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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Thirty - Wormtail's Big Blunder

"They're almost here."

At Ginny's chilling words, the others looked up toward the sky and utter shock fell over their faces.

The sky was the blackest of black, the moon and stars having disappeared from sight. The darkness fell all around them, quickly shrouding anything from their view. The coldness of the air descended further and a harsh breeze blew up, whipping at their faces. If they tried hard enough, they could hear the faint rustling of cloaks.

"Stay calm!" Professor McGonagall shouted. "And light your wands! It is now necessary."

Five wand tips were soon glowing and casting an eerie light on them. Ginny had stood up shakily, looking pale and scared. Harry, Hermione, and Draco were all wearing looks of determination, waiting and watching, ready to leap into battle.

"Do nothing yet," McGonagall said quietly. "They have not gotten through the wards surrounding this place and I doubt they will any time soon. We must make our way back toward the castle and inform Professor Dumbledore. Now, follow me."

Just as they were beginning their walk back, tension still firmly in place, a strange noise echoed in the air around them. It was almost like something was ripping. A bright flash of purple streaked across the sky and the sound faded. Suddenly the rustling of the cloaks seemed much closer.

Professor McGonagall had frozen, her jaw hanging open.

"My God, they broke through the Dementor shield. But how?" she whispered frantically.

The Heirs were watching her in disbelief, hardly daring to breathe. The coldness was becoming more pronounced and Harry started to hear a faint screaming in his ears. Shutting his eyes tightly to block out the painful memory, Harry started shouting instructions to everyone, assuming the role of leader immediately.

"We have to form a circle! Everyone needs to face a different direction and perform the Patronus Charm. Do you all…." He faltered as the screaming returned to haunt him.

Forcing his eyes back open, Harry hoped the others would be able to perform the charm. Screwing up his courage, he tried to think of the happiest memory he could. The sight of him kissing Hermione on the Astronomy Tower flashed before his eyes.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" he bellowed.

A brilliant silver stag erupted from his wand and cantered away from him. The brightness of the Patronus illuminated the mass of Dementors that were floating toward them. Harry stumbled back in surprise, his back slamming into Hermione, who had just conjured up her own Patronus. Her silver otter was running forward, circling the feet of the Dementors.

There were hundreds of them though and the coldness only receded slightly before it came gusting at the group full force, knocking Ginny to her knees. Sounds of Tom Riddle taunting her and manipulating her filled her ears before she rose angrily and shouted the spell.


An elegant silver leopard raced forward and collided with the wall of Dementors, causing several to turn and fly away. More were rushing forward though and as Ginny backed up, Draco shouted out behind her.

A silver hawk descended and swooped at the Dementors' heads. Several seconds later, Professor McGonagall conjured up a silver wolf which growled and ran forward. Panting from exhaustion, the older witch shouted out to them.

"Keep fighting them! We're pushing them back!"

And so the battle of the Heirs versus the Dementors continued. Harry and Hermione were fighting side by side, surrounded by a large group of Dementors, each sending out another stag and otter every few minutes. Ginny and Draco were pushing back another group of Dementors, chasing them down with their leopard and hawk. Professor McGonagall had been joined by the other teachers from the castle who had heard the ward fall. McGonagall and Snape were the only ones who could conjure full Patronus Charms while Madame Pomfrey and Trelawney were holding their own with Shield Spells and wisps of silver.

The Dementors were strong though and weren't giving up without a fight. It was clear their instructions were to weaken and defeat the Heirs. They were forcefully moving forward, trying to avoid the silver animals as best as possible.

Feeling herself being drained, Ginny fell to her knees again, a wave of utter unhappiness falling over her. Draco was several feet away and battling three Dementors at once. Another hawk erupted from his wand and flew straight into the chest of one, who doubled back and flew away. The other two were brought down as well before Draco turned and saw Ginny trembling on the ground, a Dementor closing in on her, slowly lowering it's hood.

"NO!" he shouted, darting forward.

Ginny struggled to raise herself, fighting off the unhappy memories. The Dementor came closer and closer. She pointed her wand to it, muttering the charm, but only a wisp escaped her wand. Anger filling her suddenly, Ginny fell on her back and pointed her wand once more.


The sound of her voice was interlaced with another. Just as her leopard raced from her wand and hit the Dementor, a hawk came down at the same time and collided with it as well. The two Patronus' were too much for the Dementor, who lurched back and vanished.

Ginny swung around in shock to see Draco standing over her, worry clouding his features as he lifted her to her feet. He quickly hugged her to him before releasing her and turning back to face more Dementors.

"Don't scare me like that again!" he shouted as he ran forward.

Ginny stared after him wide-eyed but was interrupted as a Dementor flew toward her, stretching it's slimy gray hand at her throat. She yelled the charm and dispelled it.

Harry and Hermione were having a slightly easier time. Though the number of Dementors was no less for them, being two of the most powerful witch and wizard ever, they were sending the black creatures off left and right. Their backs were to each other, showing absolute trust in the other's actions. The stag and the otter glowed brightly as they fought against their enemy.

The fight was tiring them though and they were gradually losing their magical energy. The Dementors didn't seem to be stopping, their number was so great they just kept coming. Voldemort seemed to have found every Dementor and sent them to Illustris, intent on destroying the Heirs.

Suddenly McGonagall's strained shout floated to them.

"Dumbledore is here!"

A breath of relief escaped Harry as a crackling noise filled the air, the sign of the ward being replaced. A sharp blast rippled around them as all the Dementors were thrown backwards. Not to be kept from their goal, a small number returned, all of them quickly thrown down by the Heirs. Another crackle whipped through the night as Dumbledore constructed another ward.

And then everything stopped. The cold air vanished and was replaced by the damp wind of March. The stars twinkled into sight, followed by the moon which glowed onto their faces. Dumbledore shot a ball of light into the air, which hovered over the group and illuminated them all.

The Heirs had all collapsed to the ground, breathing hard and wiping their sweaty brows, hardly believing they were alive. Madame Pomfrey was hauling a faint Professor Trelawney to her feet as McGonagall and Snape stood shaking wearily next to Dumbledore. The old wizard's face was stern and commanding as he looked over them all.

"Is everyone all right?" he asked.

Once he had received a nod from everyone, Dumbledore turned to Madame Pomfrey.

"Poppy, I believe everyone should be checked over, if you feel you are up to it."

The nurse straightened herself up. "I'm quite all right, Albus. I assure you I can fulfill my duties properly.

"Very good. Now, if everyone will follow me now. We must get back to the castle. I reestablished the wards and put up stronger ones but the Dementors may try to return. Hurry now."

Dumbledore quickly strode toward the castle, the others following slowly in his wake. They made it back to the castle with no other instances except for the fact that everyone felt very weak and tired. Dumbledore led the way to the Hospital Wing located in Illustris. As he stepped through the swinging doors, he waved his wand and the torches along the wall flared up with light.

Harry escorted Hermione to a bed before crawling onto one himself, exhaustion creeping faster through his body. He vaguely saw Draco carry Ginny to a bed and Madame Pomfrey helping Professor Trelawney along. The nurse then bustled around, grabbing potion bottles off the shelves. Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall helped her, the least injured out of everyone.

Hermione squinted her eyes and shifted her sore body. So much magical energy had been drained from her. She wondered how any of them could survive the Final Battle, which would be much worse then the one that just took place. Stretching her feelings out to make sure everyone was okay, she sighed in relief as Madame Pomfrey flickered her wand over her to relieve some of the tension in her muscles.

As the nurse reached over to uncork a bottle filled with a light blue potion, Hermione stretched her mind out further, Ginny's vision having her suddenly worried. As she reached her target, the brown haired witch sat upright with a start, causing Madame Pomfrey to shriek and drop the bottle.

It shattered as it hit the floor and everyone else in the Hospital Wing turned to Hermione. A deep silence descended as Hermione breathed hard and shook her head desperately. Turning her head, her eyes locked with Ginny's, who was clutching her bed sheets in fear.

"He's in danger," she whispered, before fainting back on her pillow.

Ginny clapped a hand to her mouth as tears spilled out of her eyes. The others were rushing to Hermione's side but Ginny only had one thought racing through her head.

Her vision was coming true.


A lone figure stood in the shadow of the walls of Hogwarts, a light breeze rippling the black cloak of the wearer. Dark eyes squinted out to the Forbidden Forest, waiting and watching for the signal. Impatience grew as the minutes dragged on longer and no signal could be seen above the swaying trees.

A soft hiss of annoyance escaped the person's lips. Maybe the day had been switched and Lord Voldemort had failed to send the information. That was practically impossible though, the Dark Lord never made a mistake.

As darkness deepened and a few stars started to twinkle above, the figure let out a huff and stormed back into the castle. Obviously the plan had fallen through and wouldn't be taking place.

And so Theodore Nott returned to the Slytherin Common Room.


Luna Lovegood made her way silently through the corridors of Hogwarts. Only a few scattered students still remained out and most ignored her, for Loony Luna wasn't the most popular person to stop and have a chat with. This didn't bother her at all and she walked on serenely, intent on only reaching her meeting with Ronald on time.

She had sent a letter to Ron earlier that evening, asking him to meet her by the large oak on the grounds because there was something she needed to discuss with him. Eyes glinting a bit, she threw the large doors of Hogwarts open and stepped out onto the dewy grass.

In the distance, she could see a tall figure pacing restlessly, every now and then running a hand hurriedly through his hair. As she walked closer, the male looked up at her.

"Luna!" Ron exclaimed, rushing toward her and wrapping her in a hug.

She returned it stiffly, unsure of herself. Ron noticed her tension and pulled back, looking at her quizzically.

"Luna?" he said softly. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Ron," she responded quickly.

She yanked away from his arms and went over to the tree, standing under it and staring out across the lake. Ron watched her wearily, not understanding where her sudden mood change was coming from. He had just seen Luna at dinner, before he had received her letter, and she had been perfectly normal with him. They had laughed and talked, agreeing to meet for breakfast the next morning. That was why Ron was so surprised to find a letter from her, requesting his presence outside.

Ron moved closer to her side and lightly touched her shoulder. She flinched a bit but still didn't look at him.

"Luna, talk to me. Something is bothering you. Please tell me."

Luna finally turned to him but her large eyes gazed behind him, roaming the castle and the area surrounding. Appearing satisfied with something, her eyes locked onto Ron's and he was shocked to see a cruel smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Time to come with me, Ron. And please don't put up a fight. It will make this less painful for you."

Ron's eyes widened as Luna reached around to her pocket and pulled her wand out, pointing it straight at his heart.

"What are you doing?" Ron cried out, stumbling back a little.

"Taking care of business," she snarled. "I'm on a mission and I must complete it for my Master."

"Master?!" Ron said in disbelief, backing up more.

"Yes, my Master," she repeated. "Now, don't run, Ronald. We don't want anyone to catch us, do we?"

Ron gave a yell and started to dart back to the castle but Luna raised her wand and in a quick motion, she stunned him. Ron fell face forward on the ground and Luna quickly flicked her wand and the red-head rose off the ground, floating in front of her as she walked quickly into the Forbidden Forest.

As the darkness of the trees hid them from view, Luna lowered her wand and Ron fell in the dirt. Smirking, she sat down next to him, waiting for the right moment. Several minutes later, her skin shimmered and shifted, transforming.

With a sigh of relief, Peter Pettigrew stood up, his metallic arm shining in the moonlight. He then flicked his wand back over Ron, who floated off the ground once more. He strode deeper into the forest, finally coming to his Apparition check point.

Peter pulled out a shabby looking sock and tapped it with his wand, watching the material glow blue for a second. He then reached down and grabbed Ron's arm with one hand, holding the sock with the other. A few seconds later, the two of them whirled away in a flash of color.

Several minutes later, Albus Dumbledore raced into the same clearing, wand raised and a look of fury in his eyes. After Hermione had confirmed Ginny's vision, he had immediately Portkeyed back to Hogwarts, where he had quickly met a tearful Luna Lovegood and a shaking Susan Bones.

Susan had claimed to see Luna walking through Hogwarts, headed outside. Susan had then headed to the library, where she met Luna again. This was impossible as the library wasn't that close to the entrance of Hogwarts. Confused, Susan had asked Luna if she had been in the library all night. When the blonde said yes, Susan became fearful and explained what had happened. Both then raced outside, no sign of Ron or "Luna" anywhere. Crying openly now, the real Luna insisted on finding Dumbledore and they had met the Headmaster right outside his office.

Dumbledore asked them to wait and then he hurried to the Forbidden Forest. Leaning down, Dumbledore moved his wand all over the area, hoping to find a clue somewhere. Finally, his wand light landed on a small bottle lying in a pile of leaves. He leaned down and picked up the bottle, tipping it over and watching some contents spill out.

Looking very grim, his worst fears were confirmed. The bottle had been filled with Polyjuice Potion. Apparently someone had taken the identity of Luna to lure Ron away from the castle. That could only mean that now Voldemort had him and would be using him to get to the Prophecy of Merlin.

Dumbledore pocketed the bottle and left the Forbidden Forest. Voldemort would not be pleased with his servant when he learned that the Death Eater had failed to cover his tracks.


"Crucio!" Voldemort shrieked at Wormtail.

The quivering Death Eater yelled out in pain as the curse wracked his body for the third time that night. Sweat trickled down his brow and his teeth clattered together harshly. When the curse finally lifted, he lay on the floor, panting in agony.

"How dare you, you insufferable fool! Why I ever let you join the Death Eaters is beyond me. You do not deserve such a position, you worthless piece of filth!"

Voldemort towered angrily over Wormtail's hunched body, who could only whimper in response.

"You failed at completing the mission properly! Now that fool Dumbledore will have found the evidence and guessed at our plan. We will now have to move much quicker for us to be able to succeed. I need that Prophecy!"

Voldemort's red eyes glared viciously at the pathetic man. Wormtail just continued whimpering, not being able to find his voice.

"No excuses this time, Wormtail," the Dark Lord said menacingly. "I would kill you but I need you for this next mission. Fortunately, other Death Eaters will be with you so I will not have to worry about this one not sinking into your thick skull."

He sneered once more before turning away from Wormtail.

"Get up. Your weakness is repulsive." He paused, smirking. "I will commend you on one thing though. You retrieved our prize."

As Wormtail stood up, Voldemort smiled cruelly at him over his shoulder before looking at the boy slumped against the wall. His hands and feet were bound tightly with thick black cord and he was gagged. His blue eyes were wide and fearful though as he stared back at Voldemort. He made no noise or movement, he seemed to be too shocked to do anything.

Voldemort bent forward and touched the tip of his wand lightly to Ron's forehead. Ron shivered and backed against the wall harder. Laughing in amusement, Voldemort straightened up and glared at the red-head.

"Very soon, you will make yourself useful, Mister Weasley. Then, we will dispose of you. I believe that will be the final straw for your hero, Harry Potter."

Ron's eyes narrowed and Voldemort laughed again.

"Oh yes, Ronald Weasley. You shall be a crucial part in the downfall of Harry Potter and the other Heirs of the Founders!"


Author's Note: Sorry for taking a little longer with this update. I recently got a job and it's been a bit hectic taking care of paperwork and doing the training involved. I know this story will be done before the end of June though. I'm determined to get it finished. I had more fun with this chapter because more action was involved and the plot is really starting to pick up now. As you can tell, it's getting a bit darker now and it's pretty much going to stay that way until the end. I hope none of you mind. :)
I had difficulty with naming this chapter. A lot happened in it but I ended up staying with how I originally titled it. I toyed around with naming it "Battle of the Dementors" for a little while but it didn't seem to fit with me as well. If any one thinks they would like a change, please tell me and I'll consider it! I really hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I promise to update again soon. Please review!! I appreciate all feedback!
Oh, and I'm going to shamelessly plug myself here, haha. I just recently wrote a little one-shot on Harry and Hermione and I would love for some of you to check it out! It's called Sword and Shield and I'd just love some more opinions on it! Thanks so much!