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Potter: A History by Piccolo999

Potter: A History


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc, etc. Anyone who thinks I do own Harry Potter is an idiot.

Potter: A History

Unwelcome and Professor Snape

Zabini was the last to be sorted, and he joined Slytherin as well, sitting down next to Harry.

As for Harry, he was very aware of the dark looks he was receiving from quite a few of his housemates. Zabini seemed ignorant of this fact. He was chatting away as if they were old friends.

'…it's not a bad house to be in, is it?'

Harry nodded vaguely, still feeling the eye daggers he was getting from down the table. Not for the first time, he wondered what he had gotten himself into.

The silver haired wizard Harry had noticed before stood up and everything went quiet. He smiled down at everyone and spoke in a clear voice, 'welcome!' Harry deduced that this must be Albus Dumbledore - the wizard Hagrid proclaimed to be the greatest of all time. Harry had a hard time believing this as the clearly odd wizard finished his little speech.

Magically, of course, food appeared on the table before him, and everyone began to tuck in. Zabini heaped loads on his plate and said, 'finally, I'm bloody starving.'

Harry looked up at the staff table, ignoring the food for now, and trying to ignore his cold welcome into Slytherin.

He spotted Hagrid at the very far end of the room. He also saw Professor Quirrel, the wizard he had met in the Leaky Cauldron, and sitting next to him was a hook nosed, greasy haired man. This man, whoever he was, was pretending to listen as Quirrel spoke, but in actuality his attention was focused on Harry. They looked at each other across the room. Harry felt uncomfortable under the wizard's gaze and looked away.

'You going to eat or what?' Zabini asked with his mouth full.

Harry began to help himself to the food in reply.

'Try the pie,' Zabini suggested.

After they had eaten, Dumbledore again got to his feet. He made a few announcements, something about a third-floor corridor being off limits, and then led the Great Hall in some stupid school song. Harry didn't sing, and he noticed most of the Slytherin's didn't either.

They were dismissed. Harry followed Zabini, who in turn was following a Prefect, all the way down into the Hogwarts dungeons, and then into the Slytherin common room. Harry was barely through the door before he was attacked. Someone shoved him from behind and he fell to the cold stone floor.

'Harry Potter,' someone spat. Harry rolled over to look up at his assailant. The boy was obviously older, maybe a sixth or seventh year, and had dark hair gelled at the front. He wasn't alone. A ring of Slytherin's had surrounded Harry. Zabini was outside the circle, watching quietly, along with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

The boy shook his head. 'Harry Potter in Slytherin,' he continued, 'fancy that. I don't know what the sorting hat was thinking, but you don't belong here. I suggest you get your things and find somewhere else to stay, before something nasty happens.'

Harry got to his feet and glared up at the boy. Fear coiled inside him, but also a great anger, an evil feeling he knew only too well. It was how he felt when Dudley bullied him.

The boy laughed. 'Look how he glares,' he said, mockingly. 'I'll give you one last chance. Leave now, or else.'

Harry would have left. He was scared. However, ultimately, he knew he had nowhere else to go. Plus, if he were going to challenge the most evil wizard there ever was, he would need to grow a backbone. He wouldn't - couldn't - allow himself to be bullied anymore.

So he reached deep inside. What he found surprised him. It was a wealth of courage he'd never even known existed, locked away inside him. 'Or else what?' he said, quietly, but in the silence of the room, his voice carried powerfully.

The boys face showed open surprise, but only for a moment. The next second Harry found himself looking down the shaft of a wand. He didn't let himself flinch.

'Or else I blow you into tiny-tiny pieces, pieces so tiny they won't ever find you.'

Harry didn't get a chance to respond.

'That's enough Lockerty,' a waspish voice called out from the door. The boy turned. Standing in the doorway was the wizard Harry had seen talking with Professor Quirrel. 'Put that wand away before I do something about it.'

'Yes Professor Snape,' the boy said, and quickly did as told. He stepped out of the way as the wizard made his way into the room. The ring around Harry had disbanded now.

'Potter is under my protection,' Professor Snape said, glaring around the room. 'If anyone harms even a hair on his head, they'll have to answer to me. Am I clear?'

There was a murmur of assent, some of it grudging.

'Good,' the wizard said, and then gestured back the way he had come. 'This way Potter.' Harry followed him back outside.

Once outside, Professor Snape regarded him openly. 'Do you know who I am?'

Harry shook his head - a negative.

'My name is Severus Snape, the head of Slytherin House. I also teach Potions. Interested in Potions Potter?'

'I've read a few books on it,' Harry replied.

'Good,' the head of Slytherin said, pleased, 'I don't have time for slackers. I'm sure that won't be a problem with you, will it Potter? You'll do your house proud?'

Again, Harry nodded.

'Speak up Potter.'

'Yes sir,' Harry said.

Professor Snape paused thoughtfully, and then put an arm around Harry's shoulders and walked him away from the Slytherin common room. 'I'll be honest with you Potter, I'm not supposed to show favouritism, but sometimes I do. I can tell when a student is going to excel, and I get that feeling from you. If you do right by me, I'll do right by you. I mean it Potter. If you ever need anything, you let me know. I make it a point to give my students every advantage they need to succeed. You understand?'

'Yes sir.' Harry understood all right. This wizard Severus Snape was trying to get into Harry's good graces… but why?

'And,' he tapped the side of his nose, 'you keep this conversation between the two of us.'

'Yes sir.'

'Good. Now you best get back to your dorm. Early start in the morning. Lots of work to do.'

'Yes sir.'

Professor Snape clapped him on the back and sent him on his way. Harry didn't look back. The common room had emptied considerably while he'd been talking with the head of Slytherin. Zabini was seemingly waiting for him.

'Come on Potter, let's go check out our new digs.'