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The Prophecy by moogle

The Prophecy


Disclaimer: I do not own any Harry Potter or Final Fantasy characters etc.

Warning: No spoilers. (AU)

A/N: I wrote this for a challenge on portkey but decided to fix things up and so I thought you might like to read it too. Just to let you know Ronaldius is Ron. And there are some final fantasy characters thrown in and places. (AU) Just keep in mind this was my first ever fanfic, so it's not the greatest of my work, lol.

Chapter 1: Another world, Another Time

A boy with raven black hair and curiously green eyes lay flat on his back in what appeared to be a grassy meadow. The sweet smell of wild flowers tantalised his nostrils and the pale sun shone down from cerulean skies, sending warmth into his skin.

Harry looked around. He could hear a faint buzzing noise. As he shook his head, he realised the buzzing was people talking. No more then a metre away from him were two men arguing.

"What are you talking about Locke? We can't just leave him here", said a man with amazingly red hair.

"What do you expect me to do? We have more important things to worry about. What with Kefka trying to destroy the world and This Evil Lord Voldemort guy popping up out of nowhere".

Harry stood up slowly and studied the men. The man with flaming red hair was very tall with freckles covering his tanned arms and long nose. He was strongly built and carried a bronze sword on his side. His dark brown eyes looked compassionate but held a fiery passion within their depths. Judging from his clothes, Harry guessed he was quite poor.

The other man had silvery gray hair and had a blue bandanna tied around his head. His blue eyes were filled with experience and mischief. He had a cunning way about him and Harry could make out two small daggers on a belt tied to his waist and a silver sword next to them.

The two men realised he was awake and walked over.

"Oh, you're awake", said the man with red hair. "My name's Ronaldius, but you can just call me Ron".

"And I'm Locke" The gray haired man said looking at Harry sharply.

"I'm Harry", said Harry bewildered, "Er..where am I?"

Locke looked at him suspiciously. "You don't work for Kefka or the Voldy guy do you?"

"No" said Harry shaking his head. He had no idea who either of them even was.

Locke narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly they heard a deep rumbling roar. All looked around instinctively. A giant monster was walking towards them, one that Harry had never seen before. It was extremely large and had purple fur with two rather sinister looking horns on it's beast-like face. It roared again and moved closer.

"What is that thing", Harry said shocked as he pulled out his wand.

"That would be a behemoth," Ron said pulling out a sword.

"No time to talk, let's fight!" Locke shouted.

The great beast began to swipe at them with its sharp claws. Locke stabbed it with his sword and yelled in frustration. "I hate these things, they take so long to die!"

Ron made an angry noise as he dodged another attack from the giant beast. "Just keep attacking!"

Harry watched the beast come closer to him with great thundering steps, its roars shaking the very bones inside him. It raised its ugly head to hit him with its horns and Harry with a sudden inspiration yelled the first spell that came to his head.

"Stupefy!" Harry shouted.

The jet of red light soared from Harry's wand and hit the monster squarely in its red eyes.

They watched, as the beast seemed to pause and then fell to the ground with a loud crash, causing the ground to shake.

Harry, Locke and Ron quickly ran away to put as much space between themselves and the giant monster.

Panting slightly Ron and Locke looked at Harry with a wary look in their eyes.
"Y-y-you can d-do m-magic" Ron spluttered.

"Uh, yeah, I am a wizard", Harry said perplexed. "What is the big deal about doing magic?" He asked.

Locke looked at Harry frowning, "Magic is an ancient gift that was lost. The tribe of magic users were wiped off the land during the Magi War. No one since has had the abilities of magic.

"Well I can do magic." Harry said firmly.

Ron eyed Harry warily and turned to Locke, "We can't ignore this. We should take him to Edgar; He'll know what to do. Besides Harry may be able to swing this war round for us."

Locke nodded. "You can help us."

"Me?" said Harry trying not to laugh. These people were crazy to think that he could do anything.

"We need your help Harry! Our world is being destroyed and we can't do anything to stop it. We've tried, but to no avail. But you can do magic. You must come with us." Locke urged.

This is just great thought Harry. He was in a strange world without a single clue of what to do and two people who wanted to drag him off to help save the world. What could he a sixteen-year-old wizard possibly do? He didn't even know how to change a teacup into a tortoise properly yet.
