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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Forty-Eight - Two Prophecies Fulfilled

The Four Heirs of Hogwarts watched as the last of Lord Voldemort's soul was consumed by the Earth, leaving behind a deep silence where not even a stirring from the trees was heard. The castle and its occupants were still in obvious shock, looking at each other in confusion and slow comprehension. The Heirs slowly stirred out on the grounds, all breathing heavily now, hardly daring to believe that they had actually done their job. Together they had just defeated the darkest wizard ever; it was almost surreal.

And then a loud cheer was heard. It started as a lone cry before it rose to a raging swell, the sound of hundreds of survivors yelling in victory and relief. It cascaded over the Four Heirs, who couldn't help but smile at the sheer amount of happiness that was pouring over them from all sides. Their own joy slowly seeped to the surface until they grasped hands and started hugging fiercely.

"We did it!" Ginny squealed, clutching Draco to her.

"We sure did," Harry responded, wrapping an arm around Hermione's waist.

"A team, through and through," Hermione said, beaming.

"A team that will never be broken," Draco said, breaking away from Ginny and smiling at his companions.

"I wouldn't ask for it any other way," Harry said quietly. "I truly can't believe we did it; he's gone, for good."

"Believe it, Potter," Draco said with a grin, clapping a hand on Harry's shoulder. "After all that he's put you through, you can finally live the life you always wanted to."

"That's the truth," Harry said, gazing at Hermione, who blushed under his intense eyes.

Draco let out a hasty round of coughs as Ginny glared at him and smacked his arm. The couple shared their own shy glances right after, knowing exactly what Harry was thinking, the same idea running through their minds. It was almost strange to the four that such thoughts and joy could be going through them only minutes after they had defeated Voldemort. But they needed the normalcy, the realization that life could go back to the way it was before; maybe not exactly like before, but enough.

"We should head back to the castle," Hermione said, breaking the moment and bringing the Heirs back to reality.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, taking her hand, "we have a lot to talk about, between ourselves and everyone else."

Draco broke away from the group first though, heading across the scorched grass to where the sword of Gryffindor lay gleaming in the sun. He bent down and carefully grabbed the handle, as if he was expecting it to shock him. He stared down at the ground for several minutes before standing straight and coming back to the other three, holding out the sword to Harry.

"You might want this back," he said.

"Thanks," Harry whispered, taking the sword in shaking hands, remembering vividly what he had just done with it.

Hermione rested a hand on his arm, her touch soothing to him as his thoughts whirled in confusion. Why did his words have such an effect on the sword? What had caused it to light up and strike Voldemort in that way? The Heir of Gryffindor desperately wanted answers.

"Harry?" Ginny said timidly, breaking into his thoughts.

He jerked his head up and stared at her, his green eyes clouded with different emotions. The red head was wringing her hands and biting her lap, looking a little nervous as looked back at him.

"What is it, Gin?" he asked.

"Well," she started, "you mentioned earlier that you would explain something to all of us. It was something you said. I don't know if it's a good time to be asking for the explanation, but…I think we have a right to know." She paused and he nodded for her to continue. "What did you mean by 'the power he knows not?'" She finished hurriedly.

Harry sighed deeply as he tucked the sword into his belt. He glanced sideways at Hermione, a question in his eyes, which she nodded to.

"Tell them, Harry," she said quietly. "They do have a right to know."

"I know," he responded, running a hand through his hair. "It's just complicated and…."

"And?" the brown eyed witch said, raising an eyebrow.

"And it almost doesn't make sense with the way we destroyed Voldemort. We did it together; it had nothing to do with just me."

"But who was the one who ultimately vanquished him?" Hermione pointed out. "Don't you understand, Harry? The power of the Heirs was made to simply take all of Voldemort's strength and magic away, to render him completely useless. It was up to you though to destroy him, to start the beginnings of peace in the Wizarding world. The Heirs guided you to that mission. In a way we all ruined him, but it was you who ended his reign fully."

Draco and Ginny stared between the two, expressions of bewilderment etched across their features. Harry was watching Hermione with amazement, the Ravenclaw Heir simply smiling back at him.

"Bloody hell, 'Mione," he breathed. "How do you do that?"

"A gift," she said vaguely, waving her hand at him and gesturing toward the castle where the noise level had yet to die down. "We really do need to return now."

"Wait just a minute," Draco huffed. "You haven't answered the question yet, Harry."

"Oh, right." He paused and shuffled his feet a bit. "Well, you remember last year, right Gin? When the whole mess at the Department of Mysteries happened?"

"Of course," she said quietly, folding her arms over her chest.

"Well, the prophecy I took off the shelf, it later shattered, but it was never lost. Dumbledore heard the prophecy from the source itself and retained it in his memory. He then had me hear it at the end of last year."

"Go on," she urged, ignoring Draco, who was nudging her shoulder because he had never heard the story about the Department of Mysteries.

Harry swallowed loudly before taking in a deep breath and repeating the same words he had said to Hermione so many months before on the Astronomy Tower.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches......Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies......And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not.......And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives.....The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies......."

When Harry finished, the other three Heirs stared at him in silence, letting the message digest and take shape in their minds. Ginny's eyes were wide with wonder and Draco could only shake his head with a soft chuckle.

"Well, Potter, I never knew. No wonder the bastard wanted you dead for so long," he said.

"Yeah, no wonder," Harry said bitterly. "But he never heard the whole prophecy, only the first two lines, which is why he tried to kill me as a baby. By doing that, he set the rest of the prophecy in motion."

"So, the power he knows not," Ginny broke in, "what is it exactly? What you did with the sword or something else altogether?"

"Love," Hermione stated as if it was completely obvious. "Voldemort could never know or understand love. So much evil could only have one enemy; the power of pure and flawless love."

"Cliché, but true," Draco muttered.

"It makes sense now," Ginny said, awe in her tone. "And it does fit with the Prophecy of Merlin. You did ultimately destroy Voldemort, Harry. You did it through an act of love; by trying to save Hermione."

"But I still don't get your choice of phrase and the effect it had on your sword," Draco wondered aloud.

"That's something I'd like to know," Harry said.

All three of them turned to Hermione, who threw up her hands in mock annoyance.

"Well don't look at me," she said, a smile tugging at her lips. "I don't know everything."

"Oh come on, Granger," Draco laughed. "You don't expect me to believe that, do you?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him, trying to look angry, but failing at it miserably. Draco smirked at her when she could only shake her head and say nothing. Harry was watching his girlfriend though, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Do you know why, Hermione?" he asked.

The young witch sighed deeply before shaking her head again slowly.

"No, Harry, I don't," she replied. "Surprising, yes, but I've never known anyone to simply say a phrase and a spell takes place in that way. In all logical sense, nothing should have happened to the sword; it should have just pierced Voldemort, nothing more, nothing less."

"What exactly were the words you used, Harry?" Ginny asked curiously.

"I…" Harry opened his mouth, but then stopped, not really knowing what he had said.

"Expleo ille Praedictio," Hermione broke in quickly. "It means…"

"Fulfill the Prophecy," Draco finished, catching the Gryffindor off guard.

"You know that?" she asked in astonishment, turning to him.

Draco was the one to narrow his eyes this time, giving Hermione a stern look.

"Well, I do practice useful things in my free time, Granger. What do you think I was doing in the Slytherin Common Room?"

She blushed furiously at his implied tone, dipping her head to the ground.

"That's not….I never meant…." She faltered over her words.

"Calm down there, Hermione," Draco cut her off, laughing again. "I know what you meant."

The two shared a quick glance before letting the subject drop. Ginny ignored the small banter and turned to Harry again.

"Fulfill the Prophecy? I'm guessing you were unknowingly referring to your own prophecy that you just recited to us. But why would those words have such an effect on the sword?"

Harry let out a breath and ran his hand through his hair again. The all caught a glimpse of the lightening bolt scar still etched on his forehead; forever a reminder of his years battling against Voldemort, even with the Dark wizard now gone. It was a thought that caused a pang of sadness to ripple through Hermione, knowing that Harry would always be haunted by a memory.

"Who knows, Gin," he finally answered. "I'm guessing Dumbledore might have an idea as to why. I was thinking of questioning him."

At the sound of hearing Dumbledore's name, Hermione clapped a hand to her mouth in shock, hardly believing how thoughtless all of them were being. Dumbledore, Ron, Luna, Blaise, and all the others; what exactly had happened to them? Here they all were chatting away and they had completely forgotten everyone else. Who had died? Who had survived? She couldn't bear the thought of knowing some of those closest to her might have died. Hermione had already lost so many to the War, including her parents, how could she live through knowing more had sacrificed themselves and yet she had lived?

Blinking back a sudden wave of tears, she clutched desperately at Harry's arm, causing him to whirl toward her, an anxious look in his emerald eyes.

"Hermione!" he exclaimed, grabbing her shoulders. "What's wrong? Why are you starting to cry?"

"We forgot everyone!" she burst out, waving her hands frantically. "We're just standing here and we forgot everyone else. We have to go check if the others are all right. We need to see if Dumbledore….if Ron…."

Harry's eyes widened, realizing what she was trying to say. He looked to Ginny and Draco, who looked ashamed that all of them hadn't rushed to the castle first. Harry looked back at Hermione, who was staring at him with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Come on," he said quickly, grabbing her hand in his and starting to walk across the grounds. "Let's go find out now."

The couple broke out into a run, Draco and Ginny close behind them. The cheering of the crowd in the castle escalated as they drew closer to the doors. It seemed that for the moment, everyone was simply enjoying the fact that Voldemort was forever destroyed, a ray of bright happiness that burst through the dark mourning for those that had fallen. Mourning would take place, but they all wanted to remember what it felt like to realize the darkest wizard of the age was vanquished.

Just as the four started to race up the stone steps, reaching for the door that led to the Entrance Hall, the great wooden doors flung open from within. The Heirs froze in place, taking in one of the most wonderful sights they had ever seen, a surge of relief flooding through them.

Albus Dumbledore stared down at them all over his half-moon spectacles, blue eyes twinkling and his great beard shining in the sunlight. Though his robes were torn and dirty, a slight weariness reflecting in his eyes and smile, he still looked as powerful as ever. And, most importantly, he was alive.

Hermione couldn't help but sag against Harry in surprise and delight. After everything he had done for them this past year, despite her being unfairly angry at him, she knew his death would have hit her deeply. The Heirs and Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without the wise Headmaster.

"Professor!" Harry cried. "You're alive!"

"Indeed I am, Harry," he responded back, eyes twinkling a little more. "And I am quite happy to be so, for this is a wonderful time! The Heirs have defeated Voldemort! I must say, I never thought I would see the day, but here it is."

The Heirs had the decency to blush at his compliment to them, which the old wizard seemed not to notice as he hummed absentmindedly and stared out across the grounds.

"Professor," Hermione blurted out suddenly, "we're sorry. We meant to come sooner, but…"

Dumbledore waved his hand lightly and merely smiled.

"Not at all something you should be worrying yourselves with. I quite understand that there were several things the four of you must have discussed once Tom was gone. Besides, everyone in here is wrapped up in their celebration, though they are awaiting you all. Shall I take you to the Great Hall?"

"Wait," Ginny said quickly. "We have to know about….certain….people…"

She trailed off and looked at Dumbledore expectedly. He had paused in the doorway at her words, half turned away from them. The expression on his face had grown solemn suddenly, the twinkle now gone from his eyes.

"This is neither the time nor the place. Once everyone has calmed down, I will be announcing those who sacrificed themselves for the Light, for they deserve proper respect. A memorial service shall be held for all of them as well. But I can answer you this. Ron, Luna, and Blaise are all alive and doing fairly well. They are currently in the Hospital Wing being treated."

A breath that the four didn't realize they were holding escaped from their lips. Dumbledore watched them with sympathy, knowing they must have been going crazy wondering whether they had lost any of their friends. They had already lost Hannah and Cho, along with many more, but to know their last three companions were alive was a small relief.

"Shall we go now?" he questioned quietly.

"Professor, there was one other thing all of us wanted to know," Harry began, looking a bit unsure. "It has to do with how we defeated Tom."

Dumbledore raised up his bushy eyebrows in interest.

"Really? I would take you to my office to discuss this matter, but you would most certainly be ambushed by celebrants on the way. Here will do for now. Do explain what you mean."

The old wizard then settled himself down on the top step and stared at Harry intently. The Heir of Gryffindor looked to Hermione for some reassurance, which she smiled encouragingly to. Draco nudged his shoulder, showing his obvious support, causing Ginny to smile at how close they all had come over the months. They leaned on each other for everything and supported each other through all. It was a beautiful bond they shared.

Harry nodded his head before he turned to Dumbledore and launched into a description of all that had take place during the battle in the last moments. He explained everything from Hermione blocking the Killing Curse to the sword of Gryffindor reacting to his words and ultimately destroying the Dark Lord. Dumbledore listened carefully, showing no reaction until the end, when Harry ended his speech.

"I must say, I have never heard of such powerful acts of magic coming from such individuals, but then again, you four are the Heirs of the Founders. I have never seen or heard of such a well organized team. You four truly complement each other in all you do and your bond of love and trust is like no other. I am proud of all of you, more than I have ever been of a student."

The Heirs were now bright red at his words, muttering words of thanks and staring at their feet.

"But I am curious," Dumbledore continued, "I see nothing odd with how you defeated Voldemort. What is it that you don't understand?"

Harry fought off his blush and looked up in amazement.

"But…but…the words I said before I threw the sword; Expleo ille Praedictio. Why did that cause the sword to light up and kill Tom in such a way?"

Dumbledore didn't look at Harry this time, merely hummed a little more before speaking a phrase very softly, seeming to be lost within his own thoughts.

"Magicus per Dicta."

Hermione gasped, causing the other four to all look at her.

"Oh! How did I not think of that before?" she muttered. "Magicus per Dicta!"

"What?" Draco said, looking lost. He understood what the words meant, but not how they affected spell work.

"Magic through Words," Dumbledore answered softly. "A very powerful type of magic that is rarely used because it takes a great amount of energy and power to complete successfully. Only a handful of wizards and witches have actually performed a true spell through the use of it."

"I don't think I understand," Harry said, furrowing his brow.

"It deals with the manipulation of words," Dumbledore explained. "All normal spells are really a manipulation of words, but those deal more with wand work and channeling one's magic through focused energy. The use of a word there simply directs what spell will be used. With Magicus per Dicta an entirely different manipulation takes place. No wand was present in your hand, Harry, when you said those words, and yet a spell took place. Certain words can be manipulated to take on the property of a spell if they have enough conviction and emotion behind them. These type of spells feed off one's pure emotions, such as love and trust. When Voldemort threatened the life of Hermione, you were filled with a great need to protect her, a need that stemmed from love above anything else. The power of that love, combined with those specific words, created an immensely powerful spell that transferred to the sword."

"But why those exact words?" Harry said, looking amazed. "And what do you mean by it rarely working?"

"No one really knows how words are chosen with Magicus per Dicta, its one of the great mysteries about that magic. In my opinion, we don't need to know because it takes away from the beauty of it. The words seem to play along with what is going on in the moment, something unconsciously sitting in your mind. Every phrase has been different though and every effect has been different. It seems to match to the person's magic though, that's the pattern I have noticed anyways. And as to why it rarely works…not many wizards have existed that are as powerful as you are, Harry. Only a person fully infused with their magic can perform it effectively. You should be quite proud of yourself, it is an amazing feat."

Harry looked highly embarrassed at Dumbledore's words, but a flicker of absolute awe rested in his eyes as well. He could perform a spell that few others could? He was astounded that he had done it unknowingly, without any idea of what type of magic lay within him. Harry couldn't help but feel uncomfortable though, another thing singling him out from anyone else, including the other three Heirs.

"Oh, Harry," Hermione exclaimed next to him, "that is fantastic! I once read about Magicus per Dicta, but the book never said how rare it was. To think you can perform such spells! Oh, it's brilliant!"

"Is it really, Hermione?" Harry snapped, startling her. "Another thing to make me different from everyone else?"

"Oh, stop whining, Potter," Draco said, glaring. "I'd be bloody well proud if I were you. It's quite a gift that you've acquired, one I would love to have. But I'm not you. There are so many of your powers that you take for granted, simply because you want to reach normalcy so badly. You probably never realized that the reason I hated you for all those years was because I was jealous of you and everything you were. There were things about you that I could never be, things you had I would never touch. I guess Weasley had the same problem, but he could at least put most of that behind him and be your friend; I could not." He paused. "What I'm trying to say is accept those magical gifts that you have and don't be spiteful. They came at a hard price, but that's just the way life can be at times."

For the second time that day, Harry was at a complete loss for words. His mouth was hanging open as he stared at the blonde, shocked by his sudden wisdom. Even Ginny and Hermione looked surprised, Draco shifting nervously under their gazes. Dumbledore though, had a calm look of knowing on his face.

"Very well stated, Mister Malfoy," he said simply. "Does that help, Harry?"

"Yes," Harry muttered, looking ashamed and not daring to look Dumbledore or Draco in the eye now. "I'm sorry, 'Mione, I never should have snapped at you like that. I was just…caught off guard by the whole situation."

"I know," she said soothingly, wrapping her arms around his waist in a comforting gesture. "You can't always take that tone with me though, Mister Potter, you do know that?"

Her tone was teasing, causing Harry to break into a smile as he gave her a light kiss on the lips.

"Of course," he replied before turning his head to Draco. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it," Draco said nonchalantly. "I think I owned you for all the numerous times I shot my mouth off and you gave it right back to me."

"Isn't that the truth," Ginny chuckled well naturedly.

Draco sent her a glare before letting out his own soft laugh, pulling her to him at the same time and placing a kiss on her temple. She grinned back, winding her arm through his and winking at the other couple. Dumbledore watched them with amusement, marveling at how well the four got along now.

"I'm sure the four of you would rather avoid most of this, but there is….er….congratulations that many people in the castle would love to give out," Dumbledore said, choosing his words carefully. "I'm sure we have discussed enough for the time being, there is much you have to think on now. Do come to me again though if there are any other points you need guidance on. As for now, would you allow me the honor of introducing the Heirs of Hogwarts before those in the Great Hall?"

"The wounded and….others though?" Ginny asked quietly.

Dumbledore gave her an understanding look.

"The time will come for that as well," he responded.

"Then do us the honor, sir," Harry said. "We would love to have you present us. And afterwards, we tend to those that gave their lives for this War."

Dumbledore bowed his head in acknowledgement before pushing the heavy doors of the castle open, sweeping through them with the Heirs directly behind him. The Heirs walked side by side, acting as one, a team rather than just individuals. Even with Harry being the leader, he knew it wasn't him alone that had taken down Voldemort. It had been all of them, together.

Loud voices could be heard behind the closed doors that led to the Great Hall. Shouts of joy and exclamations when a survivor found a loved one. Small muffled sobs met their ears at large intervals, but there was not too much mourning yet, as Dumbledore had said before. At this time, everyone wanted to enjoy the moment.

Dumbledore paused just outside the doors, turning to them once more and staring at them with those knowing eyes of his.

"Are the four of you ready?" he asked, his question implying several meanings.

They all exchanged glances, knowing that no matter what, they would find strength in each other. With small nods and smiles, they looked back to Dumbledore, who was smiling as well.

"We are," Hermione said.

Then Dumbledore pushed the doors open, causing them to bounce off the walls with an echoing crash, every individual in the Great Hall falling silent and turning to stare. The large area was packed with the various people who had aided in the War; students, professors, Aurors, Order members, and other people who supported the Light. Some had minor injuries while others showed not a scratch on their bodies. All were watching Dumbledore with bated breath, craning their necks to try and see behind him.

The wise wizard spoke not a word for several minutes before he raised his arms and called out loudly.

"May I present to all of you, the Four Heirs of Hogwarts!"

He then stepped aside to reveal Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco. Dumbledore's words had been simple, but all of them couldn't help but blush as hundreds of eyes rested on them, silence following the announcement. They took a few tentative steps forward before halting again, waiting for something to happen.

And then a loud cheer rang up from one person, followed by a chorus of more cheers until the entire Great Hall was crying out with sounds of joy, all of them clapping and shouting out praises of the Heirs. They rushed forward to greet the Heirs, desperate to shake their hands and touch the ones that had taken down the terror of the Wizarding world.

The Heirs gladly met them, accepting each hug and words of thanks. And feeling the presence of each other through their minds, they knew a comfort in each other and a realization of just how much hope they had given back to the people before them.

Two prophecies had been fulfilled. And the Light had finally gained the victory it had sought for so long.


Author's Note: Oh goodness...sorry about the delay with this chapter, but college and work are insane right now and I'm struggling to keep up with my classes. Even when I do find free time, I'm too exhausted to do anything with it. I was determined to get this chapter written and up for you guys though, so I hope you enjoyed it! Like I said, not a lot happening in these last few chapters except a wrap up and a small opening that will lead to the sequel. I explained some things in this chapter though, and I hope my explanation of Magicus per Dicta made sense. If there are any questions, leave me a comment! Only two chapters left to go and then this story is finished. It's been wonderful though, thank you for all the amazing reviews! Please leave some more, I love hearing your responses!
