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Potter: A History by Piccolo999

Potter: A History


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc, etc. Anyone who thinks I do own Harry Potter is an idiot.

Potter: A History

Sum of the Year

Harry spent the last few weeks at Hogwarts as usual. He studied by day and roamed the halls by night. On weekends, he would visit Hagrid and ask the giant about his parents. Hagrid was pleased to fill him in.

He didn't have anymore contact with Dumbledore, but he felt the wizard watching him. It was beginning to get annoying. He wished the old Headmaster would just make up his mind already.

Harry didn't like being in the spotlight. He'd spent his entire life trying to stay out of it. You would think that after spending a year in the wizarding world, he'd have adapted to all the eyes on him, but he really hadn't. If anything, he'd gotten worse. Sometimes he wished he could just be invisible.

Maybe there was a spell for that…? He would have to find out. And if not, maybe he could invent one.

A few times a week, he would join Malfoy in their private abandoned classroom, and practise performing the stunning spell. Harry was becoming adept at tapping into the power needed to perform it - now he worked on his aim. Malfoy still struggled. He just didn't seem to have the same magical power that Harry had. Or maybe it was something else… Harry hadn't let on exactly how he performed the spell.

All in all, it was a productive last few weeks, but Harry still felt discouraged as he boarded the train that would take him home for the summer. How would the Dursleys react to him now that he had spent a year at Hogwarts, learning the very thing they despised? He couldn't blame them if they treated him badly. He deserved it.

It was just another price he had to pay if he wanted to avenge his parent's deaths.

Looking at the photograph of his parents, he realised he would pay it gladly, over and over again.

He would do whatever it took.

And Voldemort would die.