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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Thirty-Eight - Training Completed

Thunder and lightening crackled through the pitch black sky outside of Hogwarts, briefly illuminating the corridors within. In the Great Hall, the enchanted ceiling was dark with swirling clouds, which moved as if in a giant wind. The flashes across the ceiling accompanied each flash of the real sky. It was, in all sense of the words, a dark and stormy night.

The occupants of the castle paid no attention to the foreboding weather outside. The students that remained after the great divide were all gathered in the Great Hall, which was devoid of its usual tables. The millions of candles glinted off of the shining and anxious faces of the crowd, who were waiting for the start of the DA meeting.

Since the divide at Hogwarts, Dumbledore had granted permission for the DA to become a regular school group, with meetings that took place three times a week. He required every student to attend the meetings, making the DA much different from other school activities. Dumbledore wanted the students to be prepared for the Final Battle and the help of other, more experienced students, was just what everyone needed. He had appointed Cho Chang and Neville Longbottom to lead the DA, since Harry and Hermione were no longer present.

The large body of students watched as Cho and Neville walked on to a small platform in front of them. Both of their faces were set but a glimmer of excitement was held in their eyes. They had both been training so hard, training the others hard, and now the time they had all prepared for was drawing closer. If anything, it was just around the corner.

Cho held up her hand and waved it, signaling for the group to settle down. Immediately, the light chatter died away and silence filled the Hall, the only sound the occasional clap of thunder. Cho smiled in satisfaction and backed away to allow Neville to speak.

Neville cleared his throat and looked around importantly. His awkwardness had seemingly vanished over the years. He was now a confident young man who had seen and faced the Death Eaters already. He was more self-assured and he wanted to install that in the students that surrounded him. It was partly why he wanted so badly to lead the DA.

"Hello everyone, I'm glad you could all make it to another DA meeting. I'll try and keep this short because we have a lot to get to today. But first, I must mention, not many more DA meetings will be taking place from now on. Dumbledore, Cho, and myself all believe that you have been taught as much as possible and you are all ready to fight in battle and face the evil that wishes to destroy the Light. We are all very proud of you."

He smiled at them all, indeed looking very proud.

"We have one more major event that we want to have happen here. Dumbledore recently informed me of something he had the Heirs take part in. One of their finals tests was to perform in a duel where they used all the information they have gathered over the past year and then faced an opponent with this knowledge. Cho and I would like to do the same thing and Dumbledore has given us permission. It is a way to assess each other and see the skills you all possess."

Neville stepped back and Cho took his place.

"I'm sure you are all willing to try this so why don't we begin. First, break off into pairs. Pick someone you will feel comfortable dueling with, we don't want any nasty accidents. Once that is done, please gather around the edges of the Great Hall, leaving the middle portion open. We will then call each pair up separately and you will duel in front of us all. Is everything clear? Any questions?"

When no one answered, Cho smiled and turned to Neville.

"Ready to begin?" she asked.

Neville grinned back at her and nodded, pulling his wand out from his pants pocket. Cho and he jumped down from the platform and moved among the crowd, making sure everyone had a partner. Once they had made sure of this, they moved the crowd back to the walls and stood in the center, side by side.

"We thought it would be best to give you a short demonstration before we allow you all to duel yourselves," Neville commented. "Watch how we handle ourselves and try to duel in the same way, though I will admit, neither of us are perfect."

He chuckled lightly before gesturing at Cho.

"Want to get this duel underway?" he asked.

Cho nodded and the two turned, bowing to each other before walking to opposite sides of the Great Hall. The crowd watched with excitement, waiting for the two best duelers at Hogwarts, now that the Heirs were no longer there, to start.

Cho and Neville raised their wands, waiting. When someone off in the crowd shouted "GO!" they began.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville cried, getting his spell out before Cho.

As the jet of light raced toward her, Cho threw up a shield to block it.


As Neville ducked, Cho managed to get her own hex out.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Neville leapt expertly to the side.

"Rictusempra!" he retaliated, hoping to catch Cho off guard with the Tickling Charm.

She too was able to dodge his spell and came back with her own.


Neville's arm was nicked by the spell, causing his robe to be torn and his arm to go slightly numb. Shaking off the effects, he dived to the ground and shot his spell upwards, hoping for it to work better from a different angle.

"Stupefy!" he yelled.

His tactic worked, Cho not expecting his sudden maneuver. She tried to get out of the way but the jet of red light hit her, knocking her flat on her back. Neville stood up, panting slightly, before rushing over to Cho's still form.

"Ennervate," he said, waving his wand over her.

Cho's eyes fluttered open to see Neville's slightly worried face over her. Smiling up at him, she pushed herself off the floor.

"Nice one, Neville. I can't believe you got me."

Neville smiled shyly and offered her a hand.

"I'm surprised it worked actually."

Cho straightened herself up and fixed her clothes, still smiling.

"You beat me fair and square. Though next time, be prepared, Longbottom," she joked good-naturedly.

The two shared a laugh before turning to the students.

"Well, there you had a display of the kind of duels we are expecting you to have today," Cho explained. "Nothing harsh. Just some fairly easy spells and hexes that will keep you all on your toes. Surprisingly, simple spells like these can often be the downfall of a Death Eater."

"All right," Neville said, "who wants to be the first pair?"

Two nervous third years stepped forward, Cho and Neville beckoning them to the middle of the Great Hall. As the series of duels began, the two DA leaders watched proudly from the side, happy that their hard work had paid off so well.

At the entrance to the Great Hall, Albus Dumbledore watched as well, feeling just as proud of his determined students.


The next day proved to be much different than the previous one. The sun was shining brightly in the sky with few, if any, clouds present in the soft blue sky. Moisture still clung to the grass and trees from the storm but was slowly evaporating the longer the day progressed. The grounds of Illustris were very quiet, the occasional bird chirping a sweet song. And unlike the crowd that had been at Hogwarts, a very small number of people were then gathered in the Main Hall.

Professor Dumbledore stood before the group, smiling at the slightly nervous looks of the eight students. The Four Heirs stood separated from each other, their companions standing next to the one they were sent to help. Each of the teachers that had been assigned specifically to each Heirs also stood by their respected student. The remaining teachers stood slightly off to the side, conversing quietly.

Draco looked around the Hall in curiosity, the only Heir without a teacher beside him because Dumbledore was his said teacher. He finally leaned over to Blaise and spoke into his ear.

"Any idea what this meeting is about?" he whispered.

Blaise shrugged, also looking confused.

"No idea. Dumbledore just made an announcement about wanting everyone here in the Main Hall. He didn't mention what it was about though. I don't even think the other teachers know."

He indicated to the teachers and Draco had to admit, they looked as lost as the students. Sighing deeply, his eyes sought out Ginny's, who smiled at him reassuringly. His heart sank a little at her look of trust and love. He prayed to God above that what he was going to do with his plan wouldn't damage their relationship drastically. He had a feeling he wouldn't be that lucky though.

"If I could have your attention please," Dumbledore said, breaking into Draco's thoughts.

Everyone fell silent and the old wizard continued smiling, staring at them all over his glasses.

"Thank you," he said cheerfully. "I'm sure most of you are wondering why I called a meeting so early in the afternoon. I have many things to discuss with all of you but before we get to the most important part of the meeting, I am happy to tell you some great news concerning Hogwarts. Since the departure of the Heirs, the DA has been led by Neville Longbottom and Cho Chang, and it has been a very successful group. All of the students that remained after the divide have joined and last night they performed one of the last events preparing themselves for the Final Battle. They held a series of duels much like we did here and I must say, every student performed excellently. The Heirs will have wonderful back-up on the day of the Final Battle."

As Hermione started to open her mouth to make a comment, Dumbledore held up his hand to her.

"I know what you are going to say, Miss Granger. You fear for the safety of the younger students and Hogwarts as a whole. I must say, there is nothing I can really do to stop them from taking their part in the battle. Rest assured, the grades that are fourth year and below will not be at the actual Final Battle. They shall remain at Hogwarts with a few teachers and members of the Order to defend the school if we should fail at the battle. I am afraid that the students above that refused to be left behind and wish to join the Heirs in hopes to support all of you. The DA was installed to prepare everyone for battle because I wish to leave no one unprepared. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes, Professor," Hermione said, lowering her hand.

"Very good," Dumbledore said, smiling once more. "That takes care of the business with Hogwarts. Now, on to the much larger news."

He paused and looked at the teachers, directing his next words to them.

"Professors, do you believe you have trained the Heirs and their companions to the best and they now hold within them all the knowledge you feel necessary for them to succeed in the Final Battle?"

After a slight pause and a glance between all of the teachers, Remus Lupin stepped forward.

"Yes, Albus," he replied. "We have complete faith in our students. All of us."

He cast a meaningful look at Snape, who was looking very surly. Dumbledore noticed the exchange and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have anything to comment on, Severus?" he asked mildly.

Snape sniffed heavily and gazed around the Main Hall before locking eyes with Harry, who stared back defiantly.

"No, Albus," he replied, never looking away from Harry. "As much as I don't want to, I agree with Lupin. The Heirs are ready and though I shall deny ever saying these words if you should ever repeat them, I am, in a way, quite proud of them all."

The students stared at him in shock, Ron's mouth falling open as he muttered an audible "Bloody hell!" from his lips. Snape made no other response and looked away from Harry's frozen gaze. Dumbledore hid a smile at the scene, knowing very well that Snape would follow up on his threat.

"Splendid!" he said, breaking the tension. "So all the teachers are in agreement. The Heirs and their companions are finally ready. And this is what the meeting is mainly about. I am here to tell the students that, after training hard for the past eight months learning everything possible to defeat Voldemort, your training has now come to an end. We have taught you everything that we know and the rest is now left up to you."

He stared down his nose at them, growing slightly serious.

"We do expect you all to keep practicing though. Training may have ended but do not grow lax and become lazy. The Final Battle is near, very near, and you must be ready for it."

His serious nature faded as he looked upon them proudly.

"I am very proud of you all, as I'm sure the other teachers are too. You have worked and trained hard to become the way you are today. The Heirs have proven their skills and strength time and time again. Your companions, though not here nearly as long, have lived up to the challenge of their task and have proved their worth. You eight shall be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield."

By this time, the Four Heirs and their friends were blushing so hard they all appeared to be badly sunburned. Even Draco was feeling very flattered, trying to hide a grin. Dumbledore watched their discomfort with amusement, knowing it would not last long. Shifting, he sighed, catching their attention once more.

"I must warn you all though. Difficult times still lie ahead, some that may even be painful. Remember the Key. Remember the bond. Remember the trust and love that lies between you all. You shall need that knowledge to get you through the coming times. Remember this important piece of information as well. Do not judge too harshly the actions of others, because a different and deeper meaning may lie underneath the surface. If you know this, trust will be found and kept much easier. The Key must be established fully at the Final Battle or else we shall fall. Stay united and stay strong. The Light is relying on this."

Draco moved restlessly in his spot during Dumbledore's speech. The meaning behind the old wizard's word struck something in him. As much as he felt a distrust with Dumbledore, Draco suddenly knew what he had to do. He was into his plan too deep to back out now, too much was known by others, but there was a way to change it. He could modify it drastically, like he had been wanting to do for so long. Now though, he had a way of making the plan tilt in the favor of the Light.

Draco stared intently at Dumbledore, biting his lip. He knew what he had to do.

Dumbledore looked at the Heirs and calculated their expressions.

"Do you all feel ready for what lies ahead of you?" he asked them.

The Heirs looked between each other before nodding, a sense of calm falling over them all as they realized they were not alone in the fight.

"Yes, Professor," Harry finally said, "we are."

At his words, everyone was surprised to feel a surge of energy ripple through the Hall. The Heirs had just let out a shockwave of magic, signs of their bond sealing together even more as they swore to be united to each other in the fight against the evil they were destined to destroy. Everyone else stared in awe at them as pure power seemed to radiate off of the Heirs, making them look even more like the Founders they were chosen by.

Dumbledore nodded in acknowledgement of Harry's statement. A spark of respect was glimmering in his eyes as he looked at the Heirs. They had truly grown into their powers.

"Good," he said softly. "That matter is now settled. It is now time for all of us to focus our attentions on the upcoming battle and plans that must be made for it. We have to take in account everything, where the battle may take place, who and what Voldemort plans to recruit for his army, and other such matters. Now, let us gather around here."

Dumbledore flicked his wand, one of the long tables flying over to land before him. With another flick, several rolls of parchment, a handful of quills, and many ink bottles appeared on the smooth, wooden surface of the table. Detailed maps of the United Kingdom were laid before them and thick rolls of used parchment outlining strategies for battle were placed on top of the maps. Dumbledore then conjured plush chairs for everyone to be seated in.

"Please, sit and we will discuss the battle and any ideas you have for us."

The group moved forward and everyone sat down. For the next few hours, they all discussed in great length the means to succeed in the Final Battle against Voldemort. The Four Heirs and their companions were allowed a lot of say by the adults, much to their surprise. Ideas and battle plans were thrown back and forth across the table, some shot down, some met with great reception. When the meeting ended, everyone felt satisfied with how plans were going, a new sense of hope settling into all of their minds.

"Well, I think that's enough for today," Dumbledore said as he rolled up a map of Scotland. "I think it would be wise to have a meeting such as this conducted a few times a week. We have many more things to go over before I feel we will be fully prepared. With that, the meeting is adjourned for today."

The group stood, the rolls of parchment and maps disappearing with a flick of Moody's wand. Dumbledore replaced the table and caused the chairs to vanish before he stood still, watching everyone leave. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Hannah walked out of the Main Hall as a group, in a deep discussion about the many plans they had just seen. Blaise, Ginny, and Draco were starting to leave together when Draco suddenly stopped and swung around to look at Dumbledore.

"What is it, Draco?" Ginny questioned, touching his shoulder softly.

Not looking at her, Draco answered distractedly.

"Go on ahead with Blaise, Gin. I have to take care of something first."

"Are you all right?" she asked, looking worried. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Gin, I swear." He kissed the side of her head and smiled reassuringly. "I'll see you in the Common Room."

Ginny smiled back but an odd feeling had settled in her stomach.

"Okay, but expect questions from me later."

Draco sighed in slight annoyance.

"I know, I know. Now go, please."

Finally relenting, Ginny left with Blaise, who was throwing Draco curious looks over his shoulder. The blonde ignored his friend though and walked toward Dumbledore, stopping to stand in front of the wizard, who was regarding him expectantly. Taking a deep breath, Draco finally begin to voice the problem that had been on his mind for months.

"Professor, there's something I need to tell you….."


Voldemort laughed gleefully in his chair besides the fire, Wormtail standing before him, trembling in fear.

"What….what is it…Master?" he questioned feebly.

"Wormtail! Everything is going according to plan! We may have lost the Prophecy but we are about to gain something much more important! Soon, very soon, that which I have wanted shall be with us, on our side. Then those pathetic little Heirs will have no chance to defeat me."

"R…really, Master?" Wormtail said, looking hopeful.

Voldemort sneered.

"Yes, Wormtail, very soon, very soon. Fool, that you could not realize this!"

Wormtail shook even harder from his spot before the Dark Lord.

"P..please, Master. I beg of you…."

"Crucio!" Voldemort cried, watching in pleasure as his servant writhed in agony before him. "I asked you never to beg."

Back at Illustris, Harry Potter clamped a hand to his forehead as his scar seared in pain. Clenching his teeth, a deep feeling of dread filled him. Voldemort was extremely happy, and Harry was at a loss as to why.


Author's Note: Another chapter for all of you! Sorry about the shortness but there wasn't too much involved in this chapter. It was necessary but not one that needed incredible length. I will improve on that though! I hope no one minded how nice I am making Cho is this fic. So many stories have her being an absolute bitch to everyone and frankly, I am a little tired of it. I don't really like her character but I wanted to show a new side to her. I wanted to show Neville being stronger as well, since I believe we started to see that in OotP. I love Neville, I think he's one of the sweetest characters in the books. Ah yes, and I started to touch on Draco's plan more, leaving a bit of a cliffhanger there. Don't worry, the answer to the question you've all been asking me will be answered in the next chapter: Just what is Draco planning with those Passim Mirrors? Ohh...I know, I'm killing you guys with suspense!
I feel I have to answer something here as well. I was pleased by the reviews for the previous chapter but there was one thing that was brought up often. Why did I end Harry's and Ron's duel in a tie? First, I must say, I had no intentions for it to appear as if Ron was as strong as Harry, thus making him stronger than the other Heirs. The Heirs are still the strongest and no matter how much Ron trains, he can not be what they are. You must remember that even though the Heirs and their companions were told not to hold back in the duels, they did slightly. It was not a real battle and they were still facing their friends so no real damanged was wanted to be inflicted. Harry held back a great deal in his duel with Ron, thus bringing his powers down to Ron's. Does that make sense? You also must remember, that though the Heirs are incredibly strong, they are HUMAN. They are not immortal and they are not gods. They are above the strength of most but they can be hurt and they can be defeated. I'm not foreshadowing anything here but I just wanted to bring this point up. I think many reviewers believe the Heirs can not be touched or destroyed, which is not true. So, that's my reason behind Harry's and Ron's duel. If you have any more questions about it, please leave a review!
Sorry about this very long author's note but I had to answer that question. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though it is short! Please review and I'll try and update soon, though I do have a heavy work schedule the next couple of days! Thanks for the wonderful reviews, as always!