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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Thirty-Nine - The Passim Mirrors

When Draco woke up the next morning, a great feeling of unease swept over him. Gritting his teeth in nervousness, he rose from his bed to prepare for the long day ahead. There was a lot that he needed to do and take care of.

As he got ready, the conversation he had had with Dumbledore the day before kept running through his mind. Draco was not surprised that the old wizard seemed like he already knew the plan the young Slytherin had been devising since he arrived at Illustris. Though saddened by Draco's original intentions, Dumbledore immediately agreed to help, and the two had discussed the plan well into the night. Revisions had been made to it and though Dumbledore admitted he was worried about Draco going through with the plan, he would not stop him.

Dumbledore had made one request that angered Draco slightly. He was not to tell the other Heirs about the plan in any form. Draco was hoping to tell Harry, Hermione, and Ginny, to forewarn them better but Dumbledore had stomped on the idea, saying they would only try and prevent the blonde from going through with his plan. Draco had to admit, he was right.

Draco sighed deeply as he headed out to the Common Room, leaving to have some breakfast. He was afraid the trust the Heirs had formed between each other would be shattered by what he was going to do. He had mentioned this fear to Dumbledore, who had merely smiled and said he needed to put more faith in the others and simply ask them to trust him and believe in him no matter what. Dumbledore had no doubt that the Heirs would stand by Draco in the end.

Fear still held Draco tightly and as he sat down at one of the long tables in the Main Hall, nausea fell over him and he weakly pushed his plate of food away. A gentle hand on his shoulder and a soft voice broke him from his deep thoughts.

"Do not worry so much, Draco," Dumbledore said quietly. "Have faith in them, like I said. I do not think they will let you down."

Draco looked up and for the first time in months, felt a rush of gratitude for the professor he had hated for so long.

"Thank you, Professor," he replied, smiling thinly.

Dumbledore squeezed his shoulder and walked away to his own table with the other teachers. At that moment, the rest of the Heirs and their companions filed into the Main Hall. Ginny sat next to Draco and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning," she said brightly, spooning oatmeal into a bowl. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mmm…." Draco said, staring at Harry with interest.

The Gryffindor was very tense and nothing Hermione said from her place next to him made him relax. He was rubbing his forehead constantly and kept muttering nonsense under his breath. Tilting his head, Draco caught Harry's attention.

"What's the matter, Potter? Headache?"

Harry glared at him.

"No. Well…yes…in a way. Voldemort's happy….I can feel it through my scar. I just wish I knew why he was happy."

He growled under his breath and turned away from Draco, who had gone very pale. Ginny noticed the look on her boyfriend's face and set her spoon down, growing concerned.

"Draco," she said, "are you all right? You look as if Voldemort himself just appeared in front of you."

He started violently at her statement, turning to stare wide-eyed at his girlfriend.

"Draco!" she exclaimed, looking shocked at his reaction. "Why are you acting so strangely?"

Harry and Hermione turned to watch the couple as Ron huffed and narrowed his eyes. Draco was now frozen in his seat, clenching the edge of the table, his knuckles white. Ginny wore a frightened expression on her face before slowly reaching out and touching his cheek. He flinched under her touch but didn't pull away. She reached around until her hand held his chin and moved his head so his gaze focused on her.

"Please tell me," she whispered, "what's wrong?"

And as Draco stared into Ginny's eyes, the eyes that held so much love and trust for him, he found he couldn't breathe. A heavy weight settled in his chest and he practically gasped for breath. It was too much, it was all too much to bear, to see all that trust she held for him. Barely able to think straight, Draco wrenched away from her touch and stumbled out of his seat, his knees smacking the table.

"I….I have…..have to go," he stuttered. "Something….something to take care of. Yeah…important."

Without a backwards glance, he fled from the Main Hall, acting so out of character that Ron was left speechless. Blaise and Hannah exchanged worried glances before turning to Ginny, who's face was set. Luna leaned over the table, deciding at that moment to state the very obvious.

"Ginny, something's very wrong with Draco."

Ginny stared distractedly at the doors to the Main Hall, taking several minutes to answer.

"Yes, something is."

She glanced over at Harry and Hermione, who both instantly knew what she meant through her gaze. It was time for the Heirs to have a serious talk.


Draco didn't stop running until he reached his room back at the West End Tower. He collapsed on his bed, breathing hard and shaking. Never before had such uncontrolled emotions taken over him. The plan was so close to happening but the more he thought about it, the more disgusted he became with himself for ever considering it. And now, looking at Ginny just then and knowing how much he was going to betray her, he could barely make himself think about completing it.

"I have to though," he whispered to the silence. "So much is at stake if I don't. Voldemort expects it and now Dumbledore is relying on me."

He scowled at his words but he knew they were right. Since the moment the plan had formed, Voldemort had somehow figured out the workings of his mind, helping to push Draco along with it almost unconsciously. Now Dumbledore realized the implications and urged the Slytherin to go through with the plan safely. So much rested on him.

Draco slumped forward and buried his face in his hands. He took in several deep breaths, trying to calm himself for the inevitable meeting with the other Heirs. As if reading his thoughts, a sudden knock sounded on his door.

"Draco?" the soft voice of Hermione said.

Drawing his head up, Draco blinked a few times before answering.

"Come in, Granger."

The door opened slowly, Hermione peeking her head around through the crack. When she saw Draco sitting on the bed, staring into space, she forced the door further and stepped in. Shutting it behind her, Hermione moved into the room and cautiously sat next to him. A few moments of silence passed between them, the Heir of Ravenclaw biting her lip and carefully trying to gauge Draco's feelings through her ability.

"No need to try and read me too hard," Draco said suddenly. "I'm not hiding that much."

Hermione blushed and muttered a quick "Sorry."

Draco shrugged and sat back, finally looking at her.

"Don't be. I know why you were doing it. I'm unpredictable right now and it's a way for you to get a common ground to start on."

Hermione looked surprised but nodded.

"Yes, that is partly why. Also cause I want to see how well I can use my Empathy as time goes on."

She gave a guilty grin as Draco raised an eyebrow at her.

"So, what do you notice from me?" he asked quietly.

"Not much," Hermione admitted. "You're very good at Occlumency now, as are the others, so I can't read any of your feelings or thoughts very well anymore. Probably a good thing or I'd be going insane every time one of you thought something. I did notice that you seem….." she paused, searching for the right words. "You seem worried and anxious, and….and fearful?"

Her brown eyes locked on to his gray ones questioningly. Draco gave her a smirk.

"Really, Granger. Is that the best you can do?" he said teasingly.

Hermione huffed in annoyance and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, what do you expect? Like I said, you…."

"No, need to explain," Draco interrupted. "I was only teasing you. I know why."

Hermione grew serious suddenly as she watched the young man she had despised for so long but now considered a friend. He was hiding something, and she didn't need her ability to sense that. The way he was acting, what he said, all of it were signs that told her he had a secret he was very unwilling to share.

"Please, Draco," she said softly, "what's wrong? Ginny is so upset and hurt right now. We all care about you and want to help you. Won't you let us? We're the Heirs, we're supposed to help and be there for each other through everything."

Draco stood up abruptly and grimaced at her before marching to his window.

"It's not that easy, Hermione. I can't just tell you every single secret of mine, it doesn't work that way. I know you want to help but….this is something I have to do on my own."

Hermione sighed and stood up as well.

"All right, I can't change your mind, no one can. You're too independent to let anyone control you, am I right? Just….at least talk to us a little. It may do you, and us, some good."

With her final words, she left his room, letting the door click shut behind her. Draco stayed very still at the window for a long time afterwards, contemplating in his head the words the smartest witch at Hogwarts had said to him. Grudgingly, he admitted she was right about one thing; he should talk to the others about some things.

Stealing himself up for quite the argument, Draco left his place at the window and walked toward the door, pulling it open and stepping out into the Common Room.

The other three Heirs were gathered there, sprawled out on couches and chairs. Hermione was sitting on the floor by the fire, reading a large book she was holding her lap. Harry was stretched out of the couch behind her, his glasses shoved down his nose as he read over several piece of parchment, lazily stroking Hermione's hair with his other hand. Ginny was sitting in a chair by herself, scratching Crookshanks, who was curled up in her lap, fast asleep.

Draco entered quietly, moving behind Ginny. Hermione noticed him first, looking up from her book to stare up at him.

"Well, hello, Draco," she said.

Harry and Ginny both started in their places, swiveling their heads to look over at the blonde. Both watched him with blank expressions, which hurt for Draco to see. A comforting smile from Hermione gave him enough courage to speak.

"I need to talk to you three," he said.

Harry propped himself up, setting the rolls of parchment down.

"I think that's a good idea," he replied. "Right, Gin?"

He looked meaningfully at the younger girl, who nodded before poking Crookshanks to get off her lap. The cat gave her a disgruntled look before leaping off and strutting into Hermione's room. Draco made his way over to a chair across from Ginny and sat down. Hermione lifted herself off the floor and sat next to Harry, the three turning to Draco, waiting for him to speak.

Ginny watched her boyfriend fiddle with his hands for several seconds, feeling a great rush of anger at herself. She had no right to treat him the way she was, he was obviously troubled about something and the best thing she could do was support him.

"Draco," she began, "please…..what is it?"

Draco sighed and locked his eyes on to hers, trying to convey everything he felt for her through their gaze. He was also trying to say he was sorry, but for what, she didn't know.

"There's something I have to do," he started, trying to figure out how to best put everything without giving away too much. "I'm…I'm sorry for the way I've been acting but I've been preoccupied with this…thing that I have to do. I can't tell any of you either, I've been sworn to secrecy. Let's just say that Dumbledore knows about this and he's all right with it."

He paused and looked at them earnestly.

"I have to ask you three to please, please trust me. I know it's taken you so long to really know me and actually like me after everything I've done. What I'm about to do may make you all rethink your relationships with me but I'm asking for you to remember this before you make a decision on me. Trust me, I swear I'll beg you to do it. No matter what, just believe that I'm doing it for a good reason. I don't want to be the one to break the trust we've formed over these past months but I have to do this, I have to. A lot rests on me going through with this thing so nothing any of you say will stop me. Just….just trust me, okay?"

All of them looked extremely confused by his strange request. Ginny wore a wide-eyed expression and started to open her mouth in protest before Draco cut her off.

"Gin, I love you, remember that. I love you with everything I have and I trust you completely. Please, I ask that you do the same for me."

Ginny shut her mouth and seemed to be considering what he just said.

"You know I love you, Draco," she finally said at length. "And I do trust you, very much. But….but, why must you do this…this thing if it'll possibly destroy everything we've worked for?"

"Because it could destroy even more if I don't do it," Draco replied sullenly.

"Do you know this for a fact, Malfoy?" Harry said, narrowing his green eyes.

"Unfortunately, yes, I do."

Harry looked thoughtful before he continued.

"This has to do with Voldemort, doesn't it?" he said sharply.

Ginny started and looked back and forth between the two boys. Draco leveled Harry with a steady gaze before answering.

"I can't answer that, Potter. Not now."

Harry's eyes narrowed even further, looking more angry now.

"Why?" he snapped. "It is, isn't it?"

Draco sighed and shook his head firmly.

"Harry, don't ask me that question again. I asked you to trust me and that's it. Maybe….maybe later I'll be able to tell you everything."

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Draco wearily before sighing as well.

"Fine. I trust you, I truly do. I really have no reason not to trust you. We've all been through too much for me to back out on trusting you now." He paused. "Whatever it is you're doing though…..don't destroy us."

Draco stiffened visibly and shuddered a bit.

"No," he replied quietly, "I won't."

He finally looked back and forth between the two girls, trying to gauge their expressions.

"Do I have your trust too?" he asked.

"Yes," Hermione said simply.

Draco raised an eyebrow and said, "No other words of wisdom from the bookworm?"

Hermione smiled and laughed.

"No, I don't think any other words are necessary."

Draco nodded and flicked his eyes over to Ginny, who was very still in her seat and staring intently at the floor.

"Gin?" he asked quietly.

She looked up, tears shimmering in her eyes. Shocked, Draco started to say something but she suddenly flew out of her chair and launched herself into his arms, hugging him tightly to her. He gave out a slight cry of surprise but instantly hugged her back, reveling in her warmth.

"Oh, Draco," her voice sounding muffled, "be careful. I trust you but….please be careful, with whatever you're going to do."

He stroked his hand down her back softly, biting his lip.

"I will," he managed to say. "I will."


The rest of the day slipped by very quickly, the sun dipping below the horizon and the moon rising high into the sky. When the deepness of night became very pronounced, the stars hidden by thick clouds, Draco climbed out of his bed, fully dressed, and prepared himself for his task.

Shuffling around his room quietly, he grabbed his wand and stuffed it into his pocket before tying his shoes on. He snatched his black cloak off the hanger by the door and slung it over his shoulders, latching the clasp under his throat. Checking to make sure he had everything he needed, Draco opened his door and slipped out into the Common Room.

The fire had died hours before, the charred logs still letting off thin trails of smoke. A few candles burned along the stone walls, setting off a strange orange glow in the round room. Tiptoeing across the room, he was almost to the portrait entrance when a dark figure rose from one of the chairs and darted to his side.

Draco drew his wand immediately but lowered it as soon as he saw the person's flame red hair in the faint light.

"Ginny," he whispered, "what are you doing here?"

"I had to see you," she whispered back earnestly. "I figured you'd try and sneak off tonight."

"Go back to bed, Gin," he said sharply, ignoring her comments.

Ginny stood her ground though and glared at him.

"Draco Malfoy, you listen to me. What are you trying to do here? Something stupid? You could get us all hurt by playing around. I know you said it's for the best and to trust you but I can't help thinking that whatever it is you are going to do, a better way can be found to accomplish it."

Draco glared back at her, growing irritated.

"Stop it, Ginny. You know you can't prevent me from doing this. I swear, it's for the best. Now trust me, like I said before. Please, go back to bed. I love you and I don't want to use force to get you out of my way."

Ginny went silent and stared up at him, obviously considering her options. Her shoulders finally slumped forward in defeat and her wand went limp in her hand.

"All right, Draco, I won't keep you any more."

She then stepped up to him completely and leaned up, touching her lips gently to his.

"And I love you too," she said as she pulled away.

Then she turned and was gone, Draco watching her slip back to her room through the darkness. If anything, he felt even worse now, knowing how much pain he was putting Ginny through. He couldn't back out now though.

Squaring his shoulders, he faced the portrait entrance again, touching his fingers to his lips and smiling softly, remembering her loving kiss. He would need the memory to get him through the coming times.

Then Draco left the Common Room and raced through the corridors, hoping to reach his destination in a hurry. He ran flat out around the corners, a cold breeze rushing by him and his only light his wand tip. After jumping down another set of stairs, Draco skidded to a halt, panting slightly, his hair in a tangled disarray on his head. There it lay ahead of him, the Hall of Mirrors.

Walking at a slow pace now, Draco entered the corridor. Faint moonlight streamed through the tall windows to his left, illuminating the many Passim Mirrors that lined the walls around him. They glinted menacingly, the silver liquid rippling rapidly, as if calling him to come closer. Draco gulped and continued walking, unwilling to go near one but being drawn at the same time.

Half way down the hall he halted and turned slowly. A Passim Mirror hung directly in front of him, so beautiful yet so evil. As he stared at his reflection in the silver liquid, the corridor around him seemingly disappeared and he was drowning in a sea of silver, the edges of his vision lined in black. He reached his right hand forward toward it, his finger tips inches from the mirror's surface. The liquid rippled harder as if it knew what he was about to do.

And then Draco touched the mirror and a deep rumbling sounded in his ears. Far off, he thought he heard a scream of horror but he paid no attention as the silver dissolved and black obscured his vision. A penetrating coldness made contact with his skin and he shivered, the feeling reaching right down to his bones. In a whirlwind he felt himself leave the ground and get spun away in a mass of silver and black, the coldness cutting to him even more. He felt the need to scream but couldn't as he continued flying forward, the roaring noise increasingly growing.

But it stopped as soon as it started. Draco felt himself hit hard ground and his knees crumbled to the ground as he fell forward, his face smacking into a floor of hard stone, momentarily becoming dazed from the impact. He groaned and shifted, trying to push himself upward. After several minutes, he was able to focus his vision and get himself into an upright position on the floor.

He was in a dark room, with stone walls and floors which were covered in tapestries and rugs respectively. A cold green fire flickered in the grate to his right making him shiver again. As his eyes took in the high backed chair pulled up to the fire and a strange hissing noise in front of it, Draco was yanked from his sudden disgusted thoughts by a menacing and hateful voice behind him.

"Very good, young Mister Malfoy. It seems you finally found your way in to my service. Now, rise and bow before me."

Draco stood on shaky legs and turned, his eyes coming to rest for the first time on the most evil wizard in history. Lord Voldemort's red eyes glared pleasingly at him, his wand twirling idly in his thin hand as he smiled cruelly. Draco threw up his mind blocks and forced a blank look on to his face before he bowed low to the ground.

"Yes, my Master," he rasped out. "I pledge myself from this day forth to your services."


Author's Note: All right guys, here's the one you were all waiting for! I hope I didn't disappoint any of you with it! I left it at another cliffhanger but it was the best place to stop. Unfortunately I won't be able to update for a few days because I'm taking a quick vaction up to Mackinac Island and I won't be around a computer. I hope this chapter can hold you all over until then! And I'll take care of that cliffhanger when I get back. I can't make this any longer of a note because we're leaving in a little bit to head up north. Sorry about the wait and I hope you liked the chapter. Please leave a review, as always, they give me something to look forward to! :)