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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Thirty-Three - Reunion of the Houses

It had been a week since Ron has disappeared from Hogwarts and the atmosphere within the walls of the castle had been one of determination the whole time. Since the desertion of students who followed the Dark Lord, a more free attitude lay among the remaining students.

Though War was upon the Wizarding World, laughter and smiles filled the corridors more. Friendships were being made between all the different Houses. Regular DA meetings had started taking place, led by Neville Longbottom and Cho Chang. The teachers were stepping up the amount of work in their classes but no one minded, each pupil taking the extra load and achieving great results.

Dumbledore was very pleased with how the school was uniting. It seemed his words the night of the divide had gotten through to the remaining students. Though the Houses of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw still existed, the need for the students to stay strictly within those Houses was wavering. Trust was being formed between students everywhere. Only a few days before, Blaise Zabini and Hannah Abbott had spoken pleasantly with each other.

Students from one House were tutoring students in another House. There was intermixing at the meals in the Great Hall. Classes were no longer so segregated. Dumbledore had been right, Hogwarts was uniting. Advantages were leaning in favor of the Light side and once the Heirs truly realized their potential, the bond of trust strengthening even more, nothing would be able to stand in the way of the Light winning.

As pleased as Dumbledore was, as he sat in his study at Hogwarts, he was upset with himself over one issue in particular. He had made a grave mistake when he had delayed with continuing his plan that he had started so many months ago. The decision he had made to send an individual from each House to help the Heirs had been wonderful, but the length of time he had taken to complete it was not.

Dumbledore had wanted the Heirs to trust each other more and learn most of their training first. He felt that the sudden arrival of Luna Lovegood, Ronald Weasley, Hannah Abbott, and Blaise Zabini would intrude on the time the Heirs needed to know each other fully. He had been right in that respect but he had no thought through about how much the Heirs would benefit from the arrival of their fellow classmates sooner.

He had no doubt in his mind that the other four students would have greatly helped to speed along the bond of the Heirs, which had taken so many long months to construct. And now Ron, the aide of Harry Potter, was kidnapped, when he could have been at Illustris, completely safe.

Dumbledore sighed and stroked Fawkes the Phoenix lightly from where the beautiful bird sat on his knee. He seemed to be making more and more mistakes the older he got, he just hoped that all would be forgiven in time.

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts before he waved his hand and the door creaked open. In stepped Hannah Abbott, followed closely by Blaise Zabini, with Luna Lovegood trailing a fair distance behind the pair. Dumbledore's blue eyes watched the young Ravenclaw sharply, knowing why such a downcast look was on her face.

He had summoned the three students to his study because it was time to fully put his plan from before into action. Hannah, Luna, and Blaise were to be sent to Illustris as soon as possible. The Heirs needed them there for the rest of their training to be completed and so stronger bonds could be formed.

"Please sit," he said, indicating to the three chairs before his desk.

Once they were seated, he began to speak. "I have finally decided to send the three of you to Illustris. I'm sure you all remember when I summoned you to my study several months back, telling you of my plan for you and the Heirs. As soon as you are all packed, a Portkey will take you to Illustris where Professor McGonagall will meet you and show you where you are living in the castle. Further instructions will then be given after that."

"But what of Ronald?" Luna said quietly.

Sadness clouded Dumbledore's eyes as he replied. "We are doing all we can to find Mister Weasley but until we do, I can really not say much more. He will arrive at Illustris when he is found."

Hannah gave Luna a sympathetic look before speaking herself. "Sir, when do you want us to come back to your study?"

"I think after dinner will be good. It will give you time to say good-bye to all of your friends and such."

"Do we need to bring anything in particular?" Blaise asked.

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, just your clothing, books, and other necessary items. Nothing special." He paused. "Now off you go. It's time for you three to prepare yourselves for what is to come. I'll see you after dinner."

The three students rose and left his study. As Luna began to shut the door, Dumbledore called out to her.

"Don't give up hope, Miss Lovegood. We will find him."

Luna froze before nodding slowly and closing the door quietly. She leaned against the smooth wood for a few minutes, catching her breath and regaining her thoughts. She finally made her way down the stairs and headed for her Common Room to pack.

As she entered, Luna suddenly found herself face to face with Cho Chang. The two had never spoken much over the years, Cho being extremely popular and Luna being regarded as something akin to crazy. Cho was also two years older than Luna so classes together were virtually nonexistent, excluding the DA meetings.

Luna gazed at the pretty Asian girl, her large blue eyes blank with emotion. Cho bit her lip and shuffled her feet a bit before speaking.

"Oh, hello, Luna. I was wondering if I could talk with you?"

Luna hid her surprise and merely nodded before sweeping over to a large plush blue chair and sitting in it. Cho followed after her and sat tensely in the couch across from the younger girl.

"What did you wish to speak to me about, Cho?" Luna asked politely.

Cho bit her lip again before answering, plunging ahead with her questions. "How are you doing? Really? I know we don't talk much and are not the best of friends but you are a fellow Housemate and we're in the War together. I want to know how you're holding up since…..Ron disappeared. I can sort of relate. I lost…..Cedric to…to….Voldemort."

She said the Dark Lord's name very quietly but the fact that she said it was a great accomplishment. Luna gave her a hard look though.

"I'm am sorry about the loss of Cedric, I saw how much his death affected you. But, as much as you want to relate Ronald and Cedric, they are not the same. Cedric died, Ron will not."

"Well, no, I mean…I wasn't saying…." Cho stammered, at a loss for words.

Luna sat back in the chair further and sighed. "Forgive me, Cho, those were harsh words. I understand what you are trying to say though, and I appreciate the concern. I am fine though. I miss Ronald very much but I'm sure he will be found."

She smiled sadly. "He made me believe that he would never be found by Voldemort. I trusted Dumbledore to keep him safe and then he was taken right here on the grounds. I have very complicated emotions right now. I know Dumbledore did all he could but I am also very angry with him."

Luna looked up at Cho, who was listening intently, with a glimmer of tears in her eyes.

"I just want him safe again," Luna finished softly.

Cho nodded. "I know, and I'm sure he will be. Dumbledore and the Heirs will do all they can to find him, I am sure of it. Don't give up hope, Luna."

Luna smiled wryly. "You sound exactly like Dumbledore now. He said those same words to me."

Cho laughed lightly and tossed her black hair over her shoulders. "He is a very wise wizard. I'm glad you are okay though, I just wanted to make sure. Will you be coming to the DA meeting tonight?"

Luna shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. Dumbledore is sending me and two other students on a special mission and we'll be gone for the remainder of the year. Ron was supposed to go as well but….."

Cho looked at her with curiosity. "Oh, well, that is exciting in a way. I hope this, ah….mission, goes well for all of you. I guess I will see you in battle then."

A somber looked passed over the older girl's eyes as Luna nodded and stood up.

"I suppose I will. I must pack now though. Thank you for talking to me, Cho. I was wrong to think you were snotty before."

Cho laughed as she stood as well. "Quite all right. And you're welcome. I'll see you then, Luna."

She gave the younger girl a brief hug before leaving the Common Room. Luna stared after her before going to her room and packing for her trip to Illustris.

Dinner came quickly and Luna soon found herself in the Great Hall, Neville Longbottom beckoning to her from his place at the Gryffindor table. She saw Blaise and Hannah sitting with their friends, each nodding to her as she passed them. Luna reached Neville's side and sat beside him and across from Colin Creevey.

"Hello, Luna," Neville said, spooning potatoes on to his plate. "Thought you might join us here today, I heard you're leaving tonight."

He glanced over at her and saw her nodding, confirming his suspicions. Colin's eyes widened and he stared at Luna in awe.

"There's a rumor that you're going to stay with the Heirs, is that true?"

Luna gazed back at the excited boy and chose to remain vague. "I'm going on an important mission, but Dumbledore wouldn't say much else."

Colin looked deeply disappointed but accepted her answer. Neville raised an eyebrow, knowing much better. Luna just smiled serenely and placed a piece of ham in her mouth.

"Well, if it is true, you're lucky," Colin mumbled, poking at his dinner. "Getting to see the Heirs train! I'd give anything for pictures of that!"

Neville chuckled. "I'm sure you would, Colin. But I don't think Malfoy would like that too much."

Smiling sheepishly, Colin nodded in agreement. Luna sighed, realizing how much she would miss this. Dinners in the Great Hall, talking with her friends, normal classes to attend, walking the Hogwarts grounds, seeing Ronald. She cast a sad look at his empty place next to her and sighed again.

Neville's hand on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts.

"All right there, Luna?" he said softly.

She nodded and continued eating her dinner quietly. Neville furrowed his brow in worry but left the subject closed. Luna was very good at hiding her emotions but he could tell how much Ron's kidnapping had hurt her. Everyone was more subdued since but it had hit Luna the hardest, being so close to Ron. Neville also knew that Harry and the others would stop at nothing to find Ron, especially Harry, who had already lost so many of his loved ones.

"Harry will find him," Neville said confidently.

Luna looked at him. "Thanks, Neville."

Several minutes later, Luna saw Hannah and Blaise get up and head out of the Great Hall. Finishing off her pumpkin juice, Luna stood and said goodbye to everyone at her table. Neville smiled encouragingly at her and she gave him a quick hug before leaving.

Luna arrived at Dumbledore's study where everyone else was waiting. The three students' trunks were already there and with a wave off his wand, Dumbledore shrunk them and gave them to the three. He then handed Blaise a Phoenix tail feather from Fawkes.

"I've already charmed the feather into a Portkey, which will activate in approximately five minutes. As I said before, you will arrive on the grounds of Illustris where Professor McGonagall will meet you. She will show you to your rooms and then you are to meet with the Heirs. Listen carefully to what the professors tell you and follow the training. Support the Heirs when they need it but don't disrupt the bond. Can I trust you all to this task?"

They all nodded seriously and Dumbledore smiled at them. "Very good. I'm sure you will all be exceptional. I will see you in about a week."

The wizard then stepped back and watched as the three students placed their fingers on the feather. A few minutes later, they whirled away from his view. Seconds later, Hannah, Luna, and Blaise stumbled on to the grounds of Illustris, the Phoenix feather drifting to the ground. The sun streaked red rays across the sky, illuminating the many windows of the castle. They all stared in awe at the immense stone structure before them and barely noticed Professor McGonagall approaching.

"Well, I see you arrived safe and sound. Please follow me to the castle."

She escorted them forward, their gazes traveling excitedly all over the darkening grounds. They entered into the Entrance Hall and McGonagall led them straight through a long winding corridor. As magnificent as the castle looked on the outside, the three had to admit it was not nearly the same way inside.

"You will be staying in the North Tower," Professor McGonagall informed them. "The Heirs are in the West End Tower and the professors are in the East End Tower. A more formal tour will be given tomorrow but for now, we must keep with important matters. After you are settled, you will be meeting the Heirs in the Main Hall. They do not know yet of your arrival."

As she was speaking, the corridor they were walking through happened to have a Passim Mirror hanging on the wall. Blaise stopped and stared at it curiously, tilting his head.

"Mister Zabini, please move along," McGonagall said sharply. "Mister Malfoy is already too interested in those mirrors for his own good, we don't need the same trouble with you."

Snapping to attention, Blaise gladly moved away from the mirror. Something about it wasn't right and it bothered him. He didn't receive a happy thought when he was looking in the mirror.

After climbing many flights of stairs, the small group finally reached the North Tower. A painting of a sullen looking dwarf guarded the entrance and when he gruffly asked for the password, McGonagall responded with, "Treacle tart."

They entered in to a high ceiling, circular room, decorated in colors of red, blue, green, and yellow. Couches, chairs, and tables were scattered on the deep red carpet. Four different doors leading to separate rooms on the one side of the Common Room, the other side housing a fairly large window. It seemed like a very cozy room to the three students.

"Those are your rooms," McGonagall said, pointing to the doors. "You will notice that they are color coordinated according to the House you reside in. Please put your trunks in your rooms and then we must go to the Main Hall."

Hannah, Luna, and Blaise quickly followed orders, dropping and resizing their trunks, before returning and following McGonagall back down several sets of stairs. They soon found themselves in a large room that resembled the Great Hall at Hogwarts. One long table stretched down the center where the Heirs and their Professors sat, all looking extremely tired. It was no wonder. Training was even harder now and the Heirs were beginning to feel the pressures of the Wizarding World riding on their shoulders.

When they saw their guests though, the Heirs leapt up in excitement and rushed forward.

"Luna!" Ginny shrieked, embracing her friend in a hug.

Draco grinned at his childhood friend and shook hands with Blaise. "What are you doing here, Zabini? Get kicked out of Hogwarts already?"

Blaise smirked. "Yeah right, Malfoy, you wish."

Hermione and Harry both said hello to Hannah, who was looking shy but happy. She was in their year and they knew her quite well from Herbology.

Professor McGonagall quickly waved them to their seats. "I know you are excited to see each other but we must discuss some issues. You can catch up later, you will all be seeing a lot of each other."

The Heirs, Blaise, Hannah, and Luna all sat down and waited for their professors to speak. Remus decided to do the explaining.

"Back when you four were discovered as the Heirs to the Founders, Dumbledore came up with another plan to help you along with your training and bonding. This plan was to send four other students here to Illustris to support you through some difficult times. Dumbledore realized though, that in order for the Key to the Heirs to work properly, the Heirs needed to be left to themselves for a while and form the bond themselves. This has worked but Dumbledore still feels it is necessary to have four students, one from each of the Houses, here to be of assistance and learn some ways of the training. The bond of friendship, as Dumbledore said, can be made stronger if friends are here to help."

He paused and Professor McGonagall took over the explanation.

"Now, each of the Heirs has been assigned a helper and friend from the House each of the Heirs represents. So, Miss Weasley, Miss Abbott shall be your partner. Mister Malfoy, Mister Zabini is with you. Miss Granger, Miss Lovegood is your partner. And Mister Potter……"

She trailed off and gave Harry a sympathetic look, who suddenly understood. "Mister Weasley was supposed to be your partner, Harry. He will be still, once he is found."

Harry nodded, remaining silent as Hermione placed a comforting hand overtop his own. He smiled at her and gently squeezed her hand, grateful for support. They then turned their attention back to McGonagall, who was speaking again.

"Professor Dumbledore did originally intend for this to take place earlier but then he rethought his plan and decided that now would be the best time. For the closer we are to War now, the more important the bonding of friendship will be. Now, do any of you have questions?"

Hannah nodded quickly. "Yes, Professor. I was wondering, what kind of training are the rest of us to undergo?"

"Good question, Miss Abbott," Remus responded for McGonagall. "You will take part in Defensive and Offensive Dark Magic Training, Physical Training, and then your normal studies will be continued. Since your training is not as rigorous as the Heirs', you will have more free time to keep up with the other Hogwarts students. Anything else?"

When no one responded, Remus smiled and said, "All right then. Off to bed all of you, we have training to complete tomorrow."

Everyone stood up and gradually left the Main Hall. Ginny walked along side of Luna, who was still very quiet. Ginny noticed this and touched her arm slightly.

"Luna? Are you okay?" Ginny asked with concern.

Luna started to say she was fine but stopped and looked at Ginny with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Oh, Ginevra, I miss Ronald. And I feel like it is all my fault he's gone. I was supposed to watch him, but I didn't. Now Voldemort has him. It's just so horrible."

Ginny's face was troubled but she tried to comfort her friend. "Luna, please don't blame yourself, there is nothing you could have done. Voldemort wanted Ron badly and nothing was going to stop him. I'm sure he is fine and we will get him back. He's my brother and I miss him and love him very much. I can't stand to think of him in pain but I have a feeling Dumbledore is planning something to get him back soon. Please, do not blame yourself."

Luna gave Ginny a shaky smile and hugged the red-head.

"Thank you, Ginevra, I'm sure you are right. I can't help it though. Surprisingly, I get worried very easily. But I best let you go now, we have a lot to do tomorrow."

Ginny nodded and hugged the girl once more. "See you in the morning, Luna."

She then hooked her arm through Draco's, who had waited for her along with Harry and Hermione. The Heirs headed for the West End Tower as Blaise, Luna, and Hannah walked toward the North Tower. As Luna sighed and let Ginny's words run through her head, she had no idea that each of the students and the Heirs were consumed with different dark thoughts and worried for what was to come.


Author's Note: Hello all! I'm sorry I was a bit more delayed with this update. I was working yesterday and I couldn't find any time to write, here is another chapter now though! I know many of you were looking forward to the chapter when the four students would join the Heirs and I hope I did not disappoint you! I know nothing much happened in this chapter but, trust me, a lot is coming up so a lull was needed to prepare for the action coming up, lol. I warn you, another big battle scene is coming soon, bigger than the Dementor battle.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave me a review! I appreciate all the comments I get and thank you for giving me such a high number of reviews! ::blushes:: I'm flattered. The next chapter has to deal with Harry more and you'll find out exactly what Voldemort is planning to do with Ron. I'll try and write it quickly! Thank you again for reading!