Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs Of Hogwarts

Chapter Eleven - Decisions and Instructions

The next day, Professor Dumbledore sat behind his desk in his study, watching the rather large group of people before him with amusement, his blue eyes twinkling over his half-moon spectacles. Today was the day when most of the decisions about the Four Heirs would be made and plans and instructions would be laid out. The primary topic that would be discussed was where the Heirs would be taken to prepare for their inevitable meeting with Voldemort and taught to control their new powers.

A slight tension hung in the air between every person. Dumbledore's gaze went first to the Heirs themselves. Harry and Hermione were sitting side by side in the two chairs facing Dumbledore's desk. Their relationship change still very new, the two seemed a little awkward with each other and unsure of how to show everyone that they liked each other 'more than friends.' They kept stealing little glances at each other and blushing profusely, alternating between holding hands and then dropping them when a teacher looked their way. Ginny was leaning on Hermione's armrest, watching the two with amusement. She had squealed with delight when Harry and Hermione had walked in the room holding hands with shy smiles on their faces. She had long before given up on Harry and soon her crush on him had faded as well.

Ginny seemed to be doing much better over the past few days. Her parents had come to visit her finally and it seemed that seeing them had done well for Ginny, who still was suffering from Bill's death. Though she appeared much happier on the surface, Dumbledore could still notice a slight deadened look in her eyes, the same look that haunted Harry's and Hermione's eyes as well. At the moment, she was chatting animatedly with Hermione, her glance sometimes shifting to the lone figure by the back wall.

Draco. He was the only one who Dumbledore doubted he would ever get through to. He was sulking in the back of the room, slumped in a stuffy chair, a very hateful sneer on his features. His blonde hair was tussled and looked like it hadn't been combed in days, very unusual for Malfoy. The circles under his eyes were almost as bad as Hermione's and his gray eyes were extremely bloodshot. He obviously didn't want to be there and kept shooting the other three disgusted looks.

And then there were the teachers Dumbledore had invited to attend the meeting. Professor McGonagall, who kept casting worried looks at the four; Professor Snape, who looked utterly bored; Professor Trelawney, who looked somewhat like the cat who swallowed the canary and was gazing at everyone with a very superior look on her face; Professor Lupin, who had been called back once more to fill in the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, much to Harry's delight; Madame Pomfrey, who was looking anxious and confused and kept shooting glances at the door; and finally, 'Mad-Eye' Moody, who Draco kept snarling at, despite the fact that this Mad-Eye had never turned him into the Amazing Bouncing Ferret.

Dumbledore finally stood up and the small room fell very quiet. "Well, I am glad you all could make it. I'll try and make this meeting as short and pleasurable as possible," he said with a small smile as Draco let out a haughty laugh. "I'm sure you would all like to sit so..." he flicked his wand and several more chairs popped into view with everyone taking a seat.

"What's this about, Dumbledore?" Mad-Eye growled slowly, his electric blue eye swiveling rapidly while a few of the others muttered in agreement.

"Ah yes, I seemed to have forgotten that some of you do not know what the meeting is about." He waved his hand toward Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco. "May I present to you.....the Four Heirs of the Founders."

Mad-Eye's eye spun around even faster, his misshapen mouth going slightly slack. Professor Lupin seemed surprised as well but he gave them all a look of pride. Professor Trelawney held her chin up with the air of someone who had known well beforehand what the meeting was about.

"But of course, I knew months ago," she sniffed.

Professor McGonagall snorted and Trelawney gave her a hateful glare. Harry shifted uncomfortably under the stares of so many people and his gaze fell on Professor Snape, who had a rather blank expression on his face. When he caught Harry staring, he gave his usual sneer.

"Are you sure that these are the.....ah.....right Heirs?" Snape questioned, his eyes never leaving Harry.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Severus, I am quite sure. You saw Mister Malfoy collapse in your own classroom and you know the signs. I have no doubts that these are the Four and neither should you." He gave a very pointed look and Snape closed his mouth. He continued speaking to everyone. "You all are well aware of the Prophecy of Merlin so I need not tell it to you. The Four have been revealed and they sit here before you. It is their destiny and fate that they should meet and fight against Lord Voldemort and bring him to destruction. But first, they must be prepared and they must be trained. The regular studies they receive here at Hogwarts will not be sufficient enough for them to battle Voldemort, they need specialized training."

"What does this have to do with us, Albus?" Professor McGonagall questioned with a curious look on her face.

Dumbledore sighed. "All of you invited here are specialized in one or another area of magic. The areas of magic you are specialized in, these four need and must learn. I am appointing you all as teachers to them over the next several months and maybe even longer. Their regular lessons will be suspended for the time being."

"You expect us to drop everything here, every other student here, for four students?" Snape said angrily.

"This is extremely important, I can not stress that point even more. The wizarding world and its fate lies in their hands now. They. Must. Be. Trained. I will be appointing substitutes for the time that you are all gone. You will make up course schedules for the next year and leave them with me."

"Aren't you training us as well, Professor?" Hermione blurted out.

Dumbledore smiled at her. "Yes, Miss Granger, I will be teaching you as well. But my duty goes to my school as well. My lessons will not be as frequent though they will be tough. I will be instructing all of you in the ways of wandless magic, a very difficult but useful tool. In battle, in case any of you should lose your wand, wandless magic could very well save your life. Since you are the Four Heirs, you all possess special abilities that most wizards and witches do not have. Wandless magic is very rare and hard but I have no doubts in your abilities."

He turned to the adults once more. "So, I must appoint all of you to your positions. Prepare each of them in the way you see fit, though do not push them too hard." He gave the briefest of glances to Snape once more. "As you heard, I will be teaching them wandless magic and other very specialized forms of magic as it."

Dumbledore looked down at the stack of papers before him and shuffled them a bit. He pushed his glasses up his crooked nose and looked back up. A thoughtful look passed over his features before he spoke again. "Well, let's see. Minerva, you will be teaching them the ways of an Animagus and how to transform into one. You are one yourself so I thought it best to choose you for this."

Professor McGonagall nodded, a look of concentration on her face as Dumbledore turned to Professor Lupin. "Remus, you will be teaching them Defense Against the Dark Arts but to a more extreme level. They will learn both defense and offense from you and how to control it."

"Mad-Eye, you will help Remus with that training as well as teaching the four stealth and physical combat. I remember very well when you were younger, before Death-Eaters slowed you down some, that you were very physical in your attacks and I'm sure you still remember some techniques." Moody gave a growl of assertion. "Very good, they will need to know some of the ways of the Aurors to succeed."

"Severus, you will be helping them to learn to control their emotions and their volatile Elemental powers. Occlumency is meant to help defend the mind against external penetration but it also helps to control emotions, as Harry would know." Dumbledore winked at Harry as Snape scowled. "I know you are not an Elemental yourself, no one but these four are, but the need for them to control it is essential."

Professor Trelawney and Madame Pomfrey were the only two let that Dumbledore hadn't addressed and both were watching him expectantly. He noticed their gazes and said, "Ah yes, now to the individual powers that must be controlled. Miss Weasley, since you are the Heir of Helga Hufflepuff you most certainly have acquired her gift as a Seer. Sibyll, you will be teaching Ginny here the ways of a Seer and how to use this unique gift."

Trelawney looked a little affronted. "But, Dumbledore, if she does not already possess the Sight, how do you expect me to teach it to her?"

"My dear Sibyll, you have most certainly heard of Helga Hufflepuff's Seeing abilities and now her Heir sits before you. She possesses, as you say, she just does not know how to use it. You will teach her how." Professor Trelawney still seemed unconvinced but nodded any ways, giving her new pupil a piercing and studying look.

Ginny didn't seem too happy about her new teacher and frowned deeply, trying to ignore the sniggers of Draco behind her. "Have fun with the old bat," he muttered loud enough for only her to hear.

Unaware of the exchange, Dumbledore now let his gaze fall on Madame Pomfrey. "Poppy, I know that you are only informed with healing spells and not an actual Healer who can just cure people by touching them but your skills will be needed to train Mister Potter here." Harry's eyes went wide for a second and he shifted his glance to Dumbledore, who nodded at him. "Godric Gryffindor was a Healer as are you, Harry. Madame Pomfrey will be your teacher in learning healing spells and different skills in that area. You will find most will come naturally and your wand will not be necessary after long."

"Miss Granger, your Empathic ability must be controlled and you will be receiving longer lessons from Professor Snape in that area. A more rigorous course in Occlumency will prevent feelings and thoughts of others to penetrate your brain as easily." Hermione's face fell when she was informed of her special teacher and looked at Snape, who was ignoring her.

"Mister Malfoy, Salazar Slytherin was Telepathic, which you were most likely unaware of until now." Sure enough, Draco's head snapped up and shock registered over his face. "Since you did not know this, you have not tried to communicate with anyone through your mind and thus your powers have been hidden from you. I will be teaching you this as I too have some telepathy powers." Draco seemed very unhappy with this news and crossed his arms and stared at the floor, muttering under his breath.

"So, there's the teaching assignments," Dumbledore said, clapping his hands together, "Teaching should begin immediately. The regular lessons that all four shall attend will be every day and the individual lessons every other day. My lessons to the four shall occur once a week. At the time of my visit, I will meet with everyone and expect an update on the progress." He paused, considering his next words. "Now, Lord Voldemort knows of the Four Heirs and he will be trying everything he can to get to them. They must be protected and though Hogwarts has its protections, Voldemort knows where it is and if he believes the Heirs to be here, he will come. They must be trained in a safe location that Voldemort does not know of and can not penetrate. Any ideas?"

Dumbledore did know of a place but he wanted to get the others opinions. Thoughtful and puzzled expressions passed over everyone. Hermione was more deep in thought than anyone and Harry chuckled softly at her expression. Draco wasn't joining in the conversation anymore and just looked bored now, resting his head back and closing his eyes. Finally, Mad-Eye grunted out, "Illustris."

A loud silence fell in the room. Professor McGonagall's eyes went wide and Hermione got a puzzled look on her face. "What's Illustris?" Ginny inquired.

"It's the old meeting and training base for the Order of the Phoenix and anyone else involved with the Light during the First War with Voldemort," Dumbledore explained, "It hasn't been used for years now but it's still efficient. It's unplottable and has hundreds of wards placed all over it. Voldemort knows nothing about it and I'm not even sure if the Ministry remembers it. It would be a perfect area for all of you to stay and to train."

To the surprise of everyone, Draco stood up suddenly and glared at Dumbledore. "I will not!" he bellowed, "I didn't choose to be a damn Heir and it's all your fault that I am one! I will not learn anything from you or anyone else! And I most certainly will not stay in the same place for months with a scar-head, a Mudblood, and a Muggle-loving riffraff!"

Harry blazed in anger and stood up sharply. "Harry! No!" Hermione exclaimed, pulling on his robes. Harry pushed her hand away though.

"Watch it, Ferret Boy! You think I like hanging with you either? You say any of those words to us again and," he yanked his wand out and pointed it straight between Draco's eyes, "you'll wish you'd never been born."

"Potter!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, leaping to her feet. Dumbledore waved her down. "Leave them alone, Minerva. They have to get used to each other."

Snape had strode over to the two and he shoved Harry's wand down. "Put that thing away, Potter," he snarled, "and you, Malfoy, watch that mouth of yours. Get used to these three. They're your partners now, whether you like it or not."

Draco sneered and sat back down, eyeing his favorite teacher in disgust. Harry sat down as well, breathing hard. Ginny had a look of fire in her eyes and when Draco saw this, he flinched visibly, still remembering their encounter in the hall.

Dumbledore gave Draco a serious look. "I am going to insist that the four of you become friends or, at least, try to be civil to one another. United, you can win against Voldemort, but divided, you shall fall. You must learn to trust and respect one another. You must learn of each other's abilities. You must learn to work off of each other's strengths and weaknesses. Together, you hold the Key to Voldemort's defeat but apart, you are merely stronger than the normal witch or wizard."

He sighed deeply and closed his eyes for a second. He felt very tired at the moment and worn from all the events. "So," Dumbledore said, reopening his eyes, "have we decided that Illustris is the place for training?"

"Albus, don't you think we should have it checked first, to make sure that Voldemort still has no idea of the place," Lupin said.

"Excellent point, Remus!" Dumbledore responded, "You, Severus, and Moody shall go and check the place tomorrow. Make sure all the wards are still up and that the Apparition points are working as are the Floo Network and the Portkey Network." He paused. "Are there anymore questions?"

When silence greeted him, he smiled. "Wonderful! Teachers, start preparing your lessons for your substitutes and then prepare your lessons for your remaining pupils. I want to have you all transferred to Illustris as soon as possible. I feel that the meeting with Voldemort will arrive soon." Dumbledore looked grave for a moment before waving them away. The teachers all filed out of the room. Lupin winked at Harry before walking out, who smiled back. When the clunk clunk sound of Mad-Eye's wooden leg disappeared he turned to the Four Heirs.

"Well, I know all four of you wish to say good-bye to your friends. I'm sorry to take them away from you but I have a feeling some of them will be joining you shortly." His eyes twinkled as he said this. "All right, off you go. Start packing up your belongings. I will inform you of when you will be leaving."

They all stood up and Draco practically rushed from the room. Ginny followed after him and then Harry reached the door. He stopped when he noticed Hermione wasn't next to him. "Hermione? Are you coming?"

"I'll meet you in the Common Room, Harry," she said before he nodded and left.

Dumbledore gave Hermione a curious look. "A question, Miss Granger?"

Hermione bit her lip nervously. "Yes, Professor. I was wondering.......could me how to control my Empathic ability? N...Nothing against Professor Snape," she stuttered quickly as Dumbledore raised his eyebrows up, "its just, well, I'd prefer if you taught me and.....umm.....Snape doesn't really like me." She flushed and looked at the floor at her words.

"I'm sorry, Miss Granger," Dumbledore said softly, understanding her words, "but it is best if Professor Snape teaches you Occlumency. He is very gifted in it and though I know it myself, I will be preoccupied with teaching Mister Malfoy Telepathy. I truly am sorry."

Hermione sighed. "Well, I tried. Thank you, Professor." She walked dejectedly to the door.

Dumbledore called after her, "Do not worry, Miss Granger, you will be fine. I trust in your abilities as well as the other three's. You will make a wonderful team."

Hermione smiled at his words and nodded before leaving the room. Dumbledore watched her exit, hoping he was right.


Ginny marched after Draco in anger after they all left Dumbledore's office. She was fuming over his words to her, Harry, and Hermione and was determined to head him off on his way to the Slytherin Common Room. His words had cut her deeply and she was confused as to why she was allowing for him to get to her so. She needed to speak to him, needed to yell at him, to remind herself just how much she hated Draco.

"Draco Malfoy, you stupid arse!" she yelled when she finally caught sight of him about to run down the steps to the dungeons.

He froze and whirled around, smirking at her. "Nice choice of words, Weasel. Never knew you as one to swear, if you call that swearing." He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned casually against the wall.

Ginny stopped in front of him and mimicked his posture, glaring at him. "You think you can get away with so much and you think you can say whatever the bloody hell you want. News flash, Malfoy, we work together now and we're, should I even say it, partners. All four of us. We have to learn to work together and the only way that can start is if you keep that fat mouth of yours shut and learn to be respectful to us."

He snorted. "Me? Respect you? Ha! That's funny." He paused as if considering her words before laughing harshly. "No, I don't think so. The word 'Mudblood' just flows too easily off my tongue."

Ginny raised her hand and slapped Draco so hard across his cheek he stumbled. He raised his hand up to the growing red mark on his pale skin and sneered at Ginny. "Filthy wench! What was that for?"

"Never. Call. Hermione. That. Again." she said in a deadly whisper, her eyes flashing in fury. A weird feeling within Draco stirred at this look and he merely gaped at her.

Ginny spun around, her red hair flying behind her, about to walk away when Draco's arm shot out and grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me!" she yelled as she was made to face him again.

Draco's gray eyes bore into hers. "No one slaps me and gets away with it," he said through clenched teeth.

Ginny gave him an unimpressed look. "Oh yeah, what are you going to do to me?"

Draco didn't answer. He yanked her closer and crushed his lips against hers. Ginny gasped and fought to get free but he gripped her wrist harder, forcing her lips to stay on his. It was a bruising, harsh, unfeeling kiss but deep behind it, something else was fighting to get free and show itself on the surface.

Draco finally released her and Ginny stood stock still, bringing a hand to her lips where it was bleeding slightly. Draco just continued to smirk at her and she finally snapped out of her daze and scurried away, not daring to look back and trying to calm her pounding heart.

Draco turned and swiftly walked down the stairs, thinking, Ginny Weasley, I am going to bring you down.


Author's Note: The reviews I have gotten from you guys is amazing. I can not even describe how grateful I am to all of you! You are wonderful and I am so happy you like this story so much! Thank you!

I hope you like this chapter, its a little different from my previous ones. I'm sorry about taking a little longer with it but there's more information in it and it took me a while to sort it out and I was busy yesterday and couldn't type it up. I'm not sure if this is my best chapter but I'll let you guys decide. I'm just thankful you all like it so much! Ah, and I have a few comments for certain people:

SteelPhoenix: Your review to me was one of the most beautiful I've ever received. I am truly sorry for misjudging you wrongly before and saying those things about you. I am extremely flattered that you love my story so much and I understand your love of J.K. Rowling's books, I too love them deeply and it was awhile before I could read fanfiction without criticizing it. I thank you for your reviews and I hope you can accept my apology. :)

ginnymalfy21: What is prefect blend? I'm interested but I do not remember receiving an invitation on it. Please e-mail me about, I'd love to hear more about it. My e-mail is in my bio. :)

Ahh yes....well, I recevied a rather nasty review from an Anonymous reviewer and it didn't hurt me as much as make me very ticked off. This person was just insulting and it was just horrible. Basically, they said I should stop writing to make you guys suffer less and the words 'bitch' and 'fucker' were so nicely placed in there. Horrible, nasty review that completely shocked me. I'd love to report them but it seems I can't on my own story...unless I'm doing something wrong. No one should leave reviews like that, insults do nothing to help me and can only hurt. To that person, don't read my story if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you. And please don't leave insults to me anymore, it's just wasteful effort on your part. Ugh....I hate when people get nasty like that.

Well, I'm leaving for a trip to Europe on Thursday so I'm only gonna post a couple more chapter before I leave for a couple weeks. I will finish the story so don't think I'm abandoning it! I promise to write more when I return! All right, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please please review!! :)
Much Love,