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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Forty - Betrayal From Within

Ginny stood frozen in horror in the middle of the dark corridor. Her loud scream still echoed in her ears even after so many minutes. She didn't even realize tears were streaming down her face until the liquid started splashing on her hands. She didn't want to believe, she didn't want to dare to believe. But she had seen it with her own eyes just minutes before.

Draco had gone through a Passim Mirror.

Oh, but where has he been taken to? She thought frantically.

Ginny quickly rushed down the corridor and stopped before the Passim Mirror Draco had disappeared through. The moonlight shined off of the shimmering silver surface, which only rippled faintly. The mirror looked innocent and calm, not betraying anything about the scene she had just witnessed. Repulsiveness flooded her mind and Ginny backed away from the mirror. A slight urge to touch the silver liquid had gone through her and she wanted to keep the mirrors as far away from her as possible.

A sickening feeling swept over her as she remembered that Draco had willingly passed through the Passim Mirror. To where though? What purpose was he so intent on that he consciously passed through the horrid, dark object?

And then it came to Ginny, like the force of being hit by a brick wall. One word that haunted her and the other Heirs constantly. Voldemort. She knew now though she could barely think it possible. Draco had gone to Voldemort, Harry had predicted it.

Ginny was overwhelmed by the emotions that rushed through her mind at that moment. She needed to tell the others what had happened. They needed to know of the betrayal.

She raced back through the corridors to the West End Tower, trying desperately to calm herself and not think rashly. She finally burst through the portrait entrance and ran over to Harry's room, flinging the door open so forcefully it banged against the wall. Harry shot up with a start from the sudden noise, fumbling for his glasses.

"Harry!" Ginny cried, dashing to his bed.

Harry hurriedly put his glasses on and stared at Ginny in astonishment.

"Gin! What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Harry, quick, we have to see Professor Dumbledore. Draco….he…he's gone." Her voice dropped and she choked back a sob.

Harry's eyes went wide as he jumped out from under his covers and started putting some clothes on.

"Left? Already? But he just spoke to us tonight! I know he said he had to do something but I didn't think it included leaving. 'Cause that would mean….." He trailed off as a look of recognition dawned on his face.

"No," he said in a low voice. "No, he couldn't have. I don't believe it."

Ginny watched fearfully as Harry's face grew stern and he snatched his wand off of the bedside table. He swung around to look at her, his green eyes blazing in a fury she'd never seen before.

"He betrayed us," Harry spat.

Ginny could only gape at him as Harry stalked toward the door. The two entered the Common Room, heading for Hermione's door, which swung open to reveal a wide awake Hermione who was already dressed.

"I heard you both and got dressed. So, Draco left us?"

She said the words so calmly that Harry and Ginny were both slightly stunned. Hermione made no other comment though and simply brushed by the two and headed for the portrait entrance. Turning back to her companions, she looked at them steadily.

"We have to find Professor Dumbledore immediately. I have a feeling this is much worse than any of us expected."

She marched out of the Common Room, the other two Heirs following closely in her wake. Ginny stayed silent as they walked through the corridors quickly, her thoughts in a whirlwind. Harry kept glancing at Hermione out of the corner of his eye, suspicious of his girlfriend's actions. Reaching out suddenly, he grabbed her arm and spun her towards him.

"Hermione, stop," he said. "What is this? Did you know Draco was going to leave us?"

Hermione dropped her head a bit and shook it.

"No, I didn't know for sure. I expected something though, just by the way he was acting. And what you said earlier, Harry, gave me a clue that I thought over all night. We have to see Dumbledore."

She pulled her arm from his grasp and continued walking. Harry fell into silence and seemed to be contemplating her words. Ginny still continued to be off in her own world, her brow furrowed in concentration. The three finally reached the East End Tower, where all the teachers stayed, and Hermione spoke the password, admitting them to their destination. The young witch hurried over to Professor McGonagall's door, knocking loudly on it. Seconds later, their Animagi trainer opened the door is surprise.

"Miss Granger!" she exclaimed. She then saw Harry and Ginny behind Hermione. "And Mister Potter and Miss Weasley! What is the meaning of this? And where is Mister Malfoy?"

"That's why we've come, Professor," Hermione said. "Draco's gone and we need to see Professor Dumbledore right away."

"Gone?" she repeated in disbelief. "He's gone from Illustris? Oh, this is most terrible. Yes, we must speak with Dumbledore at once."

A very grave look settled on McGonagall's face as she grabbed her robe and wrapped it around her body. She then led the Heirs quickly from the Tower, taking them through several corridors and flights of stairs before reaching the Main Hall. There, Professor McGonagall walked up to the fireplace and grabbed a small pot on the mantle which was filled with Floo Powder.

"We must Floo directly to Dumbledore's study. Here, Potter, you first."

She held the pot before him and Harry grabbed a handful of the glittering green powder before throwing it in the fire. The green flames rose up and Harry quickly stepped among them and shouted out.


He disappeared in whirl of green flames and seconds later landed in a heap in Dumbledore's study. Harry scrambled to his feet and stared around the study, waiting for the others. The study was dark, with only a few candles burning on scattered tables. The portraits of the previous Headmasters were all silent, except for the occasional snore or shift. Fawkes was perched on his stand, his beautiful head tucked under his golden wing.

Harry had just taken it all in when Hermione rushed in behind him, followed by Ginny, and then Professor McGonagall. McGonagall straightened and then hurried out of sight, obviously retrieving Dumbledore. The Heirs glanced nervously at each other, wondering how they were to explain the strange events of that night. Harry and Hermione were still in the dark, only Ginny knowing fully of Draco's escape.

A blaze of light startled them and the three turned to see Dumbledore standing behind his desk, with McGonagall moving about the study lighting the torches on the walls. Dumbledore was in a nightshirt with a robe over it but appeared to be very awake, his blue eyes twinkling at them. He gestured for them to sit before taking a seat himself.

"Lemon drop, anyone?" he asked nonchalantly as he started unwrapping one for himself.

Professor McGonagall shot the wise wizard a stern look as the Heirs shook their heads. Dumbledore smiled and popped the yellow candy in his mouth before leaning forward and placing his hands together.

"So, I have been told you have some very important news for me."

"Draco's gone, Professor!" Ginny blurted out abruptly.

Dumbledore's gaze softened and the lines on his face became more prominent as sadness etched along through him. He sat back, looking very tired and old.

"Yes," he said quietly, "I knew this already."

"You knew!" Ginny shrieked, standing up, the flames of the torches growing brighter. "You knew he was leaving! Yet you didn't tell us and he spoke only to us in cryptic language! Why?"

"Please, Ginevra," Dumbledore said, "sit down and let me explain."

Ginny's cheeks were red with anger but she acquiesced, sitting stiffly. Harry and Hermione watched her in shock but secretly shared her sentiments, wondering why Dumbledore would keep such a thing from them. Dumbledore looked even sadder now as he leaned forward once more. Professor McGonagall was strangely silent, standing off to the side, hidden in the shadows.

"Listen to me, all of you," Dumbledore began. "I knew Draco was leaving because he informed me of this only the day before. I did not know exactly when he was leaving but I should have guessed it would be soon. I knew how he was leaving and why. I can not tell you these things though. First, I fear it would be a danger to the mission Draco is on and second, both of us made an agreement not to tell anyone of this plan. He asked you to trust him though and I am begging you to remember these words of his. His intentions are good, I can assure you of this."

"Professor," Harry said, looking annoyed, "how can you be sure that Draco told you the truth?"

Ginny glowered at the Heir of Gryffindor.

"Shut up, Harry," she snapped.

"Miss Weasley!" McGonagall said sharply, stopping Harry from making a response.

Ginny lowered her head and blushed, looking very ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Harry," she muttered. "I'm just so….on edge. And I can't believe that Draco would truly betray us all and neither should you."

"Well spoken, Ginevra!" Dumbledore praised. "Listen to her, Harry, she is very right. But I will answer your question. I have no reason to doubt Mister Malfoy as he seemed most sincere in his intentions and I could tell was greatly troubled by everything he said to me. We made final adjustments to his mission together and I have complete faith in him. He is still an Heir and he is doing this for the sake of everyone. His own life is at risk but he cares not as long as those he loves are safe. So I ask that you heed his words and trust his actions. Draco may have seemed as if he has betrayed you all now but I can guarantee that this will not be the case on the day of the Final Battle."

There was a long silence where each of the three Heirs seemed to be in deep thought. Hermione finally looked up at Dumbledore and spoke.

"Please, Professor, we have our suspicions but we must ask, does this have to do with Voldemort? Has Draco gone to him to be a spy or, if we are all wrong, has he gone to join him?"

Dumbledore sighed. "I can not answer that, Hermione, but I will tell you that listen to what your heart tells you. And please do not doubt Draco. Doubts and fears are what will destroy the trust you all have so painstakingly built up. Trust him and his mission, then the Heirs will be unbeatable against Voldemort."

Hermione seemed satisfied by his words but Harry still looked troubled. Searching the faces of the other two who seemed to have accepted that whatever Draco was doing was for the best, Harry turned to Dumbledore.

"I can't help but doubt, Professor. After….everything….." he paused, not knowing how to finish.

"I understand, Harry," Dumbledore said kindly. "So much has happened in the years before but please remember this. The Draco you know now is not the Draco you knew the previous five years. He has changed and his intentions are different. His heart is good and he means well, whatever his actions may seem. Think of his words, Harry. He knew the strain he would put on the Heirs' bond but he knew this mission was necessary to survival. He did it because he believes the Heirs can survive the strain and he believes that all of you will trust in him. Do this. Trust him for the sacrifice he has made."

Harry's expression had changed through Dumbledore's speech and he suddenly looked sad, feelings of guilt welling within him. Casting a sorry look at both Ginny and Hermione, he sighed and nodded his head.

"I'm sorry, Professor," he said softly. "I don't mean to doubt but this is so…difficult to understand. Draco just leaving in the middle of the night and going to where I can only guess is just so strange to me. It feels like betrayal but you say it isn't. Both you and him are asking me to trust him completely. I can't say for sure now but I will try, for the sake of the Heirs and our bond."

Dumbledore smiled genuinely at him, standing up.

"I am very proud of you, Harry, you are making much wiser decisions now. I could not have asked for a better leader of the Four Heirs."

Harry was blushing furiously at the praise, ducking his head as Hermione patted his arm with a chuckle. Ginny was smiling too and suddenly the tension lifted, for even though one of their number was missing, they felt complete and whole. Whatever Draco was doing, deep down, they knew it was for the best.

Dumbledore nodded to Professor McGonagall, who moved forward and started to ready the fireplace to be used for Floo once more.

"I believe it is time for you three to return to Illustris now. Morning will be here soon and I think you all need some rest before more planning is gone over later today. I am glad you have come to me though, as it is better that you understand what it is you are now facing. You must now prepare to fight as three so new tactics must be gone over. Good night for now."

Dumbledore gave a small bow and left the study. McGonagall threw a sprinkling of Floo powder in the fire, which erupted upwards. As the Heirs turned to leave, a strange amount of worry settled over each of them. For even though they trusted Draco, each of them wondered how they could possibly defeat Voldemort now that only three of the Heirs were left.


Draco stood in a long, low room in the ugly mansion that rested in the Forest of Tenebrae. He tried not to shiver, either from cold or fear, though the want to do so was very strong within him. At the moment he was surrounded by a crowd of Death Eaters that were standing in a large circle, each of them wearing a bone white mask and a black cloak. Voldemort stood in the center, his red eyes gleaming with excitement as he spoke of his plans to his loyal followers. Draco stood in a corner, shrouded in darkness and very glad of this.

His relief had been great when Voldemort had not initiated him into the Death Eaters, thus not having him receive the Dark Mark. Apparently Voldemort thought of him differently then the other Death Eaters, having more respect for one who was chosen by Salazar Slytherin himself. Whether this was the Dark Lord's only reason, Draco had no idea, he only knew he was very grateful not to have the Mark on his arm.

Draco's thoughts were interrupted as Voldemort finally started to focus more on what would take place the day of the Final Battle. The young blonde started to listen more intently for this is what he wanted to hear.

"The Final Battle draws even closer, my Death Eaters. Soon, I will be setting out a sign that I wish to meet Potter and his pathetic supporters in a battle that shall mean the end to the Light and all that those people stand for. You shall all be there along with all the creatures of the Dark which have associated themselves with me; werewolves, vampires, giants, Dementors, Acromantula, serpents, dragons, and trolls. Many of these groups have already sworn themselves to me and shall prove their worth that day. I believe the Light will have a hard time getting by all that the Dark has."

Voldemort smiled cruelly before continuing.

"The Final Battle shall take place at Hogwarts, the place Dumbledore believes will never fall to me. But I shall prove him wrong and I will take Hogwarts and transform the old fool's beloved school into a place of evil once I have won it."

His smiled grew wider and Draco couldn't help but grow suddenly nervous.

"And now I know most of you are wondering about something but I assure you all, I have not forgotten it. The Heirs! Whatever shall we do about those Heirs that are supposedly destined to be my downfall? It is simple; we shall erase them. I have had a plan since before the Heirs were discovered. It was I who forced their powers into existence so that I may try to destroy any trust before it was started, thus depriving Dumbledore of the one thing he needed so greatly. It has been my suspicions that the Heirs' powers are driven by a bond they all share and it was hope to break this bond. And so I have! At this very moment, one of the Heirs is here with us. He has pledged himself to me and has promised to help in his defeat of the Heirs. My Death Eaters, may I present, the Heir of Salazar Slytherin!"

Voldemort swept his hand toward Draco, who was shaking with a suppressed rage and had to take all of his energy to calm himself. Very slowly he stepped forward into the light, pushing between two Death Eaters and coming to stand at the Dark Lord's side. The Death Eaters were very still but a thrill of excitement had shot through the ranks when they realized what this meant. Having Draco, an Heir, before them meant almost certain victory for the Dark side.

"The finest of my army," Voldemort hissed, sounding pleased. "He holds powers the best of you could only dream of, given to him by Slytherin himself! His powers are second to mine but he shall be a force to be reckoned with. Now, go, all of you. I must consult with my young follower alone."

The Death Eaters all glided out of the room silently, leaving Draco with Voldemort. The Slytherin was still burning with anger on the inside, throwing up the strongest mind blocks he could to avoid the Dark Lord from knowing. He needed to appear calm, he needed to keep this up.

"Well, Draco, it is time we talked for awhile. My plans would not be complete if I did not know of the other Heirs and all their powers. I must be able to know them so I can defeat them. You I shall spare, since you are now with me. Sit, we have much to go over."

Voldemort conjured a high-backed wooden chair, with shining chains dangling from the arms. With another wave, the Dark Lord forced Draco into a chair, the chains immediately wrapping around his arms and holding him in place. His face remained passive but Draco surged even more with anger. This was an interrogation, not a discussion.

"I have already seen the Elemental powers of the Heirs," Voldemort began as he started pacing. "You control the Earth, Potter controls the Air, the Mudblood has a gift with Water, and the silly little girl commands Fire. You all gave this away at the Department of Mysteries. Foolish for you and helpful for me. I know that each of you possess Animagi powers as well, special magical creatures. None of you have exposed these yet so tell me, Mister Malfoy, what are each of your Animagi powers?"

He stared intently into Draco's eyes, who flinched and came up with a response.

"Potter can turn into a Griffin, Granger is a Chimaera, and Weasley is a Hippogriff. I can turn into a Dragon."

Voldemort studied Draco carefully, searching his face and mind for lies. Draco kept his mind shields strong, not letting Voldemort know he was blocking him but allowing him to know enough to believe the blonde's words. Draco had lied about the other Heirs but decided against doing that to himself, since the Dark Lord could always ask to see his Animagus form.

"Very well," the Dark Lord said, looking satisfied. "Now what are the special powers you all have?"

Draco sighed and made his response like the previous one.

"Potter can turn invisible at will, Weasley is a Healer, Granger is a Seer, and I am telepathic."

"Good, Mister Malfoy, very good. We can now make plans in accordance to the things you have just told me. That wasn't so painful, was it? You have proved your loyalties to me once more. Now leave me, I have much to think over."

Voldemort released the chains and Draco left as quickly as possible without making himself look suspicious. He fled to the room he had in the mansion, slamming the decaying door shut behind him. He collapsed on his bed and tried to swallow the yells that wanted to escape his throat. Voldemort had killed his sister, only because he wanted his powers to be revealed. All this time Draco believed it to be Dumbledore and then the Dark Lord admitted it in front of him. Rose was dead because of an evil wizard's thirst for power.

Draco punched the bed covers savagely and vowed to himself, and to Rose, that no matter what happened, he would avenge her death. Sitting up quickly, he raced over to the creaky desk in the corner of the room and pulled a sheet of parchment, a quill, and an ink bottle towards him. Sitting in a rickety chair, Draco started to write a letter revealing the plans of the Dark Lord, remembering the whole time to keep it cryptic in case the letter fell into the wrong hands.


Arrived safely and accepted. He has spoken and said much. What we wait for takes place soon and at a location you hold dear. Many follow him, those of moon, mountains, fire, night, cold, web, and ground. Be ready and await more from me.


Draco read over the short letter again, making sure it sounded okay. It was cryptic but not so much where Dumbledore couldn't understand what it meant. He rolled up the parchment and dripped wax on it, forming a seal. He then took his wand and tapped it three times, muttering an incantation that allowed only the one it was meant for to read the contents of the letter. Draco then hurried to his window and let out a low whistle, a few seconds later a sleek brown owl appearing on the sill. With whispered instructions, he tied the letter to it's leg and the owl flew off into the night.

Draco sat on his bed once more and put his face in his hands. He was risking so much by being here, so close to Voldemort and so far from the other Heirs. He missed Ginny terribly and there was a constant ache in his heart. He even missed Harry and Hermione. Harry because the two could always laugh over their bickering and Hermione because of her wonderful advice and patience. He wanted to be back with the other Heirs, he wanted to feel their bond more. But he was stuck with the Dark, pretending to be something he was not.

Draco laid down on the bed and stared up at the cracked ceiling, his eyes beginning to drift close from exhaustion. His last thoughts, before he succumbed to sleep, were that he wished for the Final Battle to come quickly. For even though he didn't want the destruction that came with it, Draco simply wanted to be back with those that he cared for and loved.


Author's Note: Finally got another chapter up for you guys! Sorry about the shortness but this chapter was never meant to be a long one, only to more fully explain what is going on with Draco and his "betrayal." I hope it doesn't seem too quick of a chapter to any of you but I really couldn't write it any other way. The climax, aka The Final Battle, is coming up REALLY soon and so the next few chapters might seem a bit more faced paced but that is mainly because everything is coming together finally. Stories usually pick up the pace right before the climax so...
I think most of you should now understand Draco's intentions. I guess you could say he's kind of doing a Snape thing at the moment. Oh, and if you're wondering why Voldemort seems a bit stupid in this chapter to take Draco's lies like that, I did that for a reason. Voldemort's not that dumb in my opinion so you'll hear more from him soon. Also, Draco has gotten quite good at Occlumency so he's able to block his thoughts a lot, that is why the scene between the two of them may seem so strange. Voldemort is very complex to me and everything he does has a purpose. So I think you may be seeing another "discussion" between the two of them soon.
Thank you for the wonderful reviews to my last chapter and I hope all of you like this one too. I don't think it's really my best but it's another one of those chapters that is there to advance the plot further. I do hope to get a fairly nice response to it. :) And, as always, reviews are not required but are greatly appreciated! I love reading all that you guys have to say!