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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts


Disclaimer: All belongs to J.K. Rowling, is this even necessary to say anymore? lol

The Heirs Of Hogwarts

Chapter Eight - The Serpent Revealed

The day before Halloween dawned bright and beautiful. Excitement hung in the air for the Halloween Feast the next day and the Hogsmeade's visit that proceeded it. The Gryffindor Common Room was especially noisy, laughter and talk of where everyone would be shopping bouncing back and forth. It was just after lunch and the students were preparing to go to their next class. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in their usual corner, packing up their books to go down to Potions. They were the only three not joining in the chatter.

Ever since Hermione had found out about her parents' deaths, she had become very subdued. If anything, she had launched herself further into her studies as well as reading any book that contained information on Rowena Ravenclaw. No other effects or powers were showing from Hermione's changes but she figured that was because she needed training. She remembered from the book that she had read just yesterday that Rowena Ravenclaw was Empathic, meaning she could read other people's thoughts and emotions. Hermione figured she had acquired this gift as well though she had no idea why it wasn't working yet.

As much as she tried to avoid Professor Dumbledore, her anger at him still very strong, he had forced both her and Ginny to come to his study the other day to mention a few more things to them. He had hinted to the fact that as soon as the other Heirs were revealed, intense training would be starting. He said they would need to learn how to control their emotions and powers and learn how to use them when necessary. She didn't remember much of the meeting, for once not caring about learning new information. All Hermione knew right now was that she hated being an Heir and despised Rowena Ravenclaw for choosing her. Because of that silly Prophecy, she no longer had any parents. Hermione gave a small sniffle, remembering them. A funeral had taken place for them but she had refused to go, too deep inside her grief to see her parents dead, she wanted to remember them as alive.

Hermione knew Harry and Ron were very worried about her, she still hung out with them but talked little. She answered their questions when necessary and offered no more. She went to bed every night at exactly 10 o'clock, a new book about the Founders always tucked under her arm. Her eyes no longer sparkled and she always seemed close to tears. She didn't realize how much her sudden changes in her deposition were killing her best friends, especially Harry.

Harry was, at the moment, watching Hermione out of the corner of his eye. After finally giving into the fact that he had fallen in love with her over the years, her pain was even more intense to him. Ron was the only one he told about this and the red-head did his best to comfort his friend. No words could comfort Harry though and he desperately wished to talk to Hermione but she had shut him out.

Harry gave a deep sigh and shoved his Advanced Potions book in his bag before straightening up. Ron gave him a sympathetic look and went to turn to Hermione to say something to her, but he suddenly realized she was no longer standing in front of him. Confusion came over him at first but his question was quickly answered.

"Aren't you two coming? We're going to be late," Hermione said in a clipped, flat tone from the portrait entrance. Harry and Ron quickly finished packing their bags and rushed after her.

A tense silence fell between the three of them as they walked down to the dungeons. It was always this way now. No more joking between them, no more chastising from Hermione about Harry and Ron not having their homework done, and no more friendly chats.

If this is what being an Heir does to the person and their friends, I hope to God I'm not one, Harry thought very bitterly as they stepped into Professor Snape's classroom and took their usual seats at the back of the class.

Malfoy was already in his seat and he sneered at them all and made an odd hissing noise. Harry pointedly ignored him but Ron made a very rude gesture. "Ron!" Hermione said in annoyance. It was about the only good thing the gesture did, got Hermione to sound like her usual self.

"Better watch it there, Weasley. You're going to get the Mudblood in a tizzy," Draco laughed snidely.

Hermione stiffened involuntarily but ignored him, holding her head up high. Ron's face was as red as his hair now and Harry's eyes were blazing. "Shut up, Malfoy," he said through clenched teeth.

Malfoy chuckled once more before turning in his seat as Snape glided into the room. "Well, for once none of you are late," he stated in a silky voice, "The potion you are making today is the Dreamless Sleep Potion, which has sometimes appeared on the N.E.W.T.S." He flicked his wand and a long list of ingredients were scribbled on the board. "Get your ingredients out and begin. And Longbottom, do try to not melt a cauldron this time," he finished in a nasty voice.

Neville flushed bright red and made an odd muttering sound while Harry glared at Snape in anger. As much as he had come to understand Snape after seeing his memories in the Pensieve last year, he still hated the damn git. Hermione, who usually became very upset herself whenever Neville was insulted by Snape, wasn't paying attention for once and was determinedly crushing some spine of lionfish. Malfoy was openly sniggering and turned in his seat again, sneering at Neville in hopes to intimidate him.

Half-way through the lesson, Malfoy decided to make the class more interesting and threw a large piece of dragon heart into Neville's cauldron, which exploded and doused half the class in dark green slime. Snape gave an angry growl as shrieks filled the room before stomping over to Neville. "You idiot, foolish boy! When will you learn? Fifty points from Gryffindor for your immense stupidity!"

Neville looked close to tears and hung his head in defeat. Ron couldn't take it and leapt toward Malfoy who seemed to be quite enjoying himself. Harry turned on Snape in anger and shouted, "It was Malfoy, Professor. He threw the dragon heart into Neville's cauldron and you know it!"

"Harry," Hermione said warningly as Snape rounded on him, black eyes flashing in hatred. He took a menacing step toward Harry, who was glaring back defiantly. Neither noticed the heated fight between Malfoy and Ron. "Potter," Snape spat, looking oddly triumphant.

Hermione suddenly let out a high-pitched scream and everyone in the room froze. Ron gasped and released his hold on Malfoy's throat, whose skin was suddenly burning hot and incapable of being touched. Draco was lying flat on his back but his body was very still, gray eyes wide in shock. A rippling burn coursed through his blood and when it reached his head, he screamed.

As Draco screamed in agony on the floor, his body taking on a bright green glow, Hermione started trembling, a flood of emotions overloading her brain. She felt fear, shock, and most of all, pain, indescribable pain. She grabbed on to the table to steady herself, her knees becoming weak. Ron backed away from Draco in fright, feeling as if he had done something to cause this. Harry tore his eyes from Draco and turned to Hermione, who started to fall to the floor. Harry quickly grabbed her shoulders and steadied her. Her shaking was becoming more violent and tears were leaking down her face.

"Make it stop," she murmured into his chest, "make it stop."

Utterly bewildered, Harry hugged her tighter to him, his eyes once more going to Draco, who gave one last horrible screech before the green light died away and he lay still. Everyone watched as the image of a serpent floated over him for a second before vanishing. Hermione stopped trembling in Harry's arms but started breathing in wheezes.

Snape was frozen, hardly believing his eyes. So he is the Heir of Slytherin, he thought, I was beginning to think Potter might be. Coming to his senses he took a few steps toward Draco's unconscious form. "Somebody take him to the Hospital Wing," he ordered sternly.

No one moved so he barked quickly, "NOW!"

Everyone jumped and reluctantly, Ron moved forward, struggling to get Draco off the floor. Snape made a noise of annoyance and stepped forward, "Levitate him, Weasley!"

"Oh!" Ron took his wand out and flicked it over Draco who levitated off the floor and with Ron behind him, he floated out of the room. Snape watched the doorway for a second before turning to the rest of the class. "Well, back to work!" he snapped.

"Professor," Harry said hurriedly, struggling to detach Hermione from his body, who was clinging to him, "Professor, Hermione.......she.......I think she needs the Hospital Wing as well."

Snape eyed the two of them for a second, taking in Harry's panicked expression to the sobbing Hermione in his arms. "Very well, out of my sight," though the words were slightly more gentle.

Harry somehow got Hermione out of the room, who was still clutching desperately to his waist. Snape watched them leave as well before a sigh left his lips. I hope they are strong enough.


Professor Dumbledore stood by Draco's bedside, deep in thought. Everything was going much quicker than he had thought. The Heirs were being revealed much sooner than they should be, which could only mean one thing, Voldemort knew about the Prophecy.

Dumbledore had feared for a while that he had but he now knew for certain. In the time span of one month, three of the four Heirs had shown themselves. He had hoped it wouldn't happen until they had all graduated from Hogwarts, then they all would've been older, more experienced, and prepared enough to handle the words of the Prophecy. At the ages of sixteen and fifteen, they were not ready, they were not mentally and emotionally ready to have the fate of the world resting on their shoulders. This was exactly why Dumbledore had never told them about the Prophecy. It was why he had never told Harry about his own Prophecy. He wanted them to enjoy their lives and learn all they could before the inevitable came. This was his mistake, he never should have thought for them.

Dumbledore watched the sleeping Draco, the Heir of Slytherin. The fury of the blonde wizard would be immense once he learned of who had paid the price for his powers. Exactly what Voldemort wants. He'll want the chosen Heir of Slytherin to be on the side of the blood Heir of Slytherin. Dumbledore knew that Voldemort was making the deaths appear to be his doing, he wanted the Heirs to turn on him. For as much as the Prophecy said about the Heirs being the downfall of evil, if they joined Voldemort, they would bring the downfall to the Light. For as much as the Prophecy said about ending evil, if they believed the Light to be evil, they would stop at nothing to bring about its destruction.

Dumbledore's blue eyes traveled over to Hermione, who was once again resting in the Hospital Wing. Harry had told him about what had happened in the dungeons. Hermione's special power had been revealed though the full extent of it would not show until every Heir had been found. The Four were more deeply connected then they would ever know and their powers would come from each other, as well as themselves.

Draco stirred suddenly, his eyes slowly flickering open. Dumbledore took a seat and steepled his fingers together, waiting to be acknowledged. Draco sat up, looking confused with his surroundings at first but finally turning to Professor Dumbledore. "Professor," he said softly, "what am I doing here?"

"Ah, Mister Malfoy, it seems you had a slight.....episode in Professor Snape's room and were brought here. Do you remember?"

"I remember a lot of pain," he responded, shifting slightly and grimacing. His steely eyes came to rest on Hermione in the bed next to him. "What's she doing here?" he asked sourly.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Miss Granger went into a fit of hysterics when you collapsed. She was brought here to be calmed down."

Draco snorted. "I'm touched."

Dumbledore chose to ignore his snide remark. "Mister Malfoy, do you know why you collapsed?"

Draco stared blankly at him, not really knowing but covering it up. He shrugged, "The dungeon was stuffy. We really need some windows down there."

Dumbledore smiled slightly at the sarcastic tone. "No, Mister Malfoy, that is not correct. I'm sure you've heard the.....ah.....rumors floating around the school, am I right?"

Draco glared. "Yeah, what of it?"

There was no easy way to say it. "You are the Heir of Salazar Slytherin, Mister Malfoy." He watched as Draco's eyes went wide then a smirk graced his lips.

"Nice one, Professor. Highly unlikely though, don't you think? I thought you would know most of all that good ol' Voldemort is the Heir of Slytherin."

"Don't rebuke me, Mister Malfoy," Dumbledore said sharply, "You've heard of the Prophecy and you know what it says. I am not lying to you, you are just choosing to block and ignore the obvious facts."

Draco got a hateful look on his face but he knew he was wrong. He just did not, under any circumstances, want to be an Heir. It was ridiculous, he didn't want to be involved in the battle. Stupid Merlin and his Prophecies, he thought bitterly.

"All right, Professor, I get it. I'm an Heir, big deal. Let the other three do the fighting, I'll just wait, they don't need me."

"Quite on the contrary, Mister Malfoy, you are needed and you will train with the other three. None of this superiority you always in insist on having," Dumbledore said with a finality.

Draco gave him a heated look, slightly abashed. "Hummpf," he growled, crossing his arms over his chest. He refused to look at Dumbledore and glared at the wall in front of him. A deep sigh sounded next to him and he glanced quickly out of the corner of his eye. He was surprised to see how old Dumbledore looked, he always thought him to be very powerful but right now, in Draco's eyes, he looked weak.

"I'm sorry, Mister Malfoy, there is much on my mind at the present time. And, well, there is something else you need to know." He paused and watched Draco carefully.

"What?" Draco said stiffly, still not facing Dumbledore.

"I received an owl from your mother, it was hard to read because of the tear splashes on it," he began slowly. Draco turned sharply and stared, a sudden look of fear reflecting in his otherwise emotionless eyes. Dumbledore continued, looking uncomfortable. "Your mother found your sister around the same time you collapsed. I'm sorry, Draco.......your sister is dead."

An odd ringing noise filled Draco's ears and he swayed dangerously. His hands went down and gripped the bed sheets until his knuckles turned white. I will not show emotion. I will not show emotion, he chanted over and over in his head as tears threatened to spill forth. He clenched his jaw in the effort to stop his emotions from showing, something that had been drilled into him by his father from the moment he was born. Dumbledore watched him calmly before reaching a hand forward as if to place on Draco's arm.

"Draco......." he started to say.

"Leave. Me. Alone," he said in a very low and hateful voice. The hand withdrew and Draco shoved the covers off his legs and jumped from the bed. With a snarl at Dumbledore he strode out of the Hospital Wing, leaving a downcast Professor and a tearful Hermione.


Draco kept his fists tightly clenched as he walked blindly down the corridors. Much in the same way Ginny had acted, he barely took notice of his surroundings and found himself outside of the castle and walking across the grounds. Curses were muttered continuously under his breath and he kept willing himself not to cry.

He stopped himself in front of the Forbidden Forest and stared at the dark trees. He would not scream but he would be angry. Anger took over and filled every part of him. He would kill whoever took his sister from him, and they would suffer, oh yes, they would suffer dearly.

Draco flung himself to the damp ground and without even thinking, slammed his fist into the earth. It trembled beneath his hand but he could care less. He brought his fist up again and pounded harder, the ground shaking once more. "Why Rose?" A strangled yell escaping his lips. "Why her? Why did she have to go?"

With each word he said, he pounded down harder on the earth, which shook fiercely with hit. The Forbidden Forest quaked in front of him and deep within a few trees crashed to the floor. The earth around him trembled and a rippling effect went through it. In a few areas, a deep fissure suddenly appeared and dirt sprayed up. The earth groaned and shifted at Draco's continuous assault. He was breathing hard and despite his best efforts, a few tears escaped his eyes and fell to the ground.

Finally, he stopped his fist and bent his head down, clutching his hands desperately. "Oh, why did she have to be taken from me," he whispered, "the only person I loved." And he wept bitterly.

Ginny stood in shock over by Hagrid's hut. She had been out visiting the half-giant when she had seen Draco walking across the ground, looking as if he was fighting an internal battle. Against her better judgment, she had walked out to see what was wrong with him and had seen him fall to the ground and then felt the trembling of the earth every time his fist hit it.

For the first time in her life, Ginny's heart truly went out to her hated enemy and a few tears escaped her brown eyes as she felt his grief. And now he knows what it's like, she thought, Before I wished this on him, why now do I only want to take that pain away?

She continued to watch Draco long after his display of emotion, many new thoughts swirling through her head, each as confusing as the next.


Author's Note: I can not thank you enough for the absolutely amazing reviews. You guys are the best! You keep me going and help me to continue this story! Big hugs to all of you! :)

All right, I know a lot of people were hoping for a big twist here and suddenly have Harry be the Heir of Slytherin and Draco be Gryffindor. I seriously considered it for a very long time. I had a lot of difficulty with it but in the end, I decided to go the so-called "cliche" way and make Draco Slytherin's Heir. In reality, it really wouldn't make sense the other way except for it to be a twist. Even though this story is slightly AU, the key word is "slightly." All things in the canon point to Harry being the Heir of Gryffindor and with the way I made Draco in this story, him being Gryffindor would just be out of his character. The idea also wouldn't make sense for what I have planned later in the story. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone, I truly considered it, but this just turned out to be the best for my story. I know it is cliche but....ughh...that's just the way my story is going. I do hope you like it still.

Thank you for all the feedback on the title. I think I may keep it this way since it makes sense, like a bunch of reviewers pointed out though someone did say that it would make the story feel more like a book if I changed it. I dunno, its been this title for so long I've sorta grown attached to it, lol. So, it stays! Thanks you guys!

Again I hope none of you are disappointed with the outcome of the Heirs. Though I do remember some people said they would be quite angry if I didn't make Harry the Heir of Gryffindor, lol. So, that's the way it goes. I dunno....he seems like a Gryffindor doesn't he? LOL Well, please please review!! And thanks for the continuous support and reading :).
Much Love,