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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Twenty-Five - Lessons With Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore sighed deeply as he walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, heading toward his study. Many different thoughts were drifting through his mind and he found himself in need of his Pensieve. There were a few events that had happened recently that he knew he should witness once more and analyze more clearly.

The moon was waning outside as dawn was beginning to break through. The sun would be rising in a few hours and later that afternoon Dumbledore would be heading to Illustris to train the Heirs. Teaching them wandless magic was so very important to the success of the Heirs. It would heighten their powers during the Final Battle and would also enhance their strength. Wandless magic was very useful and Dumbledore was hoping today the four would finally be able to perform some spells after weeks of discussion and practice.

Dumbledore finally entered his study and immediately went to the black cabinet near his desk, extracting his Pensieve and placing it on the desk. He seated himself in his chair and took out his wand, placing the tip against his temple. As he pulled it away, a silvery substance stuck to it, looking exactly like the silvery mist within the Pensieve. Placing the substance in the stone basin, Dumbledore set his wand aside and gently swirled the contents.

Picking up his wand once more, Dumbledore prodded the mist and it parted to allow a figure to emerge from the waters. Squinting in concentration, the old wizard listened carefully to the words of Luna Lovegood from just the night before.

"Professor, I'm worried." Luna's dreamy voice held no signs of worry but Dumbledore remembered the way her eyes had looked. She was obviously scared. "Something is going to happen to Ronald, I have this feeling. Ginevra's been having visions and I think I am involved with them. What is going on? Ronald is in danger, are you going to protect him?"

"I will try, Miss Lovegood," Dumbledore whispered as the spinning figure sank back into the mist.

Rubbing his forehead with his long fingers, Dumbledore sighed deeply and stared into the Pensieve. Raising his wand once more, he prodded the mist and another figure arose. Even back in his younger years, Peter Pettigrew's eyes held a malicious glint in them.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I was angry and I couldn't help myself. They were making fun of me so I had to react. You won't expel me, will you?"

"Oh, Peter, where did we go wrong with you? Cursing Lucius Malfoy with his back turned for a petty comment? And then you threatened to hex James because he was trying to stop you from harming anyone else. You should have learned control, Peter."

Dumbledore watched sadly as the figure slipped back into the mist, the room going very quiet. From his perch, Fawkes the Phoenix chirped to get his master's attention. The wizard stood up and gently stroked his finger over Fawkes' head, who closed his eyes in contentment.

"What do you think, Fawkes?" he questioned, staring into space.

The Phoenix sounded a loud note and flapped his wings, his bright plumage shimmering in the candlelight. Dumbledore remained silent for several more minutes before moving back to his desk and extracting more memories with his wand tip into the Pensieve. The surface rippled as if a great wind was gusting across it and he found himself looking down into the Great Hall.

The large room was filled with students dressed in their regular school outfits and Dumbledore peered closer to watch the scene from just a few days before unfold once more. Two sixth year boys, one from Slytherin and the other from Ravenclaw, were standing between the long tables, their wands pointed at each other. Bending over the Pensieve, Dumbledore touched the tip of his finger to the surface and was immediately pulled within his memory.

He landed gracefully next to the two students, both wearing looks of absolute anger on their faces. The rest of the Great Hall was gaping at them and even the professors were silent from their places at the front of the hall.

"How can you support He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" the Ravenclaw shouted, his eyes flashing. "He does not care for any of his supporters! He only cares for himself!"

The Slytherin's icy reply caused several younger students to shiver in fright. "The Dark Lord has more power than you could ever dream of! He shall win the War and filthy muggle-lovers like you will be cast aside. Then I will gain a higher place in the Wizarding World for my loyalty."

The Slytherin then smirked and raised his wand higher. "Go on, hex me. I'll easily defeat you…..Mudblood."

A soft gasp could be heard through the Great Hall as the Ravenclaw stiffened but didn't move from his position. Just as his mouth opened to shout out a spell, Dumbledore watched as his earlier self quickly rose and Stunned the two boys. The silence was deafening as the two students were levitated to the Hospital Wing. Sighing in despair, Dumbledore watched as the memory faded from view and he found himself standing once more in his study.

The Pensieve calmly rippled before going still. Dumbledore sat heavily in his chair, pondering the three different memories he had just witnessed. Everything was so complicated at the moment, everything a seeming mess but all tying together in some way. The memory from the Great Hall was just one of many outbursts that had been happening around Hogwarts lately. Students were becoming edgy and a crack was forming in the union of the school. Sooner or later, the division would be made and the true loyalties would be shown for all to see.

Dumbledore finally grabbed an old sock and tapped it, making it glow blue. It was time to go to Illustris for the Heirs' training. He only hoped he would find the Heirs bonded more, unlike Hogwarts where the bonds were breaking.

Remembering what Luna had said to him, Dumbledore decided to take some sort of action in that area. His plan to send Ron, Luna, Blaise, and Hannah to Illustris would be taking place soon, once he was more sure that a significant union had been made between the Heirs.

"I think I shall put more of a watch on Mister Weasley," he said aloud, Fawkes tilting his head to listen. "I have a feeling Miss Lovegood may be right, something shall be happening very soon."

Placing the Pensieve back into the cabinet, Dumbledore took hold of the sock and a few minutes later he arrived at Illustris.


Harry walked down the corridors of Illustris, heading to the fourth floor where Dumbledore would be teaching the Heirs' lesson that day. Dumbledore liked to switch around the classroom each Saturday to allow the Heirs to get used to their powers in different settings. Wandless magic was the only thing they were learning at the moment from the old wizard and already they had gone through hours of discussion. Apparently, Dumbledore would be letting them perform some spells today and Harry was excited for the opportunity.

Worry was slowly beginning to ebb at the corner of Harry's mind though. January was slowly fading into February and the Final Battle now seemed so close. Dumbledore was almost positive that it would take place somewhere around June, which was why training was going so rapidly. Voldemort was obviously on the move and Harry had noticed the lines on Dumbledore's face deepening over the last few months.

There was something else bothering Harry as well though. Dumbledore's behavior was bad enough. Harry knew full well he was keeping many secrets from the Heirs, which annoyed the young man to no end. But this other thing wasn't about Dumbledore, it was Draco.

Draco was now officially with Ginny and both seemed very happy with each other. They still had their Gryffindor-Slytherin clashes but it was more out of affection now then anger. That wasn't the problem though. Draco's behavior and attitude when he was apart from Ginny was something Harry had been paying attention to lately. The blonde Slytherin always seemed subdued and he spent hours by himself, either locked in his room or wandering the corridors at night. Ginny hadn't been able to explain it when Harry had approached her and she merely started yelling at him, claiming that he should trust Draco or the bond would fail.

Hermione had waved off Draco's strangeness as well, saying it was nothing new and he probably just had a lot of thinking to do with the Final Battle fast approaching. Harry knew though, he knew there was something wrong. He couldn't say that he trusted Draco completely but he thought there had been an understanding between the two of them. Harry was starting to doubt though.

Muttering under his breath, Harry let his mind wander to the worst possible option. Could Draco be working for the other side? Was it possible, just slightly possible, that Draco's loyalties were with the Dark Lord and he was planning something?

No, Harry thought firmly, closing his eyes tightly and rubbing his hand over them. That can't be it! Draco's not that evil, he's changed. And he'd never do anything to hurt Ginny! I know he cares for her too much.

Utterly confused, Harry let a low growl escape his lips. He was sick of thinking about it. He had to be wrong, it was just too far-fetched of an idea. Completely unbelievable.

"I think I need a Pensieve," Harry grumbled darkly as he finally reached the fourth floor.

Only one door on the floor was open and soft light was pouring from the room out into the corridor. The muffled sound of classical music could be heard from within the room and Harry approached curiously, slightly amused that his Headmaster had a passion for the soothing instrumental.

Stepping into the room, Harry immediately noticed he was the first Heir to arrive and he set his book bag down by one of the chairs. He then followed the sound of the music to a small room connected to the larger classroom. Inside, Dumbledore was shuffling through an assortment of brightly colored folders on the desk in front of him while on another desk more folders were flying from their stack over to a filing cabinet where they placed themselves neatly in the drawers. A radio was sitting in the corner, Beethoven's 9th symphony blaring from it's speakers.

Dumbledore looked up at Harry when he entered and smiled gently, waving his wand at the radio to lower the volume.

"Come in, Harry," he said, motioning toward a rather dusty chair by the door. "I know you must be questioning my choice of music but I've always had a passion for classical. Beethoven was a muggle but he was also a genius. As I have said before: music, a magic beyond all we do here!"

His blue eyes twinkled merrily at Harry, who had seated himself in the squashy purple chair and couldn't help but smile back.

"So, Harry," Dumbledore began, flicking his wand to shut the cabinet door as the last folder flew inside, "are you ready to perform some wandless magic?"

"Yes, Professor," Harry said eagerly. "What spells are you planning on having us do?"

Dumbledore paused, thinking. "I believe that the Levitating Spell and the Lighting Spell are good places to start. Simple but effective even in the midst of a battle."

Harry became very somber at the mention of the word battle. Twirling his wand nervously in his fingers, Harry bit his lip and finally asked the question that had been plaguing his mind for days.

"Do you really think we'll win, Professor?" he blurted out.

Dumbledore gave Harry a sharp look from over his glasses and the young wizard suddenly felt ashamed of his question.

"I'm sorry, Professor," he said quietly.

Dumbledore's eyes softened and he waved his hand. "It's quite alright, Harry, I understand your doubts. I too have doubts, but I do not let them consume me. I look at the four of you and I realize how much potential you all have. Each of you have so much ability and power. I am also noticing how much your bonds are growing. The Key to your success is being unlocked. I believe you shall win the War, it will be difficult but you will win. Have faith, Harry. Have faith in yourself and the other Heirs. Faith is one of the most powerful things that you can possess right now."

Harry nodded, at a loss for words. He continued to watch as Professor Dumbledore finished up with the last of his sorting and finally stood up. With a flick of his wand, the radio was turned off and he motioned to the door.

"After you, Harry. The lesson is about to begin."

Harry stood up as well and walked into the classroom. Hermione, Ginny, and Draco were now there, sitting in their seats. Hermione smiled at Harry as he took his seat next to her but his gaze went to Draco and Ginny on the other side of him. Draco seemed very disgruntled and Ginny kept shooting her boyfriend angry looks. Raising an eyebrow, Harry turned his head to Hermione and nodded to the couple.

"What's with those two?" he whispered, leaning toward his girlfriend.

Hermione sighed and shook her head. "They got into a big fight in the Common Room just before heading down here. Draco's still upset with Dumbledore and wasn't about to come to the lesson today. Ginny finally got him to come but they really got into it. There were a few insults said and Ginny's a bit steamed at Draco now."

Harry couldn't help a small laugh from escaping his lips. "They're quite the volatile couple, aren't they?"

Hermione grinned. "Yes, but a very good match I would say. She's just the kind of person Draco needs."

His earlier thoughts returning once more, Harry frowned and sat back in his chair, waiting for Dumbledore's instructions. Hermione stared at him in confusion for a few more minutes before turning her head to the front as well. She would have to ask Harry later about his sudden mood change.

Dumbledore had come to stand in front of the Four Heirs and he made a motion for them to stand up as well. Once they were all standing, Dumbledore flicked his wand and the desks slid to the edge of the classroom, creating a wide open space for the lesson to take place.

"Alright, today I am going to allow the four of you to perform the wandless magic that I have only be reciting to you in the past weeks. We will start with the simple Lighting Spell. Please, put your wands away."

The Four Heirs quickly pocketed their wands and watched as Dumbledore extinguished all the candles and a muted glow filled the room which was only coming from the closed windows. Dumbledore then brought forth a single candle, which he placed on his desk. Setting down his own wand, Dumbledore turned to the Heirs and began to explain what he wanted them to do.

"I want each of you to light this candle only using the power from within you. Remember everything I have taught you over the months. Concentrate and think only of the spell. Try to pinpoint all of your magic into one area, thinking of your hand as the wand, as if you still held it within your grasp. Concentration is the key. Don't be alarmed if you can not perform the spell at first, it may take several tries. Don't give up though, just continue to have faith in your abilities."

Dumbledore winked at Harry as he said the last statement, reminding the young wizard of their conversation from before.

"I will demonstrate for you first," Dumbledore said, holding his hand out to the darkened candle.

Bringing all his focus onto the white wick, Dumbledore softly uttered the spell. "Lumos!"

With a flare, the wick caught fire and cast an orange glow on everyone's faces. Sweeping his hand back over the candle, the flame went out. He turned back to his four students and pointed to Ginny.

"If you please, Miss Weasley."

Ginny nervously stepped forward, eyeing the innocent candle wearily. Out of all the Heirs she felt herself to be the weakest and she was still trying to fathom, even after all these months, just how she had been chosen.

Stretching her hand forward, Ginny shut her eyes and tried to force all of her concentration onto the point of her hand and the wick of the candle. Breathing deeply and focusing all of her will forward, Ginny opened her eyes and quickly said the spell.


Nothing happened and the candle remained dark. Sighing in distress, Ginny narrowed her eyes and took another step forward. This time, before she could get the word out, the candle flared to life, causing the young witch to jump backwards.

"Well done, Ginevra!" Dumbledore exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

Ginny smiled in response, going back to her spot in the center of the room. Draco caught her eye and gave her a half-smile, hoping to make up for their earlier fight. Ginny gave him a small smile in return before watching Hermione step forward to light the candle.

It was no surprise to anyone that Hermione lit the candle on the first try. Dumbledore praised her as Hermione blushed, returning to her place. Harry gave her hand a quick squeeze as Draco was called up.

Sneering at his Professor, Draco said the incantation and much like Hermione, the candle lit up immediately. Smirking proudly, Draco went to stand by Ginny, who rolled her eyes in mock annoyance at his obvious smugness.

Dumbledore extinguished the candle and smiled at Harry. "Your turn, Harry."

He slowly moved forward, hoping he would have the same success as Hermione. Closing his eyes, he took in a few deep, calming breaths. Finally stretching his hand forward, Harry bent his head slightly and narrowed his eyes, putting full concentration and force into lighting the candle. Dumbledore held his own breath, seeing the look on Harry's face and knowing what was coming.

He had only just thought the word when light shot out of Harry's hand and the candle exploded into flames. Ginny shrieked in surprise, stumbling backwards and almost falling before Draco caught her. Hermione clapped her hands over her mouth in shock as Harry froze in his spot, staring at the charred, black hole now in the desk.

Dumbledore chuckled softly and with a wave of his wand, the hole disappeared and a new candle appeared on the spot. Turning to a still shocked Harry, Dumbledore laid a hand on his shoulder and lightly shook him. Blinking out of his daze, Harry lifted his eyes to Dumbledore's, confusion within their depths.

"I think you need to control your power a little bit, Harry," a small trace of amusement in his voice. "So strong was your concentration that you literally fired a hole right through the desk, causing the candle to explode. I think this is something that should prove just how great your abilities are."

Draco snorted from behind them but was quickly silenced by Ginny, who had elbowed him in the stomach. Grimacing at her, Draco continued to listen, feeling a little put out that his abilities were no where near Harry's. Not like he would ever admit that openly.

"But, Professor," Harry started, not looking very pleased. "Isn't this a bad thing? Not being able to control wandless magic well enough?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, Harry, it is not a bad thing. You will have to concentrate more on making your magic a bit more focused, yes, but you will also be able to perform other more complex spells faster than the other Heirs. This is a good thing, Harry, a very good thing."

Harry nodded silently but still looked unconvinced. Furrowing his brow, he listened as Dumbledore explained the next spell they would be performing, the Levitation Spell. The other Heirs kept shooting Harry curious looks, knowing full well why Harry was more powerful then them but still wanting to know all of the differences in ability. Hermione knew it was about the Prophecy, the Heir of Gryffindor being stronger than the others. She also figured Harry would have something major happen in the Final Battle, she had this feeling that the full potential of Harry's strength would be shown that day.

Hermione snapped out of her thoughts and watched as Dumbledore said "Wingardium Leviosa!" and did the hand movements to accompany the incantation, causing a thick textbook to float in the air. Knowing what she needed to do, Hermione allowed her mind to wander back to her previous thoughts. It was definitely out of her character to not pay attention but her worry for Harry was more important to her at the moment.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye, her throat tightening. His head was hung down and his fists were clenched. He was standing in a very stiff position, his green eyes firmly fixed on the floor. Hermione felt horrible for him, everything unusual always happened to him and though Dumbledore was happy, Harry was not. Hermione knew how much he hated being different and set apart from anyone else. And now, once again, another thing was added.

Reaching her hand up, Hermione gently placed it on Harry's back and rubbed small circles there. He tilted his head back to look at her and smiled softly, appreciating her small show of affection. Removing her hand, she stepped further forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her chin on his shoulder. Sighing, Harry placed his hands over top hers and leaned into her touch.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Hermione smiled and returned her thoughts to the lesson. Draco and Ginny both successfully performed the Levitation Spell before Dumbledore turned to the other couple to have them do the same. Hermione had no difficulties once again and though Harry was definitely under strain from controlling his magic, he too was able to have the book levitate several feet of the ground.

Dumbledore nodded his head as the book fell to the wooden floor with a loud thud. "Good job, Harry. Eventually you will be able to understand your power more, it will just take time and practice. Don't give up just yet, you're a fast learner."

"I know, Professor," Harry replied as he wiped his brow and picked up the book.

"Well, the lesson is now over but I have a few more things to discuss with you four," Dumbledore said as he returned to his desk and lit the candles in the room. "Please take a seat." With a wave of his wand four plush red chairs appeared in front of the desk.

The Four Heirs took their seats and stared at Professor Dumbledore expectantly, wondering what he had to talk to them about. Suddenly looking grave, Dumbledore folded his hands and peered at them over his spectacles. Finally opening his mouth, he began.

"I have some news and a few warnings for all of you. First off, the Order of the Phoenix is preparing themselves for battle and are also already on the look-out for any strange occurrences that may be happening to lead up to the Final Battle. The Order will be present at the Final Battle, which includes myself. Just because you are the Heirs does not mean we will leave the entire battle to you four alone. We will be there to help you and take care of the Death-Eaters. Your main concern is Voldemort, for your defeat of him together is what the Prophecy is all about."

Dumbledore paused before continuing. "I'm also under the impression that many students of Hogwarts will be willing to fight as well. I actually have four students hand-picked to assist the four of you more closely here at Illustris and in the battle. The reason they are not here yet is because I believe the bond of the Four Heirs must become more stable before more people become involved in it. You will not have to wait much longer though, I expect to have them here within the next month or so. But there is a division forming at Hogwarts. Many are willing to fight for the Light but many others want to support Voldemort. It is not my choice but theirs though I am sad for the loss of these students. Very soon we shall see the true loyalties of many."

Dumbledore's eyes briefly flickered over to Draco, who slouched further in his seat and averted his eyes. The exchange was unnoticed by the other Heirs, who were still trying to process all of the new information.

"Now, that is an update on news for all of you. But I also must warn you of some things. I fear something major may happen very soon. Prepare yourselves for any kind of news. Miss Weasley's recent visions and the fear of a few students has led me to take extra precautions and form more security at Hogwarts. Do not worry just yet but I wouldn't be surprised if a small battle takes place before the final one. Do not let this distract you though! Stay focused on your training and stay strong!"

Dumbledore lowered his eyes before saying his next words. "The most important part of your training lies ahead. Not just in the physical sense but in the mental sense. I know I repeat it many times but you must trust yourselves and each other. The Key to the Four Heirs winning the battle lies within each of you and is so close to being unlocked. Do not break the bonds you have formed. When that Key is unlocked, so then shall you truly be the Four Heirs of Hogwarts."

Dumbledore stood up, the Heirs watching him in a sort of shocked silence. Smiling gently, he waved his hand to them.

"You may all go now. Please heed my words and continue to practice wandless magic. I shall see you all at this time next week."

The Heirs got up slowly, grabbed their bags, and exited the room. None of them really knew what to say and each was lost within their own thoughts. Dumbledore watched each of them go, studying their expressions. Harry looks worried, Hermione seemed very thoughtful, Ginny looked confused and apprehensive, and Draco…..he was unreadable, his cold eyes masking his true emotions.

As the door shut behind them, Dumbledore sat back down and hung his head. The true test of the Heirs' bond and strength was about to begin.


Author's Note: Hey guys! I am sooo incredibly sorry about the delay in this update, I feel terrible about it! I really tried to write this chapter sooner but it really wasn't coming to me until recently. I also have a lot of studying to do and I now work so I don't have as much free time on my hands. I will still try and write but don't expect as frequent of updates. I will definitely try to get this entire story done by summer though, I've been writing it for two years now so it's about time it got done! lol. Please be patient with me though, I am really sorry about being so slow with this story. I hope you all decide to stick with it still, I appreciate my faithful reviewers! :) Thank you so much for your wonderful and supportive reviews, I love you guys!
I'll try and get chapter 26 up as soon as possible, it's about the Heirs learning the Unforgivable Curses so start looking forward to that. Please review this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it!
Much Love,