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Potter: A History by Piccolo999

Potter: A History


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc, etc. Anyone who thinks I do own Harry Potter is an idiot.

Potter: A History

Home Sweet Home

In the end, Dumbledore sent Severus Snape to pick Harry up at Kings Cross.

Harry's Head of House arrived like a bat, swooping down on them with billowing black cloak. The Potions Master ignored Hagrid and clapped his favoured student on the shoulder, before turning curious eyes to the hidden entrance to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. He waved his wand discreetly, lest the passing Muggle's notice.

`Old Magic,' he muttered, a dark look on his face.

Old Magic? Harry filed that away under things to look into.

`Always something with you, eh Potter,' Snape said, whilst pulling from his robes a broken cassette. `Know what this is?'

Harry regarded the unusual item closely. The obvious answer came to mind, but he discarded it immediately. He was sure it wasn't just an old, broken cassette tape. He shrugged in reply.

Snape smirked. `This is a Portkey. It will take us to Hogsmeade. Ready?'


`Grab this end.' Snape offered it to him. Hagrid came closer and put one enormous finger in the middle. Snape held onto the other end still. `Don't let go.'

Harry waited, his impatience rising slowly as nothing happened. What exactly was supposed to… but Harry didn't get to finish that thought. He was suddenly picked up, whirled into nothingness, and then dumped roughly down onto the ground. He fell, landing on his hands and knees. Professor Snape and Hagrid stood calmly beside him. He angrily brushed his hands clean of dirt as he stood up, embarrassed at having fallen.

`Yeh' alrigh' `Arry?' Hagrid asked, moving to help him.

Harry warned him off with raised hands and replied stiffly, `I'm fine.' If there was one thing Harry hated, it was looking like a fool. He'd been made to suffer such indignities all his life - at the hands of his aunt and uncle, but mainly his cousin - that he just couldn't stand it. He hated to be reminded of his weakness.

Snape gave Harry an even look and a small nod. Harry was sure he saw a look of understanding in the dark eyes of the Head of Slytherin. `I would rather not stand around here all day. Let's get a move on.'

Harry was grateful for the change in topic. He gladly followed Snape as the wizard strode purposefully away. Hagrid was left blinking in confusion, but quickly caught up with his larger step.

Up ahead, Harry could see Hogwarts Castle, and it was a welcoming sight. Home awaited him.
