't answer; he just starred at her blankly. "Well?"
"You told me to shut up."
"Oh, you are impossible," she spoke, finally cracking and smiling. He responded with a smile of his own.
"No more answers until I get a hug," he told her assertively. She laughed wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
"It's great to see you, Harry. Now tell me where you got this thing before I hex you right here for everyone to see." He smiled, letting go of her.
"It was Sirius's, I've had it for a while we just…erm….never told you." Hermione stepped back, shocked.
"Harry!!! I can't believe you didn't tell me."
"Well, I knew you'd go all Mrs Weasley on me…she doesn't know either, by the way." he gave her his lopsided grin. She shook her head slowly.
"I swear one of these days I'm going to pop my clogs worrying over you Harry!" she was tense.
"Stop worrying then," he said, taking her hands in his.
"Stop giving me reasons too." She smiled sweetly up at him, relaxing at his touch.
Harry squeezed her hands as they gazed gently into each other's eyes. Harry turned away nervously, colour rising in his cheeks.
"Why are those girls staring?" Harry asked inquisitively. Hermione dropped Harry's hands, having forgotten that her friends were watching. She cleared her throat and introduced him to her friends.
"Harry, this is Anna and Laura. I used to go to primary school with them." Harry smiled at her friends, shaking each of their hands in turn.
"Hey, how do you know Hermione?" one of the girls asked rather eagerly.
"We went to school together."
Harry spent the afternoon with the girls in the village, shopping, eating and getting to know Hermione's friends. At some point he had latched on to Hermione's hand as they walked without realising it, making Hermione's friends raise their eyebrows at her suggestively to which she just scoffed.
"Okay, sweetie, we gotta go - see you next week okay?" Anna and Laura said their goodbyes to Hermione and Harry and headed off in the direction of home.
"Well that was fun" Harry smiled
"Killed you didn't it?" Hermione said in a know-it-all tone
"Little bit, yeah" he said hugging her friendlily "We better get you home then"
Knowing what he was suggesting Hermione ducked out of his grip turned and began walking away.
"Oh come on, Hermione, just to your house, it's not that far."
"No, Harry, my parents are coming to pick me up shortly."
"Actually, no they're not. I told then I'd take you home when I stopped by earlier to find you."
Harry ran up behind her and pulled her over the street to where his Motorbike was parked; they ducked and dived in and out of each other's grip. To passers by this must have looked like a frantic dance around the bike.
"Come on, Hermione, please, don't you trust me?" he said, looking hurt. Hermione couldn't help but lighten up at this but she still didn't want to ride. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. Would I let you go anywhere near it if it were dangerous?" After a lengthy consideration Hermione came around to his reason.
Harry smiled excitedly kissing her on the forehead quickly, he handed her a blue helmet before putting one on of his own. He started up the bike with a loud rumble and held out a hand to help her climb on the back. She sat down, finding the appropriate place for her feet and griped on to him like he was library book.
Harry started off slowly pulling away and riding down the road carefully. They had just travelled past the village when Harry lifted the bike off the ground.
"Oh my God, Harry, get this bike back on the floor this instant!!!!" Hermione screeched, mortified that Harry hadn't told her it could fly.
He pulled the bike back down to the floor, laughing heartily. He could practically feel Hermione's heart beat as she clung to him. He rode the rest of the way back with the bike placed firmly on the floor. He was sure that Hermione had had her eyes closed all the way, but was glad she ridden with him anyway.
Reaching the Granger house, he pulled the bike to the side of the road and waited for her to get off before parking it up.
"Well?" he smiled at her expectantly.
"I hate you."