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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts


Author's Note:
First off, I want to apologize profusely for the three month delay in updating this story. I know many of you are upset with me because of this, but I ask that you please listen to my reasons and I hope you will finally understand just why this story was put on such a large hold. This may be a slightly long author's note, so please forgive me for that, but I make up for it was a very LONG chapter that has been a long time in the making. I do thank the countless reviewers who kept after me constantly to update this story and I am again sorry to all of you for taking forever to write this chapter. You are the reason I have continued with this story and not given up on it yet. For that, thank you.

Now, as to my reasons why this update took forever. When HBP first was released, I was incredibly disappointed, as I'm sure almost all of you were. I was so hoping for a Harry/Hermione relationship and was just completely crushed. JKR's handle of the situation during the Mugglenet interview put me off even more and I had to take some time away from writing fanfiction, except for the brief one-shot I did. I had had a lot of hope for HBP and was really let down. I didn't like the style, the writing, the plot, or the couples. I found the book good on some levels but bad on almost every other one. HBP did not live up to my standards and I'm hoping JKR can redeem herself in book 7. I still have hope for Harry/Hermione. To warn you all, this story will not follow HBP at all. I will be continuing with this story as if HBP never happened since this story was planned out long before it was released. Books 1-5 are the only ones I will be spoiling.

Once I got over my disappointment, I started to write again in August, figuring I'd have the chapter up in a few days. Then, two tragedies occurred in my family. My 11 and ½ year old Golden Retriever, Shadow, died in our house on August 2nd and I was absolutely devastated. That dog was very special to me and part of my family and the next few days were spent grieving. As if it wasn't bad enough, my great aunt, who I was very close to, was found dead in her home a week later, and I now had two deaths to deal with in the span of one week. I was on emotional overload and couldn't even think about writing. Naturally, I got writer's block and could barely look at this story. I maybe got one sentence written in the span of one month. I felt horrible and decided to step away from writing for a little while, to get myself calmed down and adjusted again.

Just as I started to write again, my second year of college has started and I have been studying and working constantly, hardly getting a free moment to myself. I just recently switched my major and I had to do catch up in my classes for a while. I also have lots of papers and projects to do, which take up almost all of my time. I have barely found time to finish this chapter and I'm surprised I have finally. I can not guarantee how quickly I can write these chapters anymore, since my schedule is so unpredictable at the moment. I'm stressed out and have often just started crying because of all the work I have to do. I have never felt so overloaded before. I am getting better though and I'm hoping I will find more writing time within the coming weeks.

So that has been my past three months. I am so incredibly sorry about the delay but I hope you now all understand why this delay took place. I couldn't control anything that happened and I felt bad for just leaving you guys hanging with this story. I will try harder now to write but I can make no promises anymore. This story is almost done though and I hope you all will bear with me until it is finished. You guys have been the best and I can't thank you enough for the amount of reviews you have all given me. Your words mean so much and really make me feel proud of my writing and my story.

Thank you for bearing with my very long author's note here but I owned you all an explanation for my sudden absence from Portkey. I would appreciate reviews for this chapter and I hope I don't disappoint any of you with it. I'll try and write the next one as fast as possible but please understand if another minor delay takes place, like I said before, I can't guarantee my life right now.

Please leave a comment and may the HMS Harmony forever sail on in fanfiction. :)
With Love,

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Forty-Three - The Final Battle Begins

It was now a week later. The day in the very beginning of June dawned bright and beautiful. A cloudless blue sky stretched endlessly in all directions with the sun pouring light down upon the green grass, which swayed gently in the breeze. Birds were singing in the trees, greeting the new day, and no sign of what was to come later on shown anywhere.

Inside the castle of Illustris, the calmness of the day did not stretch to its occupants. As sunlight poured in through his open window, Harry Potter let out a muffled cry as he sat up in his bed, clutching one hand to his forehead. His scar seared painfully underneath his fingers, already turning a brilliant shade of red.

As the throbbing continued, Harry's eyes begin to water and he climbed clumsily out of bed, reaching for his glasses. Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood to stop him from screaming, Harry stumbled to his door and managed to make his way to Hermione's, which he banged on harshly.

Several agonizing seconds passed before his girlfriend answered the door. When she finally did, Harry collapsed against her, reeling from the pain in his scar. With a sharp cry, Hermione hauled him up and called out for Ginny.

"Gin! Come quick! Now!"

Harry slowly sunk to his knees and barely registered Hermione's arms around him or the fact that Ginny had now rushed up, her face white with terror.

"Get Madame Pomfrey this instant," Hermione said, her voice shaking. "It's Voldemort, I know it."

Ginny could only nod before she ran off, her red hair flying behind her. Hermione continued tending to Harry, trying to get him to stand and help him over to one of the couches. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut against the pain and a trickle of blood was seeping out of his scar and down the side of his face.

"'Mione," he moaned. "Oh God, make it stop."

"Hush, Harry," she said, tears welling in her eyes. "It's okay, it'll stop. He can't make you suffer like this all day."

"Draco was right," he managed to mutter as Hermione got him to sit on the couch. "Today is….the Final Battle."

"You can tell?" she responded in shock, rubbing his back.

"Yes," he said through gritted teeth, "he's happy."

That's when Harry's body suddenly stiffened and he let out a cry, falling to the floor as fiery pain shot through his scar. More blood dripped from it onto the rug as Harry thrashed from a fit being caused by the Dark Lord. Hermione helplessly tried to aid him but to no avail. Just as Madame Pomfrey hurried through the portrait entrance, Harry passed out and slumped limply on the ground.

"What is going on here?" Madame Pomfrey screeched.

"It's Voldemort," Hermione said tightly, as a tear fell down her cheek.

"You mean, he…." she trailed off. "Oh, poor boy!"

Without another word, she flicked her wand over Harry, levitating him. Hermione immediately grabbed his hand and walked beside him, wiping the steaks of blood off of his face. Ginny was still pale as death, eyes red rimmed as she stared at the couple.

"I'm getting Dumbledore," she said quietly before leaving.

"Dumbledore's here?" Hermione questioned, her eyes never straying from Harry's face.

"Yes," Madame Pomfrey responded tightly, maneuvering through the corridors. "He arrived very early this morning so he could take you three to Hogwarts. Ginny apparently saw him when she was on her way to me."

They reached the Hospital Wing finally and just as Madame Pomfrey was lowering Harry onto a bed, Ginny came through the double doors, a worried Dumbledore following in her footsteps.

"I was afraid of this happening," he said quietly, as he peered over his glasses at Harry's pale face and blood red scar. "Voldemort is using their connection to his advantage, trying to take Harry out of action during the battle. Harry needs to fight back though and I'm sure he can. Unfortunately, Tom caught him off guard this morning or Harry's shields most likely would have been up and more ready for an attack. Poppy, we must revive him, do you have the potion?"

Wordlessly, Madame Pomfrey stepped forward and poured the bottle of potion down Harry's throat. Seconds later, his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly, breathing hard and seeming to expect something unnatural to occur. Madame Pomfrey put her hands to his shoulders and pressed him back to the bed.

"Calm down, Mister Potter, you've been through quite a lot. You're exhausted and need rest, but Professor Dumbledore wishes to speak with you first."

Harry's wide eyes sought Hermione's as Dumbledore stepped forward. She quickly clutched his hand and smiled reassuringly at him. Relaxing even more, Harry turned to the wise wizard.

"What happened, Professor? Last time I checked, my Occlumency skills worked fairly well."

"Indeed they do, Harry," Dumbledore said, "but Voldemort managed to break through to you this morning. It is my guess that it was a combination of the fact that you were more vulnerable since you were asleep, and the fact that Voldemort was trying harder than ever before to break through your mind. He wants to take you out of action before the Final Battle tonight, in the hopes he will not meet you there and thus win. He no doubt has made some conclusions to the extent of your powers, the battle at the Department of Mysteries being a key to that, and he, in all sense of the word, is afraid."

"Afraid?" Harry spluttered incredulously. "Voldemort is afraid of me?"

"Yes, Harry," Dumbledore replied, nodding. "For all the evil and intimidation he holds, Voldemort's greatest fear is that he will lose his power and his reign of terror. You, and the other Heirs, are now posing a threat to his carefully laid plans. He never suspected that the Heirs would become so powerful or he never would have helped in the release of their powers. He made a grave mistake and he is now realizing this. He's tried to take out Draco, unsuccessfully I think, and now he has gone to you. The connection between you two, caused by that scar, makes you a prime and easy target, Harry. As always, he has underestimated your ability to throw him off and I don't think you need to worry about him trying to possess you again. Needless to say, he shall be most angry on the battlefield."

"Is he going to try and go after either Ginny or myself now, Professor?" Hermione asked.

"I highly doubt he will at this time but on the battlefield, yes, especially you, Miss Granger. Your close connection with Harry, though a wonderful thing for both of you, shall put you in peril as well. Voldemort would love to destroy Harry as much as possible, for even though he fears the Heirs as a whole, the Prophecy he still weighs the most is the one about Harry and himself."

"But then, that means…." Harry started to say.

Hermione silenced him with a glare.

"If you dare say what I think you're going to say, I will hex you myself, even though you are my boyfriend."

Harry gave her a pleading look though.

"Hermione, do you realize how much danger you are in now?"

She crossed her arms defiantly.

"I've always been in danger, Harry. We've discussed this before so the matter is closed."

Deciding to give up, Harry merely sighed and turned back to Dumbledore.

"Am I fine now, Professor? Am I allowed to go? We need to be at Hogwarts soon, I'm guessing."

"You are correct," Dumbledore replied, nodding. "But whether you are well or not is up to Madame Pomfrey."

"A quick check-up and you shall be on your way, Mister Potter," the nurse said briskly. "But do be careful in the battle."

He tried to smile reassuringly at her, all the time doubting whether that was truly possible. Madame Pomfrey flicked her wand over him, not finding anything incredibly wrong except for some subtle signs of exhaustion and stress. With a recommendation that he take the hours up until the Final Battle fairly easy, she allowed him to leave the Hospital with the others.

As they walked back to the West End Tower, Dumbledore gave the three instructions.

"I'm taking you back to the Tower where all of you need to pack and get ready for your return to Hogwarts. We need to arrive there within the next couple of hours so final plans can be made with the Order and the students. You all will be given positions on the battlefield, the three of you together as a team since the Heirs can not be broken up. Also, you will be a sort of moral support for everyone else. As much as the students want to fight, I can tell many are scared, the thought of being in such a major battle and risking their lives finally hitting them. Be there for them and encourage them. Show them simple spells and tactics you have learned that can be taught fairly quickly. Once night begins to fall, you three will meet me at the entrance to Hogwarts that faces the Forbidden Forest. Do you understand all of this?"

The three Heirs nodded in response, feeling a bit overwhelmed suddenly. They were finally starting to understand what the minutes ticking away on the clock meant; they were inching closer and closer to fighting against Voldemort and his minions. Dumbledore noticed the look on their faces and smiled gently.

"Do not worry so; the Heirs will prove themselves today. You four have so many special abilities and powers inside of you just waiting to be set loose. Do not doubt yourselves or each other and just let your powers out. The rest will come naturally."

The small group reached the entrance to the Tower and Dumbledore stopped them.

"I sent your four companions here already and they are waiting for you. They have already readied themselves during the short delay we just met. Pack up quickly and meet me in the Main Hall at noon."

He then strode off down the corridor, his midnight blue cloak swishing behind him. The three Heirs glanced at each other before giving the password and scrambling into their Common Room. As Dumbledore had said, Luna, Ron, Hannah, and Blaise were sprawled out on various chairs and couches, talking in quiet voices. They leapt to their feet when they saw the other three, and Ron rushed forward.

"Harry, mate, are you okay? Dumbledore said something about you collapsing?"

His face was pale and his blue eyes were filled with worry. Hermione gave him a look of surprise, realizing she wasn't the only one who cared so deeply for Harry.

"I'm fine, Ron," Harry said with a quick smile. "Just tired, as Madame Pomfrey said."

"What happened to you?" Hannah questioned.

"Oh, Voldemort just decided to get into a little fit and take it out on me," Harry said, trying to make the situation sound humorous. "Apparently, he's not entirely pleased with my new found powers and wants to take me out of action for the battle tonight. He didn't succeed, of course. I've got my mind blocks up pretty well right now."

"You're kidding?" Blaise said, looking almost disgusted. "Filthy bastard, no wonder I never liked him."

Harry couldn't help but snort with laughter at the comment while Ron's mouth literally dropped open in shock. The rest of the group started laughing as well, breaking some of the amounting tension and somber mood.

"Ah well, I speak the truth," Blaise said, cracking a grin.

When the laughter had died down, Harry switched into leader mode and stared around at the group before him.

"All right, Dumbledore said to get ourselves ready so Ginny, Hermione, and I need to pack our things up. I guess we should have a discussion after that so all of us are prepared for the battle. That okay with you four?"

With a quick nod from their companions, the three Heirs made their way to their rooms. As Ginny reached for her doorknob, a sudden hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Think you could use some help?" she heard Ron say behind her.

Shrugging, Ginny simply nodded and continued into her room, Ron close on her heels. She heard him shut the door but didn't turn around, instead she started to busy herself with packing up her trunk and removing items from her room. Ron shifted over and sat on the unmade bed, watching her movements, something obviously on his mind.

"Are you going to help me or just sit there and watch?" Ginny finally said, glancing over her shoulder at him.

With a grin, Ron flicked his wand, sending a pile of clothes soaring into the open trunk. Rolling her eyes, Ginny waved her wand at her books and stacked them neatly into a corner next to the clothes.

"I did want to talk with you," Ron spoke up suddenly, still waving his wand around the room.

"What about?" Ginny asked, feeling as if she already knew.

"Well…." he paused, looking unsure. "I just….do you think you're ready?"

Ginny straightened up and squared her eyes on her brother, who now had his head down.

"To face Voldemort? Yes, why wouldn't I be? I've been here at Illustris training all this time just for this very day. The other Heirs and I have worked hard for this moment. I know we can defeat him."

"And Draco? What about him?" he said bluntly.

Ginny's eyes narrowed.

"What about Draco? Do I trust him? Of course I trust him, he's different now and I know he won't betray us. He's got a plan, I'm sure of it."

Ron sighed.

"I hope you're right, Gin, for all of our sakes."

"Ronald Weasley, I don't need any lectures from you right now," Ginny snapped, placing her hands on her hips. "I know you don't like Draco very much but at least have some faith in him. Trust my decisions about him even if you can't just trust him alone."

Ron stood up and quickly walked over to her, wrapping her in a hug. Ginny rested her chin on his shoulder and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry, Gin, I just get worried about things that concern you. You're my only sister and I love you, I don't want anything to happen to you or for you to get hurt. I'm only looking out for you, remember that, okay? I'll trust you, but please be careful today, I don't know what's going to take place at the battle tonight."

Ginny hugged him a little tighter when she heard his words.

"I'll be careful, I promise. The same goes for you, be careful yourself. I lost Bill, I can't lose you too."

"You won't lose me," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

Several minutes later, Ginny was done packing, so she and Ron left the room. Ginny turned back around before closing the door, studying the black and yellow patterns of the bedroom, knowing she would miss the familiar comfort of it. With a sigh, she whispered a "Good-bye" to the empty silence and walked away. Ron snapped the door shut, and once he did, the plaque with Ginny's name on it faded away.

"We really are done here," Hermione said sadly, noticing how all of the Heirs' names no longer resided on the doors.

"Got all your things?" Harry asked, looking over at Ginny.

She gave him a quick nod in return.

"Who has Draco's trunk?" she asked.

"I'm sure Dumbledore took care of that already," Blaise mentioned. "His name isn't on his door either."

Ginny seemed to slump a little at this, and Ron shot her a look of concern. Hoping to take her mind off of Draco, Harry hurried forward with what he had to say.

"Okay, since everyone is ready to go and we have a little bit of time before Dumbledore expects us in the Main Hall, I thought the seven of us could discuss some tactics for the battle tonight. Does that sound good?"

"Sure thing, Mister Gryffindor," Ron said with a laugh.

Harry glared mockingly at him as the group took a seat on the couches and chairs. A slight twinge in his scar caused him to wince, Hermione resting a hand on his arm in worry. Harry smiled at her and shook his head, showing her he was fine. And though she smiled back, Hermione's eyebrows were etched together in concentration for the rest of the time.

"Has Dumbledore told you what is going on at Hogwarts?" Ron asked, not noticing the exchange between his two best friends.

Ginny nodded. "Yeah, Dumbledore wants us out on the grounds until nightfall, and they we're to join him."

"I'm almost positive he wants to fight with the Heirs directly and keep a close watch on us," Harry broke in. "He'll also be watching for Malfoy, I'm guessing."

"Well, you three know your places," Blaise said lazily, "but what about us four?"

"You need to be with us," Hermione said quickly. "It only makes sense since Dumbledore's purpose for the companions of the Heirs is for you to be there, supporting and helping us. Besides, I can't imagine not fighting with all of you."

Blaise, Luna, Hannah, and Ron all beamed at the compliment, nodding their heads.

"Hermione's right," Harry said. "I want you four to be with us, backing us up and taking down as many Death Eaters and dark creatures as you can. Stay spread out a bit though, but not out of sight of anyone else here. Ron, you'll be with me."

Ron's eyes went wide. "Seriously? But I thought…."

"You're my best mate and we're still the Trio," Harry said firmly, gesturing to himself, Ron, and Hermione. "We're fighting Voldemort together, no matter what the Prophecies may say."

Ron started coughing; trying to cover up the fact that he had gotten emotional from the statement. Blaise smirked at the red-head but said nothing, understanding how deep the Trio's friendship went. Luna was smiling fondly at her boyfriend, glad to see him being so appreciated.

Once Ron has settled down a little, Hermione cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that covers strategies since we all know how to handle ourselves in battle. You four know your places now, but remember to leave Voldemort to us since we've been taught how to engage him in battle. Just keep his minions away from us when we're fighting him. Please do try not to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary. The goal of the Light is not to be killers and destroyers, but to try and establish peace throughout the Wizarding World. Stun mainly, but kill if your life is in danger. Is that clear?"

"So they're allowed to take shots at killing us, but we can't take out some of them along the way?" Blaise questioned angrily.

"Blaise!" Hannah hissed in indignation.

Blaise simply ignored her and continued to glare at Hermione, waiting for a response. Harry and Ron were scowling at the other boy, ready to spring into action. Hermione waved her hand at them and stared straight back at Blaise.

"Yes," she said simply. "We will not sink to the Death Eater's level of mindless killing. We are better then they are and we will show it. Just because we won't be using the Killing Curse every moment doesn't mean we'll lose, there are many effective curses and hexes that can incapacitate your opponent for hours. There is already so much death surrounding us….we don't need any more." Hermione paused and slumped a little in her seat. "Please, I'd rather not get into arguments right now; there is so much ahead of us that we need this precious little time of peace."

"The calm before the storm," Ginny muttered, causing Blaise to glance her way.

"Exactly," Harry said, nodding in assent to Ginny's comment.

Blaise sighed deeply and a look of guilt crossed his features.

"Sorry," he said quickly, "I'm just uptight, you could say. I didn't mean to snap at you, Hermione, but after all these bastards have done to the Light over the years, it's only natural for me to want some revenge on them."

Hermione smiled gently at him.

"I completely understand. I want to make them pay as well, but we must remember to stay strong and be the better side. Goodness will win out in the end."

Blaise smiled back and then fell silent. The rest of the group looked around at each other, realizing there was not much more to discuss and that the Final Battle was truly almost there.

Hoping to break the uncomfortable silence, Harry glanced at his watch and sighed. It was almost noon.

"I guess its time to head down to the Main Hall," he said quietly.

Everyone shuffled to their feet, a great weight beginning to rest in their hearts. Without a word, Harry grabbed Hermione's hand and dragged her out of the Common Room. Ginny followed suit, grabbing onto her brother, Luna directly behind them. Hannah and Blaise trailed behind, each lost in their own thoughts.

The portrait slammed behind them all, echoing down the corridor. Nobody looked back, even when the lion gave a soft roar. They knew they would never return to see it again.


Dumbledore smiled encouragingly at the dejected group when they walked into the Main Hall. Behind him stood all of the teachers that had been the Heirs' support throughout their time at Illustris. Each of their faces was grim and set, and Snape, as always, was scowling.

"Do not look so worried," Dumbledore said. "All will be right in the end. Now, do you have all of your things?"

Everyone nodded in assent.

"Very good," Dumbledore replied. "We'll be taking two separate Portkeys to get back to Hogwarts. One is for all of you and me, and the other is for the teachers. The Portkey wards are being let down at exactly noon to allow us entry into the grounds, so we only have a few minutes until then. Ah, and Miss Weasley, will you please take Mister Malfoy's trunk for me. I took the liberty of packing his things this morning."

Ginny bit her lip as she stepped forward and accepted Draco's shrunken trunk. She slipped it into her pocket and stepped back, feeling a strange comfort from knowing she had Draco's belongings with her now. Ron put a hand on her shoulder and she glanced back at him, smiling, glad he was there.

Dumbledore, meanwhile, had extracted two items from his robes and held them up. One was a battered, old Quaffle, and the other was a yellowed, rolled up newspaper. Dumbledore handed the Quaffle to Luna and then handed the newspaper to Professor McGonagall.

"First, we will head outside of Illustris and we will Portkey away from there. The Portkey will take us next to the lake at Hogwarts, where members of the Order will be waiting for us. We will then go directly to the castle and prepare for the battle. Is that clear?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes," Harry said firmly, confirming everyone's feelings.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Follow me then, we must make our way outside quickly."

The group of students and teachers left the Main Hall, heading for the large double doors that led to the grounds. As Dumbledore pushed the wide oak doors open, the sunlit grass met everyone's eyes and dazzled them for a few moments. The passed over the bridge, the water of the moat sparkling back at them, and then trudged onto the softly blowing grass, heading for the iron gate that was the entrance to Illustris.

The group finally arrived at the spot where they had first Portkeyed to Illustris so many months before. Everyone turned, their eyes gazing upon the magnificent castle for the last time. The beautiful stone walls gleamed and the windows flashed as if they were winking eyes. The trees of the forest swayed and rustled, the green leaves making soft whispering noises in the breeze.

As her eyes gazed upon it for the last time, Hermione felt a deep sadness welling inside of her, and she tried to ingrain every last piece of the beautiful Illustris into her mind. Harry saw the sadness reflecting in her eyes and placed a comforting arm around her shoulders, kissing her lightly on the temple. Sniffing softly, Hermione smiled at him in gratefulness.

"Now, I want you seven to gather around me. Hold out the Portkey, Harry," Dumbledore instructed when he felt everyone has gazed upon the castle for long enough.

The Heirs and their companions moved forward to stand next to Dumbledore. The teachers then gathered around Professor McGonagall, who was holding the newspaper out before her. As everyone placed their hand on the Quaffle, Hermione looked again at the castle, and a sudden thought popped in her head.

"Professor," she said quickly, "I just thought, I never asked what the name of the forest surrounding Illustris is."

"Ah, yes," Dumbledore said, "an odd time to ask, but now is better than never. It is called the Forest of Tenebrae."

The Portkey activated at that moment, and Ginny's gasp of shock was lost in the whirlwind as they all left Illustris. As her feet slammed into the ground seconds later, Ginny was only thinking about how she and the other Heirs had been living next to one of the darkest and most dangerous forests in all of England. The place she had seen in her visions. The place that Voldemort had resided in, unknown to everyone else.


"They're here! They're here!" a small first year screeched in Neville's ear.

Neville winced and turned around, his eyes settling on the blonde Gryffindor who was literally trembling with a sudden excitement. He had been in the middle of a conversation with Cho about different positions for various students to take around the castle when they had been interrupted. Cho peered around Neville's shoulder and stared down at the first year with a kind smile.

"Who's here, Natalie?" she asked.

"The Heirs!" Natalie squealed back. "The Heirs have returned!"

Without another thought, Cho and Neville took off running for the grounds of Hogwarts. They sped through the corridors; only pausing to relay the news to anyone else they met. As they turned a corner and saw Seamus, Dean, Lavender, and Parvati ahead of them, Neville called out.

"Hey all of you! They're back!"

The small group didn't even ask who, but just followed the other two to the Entrance Hall. They finally reached the oak doors and swung them open, coming to a stop on the steps and staring out towards the lake.

And there they were. Dumbledore was leading the group across the grass, keeping parallel to the Forbidden Forest. Behind him trailed Harry, Hermione, and Ginny, who were holding themselves up straight and listening intently to Dumbledore's words to them. After them came Blaise, Luna, Ron, and Hannah, who were simply conversing with each other. A small group of teachers were at the back of the group, starting to break away and head towards the castle.

"Is it just me or do they look….different….somehow?" Lavender commented quietly.

No one responded but they all secretly agreed with her statement. The Heirs did look different. They seemed more confident and more powerful, a strong aura seeming to surround them even from such a far distance.

"Wait a second," Cho said, narrowing her eyes. "Where's Draco?"

A strange look passed between the members of the group before they quickly walked down the stairs and begin to make their way towards the Heirs. As they drew closer, the others begin to notice them until Dumbledore stopped speaking and turned around with a smile on his face.

"Ah! I see your friends have noticed your arrival."

Neville looked at the Heirs and a sudden, unexplainable fear filled him. They seemed so much more powerful, full of some type of magical energy he couldn't even comprehend. As he looked at the faces of his companions, he realized they all felt the same way, which allowed him to relax a little.

Harry, meanwhile, had tilted his head and was looking at them all in confusion.

"What's the matter? We don't bite," he said jokingly.

"You just seem….different," Seamus said bravely.

Ginny started laughing and shook her head.

"You can't be serious," she said, still laughing. "The only one who needs to fear us is Voldemort, so stop acting strange and welcome us properly."

"What she said," Ron said with a grin.

And it seemed as if the tension was broken. Everyone started laughing and hugging, suddenly realizing how much they had missed each other over the long months. Even Ron and Lavender gave each other a hug and exchanged friendly words, not letting their petty differences affect them at such a time, with the battle looming nearer.

Cho gave Harry a sort of nervous hug, stepping away quickly from him and biting her lip. Harry just smiled at her in understanding.

"Think we can be friends even after what happened last year?" he asked.

"I'd like that," she said, smiling back at him, growing more relaxed.

"So, you and Neville are leading the DA now?" he questioned, glancing over at Neville, who was talking to Hermione.

"Yeah," Cho replied, "and it's going wonderfully. Neville is such a natural at teaching and the students have been so eager to learn. You'll have a lot of help from them during the battle, since everyone has insisted being out with the Heirs in the midst of it all."

Harry's eyes darkened and he sent her a sharp look.

"Do you think that is a wise decision? I don't want to risk the lives of that many people."

Cho glared right back at him and put her hands on her hips.

"Harry Potter, don't be an arse. We all want to help and nothing you say will stop that. Dumbledore has agreed to it and I trust him. Besides, I can't see any other cause I'd want to risk my life for. If dying means it'll save the Wizarding World, I will gladly sacrifice myself."

Harry gave her a look of sudden admiration.

"You really have grown up, Cho," he said quietly. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Thanks."

"Well, I couldn't spend forever crying over the past, now could I?" she said, flipping her hair back.

"No, I guess you couldn't," Harry replied softly, before getting a mischievous look on his face. "And don't yell at me like that again, reminds me of Hermione, it does."

"What about me?" a voice said suddenly from right next to him.

Harry jumped and gave Hermione a wide-eyed look as Cho started laughing loudly. Gulping visibly under Hermione's scrutinizing stare, Harry stuttered for an answer.

"Uh…uhh…nothing, 'Mione. Absolutely nothing! I mean….you know I love you, right?"

Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Don't try the sweet talk on me, Harry Potter!" she exclaimed, trying to look menacing but failing miserably because of the growing smile on her face.

"Aw…but you know it's true," Harry said, wrapping an arm around her waist and trying to kiss her.

Hermione tried to fight him off but failed again, finally giving in to his kisses. Cho watched them in amusement before starting to walk away.

"You two are so cute it's almost annoying. Almost," she said, happy to find herself not jealous of their relationship. She was truly glad that the two of them had found each other to love.

When Dumbledore saw that the students had effectively made their greetings, he stepped forward and addressed them.

"All right, we need to start getting ourselves prepared for the battle that lies ahead of us. Let's return to the castle and finalize our plans. Heirs, please come with me."

Just as Ginny started to move away from him, Dean grabbed her arm and made her look at him.

"Wait a minute, Gin. I never asked why Draco isn't with you three."

Ginny's eyes went dull for a second before she managed to smile at her friend.

"He's taking care of some business. He'll join us later," she said, removing her arm from his grasp and following after Harry and Hermione.

Dean watched her go, feeling as if she wasn't telling the whole truth.


Several miles away, within the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort stood with his army. He was waiting for the right time to begin moving towards Hogwarts and begin the Final Battle. The end of the Heirs and Harry Potter would be that night.

Smiling gleefully, Voldemort rubbed his spidery hands together and turned, staring maliciously at his Death Eaters.

"Bring him to me now," he spoke commandingly.

The Death Eaters moved apart and from within their group, two dragged a struggling Draco Malfoy between them. His white blonde hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat and his gray eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and anger. The Death Eaters flung him down to the ground and he fell to his knees, cursing as sharp rocks bit into them.

"Why don't you trust me?" he said. "I swore myself to you, why don't you believe me?"

Voldemort's eyes flashed.

"Do not test me, Mister Malfoy. I can not trust or believe you, even though no apparent proof has been given to me. I simply need to make sure that I can trust you, so I will only help that little process along. You will bring the Heirs to me, is that understood?"

"Yes, Master," Draco said tonelessly, feeling as if his plan was slipping away from him.

"Very good," Voldemort replied, a strange smile curving his lips. "Now, Imperio!"

Draco didn't even have time to react. The curse was upon him in an instant, his eyes glazing over and his body swaying slightly from its effects. Voldemort's smiled widened and he let out a high, cold laugh.

"Mister Malfoy," he said, bending toward the Heir, "you will bring the Heirs to me during the battle and will help me in bringing their destruction about. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master. I will bring the Heirs to you and will help you destroy them," Draco said, his voice sounding far away and forced.

"Yes. Now, stand up and bow to me."

Draco did as he was told, bowing low to the ground. Voldemort chuckled and waved his hand at him carelessly.

"Take him away until we begin our march. Then, bring him to me."

The same two Death Eaters came forward and dragged a willing Draco away, who was still swaying on his feet. Once he disappeared from view, Voldemort stared around again, another plan forming in his mind.

"Wormtail!" he called.

Immediately, a stooping figure broke away from the other Death Eaters and pulled the hood of his cloak back. Wormtail's watery eyes and pointy nose appeared, as he shuffled toward his Master's figure. Bowing to the ground, he spoke in a broken voice.

"Y...yes, M...m...master?"

"Pathetic fool. Change into your rat form and go spy on Hogwarts. I want to know what they're up to, if they have any idea we're coming, and if the Heirs are present. Go, now!"

In a flash, Peter disappeared and a large gray rat was seen darting off into the underbrush of the forest. Voldemort looked at the rest of the Death Eaters and smirked.

"Start gathering as many of the dark creatures as you can. The time is coming," he said. "Let's hope our furry friend can bring us some valuable news."

But Voldemort had no idea that Wormtail wouldn't be returning to his side. He had no idea that when he had assigned Peter to be a lookout at Hogwarts, that Dumbledore had given the same type of instructions to Ginny, to change into her fox form and scout the grounds of Hogwarts for spies. Voldemort had no idea that when Wormtail broke away from the forest and saw Hogwarts, that a bright red Chinese Fox would be there, staring Peter directly in the face. He had no idea that Wormtail believed it was a real Chinese Fox, and would scurry away, expecting himself to die very soon, and never returning to tell his Master that Hogwarts was ready for him.

Voldemort had no idea of what awaited him.


The sun was beginning to set and darkness was falling over Hogwarts. Dumbledore had just sent Snape, Dedalus Diggle, Aberforth Dumbledore, Mundungus Fletcher, and Charlie Weasley to Hogsmeade, to warn the villagers and stop as many Death Eaters as they could. The rest of the Order was placed in their positions and the fourth year students and under were being sent to the dungeons with a few teachers. The fifth years had placed themselves strategically around the castle, the sixth and seventh years being left to filter out onto the grounds, wands out and determination on their faces.

The three Heirs had been rushing around, giving out instructions and support to all who needed it. As the sun started dropping lower in the sky, the three exchanged glances and went in search of their companions, preparing themselves to head for the castle where Dumbledore was waiting.

Ginny had gone in search of Hannah and Blaise, leaving Harry and Hermione to find Ron and Luna. The young couple found their friends by the lake, exchanging words and a tearful hug. Giving them some space, Harry and Hermione waited for them to finish, before moving forward.

"Hey you two," Hermione said softly.

The other couple glanced over at them and Luna let out a small sigh.

"Is it almost time?" she asked.

Harry nodded in answer and Luna sighed again, releasing herself from Ron's arms.

"I'll head up to the castle now, I'm sure you three want to talk before…." she trailed off before kissing Ron on the cheek and running off, her blonde hair flying behind her.

"I guess she knows…." Ron left his statement unfinished.

"Yeah," Harry said, understanding his meaning.

The Trio fell silent, simply staring out across the lake, trying to remember the happier times when they had been a Trio and the Final Battle had seemed so far off. They had been through so much together, good time and bad, and they still managed to keep their friendship intact, only letting it waver slightly at times. But now their bond was stronger than ever and they were about to fight together in the most important battle of their lives.

"Well," Ron began, "this is it."

"Yes, after so many years," Hermione replied, a lone tear running down her face.

"I just want to let you know, I love you both, and no matter what happens, I always will," Ron said, sounding a little choked up as he still refused to face them both.

"Same here mate," Harry said quietly. "I don't know what I would have done without either of you two there for me always, pushing me along and helping me with everything. I wouldn't trade the friendship we have for anything and I will do everything in my power to protect you both during the battle."

"Think we can't handle ourselves now?" Ron said, forcing a laugh.

"No," Harry said, shaking his head, "it's not that. I just can't imagine either of you not in my life."

"We'll survive," Hermione said firmly. "We're the Golden Trio, we always survive."

"I just don't know…what will…" Harry started to say.

"No, Harry," Hermione cut him off firmly. "Don't say things like that. We'll make it."

"Yeah," Ron said, finally turning around. "V...Volde…Voldemort won't win."

Hermione then gripped Harry's hand in her own and reached out for Ron's hand, who stepped forward and allowed her to grasp it. Tears were now trickling faster down her face but she managed to smile at them both, her boys, her greatest friends in the entire world. Harry's emerald eyes were shining with unshed tears and Ron was furiously looking at his shoes, not trusting himself to speak.

"I love you both," Hermione said, feeling her lip start to tremble. "We can do this, we can defeat him. We won't let him break us up."

"No, we won't" Harry answered firmly. "Ron?"

"Most certainly not," he muttered, raising his eyes. "Nothing can stop us when we're together."

At this, Hermione burst into sobs and gripped Harry and Ron to her, never wanting to let them go. They both hugged her back, in the process hugging each other, and realizing, that no matter what was to come in the Final Battle, they would always be the Trio and nothing or no one could break the love they felt for each other. They would walk into the battle side by side, as they were always meant to, and defeat the Dark Lord that had caused so much suffering for them and the rest of the world.

Harry broke away first, wiping at his eyes and trying to smile again.

"Come on; let's get up to the castle. I'm sure everyone is wondering where we are," he said.

The other two nodded, and the Trio began to walk back to the castle, Hermione slipping her arms through Harry's and Ron's, relishing in the last carefree moment they would have for many hours.


Remus Lupin smiled at the three as they entered the castle of Hogwarts, noticing how tightly linked they were and how Hermione was clutching on to her boys.

"Are you three ready?" he asked gently.

"We've never been more ready," Harry said, speaking for them all.

"I know you will make us all proud," he said. "Dumbledore is waiting for you in the Great Hall. Follow me."

Before he could move though, Harry gave a cry and slumped to the floor, clutching his scar. Hermione fell to her knees next to him, frantically trying to help, and feeling a sense of déjà vu. As Remus rushed away from them to retrieve Dumbledore and Ron knelt next to Hermione, she pried Harry's hand away from his forehead and was shocked to see his scar glowing gold, not bleeding or turning red.

Harry gave another cry and started shaking, a strange growling noise escaping his lips. Hermione's mind was reeling, trying to understand what was happening to her boyfriend. Ron seemed clueless, his mouth hanging open and fear filling his blue eyes.

"What's happening to me?" Harry managed to mutter through clenched teeth.

And just as soon as the pain started, it stopped. Harry laid on the floor, panting from exhaustion, Hermione clutching his hand in relief. The sound of running feet echoed around them as Harry struggled to sit up, his scar tingling. Hermione was staring at him in concentration, pieces starting to click into place as she replayed the scene over in her head.

Remus skidded to a stop next to the Trio, Dumbledore beside him.

"Harry! Are you all right?" Lupin questioned earnestly.

"I…I think so," he said chokingly before looking up in confusion. "Hermione! Where are you going?"

Hermione had released his hand and stood up, slowly backing away. Her eyes held a strange light and she seemed to be barely listening.

"Library," she breathed. "I have to go to the library. Just give me a few minutes."

And she dashed off in the direction of the library, leaving a stunned group in her wake.

"Library? Now?!" Ron said in disbelief.

"I think Miss Granger has stumbled upon some useful information," Dumbledore said as Remus helped Harry to his feet.

Ginny came rushing forward then, worry written all over her features.

"Harry, are you all right? What just happened?"

"I had another spell like this morning, only not as intense," he told the young red-head.

"Oh my," she said, looking scared.

"I'm fine now, Gin," he said, trying to reassure her.

"Have you seen anything out on the grounds, Miss Weasley?" Dumbledore asked suddenly.

Ginny turned to him, brows etched together.

"I…I think I saw Peter Pettigrew…in his rat form, but he ran away from me as if he was scared."

"Ah….that is interesting," Dumbledore replied, looking almost amused. "I'm sure we'll learn more about that later, but for now, we must make our way outside. I have sent the rest of your companions outside, along with the members of the DA, and several members of the Order. The Aurors and other members of the Ministry who wish to fight with us will be arriving shortly."

Dumbledore then glanced over at Remus, who was watching him closely.

"Please take everyone with you, I must speak with Harry for a moment alone," the old wizard requested.

Lupin nodded and then started to herd the small group outside. Ginny slipped away from him and gave Dumbledore a searching look.

"Professor," she said, "when will Draco be joining us?"

Dumbledore sighed sadly. "Soon, Miss Weasley. Hopefully soon."

Ginny's shoulders sagged as Ron came up behind her and gently guided her outside. With a soft sniffle, she laid her head on his shoulder and allowed herself to cry a few tears before composing herself and letting her Heir mentality settle in.

As brother and sister disappeared from sight, Harry turned to Dumbledore, confusion in his gaze.

"What is it, Professor?" he asked.

"Harry, I have a hunch as to what Miss Granger has suddenly come to know, but I will not venture to tell you my guess since I could be wrong. Do not hold back on your powers though. You are more powerful than the other Heirs, more powerful than Voldemort himself, and do not let that power stay hidden for much longer. Once those powers are realized, nothing can stand in your way and you will win. I will do my best to help you but there is only so much I can do. I have guided you thus far, Harry, but now it is time for you to take the initiative and finish the job. Do you understand?" Dumbledore finished and peered at Harry over his glasses.

Harry managed to nod in reply but more weight started to rest on his shoulders. There was so much he needed to accomplish. The fate of so many lives rested in his hands. How could he succeed with that knowledge in his mind?

"Professor, I don't think I can do it," Harry said, closing his eyes.

"Do not say that, Harry," Dumbledore replied gently. "You can, I know you can. You have the Heirs and your friends with you. You all will accomplish great things today; do not hold anymore doubts within yourself. I believe in you, Harry, and your friends believe in you. Your parents, Sirius, and Hagrid all believe in you, wherever they may be. You will not let them down, I am sure."

Harry looked away, tears filling his eyes.

"Thank you, Professor," he whispered. "I won't. I'll win this battle for them."

Dumbledore laid a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Your love for them will win it." He paused, letting his words sink in. "Now, let's join the others, we have a battle to fight. Ah, and I believe Miss Granger has returned."

Harry swung around, and sure enough, Hermione was racing toward him, her eyes glowing and her brown hair flying behind her. Harry couldn't believe that someone so beautiful loved him so much. As she came to a stop next to him, he couldn't help but kiss her, even with Dumbledore watching.

"What was that for?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I love you," Harry said with a grin.

Hermione smiled back.

"I love you too," she said. "And oh, Harry, I know why you've been collapsing! I figured it out! I read about it a while ago when I was finding out information about the Founders for our essays way back at the beginning of the school year. I can't exactly describe it because it's so complicated, but don't fight it. Next time it happens, just let it happen and don't put up a struggle. Your mind has been trying to block this new….thing…but you shouldn't. Just let it go through and happen."

Harry gave her a puzzled look.

"But what is 'it'?" he asked, not understanding what she was saying.

Hermione's eyes were lit with excitement now as she rambled on.

"It's Gryffindor's power! Of the Heirs, you're supposed to be the strongest of us and it's starting to truly show. Gryffindor gave his full powers to you, which were immense, and now they are starting to reveal themselves. Just don't fight it, Harry, whatever you do. So much good could come from you allowing that power to flow through you."

"All right, all right," Harry said, trying to calm her down, "I won't fight it. I can't say I'll like it, but I'll try. Just make sure you're there when it happens. I'd rather not be vulnerable to attack at that moment."

"You know I'll be there," Hermione said.

As they hugged, Dumbledore let out a subtle cough and drew their attention back to him. His blue eyes twinkled at the young couple in front of him before he settled his gaze on Hermione.

"Very nice job, Miss Granger. I had my suspicions that was the case with Harry, but I wasn't entirely sure. As always, your faithful research has led you to the right conclusion. My praises to you."

Hermione blushed a brilliant shade of red before burying her face in Harry's chest.

"And now, it is time for us to fight a battle," Dumbledore said, his voice low.

Immediately, the mood change and Harry and Hermione's face grew grave as they thought of what lay ahead of them and all of their friends. Shafts of golden light were growing dimmer as the sun continued to set, its hold on the world beginning to relinquish. Holding each other's hands tightly, the couple followed in Dumbledore's footsteps as he headed for the doors that led to the grounds. The old wizard flung them open and blinding light flooded the Entrance Hall before the three moved forward and the light was blocked by the Forbidden Forest. Deep gold was gradually turning into bright red, casting eerie shadows of color across the grounds. A biting wind was whipping around Hogwarts, causing the trees to creak and people's robes to snap and rustle. The air was growing colder and several students shivered in their thin clothes.

Hermione clung closer to Harry, her happy mood evaporating and being tossed away by the harsh wind. Harry pulled her closer, his face grim as he stared off towards the forest.

"Why do I suddenly feel so horrible?" she muttered to him.

"Because it is almost time," he muttered back, his eyes still trained forward.

Hermione didn't need to ask what he meant. Up until that moment, everyone had been keeping a semi-cheerful mood, trying to delay the thought of what the darkness would be bringing. No one had wanted to give in to what exactly the Final Battle meant, so they had passed through the day with only minor slumps in their happiness, trying with all their might to cling on to the last shred of normalcy before the storm. But now that it lay directly in their path, Hermione felt a sense of shame for acting so nonchalant all day. She had needed it though; they had all needed to feel innocent and carefree one last time.

Dumbledore led the two directly toward the group they would be fighting with. Ginny, Ron, Blaise, Hannah, and Luna were all grouped together, speaking quietly and staring at the forest in the same way Harry was. They all looked up as the three approached and breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have some of their most important members there.

Dumbledore said nothing but simply stepped aside, nodding to Harry as if to tell him to be the leader and take charge. Harry disentangled himself from Hermione's arms and stepped right up to the job.

"All right everyone, here's what we're doing," he said sharply. "Ron, Ginny, you'll be fighting beside Hermione and I. Luna, Hannah, Blaise, I want you three directly behind us but spread out a little, to allow room for movement. We are not to separate unless it is absolutely necessary. None of you move or fire off any spells until I tell you so, understood?"

Everyone nodded in response, taking their places quietly. Ron gave Ginny's hand a squeeze before he separated from her and went to stand beside Harry. Ginny went to Hermione's one side, who was also standing next to Harry. The three companions lined up behind them, wands out and at their sides. Harry swung his head to look over at Dumbledore then.

"Professor, I'd be honor if you'd fight next to us today," he said.

Dumbledore bowed. "It is my honor, Harry, to fight beside the Heirs of Hogwarts."

The old wizard extracted his wand from his robes and took his place beside Ron, who looked a little nervous to be fighting with such a great wizard.

Silence then fell, only the howling wind making it's voice heard. Harry glanced around, seeing students, Order members, and Aurors stationed all over the grassy slopes before the Forbidden Forest. He could vaguely see Neville and Cho standing by each other to his right, faces determined and ready. Over by the lake to his left, the faint outline of Remus Lupin could be seen, his face set and a wolfish gleam in his eyes. Glancing behind him, Harry saw students and teachers leaning out of openings in the castle, wands ready and pointed forward. With a grim smile, Harry turned back around. Voldemort had one hell of a fight ahead of him.

As the wind whipped his hair back, Harry closed his eyes and said a quick prayer that everyone he knew and loved remained safe, and that the Light would gain the victory. Opening his eyes back up, Harry reached his hands out for Ron and Hermione on either side of him. Without words, the Trio held onto each other and conveyed their feelings through pure emotions. They were ready to fight, they always had been.

And then the sun slipped beyond the trees and darkness fell across Hogwarts. Harry released his friends' hands and pulled his wand from his robes, eyes glaring into the blackness. Torches of light flared up all around the grounds, illuminating everything within sight and penetrating the darkness. Silence echoed in everyone's ears and no one scarcely breathed. They simply waited, waited for the first sounds of Voldemort.

Then the silence was shattered by a high, cold laugh, followed by a chorus of howling creatures.

"Harry Potter!" the menacing voice spoke. "So good of you to come and meet me! The beginning of your end has finally come!"

With a loud smash, the trees of the Forbidden Forest at the forefront were hurled downward and a large army appeared in the light. With a burst of flame, the trees were lit on fire, followed by a series of screams which reached everyone's ears, traveling from the direction of Hogsmeade, an orange glow filling the sky over the village.

With anger in their eyes, the three Heirs and their companions surged forward to meet their enemy. The Final Battle had begun.
