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Potter: A History by Piccolo999

Potter: A History


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc, etc. Anyone who thinks I do own Harry Potter is an idiot.

Potter: A History

A Very Dursley Summer

`Harry Potter should not go to Hogwarts this year!' The tiny, bat-eared creature spoke in an annoyingly squeaky voice.

Harry sat on his bed, staring at the strange creature that had appeared in his bedroom. Downstairs, his uncle was hosting a dinner party for some important client. Harry had strict orders not to make a single noise, but right now he was more interested in what this… house-elf… was trying to tell him.

`Why not?'

Harry's time at Privet Drive hadn't been all that bad this time around, which had been a surprise to him. He had been expecting even worse treatment after his year at Hogwarts, but apparently his aunt, uncle and cousin all feared his new magical powers too much to attempt anything. Of course, Harry wasn't allowed to use magic outside school, but he wasn't going to tell them that.

`Very bad things will happen,' the house-elf said, wringing his hands, `very bad things.'

`And how do you know this?'

`Dobby hears things. His master has plans for Hogwarts. Please, Harry Potter, you must not go to Hogwarts this year.'

`Your master? Who?'

The house-elf Dobby gave a squeak, opened his mouth, and then smashed his head into Harry's desk. Hedwig squawked in alarm, wings rustling in her cage. Harry jumped up and pulled Dobby away from the desk.

`What the hell are you doing?' Dobby struggled in his arms. `Quit it.'

Dobby stopped. Harry listened. All was quiet downstairs. Had they heard him? He clamped a hand over Dobby's mouth. He waited. He heard a murmur of conversation, and then relaxed. They didn't appear to have heard.

`Don't make a sound,' Harry warned, releasing Dobby.

The house-elf crumpled to the floor.

This damn creature is crazy, Harry thought. `What was that about?'

`Dobby must not defy his master. He cannot.'

Harry frowned. None of this was making any kind of sense. `You're master forbade you to speak about his plans?'

`I must not reveal my masters secrets,' Dobby said.

`But you're here,' Harry said, `trying to anyway?'

`Dobby must warn Harry Potter.'


`Harry Potter is a great wizard.' Dobby spoke about him as if he was some kind of hero. `You saved us all from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.'

`Alright,' Harry said, `so I can't go to Hogwarts this year. Something bad is going to happen, but you can't tell me what. You can, however, warn me. Consider it done. Thanks. You can leave now.'

`Harry Potter will not go to Hogwarts this year?'

`Of course I will,' Harry said.

`You cannot!' Dobby cried in alarm.

`Shut it.' Harry growled low.

Dobby paused. `Harry Potter cannot make noise?'

Harry didn't like the look on the house-elf's face. `Don't even...' But he didn't get a chance to finish. Dobby disappeared with a crack. `Damn.'

Harry rushed quietly to the door, peered out, and then ran down stairs on light feet.

`Dobby?' He whispered harshly. `You do anything, and I'll staple your ears to the ceiling, you pointy-eared freak.'

Harry heard a crash coming from the kitchen. He ran in just in time to see Dobby levitating a large cake in the air. The house-elf met his eyes. `Harry Potter must not go to Hogwarts.' Then he vanished again. The cake fell. Harry shielded his eyes.

The Dursleys and their guests burst into the room to find Harry standing amidst the ruined kitchen. Harry lowered his eyes under the uncle's furious gaze.

`What is the meaning of this boy?'

`I'm sorry uncle Vernon,' Harry said.

Later that night, locked in his room, Harry sat on his bed. `I'm going to kill that damn house-elf.'

Shortly after the cake incident, an owl had arrived, bearing a letter from the Ministry of Magic. It had reminded him, and thus his aunt and uncle, that he was not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts, and had then gone on to issue him a warning.

Uncle Vernon had then proceeded to throw Harry into his room. He took all of Harry's belongings, his magic books, his wand, and even Hedwig in her cage, and then locked him in his room. Harry had no idea what his uncle had done with his stuff, but it couldn't be good.

Harry's stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten anything all day and he was starving. He went and knocked on his door. No one answered. He slumped back onto his bed.

`Great,' he said to himself. He had four move weeks left before he was scheduled to return to Hogwarts - if his uncle even allowed him to return. They wouldn't keep him locked up for the whole four weeks, would they? Harry already knew the answer.

Yeah, they would.

And they did.
