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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Forty-One - The Three Heirs of Hogwarts

The next day, the final three Heirs woke up feeling as if a new weight was resting on their shoulders. Exhaustion and worry creased the lines of their faces as they realized the implications of Draco leaving them. The victory for the Light now lay with them and even though Dumbledore said Draco was still going to help, each of them felt it was now all left up to them.

When Harry, Hermione, and Ginny met in the Common Room to head down to breakfast, they each looked at the others in silence, not knowing how to handle the pressures that were to come. Harry, being the only male of the four left and the leader, felt it as his duty to calm them all and quickly pulled the two girls into a hug. The three clung to each other tightly, knowing at that moment how vital their bond was. They needed each other so much now, the last three Heirs.

"Come on," Harry finally said, pulling away. "We need to get down to breakfast."

Hooking his arms through Hermione's and Ginny's, the three friends walked to the Main Hall, chatting lightly and trying to keep up an air of cheerfulness. Ginny, especially, seemed to be putting up a front, most likely to ease her companions' minds.

When they entered the Main Hall, the first thing the three noticed was the look on Ron's face from where he sat at the one table. He looked ready to kill and his fists were balled up tightly by his sides. Luna was desperately trying to calm him, patting his arm and speaking soothingly to him but her efforts were going unnoticed. Hannah and Blaise both wore sickened expressions on their faces, unnaturally silent. It was obvious to the Heirs what was going on; Dumbledore had told them of Draco.

"Bloody bastard!" Ron cried, wringing his hair as his friends sat around him. "I'll kill him. I swear I'll kill him. How could he do this? And to you, Gin!"

Ginny stiffened and started pouring orange juice into her cup shakily.

"It's all right, Ron," she said quietly. "Dumbledore did say why he's doing this, right?"

"Yes, yes," Ron replied impatiently, frowning. "I don't believe it though. The bloody ferret is betraying us!"

"Ron," Harry warned, seeing the sudden look on Ginny's face.

"He just goes off and decides he's going to fight with Vol…Vol…Voldemort. Bloody coward! I always knew he was bad, seriously. How he became an Heir I still don't understand. I mean…."

He was interrupted by Ginny slamming the palm of her hand on the table, the silverware bouncing. Ron looked over at her, shocked to see her face was red with anger and her eyes held a fury he had only seen a few times before. As she lifted her hand, he saw small sparks erupting from it and he gulped, realizing he'd gone too far.

"Shut up, Ronald!" she hissed in a dangerous tone. "I won't have you insulting Draco, my boyfriend, like that. Yes, he's gone off but Dumbledore explained everything to us and we know there is a good reason behind what he is doing. He's doing this for us, all of us. So shut your bloody trap."

She said her last words with finality before picking up her fork and stabbing savagely at her eggs. Ron's mouth was hanging open as he just continued to stare at his sister. He looked across the table at Harry, who just shrugged.

"I did warn you, mate," he said simply.

"Oh, leave it alone, Ron," Luna said, touching his arm again. "You don't like Draco very much but you did make a sort of truce with him. You should honor that."

Ron sighed and grumbled something under his breath. Luna seemed satisfied and smiled dreamily before going back to her food. Harry and Hermione couldn't help but exchange smiles at the interaction between the couple; Luna certainly was controlling their friend a bit more.

After a tense breakfast, Remus stood up and addressed the group before him.

"Well, Dumbledore wanted me to inform all of you that he will be arriving shortly so more plans can be laid out for the Final Battle. It seems that he recently acquired new information that will help us be more prepared against Voldemort. And since there are only three of the Heirs left…" he paused. "Dumbledore has new strategies to go over. Ah, here he is now."

Everyone turned to see Dumbledore entering the Main Hall, a very grave look on his face that made the group grow worried. Dumbledore nodded to Remus, who took a seat once more. Moving one of the tables before him, he conjured up the parchment, quills, and ink like before, with only one map now in front of him. He turned his gaze to the silent group.

"Please, sit around this table."

As they took their seats, Dumbledore sighed deeply and Harry noticed sadness etched in the old wizard's eyes. He wondered what had caused such grief.

"I have some more news for all of you," the wise wizard began. "I should say it is good news because I now know the location of the Final Battle but it is also terrible news. A spy sent me a letter last night, containing a wealth of information in the few short sentences. Voldemort has chosen the location and though I suspected it, I was hoping it would not be."

"No," Hermione said, holding her hand to her mouth.

"Yes, Miss Granger, you have guessed correctly. Hogwarts is where Voldemort and his army will engage us in battle. I wish it were not so but we must prepare even more for this. How lucky we are that it will not be a surprise attack now! Extra wards will be put in place to defend the school but I am afraid we can not move the younger students out of the castle, as Voldemort would become suspicious and might find the spy. I suspect he will be coming from the Forbidden Forest, as he has incorporated many Dark creatures into his army and they will fight for him."

"What kind of creatures, Albus?" Moody said, leaning forward on his elbows.

"All kinds," Dumbledore replied grimly. "Vampires, werewolves, giants, trolls, dragons, serpents, Acromantula, and Dementors. All will be there and all are deadly. I wonder at how he gained the support of some but that is not our concern, we must be prepared to fight them and win against them. I am sure the Final Battle will be at night, since vampires, Dementors, and werewolves prefer the dark."

"But," Remus said suddenly, "if he's using werewolves that means it'll be the full moon. Then I won't be able to fight."

He looked so fearful at the thought that Dumbledore smiled reassuringly at the younger man.

"Do not worry, Remus. If you recall, there are several spells of dark and ancient magic that will force a werewolf to turn before the full moon. Voldemort will no doubt be using these spells. You will be with us on the night of the Final Battle."

Remus nodded, looked relieved and smiling at Harry, who had grown scared at the thought too.

"As I was saying," Dumbledore continued, "we must all prepare ourselves for these creatures. There are few but effective ways to defeat them and you must all be taught immediately. I am sure the Heirs can go against the creatures in other ways though. Your Elemental powers will be quite useful I think."

The three Heirs nodded seriously and different plans starting going off in their heads. Dumbledore smiled at them and went on.

"This is, for now, the only additional information I have received. I have been promised more if it should come but I think we need to focus on these new developments. Hogwarts. Any ideas about anything?"

"Do you think they'll go through Hogsmeade as well?" Hannah questioned.

"Very good point, Miss Abbott. I think we should station some members of the Order in the village that night. That reminds me, Minerva, please send out owls to the members of the Order. They need to be informed of all that is going on and that we will be needing the help of every member."

McGonagall nodded before jotting down a note on a scrap piece of parchment.

"Anything else?" Dumbledore asked.

Moody gave a low growl before speaking. "We should have small groups positioned at certain points in the castle. Inside the doors, up in the towers, so they can fight from above. Also, incase the castle is overrun, they will be inside to fight off the attackers."

"Just my thoughts, Alastor. It shall be done. I propose it be groups of students combined with a couple of adults. I believe a majority of the fifth and seventh year students will agree to this past of the plan. I'm afraid I won't be able to convince any of your friends from staying off of the battlefield itself."

"I think the younger students should be placed down in the dungeons with a few teachers, Professor," Hermione commented.

"Excellent idea, Miss Granger. Since we can't remove them from the school the best place for them is in the deeper parts of the castle. I will see that it is done."

When no one else said anything, Dumbledore's face again grew grave and he stared intently at the three Heirs before him.

"I won't lie to you three," he said quietly, "but a majority of this battle rests on you. I have no idea when Draco will be joining you again so you must hold off your opponents until he does. You can not defeat Voldemort without him so don't even try to go against the Dark Lord until you are all together again. The Key has to be unlocked when you are each side by side, only then will it's full potential be released. Do not go against Voldemort until you must, or else much of your magical energy will be drained before it should be. The three of you must do you all you can. I am sorry to put so much pressure on you but remember, all of us will help where we can."

Harry, Hermione, and Ginny all nodded, but each of them looked very grim. So much depended on them and now one of them was missing just as the Final Battle was upon them. It wasn't supposed to be like this but there was no way to prevent it. They had to go on.

"Ron, Hannah, Blaise, Luna," Dumbledore addressed the four companions, "stick close to the Heirs and help them as much as possible. You all have been learning together and know each others strengths and weaknesses. You must do all you can for the Heirs. Mister Weasley, I think your Animagus form will be very useful as well, please remember that."

Ron nodded, pondering how he could pull off an attack in his animal form.

"Unfortunately, you three have no special powers to back you up besides what you already possess within your bodies. This does not lower you but it does mean you will have to be more cautious and don't take on too much at once. Play to your strengths and use as much knowledge as possible. The Heirs will back you up in the same way you will help them. Do not hesitate to call out on the battlefield for assistance, someone on your side will always be quite close."

"Professor," Blaise said, "is there any way for us to learn some more rigorous spells before the battle? I know training is over but with this new information I think it would do the four of us good to acquire more skills."

"Yes, Mister Zabini," Dumbledore said thoughtfully, "I understand your request and I believe it is possible. I think a few of us are up to training you a bit more."

Blaise smiled in acknowledgement, looking pleased that his idea was going to be used. Hannah and Luna also looked happy, glad that they were going to be more prepared.

"Is there any more that needs to be said?" Dumbledore asked, looking around at everyone.

Silence met his words and he nodded.

"Very well. All the requests thus far shall be carried out accordingly and I'm sure more will come as we learn more of the battle. I think that is all for now. I must return to Hogwarts to take care of certain things there. Please, continue practicing and I will see you all tomorrow."

As Dumbledore started to leave the Main Hall, he turned back around and fixed the three Heirs with his gaze.

"Do not give up hope," was all he said before he left, his robes swishing behind him.

The Heirs looked at each other, understanding each of their expressions with just a glance. Another talk was in order. The teachers were slowly leaving as well when Remus walked up to the students.

"Are you three holding up okay?" he asked gently.

"Yes, we're doing fine, Remus," Harry replied, trying to look calmer than he was.

"Harry," Remus sighed, "I have known you for three years now and I know you are not just 'fine.' You know you can talk to me, right?"

Harry sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I know and I appreciate the thought, Remus, but I think this is something the three of us need to discuss. We're all dealing with Draco's leaving differently and, as the other Heirs, I think we need to keep this amongst ourselves."

Remus nodded, not looking in the least offended. He smiled encouragingly and patted Harry on the shoulder.

"I understand, Harry. I know you will work everything out eventually."

With that, he walked away, the three Heirs and the four companions the only ones left in the Main Hall. Blaise shifted uncomfortably and glanced guiltily at the Heirs.

"I..I want to apologize," he said, looking at the floor, "for Draco's behavior. I mean, I didn't know or anything and I was told he's doing this for good reasons but still, I have been his friend for years and I just feel guilty about this whole thing."

"Please, Blaise," Ginny said, "do not blame yourself, it is not your fault. No one could have stopped Draco. I couldn't stop him even, his mind was so set on his task. I am sure all will be right in the end though."

Blaise relaxed visibly and gave Ginny an appreciative look.

"Draco was right about you. I'm glad you're together."

Ginny blushed but smiled, looking a little happier at his words. She started when Harry cleared his throat next to her, seeming a bit sad.

"I hate to ask you four to leave but I think the three of us need to discuss some things." He looked apologetically at Ron. "Sorry, mate."

Ron waved his hand before interlacing it with Luna's.

"Don't worry, I know that the three of you need to go over some things that the four of us would just interfere with. Good luck, okay?"

With that, he stood up, pulling Luna up with him and leading her out of the Main Hall. Blaise and Hannah took their cue and left after them, leaving the three Heirs alone with each other. They all seemed afraid to speak, looking at anything except the others. Finally, Hermione couldn't take the tension anymore and spoke.

"How…how are you both doing, really?"

Harry's eyes flicked to hers and he sighed.

"Strained," he replied. "You both have felt it, I'm guessing. It's like this….pull inside of me. I almost feel….weaker."

Ginny nodded rapidly.

"I feel that too, Harry. It's like my mind is being stretched."

"It has to be the bond," Hermione said in an informative tone. "For even though the bond hasn't been shattered because Draco's leaving wasn't a full betrayal, he did betray us in some sense by not saying anything before leaving, thus we feel the bond being pulled at. I think that some of us are doubting to and it's making the bond weaker. Our magical abilities rely off of each other so much that when one of us is not present, the rest grow more weak because of it."

Harry gave her an alarmed look.

"Will this always be the case, even when we get older?"

"No," Hermione said, shaking her head, "I don't think so. I mainly think we feel this because we still have not realized our full potential and the Key. Once those are discovered completely within ourselves, the bond will be fully formed and we can have our powers without having the others near all the time. I can't be sure but I do believe this is true."

"Kind of scary in a way," Ginny said, a far off look in her eyes, "to think that so much of each of us depends on the mind and heart of the others. I mean, if one of us backs out, truly betrays us, all is lost."

"Don't think like that, Gin," Harry snapped. "Attitudes like that don't help either."

Ginny glowered at him but said nothing, again staring off into space. Hermione sighed and tried to bring the discussion back.

"We have to talk about what is going to happen now. Draco is gone and we have to fight as three for a while, not like four as we planned. It's going to be different, we're all used to fighting with one more in our group."

"Yes," Harry said bitterly, "we were four Heirs."

"Harry!" Hermione scolded, frowning at him. "You're not helping. There's nothing we can do about Draco now, think rationally."

Harry folded his arms across his chest, his expression relaxing slightly. Ginny was still eyeing him carefully, waiting for some explosion to occur.

"All right," Harry said, "how do we all feel about this? We're now, technically, three Heirs of Hogwarts."

"Maybe you should answer that question first, Harry," Hermione said simply, raising an eyebrow at him.

Harry shifted a bit as his brow furrowed in contemplation. Ginny now watched him with interesting, wondering what his thoughts were on the very subject that had caused them so much tension.

"I'm not happy," Harry finally said. "I guess you could say I'm quite bitter about the whole thing. In my opinion, Draco's actions were inexcusable and he's leaving everything up to us now. He ran off, like a coward, and is, I believe, with Voldemort doing whatever. I know Dumbledore said he's helping us but I just don't get it. Was this mission of his really that important?"

"Apparently," Ginny said. "Draco's not stupid, he must have had good reason. He never does anything without thinking about it a lot. I bet today's information came from him and he's the spy. I also think he has something else planned but what, I don't know. I don't like it either, Harry. I was so hurt when I saw him leave. You both realize I actually saw him leave, right?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes slightly.

"You saw how he left? How come you never said that before?"

"I..I just…didn't," Ginny replied lamely. "Dumbledore never asked because he knew and then both of you didn't question it so I just let it go."

"How did he leave, Gin?" Harry asked, leaning forward in his seat.

Ginny bit her lip and closed her eyes before taking a deep breath.

"He went through a Passim Mirror."

Her response was met by a rapid scraping of a chair which caused her to jump and open her eyes. Harry was pacing frantically in front of her, looking angered.

"I knew it!" he shouted. "We all should have seen it coming. He was obsessed with those mirrors, always staring at them and making odd comments about them. He was absorbed in them completely and we knew how they worked. Why didn't Dumbledore remove them?"

He was so lost in his thoughts that Hermione had to jump up to sit him back down. Harry finally sat, looking extremely upset with himself as he wrung his hands.

"We could have stopped him! Why didn't we see it before?"

"Harry, stop!" Hermione cried. "We couldn't have stopped him even if we had known. Haven't we said that before? He was going, no matter what we did. We can't dwell on the past anymore, we have to look forward and deal with this. We have a battle coming up, how are we going to be prepared for it?"

Harry slumped in his seat and nodded slowly.

"You're right, 'Mione. We have to think of the battle and what Draco may be planning now. But…but how are you handling him leaving?"

He looked at his girlfriend, tilting his head. Hermione turned her head away and thought carefully about her answer.

"I've believed Draco the whole time. I don't think he would betray us, not willingly at least. He's changed so much since we arrived at Illustris and I can feel the goodness in him. Remember, I do have the ability to feel his emotions, even from this distance. He's doing this for the good of the Wizarding World, there is no malice in his intentions."

Ginny looked amazed at Hermione's revelations.

"You know all this? Really?"

"Yes, I do. He's hard to read sometimes but I assure you, that I can get that from him. So, both of you, trust me when I say Draco is telling the truth. He is trying to help us."

"I already did believe," Ginny replied in a whisper.

Harry, looking slightly ashamed, laid his hand on top of Ginny's. She smiled at him thinly, still upset with him.

"I'm sorry, Gin, I really am. I know this must be so hard for you, being away from Draco and not knowing what's going on with him. Hermione and I are both here for you though and even though I've been a prat about Draco, it's mainly because I'm worried, about him, about what may happen. I do trust him but it's just been hard for me to accept."

Ginny squeezed his hand comfortingly and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

"Thank you, Harry. That is sweet of you to say and I'm sorry for getting angry with you before. I understand what you are feeling, I have felt the doubts too."

"We'll be okay," Harry said reassuringly.

Hermione grinned at the two and grabbed their hands in both of her own.

"Of course we will be! We are the Heirs for a reason. We can survive anything that comes against us."

"And the battle?" Harry said suddenly. "Are we going to be able to hold out for a while with only three of us?"

"It's not just us three," Hermione said wisely. "All those that love and support us will be there too, fighting right by our sides. We're not alone, even though one of our number is missing at the moment. We'll hold, I know it."

Harry smiled teasingly at her.

"Always the wise one, aren't we?"

"Ah, she wouldn't be Hermione if she wasn't wise," Ginny said with a laugh.

And then the other two joined her in laughing before they hugged each other like they had earlier. They would make it through the Final Battle, no matter what happened. They now believed that Draco would join them out on the battlefield and once he did, nothing would stop them. And though they were only three at the moment, they were still the Heirs, and Light was on their side.


Author's Note: Whew, I was so worried that I was forming writer's block on this story when it took me a few days to write this chapter out. I had the first two paragraphs written and then I just stopped and drew a complete blank. I was given quite a scare but then inspiration hit me and I wrote the rest all in one go and now I finally got it out to you guys! I do hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to focus more on the other three since Draco left, since they are dealing with a lot now. The next chapter will involve the Order of the Phoenix and what they are doing, along with another meeting between Draco and Voldemort. I'll try and have it out quickly!
Also, I had planned to have this story finished before HBP came out but since I now have less than 5 days until that and 10 chapters to go, I'm not so sure anymore. I'm kicking myself because I've had forever to write this story but I just haven't found as much time to just sit down and write. I only get to do so really late at night and that isn't even every day. If I don't finish this before HBP, I am so sorry about that! I hope you guys will read the ending anyways :). Life is just too hectic sometimes but I'll see what I can do about it. Again, I'm so sorry about making so many promises about finishing this story and then not following up with it, I feel really bad about that but I hope you guys can forgive me! I'll try and get the next chapter up VERY soon! Thank you for the amazing reviews and please review this chapter too!