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The Prophecy by moogle

The Prophecy


Disclaimer: I do not own any Harry Potter or Final Fantasy characters etc.

Warning: No spoilers. (AU)

The Journey begins

The morning came swiftly under a pale sun. Snow was falling and a biting wind was whipping against their faces.

Harry walked slowly. Two days ago he had been a normal boy. No destiny, just normal, well, as normal as a wizard could be.

He had been looking for a book in the restricted section for his potions homework when his eye had caught a small latch sticking out from under one of the bookcases. Intrigued, Harry had used his wand to move the bookcase and had pulled on the latch. A small tunnel with stairs had been revealed. Curious, Harry went down the stairs and to his surprise found a book. Opening the book he had seen an inscription on the front page. Harry had read it out loud to himself and then before he knew it, bright light had surrounded him and then he had woken up on the plains where Ron and Locke had been arguing.

Harry had assumed it was a dream but he could feel pain. He got hungry and he could control everything he was doing. He finally had to face the fact that he was in another world.

Harry heard someone call his name. It was Hermione.

"Hi", she said uncertainly.

"Hi", Harry said. She too had a destiny; he wondered how she felt about it.

"I wanted to thank you for helping me in the forest that day".

Harry didn't know what to say. He hadn't really done much. After all he had nearly died himself. "Are you ok?" Harry asked finally.

"Yes. I'm fine", she said brightly. She looked at him earnestly, saying "Isn't it strange?"

"What?" Harry asked.

"This whole destiny thing", she was holding the pendant again. There was a pause.

She looked away saying quietly, "I always knew I was different...but I never expected I could hold the fate of the world."

Harry understood how she was feeling. It was exactly how he had felt when he had first found out he was a wizard. He was shocked and didn't know what to think. Then last night finding out he had a destiny to save a world was almost overwhelming.

"What do you think they expect us to do?" Harry asked her.

"I'm not sure," she said shaking her head. The early morning sun caught her hair reflecting shimmers of light as she walked.

"I heard you were a wizard?" she asked quietly.

"Umm yeah I am". Harry responded uncomfortably. Most people in this world didn't react nicely to finding out Harry had magic.

"I too have powers," she said almost in a whisper.

Harry looked at her quickly.

Her eyes searched his face to see his expression. They were not smiling right now; they looked scared and wary. Harry had a sudden urge to take her up in his arms.

"I'm scared of my powers," she said almost barely audible.

Ron turned his head round "Oi, you too! Get moving we can't have any stragglers. What if something came and attacked you and we weren't there to help you?"

Hermione quickly ran ahead and joined the others. Harry wondered what her powers were and why she was so scared of them.

"That means you too Harry" Locke called.

Harry ran to catch up.

Yuffie was grumbling. "I could do with a fight. It's so cold. Where did this snow come from anyway?" she said angrily. "Yesterday it was perfectly sunny! Whoever heard of blizzards in the middle of summer?"

"That is strange," Locke gasped.

"Well it is annoying and I want it to stop" Yuffie whined.

"Oh, shutup" Ron snapped. "It's bad enough walking in this horrible weather without being inflicted by your annoying voice!"

Yuffie bristled "Excuse me but I-"

She had stopped abruptly, staring at something the others couldn't see. Quickly turning around to see what had made her go so quiet they saw a large band of what looked like soldiers. There were about fifty of them, standing silhouetted against the misty sky with their weapons held high.

"Great" Locke muttered. "Just what we need."

The warrior from the council who had been leading them and so far had not said a word finally turned around. "Gerad's men. Be careful." was all he said in a quiet voice.

Harry looked and felt a little apprehensive. These soldiers didn't look to friendly, he thought.

The man at the front of the band of soldiers walked over. "We have orders from the King of Alexandria to bring you traitors in."

"What is going on here!" the warrior bellowed.

"Aaah, Prince Marcus, how lovely to see you"

"You can save your pleasantries!" The prince answered.

"King Gerad will be most happy to know that you are coming home".

"My father is a traitor and I will not be coming back! I am helping these people under orders of the King Edgar, who is the King of all Gaia!"

"Take it up with the King" the soldier sneered. "Arrest them".

Several soldiers came forward. Ron and Locke both pulled out their swords,

"No" Prince Marcus hissed.

"A wise decision" The soldier smirked. "You are outnumbered and I doubt, he stared at Harry, you would do much damage."

Ron and Locke both dropped their swords.

A toothless soldier smiled at them as he collected up the weapons. He came to Hermione. "Hand over the weapons my pretty"

"I don't have any," she said shaking her head.

"We'll see" the toothless soldier sniggered as he grabbed Hermione.

She screamed and tried to push him off.

"Stop! Let her go!" Harry yelled pushing the guy off.

The toothless soldier glared at Harry pulling out his sword.

"No". Came the voice from the sneering soldier; he was obviously the captain. "They are not to be harmed. Just take their weapons and be quick."

The toothless soldier leered at Hermione but moved onto Harry who said he did not have any weapons. The soldier looked at him sceptically. "Then what is that?" he said pointing to Harry's wand.

"Just a stick," Harry said unconvincingly.

"Fine" the toothless soldier shrugged and moved onto Yuffie. She made quite a spectacle pulling daggers from her boots, hair, and almost every inch of clothes. He tugged the spear out of her hand and glared at her, clearly offended at her lack of delicacy for carrying so many weapons.

He then came to Damien. "Well boy, hand over the weapons"

Damien pulled out a dagger and a boomerang. But his pockets were still bulging. The toothless old man put his hands in Damien's overlarge coat pockets pulling out weapons, jewellery (which he had clearly stolen). Other trinkets fell to the ground in large amounts, as the toothless man checked each pocket. Finally the jacket was done and Damien smiled

"Well that's all then" Damien said innocently.

The old man stared at him suspiciously and pulled of the top hat. Inside was a watch (hey that's mine said Ron) a necklace and several other trinkets.

Thrusting the hat back in Damien's arms the toothless man took the stuff off to a wagon. The other men chained their hands and feet together and lead them off to another wagon.

The wagons started moving, all the soldiers following behind.

The Prince Marcus was very quiet. It must be hard, Harry thought, to be betrayed by your own father.

Hermione was lying next to Harry in the wagon. "What do you think they will do with us?" She asked him frightened.

"It will be alright" Harry said scared himself but still trying to reassure her.

He had not liked Gerad at all and it was clear Gerad had not liked him. Whatever he would do, Harry was sure it was not going to be nice.
